Lalli burst into the Cat-Tank, his grandmother’s rifle ready. One shot was all he needed to kill the troll Kitty was clawing and biting with all her feline fury.
Lalli exhaled and glanced around the room. Behind the shut door leading to the other compartment, Tuuri and Reynir pressed their faces against the glass, their expressions a mix of confusion, worry, and utter horror.
A moment later, Lalli felt something grab on to his leg…
Mikkel was busily going through the chores attendant on maintaining their little campsite with the dubious assistance of Reynir when he heard the scream.
“MIKKEL!” The shout brought the medic running back in from outside; he almost ran right over Tuuri as she backed away from the basket they’d left the kitten in. He grabbed her by the shoulders to keep her from backing into him, and she wheeled around to face him, shock and not a little fear writ large on her features.
“Se on vauva! Kissa muuttui vauvaksi!” Unfortunately, Tuuri had been so startled that she was speaking in Finnish. After Mikkel gave her a very gentle but very firm shake, she calmed down enough to repeat herself, but in Swedish this time. “It’s a baby! The cat transformed into a baby!”
Now she was using words he understood individually, but which made no sense in context. Mikkel opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, a sound distinctly resembling the gurgle of an infant came from where the basket lay. Tuuri pointed determinedly, without saying more; the shaking of her finger said quite a bit regardless.
Mikkel cautiously approached the basket. Before he was halfway there, however, a familiar and totally feline head popped out of the nest of cloth with a plaintive, “Miu?”
Reynir opened his eyes and knew that he was dreaming again. Well, that was OK, as long as those ghosts weren’t about to show up again, too.
A high-pitched squealing noise caught Reynir’s attention. He peered ahead in confusion, as the sheep were blocking his view. Once he could see past them, he saw that his dog was exuberantly trying to lick a small child to death, its tail wagging furiously as it did so. The child—a little girl of indeterminate age, Reynir noticed—was giggling and trying to fend off his dog’s affectionate attack. “Silly Reynir!” she said through her giggles.
Emil came to a halt next to Mikkel. “Oh, by the way, Mikkel—I noticed my spare shirt has gone missing. Did I really do it enough damage that you had to retire it, or is this another of your jokes?”
Mikkel frowned, but before he could reply, Tuuri piped up with, “I’m missing a pair of pants, too! Maybe we left them behind when we had to break camp because of the ghosts?”
Emil looked sheepish and admitted, “I hadn’t thought of that. We did leave in an awful hurry, whatever the reason.” He was obviously still not convinced that the ghosts that Reynir claimed were still stalking them even existed.
Neither Tuuri nor Reynir could see anything in the utter darkness of the Cat-Tank, but they could certainly hear the muffled sounds of the battle raging outside; until, that is, Kitty jumped out of Reynir’s lap and began making louder and louder cries of distress.
“Come ON, guys! You have to get out of here NOW!” The voice was exasperated and not unfamiliar. “A grossling’s about to break through the floor here! Get to the other compartment!”
Even through their surprise, the two non-immunes obeyed, and just in time.
Lalli burst into the Cat-Tank, his grandmother’s rifle ready. One shot was all he needed to kill the troll Kitty was clawing and biting with all her feline fury.
Lalli exhaled and glanced around the room. Behind the shut door leading to the other compartment, Tuuri and Reynir pressed their faces against the glass, their expressions a mix of confusion, worry, and utter horror.
A moment later, Lalli felt something grab on to his leg, but instead of setting off his combat reflexes, it stirred something else in him. He looked down. A small child dressed in what looked like the crew’s castoffs had wrapped her arms and legs around one of his legs in a grip of steel. She looked up… and he knew that this was their Kitty.