I'm new as of yesterday so I'll say hi here!
Native English: Hi, I'm Lueley! I live in the UK but I was born elsewhere to British parents.
I speak Spanish conversationally (if you ignore my grammar) but it's getting rusty since I stopped classes- need to work on keeping it up! I used to read Latin very well but also haven't exercised that muscle in a few years. As of a few weeks ago, I'm currently teaching myself Swedish which is really fun (Hej!).
Also, in England, it's basically mandatory to have French lessons between the ages of 6-11 but I can only really say 'bonjour'. I was sent to Mandarin classes as a kid but I only remember how to count and say some basic greetings (Mum's part Chinese and Manx, but there's nowhere outside of the island you can really learn Manx so I don't speak a word of the latter!). My older brother speaks better Mandarin then me, it would be nice to learn it one day but it's not top of the list.
I'm going to uni in the autumn where I'll be starting lessons in Anglo Saxon and Russian, which will be awesome! Russian has been my dream language since age 12, so I'm hyped.
Español: Hola, me llamo Lueley. Tomé clases de español en la escuela secundaria, pero aun así me preocupo en lo que respecta a la gramática. Ser honesto, creo que la experiencia es más importante que el aula. Cuando tenía diecisiete años, fui a Costa Rica (¡a solas- mi madre estuvo aterrorizado!) para trabajar con una organización benéfica de la protección de tortugas. Muchos de los voluntarios y los investigadores no hablaron íngles, y aunque no vi a una tortuga (que desafortunado 😢), aprendí mucho. ¡Por ejemplo, en Costa Rica, generalmente se dice 'con mucho gusto' en vez de 'de nada' como una repuesta a 'gracias'!
Hi, I'm Lueley. I took Spanish classes in secondary school, but I still worry when it comes to grammar. To be honest, I think experience is more important than the classroom. When I was 17, I went to Costa Rica (alone- my Mum was terrified!) to work with a turtle protection charity. Many of the volunteers and researchers didn't speak English, and though I didn't see a turtle (how unlucky 😢), I learnt a lot. For example, in Costa Rica, they usually say 'with pleasure' instead of 'you're welcome' as a response to 'thank you'!
Svenska: Jag... talar inte svenska. Än.
I... don't speak Swedish. Yet.