Just got home from the cinema: saw 'Big Hero 6' and 'Into the Woods'.
BH6 was visually lovely, the story could've been.....more..and some of the characters needed to be....more.... But overall it was enjoyable.
Into the Woods though...oh my god. I didn't like it at all, and I LOVE musicals and fairy tale satires. The music was nice, but it all sounded the same and got boring very quickly and then after being boring it just got really irritating. (Plus the style of rhyming the songs used rubbed me up the wrong way a bit...so many rhymes in a row...) I think the songs needed some more editing for the silver screen: they were very long, went nowhere, and the actors were very static during their songs, which made them feel like they dragged on for eternity. ;___; and THEN, there were songs that could've been fantastically entertaining if they'd pushed things up a notch eg: the two princes' song on the waterfalls. That could've been hilarious.
I found that a lot of the singing was very in your face at times, especially with Meryl Streep and the two kids. Now, I respect Meryl a lot but...I really don't like her movies? And this one was the worst! I couldn't see her character, I could only see Meryl, dancing around weirdly asking for an acting award....
The one thing I did like (aside from Emily Blunt, she was awesome) was the sets? I really liked how everything looked, but I don't think that the sets were used to their full potential? That's it, I think that's what bugged me throughout the film: there was potential, but it wasn't achieved? Half the dialogue was exposition that we already knew, and, I get that exposition happens a lot in stage plays to fill in stuff that happens off-stage, but in this film it was just clunky and blagh.....
Like, a lot of folks left the theatre?! (A bit rude)
Hmmmm...It was ok, but...nnnnnnnnggghyeh? I wanted it to be really good but it was just ok. :/