we are making ssss fanart history as we speak
Am I hearing this all as a sign that Tuuri in a crop-top should be my next fanart piece? I think I am.
oh gosh, this is making me want to draw more of my high school au... which not only has Tuuri in rad outfits but chubby hipster emil and reynir in dresses and. I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS TODAY ;_;
Sumeri: aaAaAh SUCH BEAUTIFUL HAIR SWOOSHES. like oh my gosh i really really love how you did the Sigrun, not only her hairrrr but also her eyes, oh gosh oh gosh
RandomTexanReader: yes good
curiosity: YOU ARE A WONDERFUL HUMAN BEING AND I LOVE YOU. No but seriously, it makes perfectly sense for nordic mermaids to be chubby, you know like seals? They need those extra layers of fat to survive.
Sebastian!Trond is glorious though.
Solovei: we've had... a queen elsa!Onni by mad robin before, and I did a super quick sketch of american gothic!hotakainens once, too. I think there's more, but yeahhh there's precious little art of onni here
Baku: THAT IS SO CUTE YOUR STYLE IS SO CUTE and omg curious mermaid tuuri makes so much sense and. GOSH im loving this mermaid trend
(tHE LALLI sdkbds)
Róisín: YEP yep and yeeep. I'm not gonna start another lecture, but let's just say it's kind of amazing how drawing/being an artist is seen as an
unmanly hobby/profession, when it's one women have been left out of for the majority of western art history and still, today, the art field is hugely male-dominated. ANd that's just looking at gender, if we start thinking about race and how incredibly western the whole thing is, you've got like five another layers and--
my professors did actually start the last semester with acknowledging that art history as a subject is full of straight white men and it shows.
(even if my first semester
could be summed up as "everyone was gay, the end")