Author Topic: YoinkTober 2024!  (Read 2590 times)


  • Skald
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Re: YoinkTober 2024!
« Reply #45 on: October 14, 2024, 08:06:11 AM »
Wow! Excellent works here!!! As usual!

I'll comment later, 'cause now I just have time to drop mine for day 14 - Buried Statue.



Professor Mickelson from Bornholm University, that can be seen giving a thumb up on the picture,
sent us the most recent finding from their Copenhagen expedition, a surprising troll statue found buried
in the sands next to the old port. His team considers that it's from the beginning of the second century.
This statue depicts a troll that developed a long tail, akin to a fish tail, a lot like some trolls detected on
Finnish lakes. However on this one the upper part shows a female body with no visible deformations.
Professor Mickelson believes that this, together with it's contemplative pose and proximity to water,
suggests that some group of survivors used the statue as an attempt to appease the water beasts
and protect fishermen when they risked their lives on the sea.

« Last Edit: October 14, 2024, 06:22:40 PM by thegreyarea »
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proud member of the Sigrun Eide for God-Emperor of the Universe Society


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Re: YoinkTober 2024!
« Reply #46 on: October 14, 2024, 10:58:19 AM »
One more!

This one for day 1, "overgrown ruins". I couldn't resist!


BTW the original background is a picture of Paris' abandoned railway, from Urbex at Pinterest. (
I'd love to see our team in Paris...

Sigrun and Emil came from adv. 1, page 540 (when they were happily blowing things up)
« Last Edit: October 14, 2024, 11:02:21 AM by thegreyarea »
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proud member of the Sigrun Eide for God-Emperor of the Universe Society


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Re: YoinkTober 2024!
« Reply #47 on: October 14, 2024, 06:23:58 PM »
Hi Grey, great edit and drawing! :) There´s some real cool overgrown places in this world.

13: underwater temple

Well, sometimes underwater.
This prompt led me down a nice research rabbit hole on underwater caves, archaeological sites and purposefully flooded places. And as I got ready to draw, a youtuber I follow dropped a video essay on the sunken landmass Doggerland, which was a funny coincidence. :.D

But this is lake Bezid in Romania. A village was flooded to create a water reservoir. But some highpoints, like the churchtower, are still visible, sometimes more, depending on how much water is currently in the reservoir.

supposedly studying, most likely drawing…

fluent: :de: :us: sort of: :fr: learning!: :fi: I wish…: :it:
Proud member of the Sigrun Eide for God-Emperor of the Universe Society

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  • Skald
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Re: YoinkTober 2024!
« Reply #48 on: October 15, 2024, 07:56:19 AM »
Hi! Thanks Mirasol! Your drawing is lovely! Would some troll take residence on the tower? :)

We actually have a few drowned villages sleeping inside dams in Portugal and Spain

This one is in Spain, close to Portugal:
And here a few more images:

Doggerland is a fascinating topic. So much land, and maybe so much history, under water... I even considered writing a story about it, but it seems I'd have to live up to 200 y to write everything that I'd like... :)

Now, here's my take on day 2 - Nature Untouched.



Professor Mickelson's expedition, sponsored by Bornholm University, sent us this amazing picture of Mount Roraima,
one of several isolated plateaus standing around 1000m above the South American rainforest.
The expedition comprises two airships, "Lalli" and "Emil", named after the famous duo of explorers from the first century.
The picture, taken from Emil's bridge, shows an outstanding view of the plateau with its many waterfalls and Lalli already landed.
Professor Mickelson's team reports that Nature on these inaccesible plateaus remain untouched by the rash,
allowing the survival of many species believed to be extinct.
They plan to raise funds for setting a permanent scientific base there.

BTW the picture of Mount Roraima is real. I mean, this is not some fantasy scene created with AI. Those waterfalls are really there.  XoX

original Mount Roraima picture:
original airship picture:
original airship interior:
« Last Edit: October 15, 2024, 09:16:22 AM by thegreyarea »
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proud member of the Sigrun Eide for God-Emperor of the Universe Society


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Re: YoinkTober 2024
« Reply #49 on: October 15, 2024, 12:29:25 PM »
Great drawings and combos os drawing and photo. Prof Mickelson is a great explorer, which century does he live in?

A propos Doggerland, if you like detective stories you may enjoy the Doggerland sesier by Swedish crime author Maria Adolfsson. In her books Doggerland didn’t disappear entirely but is an island nation which clearly is Nordic but has some Britishness in it too. And the characters and stories are good! It’s not horrible Nordic Noir, but not cozy crime either. I enjoy them but then I mostly read crime nowadays.
🇫🇮 🇬🇧 🇸🇪 🇫🇷 (🇩🇪)(🇯🇵)((🇨🇳))

:A2chap03: :A2chap04: :A2chap05:

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  • Skald
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Re: YoinkTober 2024!
« Reply #50 on: October 15, 2024, 04:08:44 PM »
Thanks Jitter! I must find those Doggerland stories! :)

Mickelson lives in the fourth century post-Rash, and is Mikkel's descendant  :mikkel: (so, in my own canon, Sigrun's descendant too  :sigrun:).
I have a few ideas for stories with this "indiana Jones" of mine... And yes, that's why he has the hat  ;D

Here's my take on day 3 - Ancient Tree, this time with a (sort of) short story...



Well-known explorer, professor Mickelson, claims the discovery of what would be, without a doubt, the World's largest tree.
Anyone that looks at the massive trunk towering over the professor in the picture will surely agree.
The explorer from Bornholm goes as far as considering that this enormous specimen could be the legendary Yggdrasil:

"We got out of the woods and suddenly that absurd, unbelievable tree was just ahead.
We stood still and silent there for a while. There were no words to describe it.
Tall as a mountain, it made the pines on its base look like grass. No tree can be that big!
But we felt no fear, no. Actually it radiated a sensation of... well being,
a peaceful feeling that filled us simply from looking at it.
I couldn´t think on anything else but Yggdrasil, connecting our world with the cosmos.
We were very tired, and there was a small river to cross to reach the tree,
so we decided to set our camp, rest and wait for the next morning.
I never slept so well, not even at home.
However, when morning came, the tree wasn't there anymore.
There was just a low, flat-top hill, and normal-sized trees.
If we didn't have a few pictures I would think it was just a strange, collective illusion.
But I know what I've seen, and I believe that we... surprised a tree... no, a being,
that human eyes are not supposed to see.
People ask me if we are going back there, to see if we can find it again.
I say it's useless. We saw it because humans were absent for centuries after the Rash, and it got... lazy?
But now it knows we are back, and I'm very sure that no matter how much we search, we won't find it."

I was inspired by Dmeck's story, and decided to play with the idea. The tree base is the hill called "Devil's Tower", in Wyoming, USA, famously featured on Steven Spielberg's "Close Encounters of the Third Kind". The picture I used is a still from the movie. Here's a picture for those that don't know it:

The tree trunk is from wikipedia:,_Milano_Italia_scuola_Manara.jpg

So I just had to put them together, add a few clouds and Mickelson's hat :)
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Languages: :pt: :br: Capable: :gb: Can read and survive: :es: Knows a bit: :fr: :it:

proud member of the Sigrun Eide for God-Emperor of the Universe Society