Our comic of the month for November is Erma. Discuss it with other forumites here!
When, in your first Swedish lesson, your lecturer goes round the class asking what people know about Sweden and you genuinely have to stop yourself from saying "the capital of Sweden is Mora"
...or how about signing up for Swedish lessons in the first place? (Dr. Adamsson is having an effect on you...)
When, in almost ANY situation, an SSSS reaction image comes to mind. :\
You know you are an SSSS Addict when:Your SSSS folder gets so big you have to move it to an external drive to save space.When, in almost ANY situation, an SSSS reaction image comes to mind. :\
hahahahaha that's how i. started the entire mess. woops.and i feel you on the folders. my 'screencap'/fanart folder is humongous and oddly enough the most organized of my folders
Pffff amateurs. I have several spreadsheets documenting every single art piece posted on the forum, including the name of the artist, where it is on the forum, a brief description of the art work, and the image itself.
*spits out tea* W-what?!
i don't want to get on your level because your level is frankly terrifying
She really does though, I have seen it in its full glory.