Our comic of the month for November is Erma. Discuss it with other forumites here!
Jureeya, I really like this style and their expressions, both Reynir's and Kitty's. (And i can't seem to keep up with this thread but i'll take this chance to say that those Sigruns a few pages back are a delight. )Enigma, an excellent choise. And welcome to the forum!
hehee olga i love the little SSSS symbol in her belt.
hehee olga i love the little SSSS symbol in her belt. Here's some Reynir and Kitty This is part of a coloring tutorial that someone on tumblr requested so I'll have a full-color version too, but i just really liked how the single-color version came out (http://jureeya.tumblr.com/post/148484791163/monochrome-reynir-kitty)
Jureeya, that's a pretty Reynir and cat. Both look so mischievous!
Ana Nymus, Gwenno, PickleChip, Róisín — thank you!Yay, you noticed that! And your Sugrun and Reynir with kitty are awesome
This is so cute!
Cute tuuri!Here we go, only one day late ^ ^;Reblog: http://jureeya.tumblr.com/post/148572481463/would-you-believe-that-to-this-day-i-was-unaware
Did an art today inspired by a tumblr post from Miriam:I'm... getting better at digital art I guess? Or probably just more patient
Cute shirt! Gotta ask: is the puffin the national animal of Iceland, or is it just an unofficial symbol?