Author Topic: Character Development: Trond  (Read 1640 times)


  • Saraswati
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Character Development: Trond
« on: March 18, 2015, 02:57:23 PM »
Yes, this is a character analysis thread for a secondary character: the "scheming mountain monkey" Trond Andersen, retired General of the Norwegian Army and also, apparently, Master of Whispers.
From p. 280 on, he has revealed new depths of manipulation and sneakiness... and become something of a favorite in the process.

Eich • 2 days ago
I'm willing to bet that Trond was quite the lady-killer in his day. In fact, he probably looked like a Norwegian Harrison Ford and sang like Frank Sinatra.

Rosepieces • 2 days ago
"Hey baby! Remember that one time when we...." *cut to shocked face on Siv, disgusted faces on Taru and Torbjorn*

Sunflower  Rosepieces • 2 days ago
No, I think Torbjörn would be *interested*. In an unseemly way. And then he'd get caught by the ladies and make his usual Embarrassed Torbjörn Face.

Trond would notice and quietly add a mark to his mental chalkboard for Blackmail Scores.

Sadoka Ytrap • a day ago
I like how on the last comic, everyone was commenting on how cute Trond was, being dragged around by Siv.
Now, he's gone straight from being a grouchy grandpa to a downright dirty blackmailer. Quite the reversal if you ask me.

I'm quite excited to get to know his character!

wolfie  Sadoka Ytrap • a day ago
In dutch I would call him 'ruwe bolster, blanke pit', translation suggestions were 'a diamond in the rough', he seems grouchy, but he does care about the crew.

Aprillen  wolfie • a day ago
Hmf. He cares about his investment, anyway.

wolfie  Aprillen • a day ago
Maybe, but don't all the backers? The first question was about the books. I still think that it is nice they are reliable employers at least and get the job done of backing up the crew. They just don't seem that heartless to me, but I might be to romantic about it. :p

Incanus01  Sadoka Ytrap • a day ago
Trond could have said "I'll call in some favours" but he told us the way it is, sheer ugly blackmail! XD

Brandenfascher  Incanus01 • a day ago
He is certainly making himself appear the cold and calculating type. I guess that explains his persistent scowl and his loathing of parties.
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Hrolfr  Brandenfascher • a day ago
Stays sober at parties to better gather "material"

Stefanyeah • a day ago
Also I love how Trond takes off those headphones as if it was the most natural thing to do for a civilian that he actually is right now.

JoB  Stefanyeah • a day ago
Is he? He still looks like he'ld blend in just fine with the Norwegian generality - granted, that still doesn't put him in command of a Danish base, but civilian his clothes ain't.

Stefanyeah  JoB • a day ago
He's retired, though, isn't he? Don't know awefully much about the military, but that'd make you a civilian who kept his fancy clothes.

Hrolfr  Stefanyeah • a day ago
Also a "civilian" who can make currently service people jump to attention, esp. if you are one of the scary old buggers.

At least until they realize you aren't currently in the chain of command, and you really are retired, and not a "real" general in mufti.

Trond looks so badass and intelligent when blackmailing Asa. he's really cool.

Lars_B • a day ago
Ok, now we know why lots of people seemed so happy at Tronds retirement party, they suddenly felt safe!

Little did they know =)

Richard Weir  Lars_B • a day ago
Though... maybe they were people who had benefitted from previous uses of blackmail? If he always made sure (by whatever means) that his comrades in arms had all the equipment they needed unlike other regiments etc, then they would be very grateful to him!
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wolfie  Richard Weir • a day ago
It fits. Like a reliable mafia boss from a classic movie, helping out for favors because the system takes to long.

Hrolfr  wolfie • a day ago
Heh. When he dies it'll be a big open casket affair, followed by a traditional burning.

After all , lots of people will be pleased to see him dead, and will want to check it really is him.
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Panzer_Engel  Hrolfr • a day ago
The burning is, I take it, part historic send-off for one of the architects of Nordic resurgence. And part making absolutely, positively, sure. . .

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Lissa • a day ago
Well that escalated quickly.
(Seems to be a rule of thumb to never mess with the elderly when it comes to fiction. They all have connections or something.)
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Aprillen  Lissa • a day ago
There was a quote mentioned far, far down among the comments:

Old age and treachery will always beat youth and exuberance.

~David Mamet
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Reader with passion  Aprillen • a day ago
Beautiful and true, i can never outwit my grandparents, they fight so dirty and mean...

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DiscoMonster  Incanus01 • a day ago
I just wrote below that The Västerströms seem so transparent in contrast to Trond. He gives nothing away but then suddenly reveals he holds lots of power and influence.

Somebody is going to lose out in this deal on the fruits of the 'research mission', but I don't think it will be Trond.

He's already calculating that they owe him.
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mamioja  DiscoMonster • a day ago
Immediate gain t.ex valuable books could be worth less than a favor somebody owes you.
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DiscoMonster  mamioja • a day ago
That's true. He's not the type to burn bridges. Trond will be saying he's just provided the resources to keep the project going at a certain rate of interest.

He'll be negotiating a higher percentage for himself, taking full credit for all discoveries (for his legacy), demanding a huge percentage of royalties on all books copied and resold and shifting all liabilities onto the Västerströms.

He'll also manipulate their connection to Emil, so that they can't break free of his Ming the Merciless hold over them. And somehow, he'll make it seem like they still owe him more.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2015, 04:31:53 AM by Sunflower »
"The music of what happens," said great Fionn, "that is the finest music in the world."
:chap3:  :chap4:  :chap5:  :book2:  :chap12:  :chap13:  :chap14:   :chap15:  :chap16:

Speak some:  :france:  :mexico:  :vaticancity:  Ein bisschen: :germany:


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Re: Character Development: Trond
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2015, 03:46:29 PM »
the "scheming mountain monkey"
*Sarcasm mode* something something ethnic slur.

For those interested, "mountain monkey" (Fjeldabe in Danish) is a nickname for Norwegians coined by the amphibian Danes. Apparently it has gained popularity outside Denmark in year 90. The Swedes prefer Norrbagge, which doesn't really mean anything to my knowledge. It's not really seen as offensive, Scandinavians have perfected the art of loving abuse.


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Re: Character Development: Trond
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2015, 12:36:59 AM »
A combination of nord and garbage, perhaps - though that makes little sense for the languages involved.

As for Trond - eh. He's not so much cold, calculating, mafioso as much as he probably knows half the fleet personally and the parents of the rest he doesn't know. A very long career, full of lots of juicy stories. Old age as just removed any scrupules and he's now quite happy to exert leadership in less conventional ways. He doesn't always has to blackmail, as the episode in Dalsnes shows - but he's not above arm twisting to get out of a tight spot.
Language: :france::uk:
Some notions: :vaticancity: :greece:
A nostalgia for utopia...


  • Saraswati
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Re: Character Development: Trond
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2015, 04:00:15 AM »
DiscoMonster  Minando • a day ago
I admire how he puts his palms together to channel his inner calm and deliver his blackmailing words precisely. I love how her whole face and even her hat suddenly go askew and the knitting tumbles from her hands. My favourite panels this week.
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Auleliel  DiscoMonster • a day ago
Oh, is that what he was doing? I thought he was putting his hand up next to the microphone so he could whisper without everyone else hearing the details of the "incident".
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DiscoMonster  Auleliel • a day ago
I'm not a psychologist but I believe it also expresses confidence and expertise. Trond is in control, which is what makes Ása's uncontrolled shock and rage so perfect.

Alaron • a day ago
I just realized something: If Trond has so much blackmail material, and is willing to use it, why didn't he get more funding for the expedition with it? For that matter, why doesn't he just cash in for a bunch of hush money and forget this crazy get-rich-quick scheme?
The plot thickens!

Panzer_Engel  Alaron • a day ago
Spending (irreplaceable) Leverage to get money is a poor return, when the entire purpose of this expedition is to make money.
Besides, we have no idea who's ear he might have dropped a word in during the process of getting them the authorisation for a non-military expedition into the silent world. Not to mention keeping his best material for when it becomes necessary to move outside the normal channels.

As to his motives. . . I suspect, like a great many people, the prospect of retiring and doing nothing in particular filled him with quiet dread.
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Richard Weir  Panzer_Engel • a day ago
Indeed - maybe he blackmailed somebody into misplacing the glasses of the council-member who voted "yes" to the plan because he had no idea what was on the paper in front of him.
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Panzer_Engel  Richard Weir • a day ago
. . . Don't joke.

Manoeuvring until your bill ends up in front of someone ineffectual is almost as good as someone who's on your side. . .

". . . So I've arranged for it to be presented next Thorsday."

"But. . . Why wait?"

(Patiently) "Because Magnusson will be the chair, which means it's probably your best chance."

"He's in favour of more pre-rash research?"

"He's an idiot. But he's an idiot who's counting the days until he retires. Which means that unless your presentation contained something more than usually stupid, he'll rubber-stamp it just to go home on time."

". . .Oh."

"And I've arranged for your application to be the last item on the committee's agenda. . ."

Peter Sadlon  Alaron • a day ago
Why waste blackmail material you can get more mileage out of it later. Besides, he doesn't have blackmail on everyone.
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LooNEY_DAC  Alaron • a day ago
It's far easier to extort actions from people than money, and their most easily exportable activities were relatively worthless to him until now. Certainly he'd have tried blackmail if he had something potent enough on the council, but he obviously didn't. Trond is very pragmatic that way.

Alaron  Panzer_Engel • 18 hours ago
Headcanon generated: Trond is secretly masterminding a bunch of things.
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Panzer_Engel  Alaron • 17 hours ago
He's been playing the game so long, he has no idea how to stop.
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JoB  Panzer_Engel • 15 hours ago
[Imagines six nondescript scoundrels finding themselves inexplicably forced to travel to Norway to serve as the coffin bearers of a certain, recently deceased Trond Andersen]

P__ • 2 days ago
The way Trond talks about blackmail makes it sound like some form of magic
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Auleliel  P__ • 2 days ago
It is magic--it does what is otherwise impossible
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SolarPoweredGirl  P__ • 2 days ago
He makes it sound like this professional thing all people use. Like Oh I need something from this person BLACKMAIL. Or hmm I haven't this guy in a while but I need a small favor BLACKMAIL.
*young trond*
I need my mom to pick me up from school today BLACKMAIL MWAHAHAHA

Sunflower • 2 days ago
Pretty deft of Trond to slip the radioman's earphones off without waking him.
How good do you think he'd be at picking pockets?

lost norseman  Sunflower • 2 days ago
Especially since he is doing it one-handed while concentrating on reading the manifests on the wall.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2015, 04:40:53 AM by Sunflower »
"The music of what happens," said great Fionn, "that is the finest music in the world."
:chap3:  :chap4:  :chap5:  :book2:  :chap12:  :chap13:  :chap14:   :chap15:  :chap16:

Speak some:  :france:  :mexico:  :vaticancity:  Ein bisschen: :germany: