Uh, I don't know if they've been translated to English, but the Hyperversum series by Cecilia Randall is nice. Also, I liked Cronache del Mondo Emerso (Licia Troisi - Cronache was my favorite, but she wrote so many books after that trilogy, but the Mondo Emerso saga and not, a lot of which are not exactly my favorite books, but still cute enough).
Oh, and I don't really know if anyone's interested in Albanian books, but as a child I used to love Odhise Grillo's books, and there's also the ever-intramontable classic "çufo" by someone who I can't remember. Everyone in Albania knows çufo (it's a name, but the keyboard doesn't let me capitalize the 'ç'). It's a children's story, but it's really, really lovely.