Author Topic: NaNoWriMo  (Read 181270 times)


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Re: NaNoWriMo
« Reply #180 on: November 03, 2014, 04:33:37 PM »
Today, I was super-weird because I didn't sleep at all tonight. For some reason this doesn't seem to have affected my writing skills all that much...

I actually find that lack of sleep makes me more creative. When I drive myself past a certain point, I can write weird stuff without worrying about what people will think of it - it is thus a method I use very very often ;)
Fluent: :italy:, :albania:, :usa:

Okay: :spain:

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Bloody messed-up spoils of a language: :france:

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Re: NaNoWriMo
« Reply #181 on: November 03, 2014, 04:56:36 PM »
I actually find that lack of sleep makes me more creative. When I drive myself past a certain point, I can write weird stuff without worrying about what people will think of it - it is thus a method I use very very often ;)

Not very healthy though, and not good for my concentration. I keep getting distracted.
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Fen Shen

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Re: NaNoWriMo
« Reply #182 on: November 03, 2014, 04:58:14 PM »
Doing anything that requires concentration when I'm lacking sleep doesn't work for me at all. (That's why I'll shut down my computer now  ::) ).

I've been writing in the train the last two days, and it's amazing how far I've come with that. The ride is an hour - not too long to loose focus and get bored, not to short to get something done. But I can't write when there is somebody sitting next to me because I'm always afraid he/she might be spying and reading my awful text ;)
speaks: :germany: :uk: :france:
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Re: NaNoWriMo
« Reply #183 on: November 03, 2014, 07:48:02 PM »
Not sleeping much doesn't really help me much at all, either. I would write better a bit after I wake up, or during the early morning into the afternoon. Nights and evenings differ on that day. But I get stuck at a part where I think, "What do I write here? I kind of forgot what I was writing about". I forgot to put out a basic sketch of what I was planning on doing, which isn't good.. :C

I hope you guys are going well with your word counts and the story. :)
Half-crumbled I guess: :southkorea:
Main language: :usa:
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Re: NaNoWriMo
« Reply #184 on: November 03, 2014, 08:55:10 PM »
Not sleeping much doesn't really help me much at all, either. I would write better a bit after I wake up, or during the early morning into the afternoon. Nights and evenings differ on that day. But I get stuck at a part where I think, "What do I write here? I kind of forgot what I was writing about". I forgot to put out a basic sketch of what I was planning on doing, which isn't good.. :C

I hope you guys are going well with your word counts and the story. :)

It's a good thing the first thing I did after coming up with a beginning was to decide on an end point, otherwise I would be so lost. I know where I'm going for once, but I'm a little confused as how to flying rats will get me to said ending... Writing is an adventure.


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Re: NaNoWriMo
« Reply #185 on: November 04, 2014, 01:40:10 AM »
I really would like to write during my training classes. They are so boring. If I wrote there I would at least do something important. They are talking stuff all over again we already heard at university. We had a great off-the-job-training covering cybermobbing and the technical aspects how google, youtube and the like collect your data and are able to create a profile by only reading out your browserdata even if you decided not to collect a history.

At university I wrote all relevant stuff at night and that worked fine. Today it wouldn't work because I'm getting really tyred after 9 pm ;).
:germany: :uk: :norway:
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Re: NaNoWriMo
« Reply #186 on: November 04, 2014, 05:18:25 PM »
Word's grammar check wants me to correct "the dark" to "The dark", in the middle of a sentence. What the frick?
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Re: NaNoWriMo
« Reply #187 on: November 04, 2014, 05:24:01 PM »
Word's grammar check wants me to correct "the dark" to "The dark", in the middle of a sentence. What the frick?

I have found word's grammar to be dubious at the best of times. Spell-check is great, though (except for names).


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Re: NaNoWriMo
« Reply #188 on: November 04, 2014, 11:20:24 PM »
I have so much homework... I've only written about 300 words today and it's 8:20


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Re: NaNoWriMo
« Reply #189 on: November 05, 2014, 12:34:41 AM »
I have found word's grammar to be dubious at the best of times. Spell-check is great, though (except for names).

That's right, but it always changes into American spelling. Maybe I will find out haow to change it but it might be to late by now. Don't want to change this all over.
:germany: :uk: :norway:
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Re: NaNoWriMo
« Reply #190 on: November 05, 2014, 02:16:40 AM »
If you're using Word 2010, I can help with changing language. Down at the very bottom of the window, next to the word count, there's a button what should in yours say English (U.S.) or something similar. Click on that. Then choose English (U.K.) or English (Australia) or whatever English out of the stupidly large amount of English versions there are that you'd like. That should fix things for you.
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Fen Shen

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Re: NaNoWriMo
« Reply #191 on: November 05, 2014, 12:33:51 PM »
Argh, I'm wondering how I could fit a research trip to a zoo into my already-to-tight-time schedule...  ::)I need to see live Lama examples  :P
speaks: :germany: :uk: :france:
learning: :italy: :norway: :spain:
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Re: NaNoWriMo
« Reply #192 on: November 05, 2014, 12:36:59 PM »
Argh, I'm wondering how I could fit a research trip to a zoo into my already-to-tight-time schedule...  ::)I need to see live Lama examples  :P
Videos or pictures on the internet aren't enough?

By the way, when I was trying to sleep yesterday, my brain went on a scripting spree. I now have something resembling a plot! I think I've actually gotten down many of the major plot-points, and even connected most of the loose threads. This has never happened to me before!
 Mostly quiet.

Fen Shen

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Re: NaNoWriMo
« Reply #193 on: November 05, 2014, 12:45:36 PM »
Great, congratulations for finding a plot!  :)
(And yes, internet would of course do, but I'd like to pet something with long fur just now  :P )
speaks: :germany: :uk: :france:
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Re: NaNoWriMo
« Reply #194 on: November 05, 2014, 12:58:12 PM »
If you're using Word 2010, I can help with changing language. Down at the very bottom of the window, next to the word count, there's a button what should in yours say English (U.S.) or something similar. Click on that. Then choose English (U.K.) or English (Australia) or whatever English out of the stupidly large amount of English versions there are that you'd like. That should fix things for you.

Ahhh, thanks, it works with 2013 as well. Though I hit the 10 pages I think I will stick to the American spelling. I'll m change it maybe when I hunt after my Grammar, spelling and phrases...

By the way, when I was trying to sleep yesterday, my brain went on a scripting spree. I now have something resembling a plot! I think I've actually gotten down many of the major plot-points, and even connected most of the loose threads. This has never happened to me before!
Congrats. I was either laying silently in the dark or dreaming weird stuff including the building of my primary school with interior hinting that this building had to be changed into a four star restaurant. I will not include this to my story.
:germany: :uk: :norway:
:sweden: :france: :ireland: :turkey: :kurdish: :sign: =>Learning:
:vaticancity: =>Leftovers

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