I made an account on these forums more or less as soon as they started, but I figured I'd try to be more active, since y'all seem like great people, and lots of interesting things get discussed around here. I found the comic in the break between the prologue and chapter 1, and since then I think there have been about 5 days when I haven't read each new page that day. I'm not going to go too far into detail about why I think it's so awesome, since you all know that.
About me: I'm in England, on my first year of university in Cornwall studying Evolutionary Biology, which I'm really enjoying. As well as biology, obviously, I'm really interested in mythology and fiction of all kinds. Languages seems to be the passion of the forums, and I'm really interested in them, but I really haven't had any luck learning languages in the past. I have very basic French, Latin, and Greek from school, and I know the Korean alphabet, but that's it. I'm not saying that there aren't many extremely talented multi-linguists in England, but I strongly believe that the language learning system, and the language learning culture over here is very weak. That, and I'm quite lazy.
Anyway, even though I've had very brief conversations with some of you in the comments over the months, I wouldn't expect any of you to remember that, so I look forward to getting to know you all for real.