Sunflower: no Lynch, no Twin Peaks, that's just the way it is. And yes, fresh snow is a brilliant background!
Viisikielinenkantele: aaaw thank you! If you ever want to try it though I would actually suggest something a bit difficult. Simple projects are all very well but they often get boring fairly quickly. Thick yarn is the key, nothing's more motivating than immediately seeing your process.
Aprillen: thank you! I'm going to suggest the thick yarn trick to you too, you'll get a super warm sweater and it's awesome to see immediately all the work you're putting in your project.
By lumpy things you probably mean the garden decorations, they're just driftwood pieces on stilts. You see them quite a lot here. Also anchors, lots of old, rusty anchors just lying on people's lawns.
Ann Marie: Thank you so much, and yup, that sure sounds like me.
Mélusine: the thought of taking scissors to a knitting is scary. I watched a tutorial that did make a lot of sense though, just see that if you ever try it you're using natural fibre yarn, preferably wool.