I know there was a discussion about this before, but I would really appreciate a third gender option for gender-neutral/nonbinary in the profile. Even with they/them written in my signature I still get misgendered a lot and it would be nice to have something official other than just N/A, which could be interpreted as "I don't want to put this information out on the internet" instead of "I'm not a boy or a girl and would appreciate you referring to me as such".
Wellll. I've looked a bit into this, and at first sight, the Gender field – being a standard profile field – looks somewhat/pretty much/greatly
(further investigation is needed to determine amount) tangled into SMF's inner workings. Sadly that means that adding that third option requires us to find a mod that adds this feature, or modify SMF source files ourselves.
By fumbling around, I've managed to find about 2-3 places in the code that possibly need to be slightly changed, and I'm far from sure that doing that would do the trick without wrecking anything, sooo I'll need to test things and mess around more and so on.
And even if I found a solution, the very act of messing around this much under the hood is slightly risky, so I'm not sure it'd get put in after all. Probably we'll talk about this and then notify you all when we come to a solution/conclusion.
(Regardless of how things get sorted out, I can offer making a
Preferred pronouns field, that's just a few clicks.