Yaaaaay! I'm actually glad it was recognizable AS a computer X'P I didn't deliberately draw a Mac, but it was either a weird flat apple thing or a beige/sandy colored box one, with all the air vents in the back of its screen-brain and weighs like a million kilos ;P heh
Oh my gosh! I forgot ladders on the beds! You guys can never reach them now! ;___; haha
Ah, CRTs, those were the days. I would stick magnets on those when I was a kid, cause magnets
were are fun to mess around with.
Eh, it's okay. Our beds actually have ladders built into the head/footboards that we can climb up with. Actually, I'm not sure if they had ladders in the dream or not... Hmm. I'll have to fudge that around a bit tomorrow...
Also, forgot to say, pond-cat is adorable.