Yay! I think you are a lot like me when it comes to art, actually finishing stuff is such a hassle isn't it? The only thing I would like to see changed really is scarf girl's lower legs, maybe you could stretch those a bit further under the ankles. Muscle man looks like a cross between Eren from Attack on Titan and Gutts from Berserk.
Scarf girl is cool! And trendy!! OuO
The marshmallow men X'D do they have hats?
I'm quite happy with how she (and the Native American skirt guy on the bottom) turned out, haha. Though I just realized her leg bones are still there... As for the feet, everyone on the page has potato chip feet, cause I haven't spent any time learning feet, yet. Skirt boy got the worst of it, cause i didnt feel like fixing it up with him. Hip girl was actually a bit referenced, especially for the hips, though I changed up a bit of the final pose, and I'm happy with how it turned out. Muscle man was referenced from a YouTube thumbnail of a basket ball player, and I just added in everything below the pecs. I'm pretty happy with how those four turned out.
Edit: Okay, that was all written while eating breakfast this morning, on my phone, so that's why I didn't explain anything very clearly. Just fixed it up a little bit. Also, I just remembered: I did hair, and I'm actually happy with how it turned out for once. Scarf girl and skirt guy turned out really well, I think, all in all.