RealRed: thank you - drawing like me is... uh... ignore anatomy, use lots of water, huge mess everywhere and at some point you'll either dip your brush in the coffee mug or take a huge swig of the painting water mug. That's how it works.
KicknRun: those flames are probably his fault anyway and holy wow that's a sinister ending, I feel compelled to paint more Sigruns. Well,
I always do but...Viola, Mélusine, Fimby, Daéa: thank you for the comments, indeed I think I must Sigrun more. Just a little bit. I can stop anytime I want to, I just seriously don't want to.
Oh Deer: pffffft perfect crossover is perfect!
Do Reynirarty next please?
Daéa: asdhgalfglas Reynir
in a suit, that's too close to my weaknesses!
Misea: oooooo that's amazing. The lineart alone was so good but the colouring really adds to it.