Here’s finally something on Tenacity. I think a lot is needed from both of these two:
Mieleni minun tekevi, aivoni ajattelevi…Onni, this is gibberish! Why do I have to memorize this? It’s not even Finnish!
”It’s poetic Finnish. Just keep at it.”
“But the order of words is all crooked!”
“I told you Finnish has free word order. You could say it like that in normal speech. You just… don’t.”
“You are to blame when my Finnish gets all bad!”
“Gets? I don’t think that’s possible.”
”Oh, isn’t it Mr Polyglot himself! With your Icelandic I wouldn’t…”
“Get back to the recitation or we’ll be stuck on the first one forever!”
“Shees, all right all right…”
”So, what’s with the vi?
TekeVI? I don’t understand.”
”I told you. Poetic.”
“Yeah, but what does it mean? My mind is inclined to… vi?”
”It doesn’t really mean anything.”
“Then why is it there? As if Finnish wasn’t difficult enough with the bits that do mean something. You add more just because why not?”
“Shut up! Keep reading!”
”Well, I can’t do both simultaneously!”
”Mielikki help me…”
”By Freya’s beauty…”
Reynir is trying to learn some runos because the spirits have told them there are more linkages between Finnish and Icelandic magic than meets the eye. Or the ear. Onni has the great pleasure of helping him.
Thanks to Grey for this
It occurred to me when I was commenting his runo, which is almost completely his own doing! I didn’t even have to yell!