~A user on another topic suggested that I introduce myself here, so I decided that I would give it a go!~Hello everyone! My name is Emily as you can tell from my username (which I still
cannot believe was available, since my name is so common), and I'm from New Jersey, USA (despite the stigma, it's actually a pretty cool place)! As for my age, I'm not sure if that's a popular thing to disclose on this site, but I'd rather not. Getting into the reason why I love SSSS today is pretty sad. I had this Internet friend from France (his name was Rosaire) and he was simply one of the kindest people I ever came across. He loved webcomics, and SSSS was one of his favorites. He disappeared one day, and judging by his last post, I'm going to assume that he...erm, how do I put it without seeming insensitive?..."has gone to a better place." I miss him every day. Anyways, I wanted to better understand the things that he enjoyed, so I started reading SSSS and ended up falling in love!
I think I've probably included a lot more information than necessary, but anyways -- here I am! Expect to see more posts from me sometime soon~