Introduction thread!
In foreign languages! Yuppee!
- Introduce yourself in your native language (unless the native language is English)
- Repeat the process (it doesn't have to be the same introduction) in all the languages you know, are learning, or have learned at some point in the past.
- Native speakers are welcome to correct mistakes and laugh at the others
- Also provide an English translation for all the introductions!
I'll be slowly writing my introductions over the course of the day
Okej, të fillojmë me shqipen, ça thoni? Kam lindur në Shqipëri, dhe kam jetuar në Tiranë pak a shumë për tetë vjet. Mund të më quani Nimphy. Emri im i vërtetë është aq shqiptar sa më s'ka. Tani jetoj në Itali, kam katërmbëdhejtë vjeç, po mësoj disa gjuhë (... Pak a shumë tre a katër) dhe... Do ishte më mirë që të mbyllja prezantimin në shqip dhe të filloja me italishten. Çao!
Translation: Okay, let us begin with Albanian, what do you say? I was born in Albania, and I lived in Tirana more or less for eight years, you can call me Nimphy. My real name is as Albanian as it can be. Now I live in Italy, I'm fourteen, I'm learning several languages (More or less three or four) and... It would be best if I ended the introduction in Albanian and started with Italian. Bye! (Loanword from Italian "Ciao", which Albanians only use to say "goodbye" and not "hello")
Italiano: Ciao a tutti, potete chiamarmi Nimphy. Sono albanese, vivo in Italia, ho quattordici anni, frequento il liceo scientifico e non ho troppa voglia di riscrivere da capo quella presentazione. Parlo albanese, italiano e inglese, capisco bene lo spagnolo e lo parlo un po', capisco il francese e non lo parlerò se posso evitarlo, sto imparando il tedesco e il norvegese. Ah, e so qualche cosina di giapponese!
Translation: Hello everyone, you can call me Nimphy. I'm Albanian, I live in Italy, I'm fourteen, I study in a scientific liceo and I'm not too keen on re-writing that introduction from scratch. I speak Albanian, Italian and English, I can understand Spanish well and speak it a little, I understand French and I won't speak it if I can avoid it, I'm learning German and Norwegian. Ah, and I know a few things of Japanese!
Spanish (dun-dun-dunnnnn): ¡Hola todos! Soy Nimphy, una chica albanès que vive en Italia. Hablo un poco de espanol y parece que mi tastiera no tiene la "n" con la... La cosa sobre la n. Yahoo.
Translation: Hello everyone! I'm Nimphy, an Albanian girl who lives in Italy. I speak a little Spanish and it appears my keyboard doesn't have the "n" with the... The thing on the n. Yahoo.
Norwegian (dun-dun-dun-dunnnnnn): Hallo. Jeg heter Nimphy. Jeg bor i Italia... Hallo?
Translation: Hello. My name is Nimphy. I live in Italy... Hello?