(That is both a great piece of art and a great reaction gif)
NEVERRRRRRR! *ties flash maker to your shoelace*
AWESOME!!!! \o/
noooo, don't let this be the last one ='(
Tuuri lives! :O This is so great! It's one of those more complex expressions that you don't see animated much. I noticed and liked it in the comic too, but it's even more expressive animated.
Have you tried lenghtening some parts a bit? Like that part after she puts her fingers into a fist and looks away. Just a half-second more. I think it could make it look a bit more realistic (though it is already). Can I ask how much time it takes you to make these, and how many frames you draw? I used Flash a long time ago, but I was animating 2D shapes, not complex drawings, the process was probably quite different.
Very impressive work!
well, I tried to make it more lively and some extra expression-ish frames, like it start with a frame where she just looks at them sweetly, then start the first pic that we can see in the comic. I was thinking to confinue a bit since there is one more pic in this set, but I lost few frames and I lost motination with them, this is only 26 frames (3 is completely copied) but if there was no that three pic, probably I would have done nothing. animating myself I simply can't......
(I tried/try to colour it in photoshop, becuase it can open the gif animation so I can colour one by one, but can't correct some parts I wanted to since the flash lost.... maybe if I get motivation again to restart....)