Author Topic: Mages & Magic of SSSS  (Read 5204 times)


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Re: Mages & Magic of SSSS
« Reply #15 on: May 29, 2021, 03:42:10 AM »
Is that due to Onni in particular, though, or to the natures of Kokko and the Swan?
IIRC we don't have any info on Kokkos opinions on, well, anything unless we want to assume she's the same character as in ARtD. I'd say that we would have to assume that she could very well have a stance toward Onni, influenced by their longer-standing "work relation", differing from that to humans in general.

The Swan, OTOH, had some exposition in SSSS itself, giving me a "stern and short-spoken, but willing to listen to reason" vibe, and that seems to be largely the same stance she showed to Tuuri.
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Re: Mages & Magic of SSSS
« Reply #16 on: May 30, 2021, 06:59:36 AM »
Probably of use in this thread: older Forum threads possibly relevant to this discussion:

. Global mythologies
. Global holidays and celebrations
. Mini chapel
And some archived threads:
. Speculations on magic and spirits
. About ghosts
. Supernatural stuff
. A little note on hiisi moose

There may be other threads on relevant topics but that was all I could find.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2021, 08:58:57 AM by Róisín »
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Re: Mages & Magic of SSSS
« Reply #17 on: May 30, 2021, 07:07:21 AM »
And I should have mentioned the thread ‘A Clue in the Kalevala’.
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Re: Mages & Magic of SSSS
« Reply #18 on: May 31, 2021, 10:27:33 PM »
As for magic in SSSS-verse...
I have a theory I've stated on the forum some time ago: all that Rush-thing was to open the doors to the Collective Unconsciousness, where all the gods were actually created by the power of men. There are few additions to it now:
1. Humanity gave a lot of "energy" to the CU, but it also can be drawn from. And as the number of humanity dropped sharp there's a lot of "energy" to a few humans.
2. An ability to do magic might actually be a symptom of the Rush's alternative strain (or was it the original one?). A strain of a fungal infection that is only transmitted via amniotic fluid or sperm OR transmitted in any way but contagious for an ambryo only.
3. Thus the Kade phenomenon might be viewed as mages body becoming a field for battle or symbiosis of those two strains.
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Re: Mages & Magic of SSSS
« Reply #19 on: October 08, 2021, 06:12:15 PM »
Oi, I noticed Onni’s sielulintu can be seen here! I don’t think it looks like an owl.
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