Heheh, thank you to the people who said nice things about my picture ^_^ I'm glad you got a few laughs out of it!
Now more importantly!:
Haiz, RandomTexanReader and Daéa Reina - Lallimom and Lallidad are so awesome and I'm holding onto the designs as solid head cannon until something completely bludgeons it away! I like the looks and the character of them very much ^_^
Sumeri - Tuuri needs more love! Good thing that her hair gets the Sumeri treatment at long last, and tribal headwear to boot! Tis quite cool
Reynir cat hoodie people (Haiz and anonion) - You killed me. Perfection and adorableness overdose. It's quite a danger on this thread to be honest!
Oh Deer - Lalli shopping - this is exactly what would happen, yup yup, that's definitely Lalli there!
AquaAurion - SSSS invades all corners of your life and thank you for sharing the results with us
Emil's expression makes me happy, as do the sparkles ^_^ you captured his face spot on
Tjoll - You are a wonderful person THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS SIGRUN FACE! Also enthusiastic Tuuri and poor Emil squish face, there's so much energy in this
starfallz - Wah, this is really good! So realistic both in body and underwater feeling, I'm mega impressed!
KicknRun - I don't recognise Suicide Squad, but you're getting much better at doing dynamic poses, it has a good feeling of movement!