
What other comic/book/movie/TV show do you want to see crossed over with SSSS?

Walking Dead
Thor (Marvel)
Planet of the Apes (Not the Tim Burton one)
The Expendables
Star Wars
Star Trek
The Matrix
World War Z
Another comic from Hiveworks (specify below)
You think I have no taste, and will specify below so I can maybe add your option to the poll.
SSSS don't need no crossover!
Classic Western
Avatar: The Last Airbender

Author Topic: SSSS CROSSOVER TIME!  (Read 100671 times)


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« Reply #330 on: April 16, 2016, 06:56:46 PM »
I drew the crew as Greek gods, yay! (Here's a link because I couldn't get the image thingy to work, for some reason. If you can't see it at first, try reloading the page.)
Left to right: Nike Sigrun, Apollo Emil, Hades Mikkel, Hermes Tuuri, Iris Reynir (rainbows!), and Artemis Lalli.

Oh my gosh that's amazing! I've been enjoying all these Greek gods headcanons. :))
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« Reply #331 on: April 17, 2016, 10:12:17 AM »
Morpheus Reynir, hmm. I like Morpheus Onni, too...

Of course, now I'm thinking of Morpheus Onni saying "There is no spoon. I have no need of material possessions."

(Yes, yes, I know that Morpheus didn't say that line, but c'mon...)
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« Reply #332 on: April 17, 2016, 11:05:57 AM »
Of course, now I'm thinking of Morpheus Onni saying "There is no spoon. I have no need of material possessions."

(Yes, yes, I know that Morpheus didn't say that line, but c'mon...)

Nah, Onni is too scared to ever go into the Matrix. Taru, on the other hand...

(Why yes, I am writing that crossover, why do you ask?)
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« Reply #333 on: April 22, 2016, 09:23:11 PM »
Warrior cats AU! (I admit that it's been forever since I read the books, but I found a Warriors fanfic writers' reference tumblr [ailuronymy.tumblr.com] and couldn't resist making a "Warriorssssify" which is still in draft stages)

-The Rash still happened, cats are still completely immune.

-All the different countries are Clans except Iceland, which is a community of barn cats.

-The Vasterstroms are former kittypets. Emil joined up with ValleyClan (Sweden/the Cleansers) "for all the wrong reasons" and none of his clanmates really like him but they need the numbers and thus he is now Larchfur.

-LakeClan (Finland) left their old territory several moons ago, and speaks a different language than the other three Clans. Aside from a few dedicated and clever cats (like Tuuri/Thistlenose), most only speak their own tongue (like Lalli/Hailfoot).

-Ryepelt (Mikkel, name not final?) is a former medicine cat apprentice (EarthClan(?) aka Denmark) and somewhat disgraced; why this is so is a mystery because no one involved will talk about it, plus he's just closed-mouthed in general.

-EarthClan has the thickest accent ever. FjordClanners(Norwegians) can mostly understand them but for ValleyClanners it's kinda hopeless unless they practice.

-Foxclaw (Sigrun) is a highly regarded warrior in a Clan known for producing very good fighters and hunters. One of her parent is the leader, the other is the deputy.

-There is a lot about this au I need to work out. Like the mission, and Onni's suffix, and magic in general.

-One thing I do know: the reference site's definition of the "whisker" suffix fits Trond to a T. His warrior name is Martenwhisker.

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« Reply #334 on: April 28, 2016, 04:47:12 AM »
So, I see homestuck's been brought up but I'm not sure if anyone has speculated on what the classpects of each crew member would be or perhaps which type of dreamer they'd be ? I have my own speculations, some of them I have logical reasons behind them based on the info about the classpects in comic and on the wikia, some of it I just kinda guessed  :P so I'd like to hear if anyone else has a better guess than I do ! (If there is more fellow homestuck trash around *cough*) anyway so:
Lalli: Mage of Void
Reynir: Page of Light
Tuuri: Maid of Mind
Sigrun: Knight of Breath
Mikkel: Rogue of Blood
Emil: Heir of Hope

And my guesses on who would be what dreamers is Lalli, Sigrun, and Mikkel would be the Derse dreamers while Emil, Tuuri, and Reynir would be the Prospit dreamers :3
« Last Edit: April 28, 2016, 06:06:34 AM by Juniper »

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« Reply #335 on: May 02, 2016, 02:09:04 PM »
So, I see homestuck's been brought up but I'm not sure if anyone has speculated on what the classpects of each crew member would be or perhaps which type of dreamer they'd be ? I have my own speculations, some of them I have logical reasons behind them based on the info about the classpects in comic and on the wikia, some of it I just kinda guessed  :P so I'd like to hear if anyone else has a better guess than I do ! (If there is more fellow homestuck trash around *cough*) anyway so:
Lalli: Mage of Void
Reynir: Page of Light
Tuuri: Maid of Mind
Sigrun: Knight of Breath
Mikkel: Rogue of Blood
Emil: Heir of Hope

And my guesses on who would be what dreamers is Lalli, Sigrun, and Mikkel would be the Derse dreamers while Emil, Tuuri, and Reynir would be the Prospit dreamers :3

I actually think Lalli would be some kind of Heart player (with its connection to soul), but I'm not sure what title he'd get? Bard would work conceptually (since Lalli uses poetry and song for his magic) but not role-wise since I don't think he passively destroys souls, or with souls. Meanwhile Prince, the active opposite of Bard in the HS universe, seems too active a title for Lalli and if we do assume he's a heart player, that would give him the same title as Dirk in canon. But maybe Mage of Heart?

But I 100% agree on the dreamer moons you selected! :D Especially when you consider that Hussie said one of the signs of a Prospit dreamer is making their bed and the sign of a Derse dreamer is not. I couldn't see Lalli, Mikkel or Sigrun being much for making their beds (well MAYBE Mikkel, but that's a maybe), and Tuuri, Emil and Reynir all seem like the types to keep their beds neat.
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« Reply #336 on: May 02, 2016, 02:24:36 PM »
But I 100% agree on the dreamer moons you selected! :D Especially when you consider that Hussie said one of the signs of a Prospit dreamer is making their bed and the sign of a Derse dreamer is not. I couldn't see Lalli, Mikkel or Sigrun being much for making their beds (well MAYBE Mikkel, but that's a maybe), and Tuuri, Emil and Reynir all seem like the types to keep their beds neat.
personally I think Mikkel is much more of a neat-bed person than Tuuri? exhibit a: tuuri sucks at packing, that doesn't necessarily have to do anything with making your bed but she doesn't seem very organized in that prospect? MIKKEL THOUGH did you see him clean up the entire cat-tank (exhibit b)

but prospit tuuri sounds about right though, altho derse tuuri sounds fun too......... i'm not very good at the prospit/derse differences though. but for some reason prospit sigrun appeals to me a lot?
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« Reply #337 on: May 02, 2016, 09:11:20 PM »
I actually think Lalli would be some kind of Heart player (with its connection to soul), but I'm not sure what title he'd get? Bard would work conceptually (since Lalli uses poetry and song for his magic) but not role-wise since I don't think he passively destroys souls, or with souls. Meanwhile Prince, the active opposite of Bard in the HS universe, seems too active a title for Lalli and if we do assume he's a heart player, that would give him the same title as Dirk in canon. But maybe Mage of Heart?
Hmm maybe ! I think heart could work for him too yeah, the reason I picked void for him though is cuz the void aspect players traditionally have something which isolates them socially from their peers and society as a whole. For example Equius's obsession with the hemospectrum keeps him isolated from his friends and peers, and then Roxy's alcoholism also isolates her. Lalli between his preference for silence and solitude as well as his language barrier makes him a good candidate for a void aspect player. Plus, as seen with Roxy (and pointed out by Dirk) it's also possibly a trait of void aspect players to have their strengths and contributions to the session go unnoticed or undetected, and we really see this being a thing with Lalli in today's page :c

However I really like the idea of him being a Mage of Heart cuz that would put him as the same classpect of Meulin :3 and the Leijoins, the kitty trolls, are all heart aspect players hehe. But I think it's also a thing that heart and void aspects might be close cuz every instance we see of a void and heart aspect player in the same session they have a very strong bond with one another (Equius and Nepeta as Moirails, Horuss and Meulin as Moirails, the Executer sparing the Disciple at the risk of, well, everything, Dirk says he has a great deal of admiration for Roxy and he's very proud of her and Roxy well, you know) so maybe it's possible he could go either way or Heart and Void are linked in some way ?

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« Reply #338 on: May 03, 2016, 02:21:28 AM »
(SNIPS) so maybe it's possible he could go either way or Heart and Void are linked in some way ?

This is very possible. And even though he isn't on the mission in the field, maybe Onni could be a Void player? Or would he just be one of the guardians?
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« Reply #339 on: May 04, 2016, 04:05:38 PM »
This is very possible. And even though he isn't on the mission in the field, maybe Onni could be a Void player? Or would he just be one of the guardians?

Onni yeah I could see as a void player !! I'd say he'd be one of the guardians, meaning he'd get to play as a void player if the crew initiated the scratch. I'm trying to think who else the guardians would be, like maybe Trond, and Siv and / or Torbjörn ?? Either way that's already gearing up to be one fun and interesting session x3

(Onni would totes be a Derse dreamer, I think Siv and Torbjörn would be prospit dreamers)

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« Reply #340 on: May 12, 2016, 02:08:19 PM »
Super sorry to double post guys but,

I've been thinking about how in the past few months / past year how popular and lovable the "silent but competent" archetype in media has gotten, mostly thinking about Garnet from Steven Universe and how she's most people's favorite, and Ice Bear from We Bare Bears and how he's most people's favorite. I think Lalli would fit into the archetype and honestly I think he's usually the crowd favorite, most people I've talked to about the comic or I've introduced them to it usually flock to him as their favorite.

So anyway I bring this up here because speaking of Garnet and Steven Universe I started thinking about which gemstones the crew would be in the SU universe (maybe the crossover called SSSSU ?) I think Reynir would be a sapphire, they don't do combat and they have prophetic visions. Tuuri would be a Peridot, their role being scholarly and intellectual work and also don't do combat. Emil would be a cool fusion of a Ruby and a Pearl maybe, yes :3c Rubies are common foot soldiers associated with heat and fire, but Pearls are pretty and associated with aristocracy, or maybe he'd just be a Ruby idk. Even though we never see a moonstone in canon, I can't really think of another gemstone that would fit Lalli, so he'd be a neato moonstone. Sigrun might be a Jasper, bigger and more aggressive and competent soldiers. Mikkel I really don't know what to place him as, the healing makes me think of Rose Quartz, but then again there's all the theories that Rose Quartz was actually secretly a diamond and all that so I'm not sure. Do we want to see Mikkel as a diamond, one of the four great and all powerful rulers of an intergalactic gem empire ? And a great and all powerful ruler who defects to earth and becomes a rebel leader during a great intergalactic battle no less . .

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« Reply #341 on: May 12, 2016, 02:18:59 PM »
Super sorry to double post guys but,

I've been thinking about how in the past few months / past year how popular and lovable the "silent but competent" archetype in media has gotten, mostly thinking about Garnet from Steven Universe and how she's most people's favorite, and Ice Bear from We Bare Bears and how he's most people's favorite. I think Lalli would fit into the archetype and honestly I think he's usually the crowd favorite, most people I've talked to about the comic or I've introduced them to it usually flock to him as their favorite.

So anyway I bring this up here because speaking of Garnet and Steven Universe I started thinking about which gemstones the crew would be in the SU universe (maybe the crossover called SSSSU ?) I think Reynir would be a sapphire, they don't do combat and they have prophetic visions. Tuuri would be a Peridot, their role being scholarly and intellectual work and also don't do combat. Emil would be a cool fusion of a Ruby and a Pearl maybe, yes :3c Rubies are common foot soldiers associated with heat and fire, but Pearls are pretty and associated with aristocracy, or maybe he'd just be a Ruby idk. Even though we never see a moonstone in canon, I can't really think of another gemstone that would fit Lalli, so he'd be a neato moonstone. Sigrun might be a Jasper, bigger and more aggressive and competent soldiers. Mikkel I really don't know what to place him as, the healing makes me think of Rose Quartz, but then again there's all the theories that Rose Quartz was actually secretly a diamond and all that so I'm not sure. Do we want to see Mikkel as a diamond, one of the four great and all powerful rulers of an intergalactic gem empire ? And a great and all powerful ruler who defects to earth and becomes a rebel leader during a great intergalactic battle no less . .

I really want to draw this now... That would be an amazing crossover! I don;t think Mikkel would be a diamond though, he doesn't seem like the "intergalactic ruler" type. Maybe a half-human like Steven?
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« Reply #342 on: May 12, 2016, 02:28:54 PM »
I really want to draw this now... That would be an amazing crossover! I don;t think Mikkel would be a diamond though, he doesn't seem like the "intergalactic ruler" type. Maybe a half-human like Steven?
That's what I was thinking too and why even with the healing part of Rose Quartz I'd be hesitant to make that his gemstone.

Ohhh !!! Maybe he'd be an actual quartz like Amethyst, one of the gems made on earth during the kindergarten project ?

Edit: Also, please do draw this !!! I'd love to see it :3
« Last Edit: May 12, 2016, 02:38:22 PM by Juniper »

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« Reply #343 on: May 12, 2016, 04:12:39 PM »
That's what I was thinking too and why even with the healing part of Rose Quartz I'd be hesitant to make that his gemstone.

Ohhh !!! Maybe he'd be an actual quartz like Amethyst, one of the gems made on earth during the kindergarten project ?

Edit: Also, please do draw this !!! I'd love to see it :3

Yeah, that could work!

I don't know how well I could do it though. If you want anything SU related, I would ask curry, they draw so many gems.
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« Reply #344 on: May 12, 2016, 04:25:46 PM »
Yeah, that could work!

I don't know how well I could do it though. If you want anything SU related, I would ask curry, they draw so many gems.
It still might be fun for you if you just wanna try it for your own sake ~ besides, I'm sure it would turn out just fine.

Also, I thought about Emil a bit more, and I'm even more positive that not only would he be a Ruby / Pearl fusion, but his particular fusion would be a Fire Opal :3
« Last Edit: May 12, 2016, 04:30:56 PM by Juniper »

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