Author Topic: The Introduction Thread  (Read 593860 times)


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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #150 on: December 12, 2014, 06:26:40 PM »
Well, well.
I'm a little four-eyed student. I'm currently studying History. I'm specializing in Antiquity, Antique Art, and Classic Egyptian (the hieroglyphs).
Let's face it ; I'll never find a job. Youh!  ;D
But History and Art History are my life (I have stopped my Law studies to fulfill my dreams)!
Of course I love Antiquity, but I have a keen interest in the Middle Ages ... And I ADORE the Vikings. I wish I could met them in another life (but not as a slave or even as a woman, please). Well, I also love the Maya people and the first Mesopotamians ... Maybe I have some strange fascination for bloodthirsty ancient civilizations ... Creepy.
I have discovered SSSS several months ago, and I TOTALLY fell in love. I love the drawing, the story, and the drawing, and the story ... And BRAIDY! To me, tall men with long hair are so manly, especially when they have a braid or a ponytail ; they look like brave and barbaric vikings (or not)! Totaly my type (in my fantasy).

I enjoy to draw (but I have never learnt how to draw, so I'm not a good one), I like to write (I write A LOT - One day I wanna write historical fictions), and I like to read (this is what I do the most - except breathing, of course).
I like old horror movies from the twenties, cheesecakes with home-made compote, traditional scandinavian music and cheminey fires. ("These are a few of my favorite things, la la laaa")
And a LOT of other things, too. I like every of you, of course. <3
Eeee!! Hello!!
I like all those things too!!! Especially cheesecake and those ancient civilisations! :D
Welcome! :3 *hugs*
:artd: :book1+: :book2:


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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #151 on: December 12, 2014, 06:45:06 PM »
Welcome, Kalpea!  I looked at your Tumblr -- full of beautiful things!

Am I right in guessing from your e-mail domain that you're from Belgium?  If so, you're our first forum member from that country, though definitely not the first Francophone.  (We have several native speakers here, plus others who speak French better than I do.)  You're also far from the only enthusiast of art or ancient history. 

So pull up a chair, and join us!  (If this were a *real* clubhouse, I'd have coffee and cake on hand, just like the Swedish custom of fika.  But for now, virtual refreshments will have to do.)

Ask OrigamiOwl sometime to show you photos of her college's historic, oak-beamed student lounge.  That's what I picture our SSSS forum clubhouse looking like.  (Plus some pickled specimens of Rash-monsters in jars, a la Siv's research institute, for decor, and weapons hanging on the walls.)

See you 'round the Forum...
"The music of what happens," said great Fionn, "that is the finest music in the world."
:chap3:  :chap4:  :chap5:  :book2:  :chap12:  :chap13:  :chap14:   :chap15:  :chap16:

Speak some:  :france:  :mexico:  :vaticancity:  Ein bisschen: :germany:


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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #152 on: December 12, 2014, 06:58:10 PM »
Welcome, Kalpea!  I looked at your Tumblr -- full of beautiful things!

Am I right in guessing from your e-mail domain that you're from Belgium?  If so, you're our first forum member from that country, though definitely not the first Francophone.  (We have several native speakers here, plus others who speak French better than I do.)  You're also far from the only enthusiast of art or ancient history. 

So pull up a chair, and join us!  (If this were a *real* clubhouse, I'd have coffee and cake on hand, just like the Swedish custom of fika.  But for now, virtual refreshments will have to do.)

Ask OrigamiOwl sometime to show you photos of her college's historic, oak-beamed student lounge.  That's what I picture our SSSS forum clubhouse looking like.  (Plus some pickled specimens of Rash-monsters in jars, a la Siv's research institute, for decor, and weapons hanging on the walls.)

See you 'round the Forum...

Class +1

Kalpea Valo

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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #153 on: December 12, 2014, 07:17:36 PM »
Yay! Thanks everybody! :D

Welcome to the SSSS community!! (I see you like old horror movies from the twenties! I've seen a few of those! I love horror movies from the thirties. Also art history. I love art history  :))

Absolutely, horror movies from thirties are great too! (Dracula, The Invisible Man, Bride of Franskenstein ... )

Eeee!! Hello!!
I like all those things too!!! Especially cheesecake and those ancient civilisations! :D
Welcome! :3 *hugs*

Who doesn't like cheesecake? It is so yummy and so fluffy ... <3
Thank you! *bear hug* ^v^

Welcome, Kalpea!  I looked at your Tumblr -- full of beautiful things!

Am I right in guessing from your e-mail domain that you're from Belgium?  If so, you're our first forum member from that country, though definitely not the first Francophone.  (We have several native speakers here, plus others who speak French better than I do.)  You're also far from the only enthusiast of art or ancient history. 

Yeah I'm from that small country, somewhere between the France and the Holland! :D I'm currently living in Brussels, but I may leave my country to study abroad.
I'm glad to see we share common interests! ^^

So pull up a chair, and join us!  (If this were a *real* clubhouse, I'd have coffee and cake on hand, just like the Swedish custom of fika.  But for now, virtual refreshments will have to do.)

Ask OrigamiOwl sometime to show you photos of her college's historic, oak-beamed student lounge.  That's what I picture our SSSS forum clubhouse looking like.  (Plus some pickled specimens of Rash-monsters in jars, a la Siv's research institute, for decor, and weapons hanging on the walls.)

See you 'round the Forum...

Haha ! What a welcoming place it would be! ^^ I would bring you some of my home-made cheesecake.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2014, 07:19:47 PM by Kalpea Valo »
"All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost" - J. R. R. Tolkien

Native : :france:
Decent : :usa:, :netherlands:
Learning : :finland:, :sweden:, :germany:
Want to learn : :norway:, :iceland:, :china:, :japan:


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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #154 on: December 15, 2014, 11:21:22 AM »
Hi! I like to use the username Auleliel, which for some reason most people can't seem to pronounce or spell, so feel free to call me Owlie. Auleliel is Quenya (i.e. one of Tolkien's Elvish languages) for "daughter of Aule", and Aule was that dude in the Silmarillion who made Dwarves. (I like making stuff, and I have friends who are even more obsessive about cool awesome geeky stuff than I am and who are talented at making fun usernames.)
I'm a socially awkward English teacher in Japan, and I don't remember how old I am without doing math because I always lie to my students when they ask ("I'm 200" or "I'm 5" are frequent answers I give to "How old are you?"). Also, I lived in South Korea for three years prior to moving to Japan, and they count ages differently there, so that got me a bit confused. Heh. Anyway, I'm pretty sure I'm somewhere between the ages of 25 and 30. I alternate between being ENFP and INFP on the Meyers-Briggs, and most of the time I can't decide whether I need to surround myself with people or become a hermit. I really felt a strong connection to Hannu in aRTD--perhaps my inner self is rather like him (including the jerkiness, sorry).
Whenever I learn a new language I promptly forget most of all previous languages I've learned, so I've forgotten Spanish, German, and Korean. When I remembered Spanish I could also understand Italian and written French. I'm currently learning Japanese. I know random words and sentences in several real and constructed languages, and I can read several real and constructed writing systems. So far learning kanji is the most interesting part of learning Japanese. I hate Esperanto and don't much care for French, but I'm fascinated by most other languages (even though my mind is like a sieve made of wet noodles--most information goes straight through and only random stuff sticks).
My dream is to travel the world by teaching English in various countries for a few years at a time. Since I have already achieved this dream I'm not sure what to do with the rest of my life.  ;)
I have a black belt in judo that I probably didn't really earn completely. I can't cook. I can bake but I have no oven. I can play the violin, viola, and piano. I can't run more than two blocks without hyperventilating but I can pin a man twice my weight to the floor for 30 seconds and choke him out, so I guess I don't really need to run, do I? I've been crocheting for 20ish years but only got around to making my first sweater this year.
I read manga and watch anime, but only for the past 5 years. I also read lots of sci-fi and fantasy, and watch it sometimes, too. I listen to classical music and opera sometimes. I don't like most music that I've heard on the radio in the past 15ish years. I have strong opinions and avoid talking about the issues I'm opinionated about because once I start talking it's hard to shut me up before I offend everyone in a 50-km radius. I understand and appreciate the metric system but find it difficult to use because I grew up with whatever you call the system they use in the USA (I'm from somewhere in that country originally, unless I really am an extraterrestrial). Nobody understands my sense of humor, and if somebody thinks I said something funny, I pretend I intended the joke.
I found SSSS on November 26th via a Facebook post reposted from another fb post reposted from a Mental Floss article about the language tree page. By November 30th I had read all of SSSS and aRTD and started a (much slower) reread of aRTD. I joined this forum because everyone I know in real life is sick of hearing me talk about this webcomic (the first webcomic I ever read!) and I need to talk to somebody about it or I'll explode.
I'm longwinded and disorganized. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Know: :usa:
Learning: :japan: :sweden: :finland: :wales:
Somewhat forgot: :mexico: :germany: :southkorea:

:hat: :betterhat:
:chap5: :chap6: :chap7: :chap8: :chap9: :chap10:
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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #155 on: December 15, 2014, 11:41:27 AM »
You're welcome here. We are testing out a chatroom, though there are some times, where few people are online. I guess that is because in some time zones the most active are asleep :D.
:germany: :uk: :norway:
:sweden: :france: :ireland: :turkey: :kurdish: :sign: =>Learning:
:vaticancity: =>Leftovers

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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #156 on: December 15, 2014, 12:04:16 PM »
"I'm 200" or "I'm 5" are frequent answers I give to "How old are you?".
Just remember that there are countries where the class would be likely to shoot back something along the lines of "and you've been dead for how long?" or "yeah, we guessed that much", respectively. 8)

Whenever I learn a new language I promptly forget most of all previous languages I've learned, so I've forgotten Spanish, German, and Korean.
... also das klingt jetzt aber schon sehr nachlässig ... :P

my mind is like a sieve made of wet noodles--most information goes straight through and only random stuff sticks.
"Das Gedächtnis ist ein Sieb, in dem wir unser Wissen aufzubewahren trachten. Es empfiehlt sich, ab und zu einen größeren Gedanken zu fassen."
-- Lothar Schmidt

I understand and appreciate the metric system but find it difficult to use because I grew up with whatever you call the system they use in the USA
Most just call it "the Imperial system", though that's technically (pun not intended) incorrect.
native: :de: secondary: :us: :fr:
:artd: :book1+: :book2: :book3: :book4: etc.
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Esko Oksanen

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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #157 on: December 15, 2014, 12:16:38 PM »
Hello, Auleliel.
Welcome to the forums~
Fluent: :usa: :mexico:
Okay: ---
Terrible: :japan:
Learning: ---
Can teach: :usa:, :mexico:
Want to learn: :finland:, :sweden:, :norway:, :iceland:


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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #158 on: December 15, 2014, 01:01:10 PM »
Ooh, it's  your first webcomic! I hope you have a good time here!  :D

Vote for me on Top Webcomics!

Twitter | Reynir blog | Native: :usa:   Rudimentary: :spain:   A few words: :iceland: | Reader since 10/21/14 | :chap5: - :chap13:


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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #159 on: December 15, 2014, 02:03:34 PM »
Hello! I'm Tara.
I've actually been lurking on this forum for a few weeks, but I didn't get around to making an account until now..
I'm 14, I live in Ireland, I like to draw, and I am not good at introductions :P
SSSS is my second webcomic, I've been reading it since  October, and it's inspired me to learn Swedish, which I am finding a whole lot easier than French, at least for now.
um. I don't really know what else to say.. So, uh, hi!
Native: :uk:
Learning: :france: :sweden:
Survivor: :chap5: :chap6: :chap7: :chap8: :chap9: :chap10: :chap11:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #160 on: December 15, 2014, 02:22:40 PM »
Hello! I'm Tara.
I've actually been lurking on this forum for a few weeks, but I didn't get around to making an account until now..
I'm 14, I live in Ireland, I like to draw, and I am not good at introductions :P
SSSS is my second webcomic, I've been reading it since  October, and it's inspired me to learn Swedish, which I am finding a whole lot easier than French, at least for now.
um. I don't really know what else to say.. So, uh, hi!
Yay, another swedish-learner! Welcome :)
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Fluent: :canada: :russia:
Managing to stumble through: :sweden:


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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #161 on: December 15, 2014, 02:57:42 PM »
Hello! I'm Tara.
I've actually been lurking on this forum for a few weeks, but I didn't get around to making an account until now..
I'm 14, I live in Ireland, I like to draw, and I am not good at introductions :P
SSSS is my second webcomic, I've been reading it since  October, and it's inspired me to learn Swedish, which I am finding a whole lot easier than French, at least for now.
um. I don't really know what else to say.. So, uh, hi!

Oh, finally one who's not older than me! Oh wait... Does that mean I'm no longer the little one here? N-nooo... I wanna be the little one of the community... maybe she's still older than me...

Oh right. Welcome.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2014, 03:06:00 PM by Nimphy »
Fluent: :italy:, :albania:, :usa:

Okay: :spain:

Learning: :germany: :norway: :japan:

Bloody messed-up spoils of a language: :france:

Survivor: :chap0: :chap1: :chap2: :chap3: :chap4: :chap5: :chap6: :chap7: :chap8:

Esko Oksanen

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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #162 on: December 15, 2014, 03:07:20 PM »
Hello! I'm Tara.
I've actually been lurking on this forum for a few weeks, but I didn't get around to making an account until now..
I'm 14, I live in Ireland, I like to draw, and I am not good at introductions :P
SSSS is my second webcomic, I've been reading it since  October, and it's inspired me to learn Swedish, which I am finding a whole lot easier than French, at least for now.
um. I don't really know what else to say.. So, uh, hi!

Welcome! I hope you have as much fun as we do being part of our social little community~
Fluent: :usa: :mexico:
Okay: ---
Terrible: :japan:
Learning: ---
Can teach: :usa:, :mexico:
Want to learn: :finland:, :sweden:, :norway:, :iceland:


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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #163 on: December 15, 2014, 03:08:02 PM »
Don't worry, Nimphy : as long as Tara is not after world domination, everything should be juuuuust fiiiiiine..

Welcome, Tara!
:france: fluent, :uk: decent, :germany: war gut, :italy: tourist knowledge


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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #164 on: December 15, 2014, 03:48:32 PM »
Hello! I'm Tara.
I've actually been lurking on this forum for a few weeks, but I didn't get around to making an account until now..
I'm 14, I live in Ireland, I like to draw, and I am not good at introductions :P
SSSS is my second webcomic, I've been reading it since  October, and it's inspired me to learn Swedish, which I am finding a whole lot easier than French, at least for now.
um. I don't really know what else to say.. So, uh, hi!
Hi, Tara!  ;D Sounds like you'd fit right in to this community!

Vote for me on Top Webcomics!

Twitter | Reynir blog | Native: :usa:   Rudimentary: :spain:   A few words: :iceland: | Reader since 10/21/14 | :chap5: - :chap13: