Greetings, Forum! I have not made myself known in this thread, and I shall endeavor to do so on the behest of PotatoBunny. Or was it PotatoeBunny? But I digress. Yes my real name is Noah, and no, I will not tell you my full last name. I am currently living in the State of Texas, which I like because of the low taxes and big frickin' plots of land just sitting there, and I don't like because of the fact that Ted Cruz is from here, everybody else in the United States hates us (seriously, they took a poll), and there are so many MOSQUITOES! Like I wake up and there are 5 bites on one leg, 3 on the other, two on my elbow, and one on my left foot. Used to live in California, and before that New York. Although I really shouldn't be telling you this either. But we're all decidedly non-stalker normal friends here, right? Riiiiight. I am a War History buff, specializing in WWII, and if any of you like WWII please contact me because I have not had any intelligent conversation on the topic in 8 years. I am half-and-half Korean Japanese, which in my mind gives me automatic permission to start bashing Japan, because when you study WWII as much as I do, you become glad that we nuked them. Twice. I love America for no particular reason other than the fact that I live here, therefore I hate all countries that oppose us by default. I also like Apple for no particular reason other than the fact that I use an iPhone, therefore I hate Android by default. It's kind of weird- I will take a side and unconsciously start hating the other side with all my inflamed passion. Another thing you probably don't want to know about me- I am official. Like I trust the government, despite their many attempts to convince me otherwise, I only ship the official couple, even if it's terrible (Harry Potter was such a pain.), I am anti-Republican but not pro-Democrat, and I am, according to Wikipedia,an "Apathetic Agnostic". Basically, that means that I don't care if there's a God, no God, several gods, or if the entire world is really just a ham sandwich in disguise. Although that last option sounds pretty good. I have a tendency to make bitingly insulting remarks, especially to my friends. In fact, only to my friends. For some weird reason, I have had the desire to beat someone up for the last year, problem is, I won't do it unless it's government sanctioned. So I have to wait until somebody robs my house. I like all music except for piano solos, dubstep, Miley Cyrus, and heavy metal. I mostly listen to movie themes, 70's and 80's, Symphony Orchestra, and pop.
Another thing you probably didn't want to know about me: I like anime. Especially the dark, horrifying stuff like Attack on Titan, Madoka Magica, you get the point. Now all my friends think that I am a psycho, anime-loving, violent, Applephilic Dictator who will reign over the world. Although really, if I had to take a job in the gov't it would be Secretary of Defense, and no higher than that. Because being supreme leader is fun and all, but that means that you have to interact with the masses, and if the masses include people like Ted Cruz, Bill O'Reilly, Miley Cyrus, and Donald Sterling, I want to get as far away from the masses as I can possibly can, because the minority is a loud minority.
A'ight, that ends my rambling rant on myself, if you got this far, congratulations! You now know a whole bunch of stuff you never cared about in the first place!