Jureeya - test huh, well from the resulting picture I'd say it was a fantastic success! I really like how you've restricted your colour palette, making it look so classy, and Reynir so cool and classy
wavewright62 - the mankini
cannot unsee!!!!! >"<
Lucy C - You've really captured the feeling of the wet and the cold very well in Sigrun's picture! Everything about it just makes me want to put on another sweater
Martti - These are great! I fully expect we'll be seeing new people on the introduction thread saying things like "So I was in this art contest, and one of the other competitors drew this really fantastic picture of a grinning lady climbing for some eggs and said it was from SSSS and then I read the whole thing and joined the forum all because of that!"
kahliHahah, I remember really enjoying seeing your eggssss from last year and am happy to see that you decided to continue with the tradition
They make a charming collection of easter eggs ^_^
tamaerchen - D'aaaaaw, somehow Emil looks even more adorable in those clothes, especially the bowtie. What a nice little blush he has
Helia - Ooooooh, not only do we get some pretty art, but also get to learn about a fun tradition at the same time! This seems really well timed considering how many of us (myself certainly included) who wanted to see more crew members with wet hair
I like Lalli's cat shake, and just the general way each of them is reacting to getting splashed
After some debating I'm deciding to post this here as well as the Self Inserts thread because a)It
does contain Sigrun and Emil, and b)I'm just so ridiculously happy with how it turns out and just want to show off
and that probably makes me a horrible person but it is in no way going to stop me! *Slinks to the corner of shame anyway*