Basic Ingredients:
~ Hot water
~ 1/3 Cup coconut cream*
~ 1 Tablespoon cocoa powder
~ 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
~ Pinch of salt
~ Sweetener of choice in your preferred amount**
*Try to find a can with a BPA free lining!
**I like to use honey or agave, but anything works. You don't need much, especially if you're adding something sweetened like whip cream c:
Optional Ingredients: There's no end of fun stuff you can dress this up with! I like to use all sorts of things: whip cream, flavor extracts (such as mint or orange), cocao nibs, sprinkles, vegan marshmallows, you name it c: Remember though, if you're going to add in any extracts, always start with very tiny amounts, because in cooking/baking, it's always easy to add more, but much harder to take things out.
Instructions: While your water is heating up, simply grab your mug and put the rest of the ingredients in -- I suggest starting with the coconut so that your powder is more easily dissolved. If you're adding an additional extract, put that in now. Stir it all together a bit, and then pour your desired amount of hot water in. Be sure it's quite warm, otherwise your cocoa powder won't dissolve properly! Now you can either drink it as is, or dress it up however you like to first. Enjoy!
If you want something even creamier, you can use any sort of non-dairy milk (or regular milk, of course) in place of water; you can heat that up in a saucepan, but be sure to stir it frequently so that it doesn't scald!