Krisse, I did not know about that place, it looks lovely and a perfect goal for a hiking expedition.
Helia, I your Kantele-playing Onni is wonderful.
GeiYin, since I don't know Russian I can't take the story, but I will take the art! And not meaningless at all, even though it makes me curious why the other two seem to be shunning Lalli.
Abprallen, more mermaids yess, and a sweet one at that :-)
Talimee, I'm up for it! Middle-aged Emil looks lovely and caring.
And then two final mermaids from me, Bosse the dog and Bosse the cat, suggested by windfighter (I haven't forgotten Lalli or Taru but might take a little break before finishing them -
also imagine Dory Reynir going hey do you remember me at Onni)
plus a sketch of young Tuuri and Onni.