Author Topic: Unified Roleplay Round 3: Play  (Read 49276 times)


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Re: Unified Roleplay Round 3: Play
« Reply #285 on: January 02, 2021, 05:42:10 AM »
:dk: "Not really" answers Alergo "I just arrived yesterday which is why I was asking for directions"

"So what gave you guys the idea to start an expedition?"

Ah! Conversation. Friends. Good.
:no: "Ah, well, Leif mostly. He's very smart, competent and a historian, and he could think of ways to fund it, he just needed a few competent people as advisors. We met in college and became friends and after a few years of discussing logistics of the journey he decided to put me in charge of planning supplies and stuff, while he finds people. When I said I want to go on the expedition, too, he said I need to be more useful than just a linguist. Several crash courses in navigation, some classes I picked up from geography college, a few field trips through the Icelandic mountains without getting lost or needing help... he saw I was serious about it and said I'm in" she says. Leif also had several rants about allowing a non-immune woman with no military experience on board of a ship headed to the far south for several months, without any contact with Iceland and no ways to organize a rescue mission. After taking shooting lessons, those stopped, too.

Dísa sais goodbye to the others and follows Leif to the office. She does wonder what he wants from here all of a sudden. She just hopes it´s nothing serious. And nothing that might keep her from going on this mission last minute. She also still has the rest of the runes to tend to. And there was this pastry-store she saw on her way to the port. The bit of money she did take with her should be just enough for one or two things...

Leif marches off in the direction of their office. By the time they arrive, there is a woman standing by the door, holding a packet with a letter on top.
"Yo, Leif."
"Inge. Is this all they've got?" he asks, taking the packet.
"All they were willing to part with."
"You're joking."
"Absolutely not. You already harassed your way to half of the old world maps, atlases and navigation tools. They'll be left with nothing."
Self-control, Leif. "My crew will be left with nothing if they die out there."
The woman steps back. Evidently, the self-control failed. "You should have considered that before you planned this. Work with what you have. Goodbye, Leif."

As she walks away, Leif takes a deep breath, before turning to Dísa with his usual arrogant and annoying smile. "What a woman, isn't she?" he brightly says, unlocking the office. He sets the packet down and reads through the letter quickly. It had... nothing new.

"You aren't Saga, so you don't know how much I like my monologues. Don't interrupt me" he starts. "I am by no means a mage so I can't really claim to have any expertise here, but after reading through enough materials and field reports, I believe both of us can agree that regional religions, folklore and Old World beliefs influence the creatures roaming in the Silent World to some degree. Case in point, the wolves and their differences in the three countries they were spotted in so far." He crumples the letter and throws it into the trash. "Which of course had me turn my head to the other countries of Europe and North Africa, and their religion and folklore. Unfortunately, attempts to look into it after almost a century and a half of us returning to our own roots were... annoying at best. Not to mention it was hard to determine which religions would matter. In the many centuries before the Illness, Nordic religions were almost lost to the time as Christianity and some other monotheistic ones became more popular. But here we are, and Odin is with us again, while the Old World God seems to barely hold any influence in the North." He points at the map behind him. "In the Old World, they really liked monotheism. The so-called Abrahamic religions were followed in pretty much all of Europe and northern areas of Africa. They worshiped the same god, the God in their opinion, and wrote several holy books about him and what he was up to..." He takes a switchblade out of his pocket and unpacks the three books that were delivered to them. "Right. There are three main Abrahamic religions: Christianity, Judaism and Islam. All originated in the Middle East" he knocks on the spot on the map behind him "with Christianity taking over the Europe and dividing into several sub-categories, Islam taking over Arabian peninsula, North Africa, Near and Middle East and also dividing into several sub-categories, and with Judaism being... around. Like dots, in both areas. What I was able to procure is this, a Bible as they called it" he says, putting in on the table. "It contains Old Testament, which is a part of both Judaism and Christianity, and New Testament which is where the two more or less split away from each other. Originally the book was meant to be in Latin only, but thankfully some people violently objected to it and it was translated into local languages. Like Icelandic" he brightly smiles. "Unfortunately, I don't have a proper Tanakh, which was the holy book for Judaism, but as Inga politely said, work with what you have. Similarities between the two should be enough... I hope. Odin, I hope." He makes a small pause before continuing. "Qur'an is the holy book for the religion of Islam, which is the newest of the Abrahamic religions. I also couldn't get my hands on it, so have a collection of their stories from long ago, which reference some of the spirits and such that were integrated into their religion from the previous ones, before monotheism took over. It's called One Thousand And One Nights, and hopefully it will be enough to navigate through at least some of the Old World folklore from those areas and help you connect the dots should you encounter spirits and region-specific monsters."

He takes a deep breath before continuing with his lesson.

"And now we've only had a chance to scratch the surface of Old World religions. If we go farther back, we can see that pretty much every tribe from long ago had its own folklore. Yay. Nordic, Germanic, Slavic, Celtic, Gaelic, Lusitanian - maybe, Greek and Roman mythologies in Europe, Egyptian, Babylonian, Sumerian, and too-many-to-count lost ones in North Africa, all potential sources of folklore and whatever other thing that could influence behavior of spirits and beasts out there. Obviously, I have no clue about the lost ones. Oliver might know a thing or two about Celtic and Gaelic mythologies. I have no clue about Lusitanian, Babylonian or Sumerian, but I do know some of the Babylonian might have had some influence on some stories in Judaism. Maybe. It's more or less lost, too. Nordic and Germanic are very similar, with my limited knowledge I'd dare call them the same but with names of gods and spirits changed, Slavic is similar to Nordic in spirit but not in letter and also heavily depends on the region because Old World Slavs separated in several smaller groups, and Greek and Roman mythologies had... well, Roman more or less copied the Greek Parthenon with some names changed and some original stuff from Italian Peninsula adapted." He shows areas of every religion on the map as he speaks. "Romans for a while held large areas of Europe, and were later Christianized. Depending on the age, Romans heavily disliked local religions. Celtic, Gaelic and Lusitanian suffered from it. Greek mythology is more well-known, and from what I know I can tell you immediately to stay the hell away from both Italy and Greece. Their gods were petty and vicious and constantly bothered mortals. If you run into anyone worshiping Greek gods, get back on the ship and leave before one of them decides it would be a fun prank to start a ten-year-long war." He takes out the last book with an annoyed look on his face. "Meet the Illiad. Enjoy reading it. Less important than the first two, but here to give you all the reasons why you should not go to Greece or Italy. And finally" he says, knocking on the map where Egypt used to be "Egyptian mythologies. I have... no idea. They had several gods, they liked the sun, their empire lasted for thousands of years and who they worshiped the most apparently kept changing with their kings. Name for the king is 'Pharaoh', they were considered gods, and when they died they were mummified. The mummies had a fun rep even back in the Old World, so I'd rather not think about what the Illness and return of the gods made of them. Avoid any and all pyramidal structures. If you find a temple door buried in the sand, leave quickly and quietly."
« Last Edit: January 02, 2021, 06:47:43 AM by Kitty »

Native: :hr:
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Can kinda understand but not really: :si:
Not really: :de:


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Re: Unified Roleplay Round 3: Play
« Reply #286 on: January 02, 2021, 08:13:07 AM »
Leif marches off in the direction of their office. By the time they arrive, there is a woman standing by the door, holding a packet with a letter on top.
"Yo, Leif."
"Inge. Is this all they've got?" he asks, taking the packet.
"All they were willing to part with."
"You're joking."
"Absolutely not. You already harassed your way to half of the old world maps, atlases and navigation tools. They'll be left with nothing."
Self-control, Leif. "My crew will be left with nothing if they die out there."
The woman steps back. Evidently, the self-control failed. "You should have considered that before you planned this. Work with what you have. Goodbye, Leif."

As she walks away, Leif takes a deep breath, before turning to Dísa with his usual arrogant and annoying smile. "What a woman, isn't she?" he brightly says, unlocking the office. He sets the packet down and reads through the letter quickly. It had... nothing new.

Dísa is repeatedly impressed by how quickly Leif is able to switch between "decent human-being" and "absolute asshole". But she just smiles and says nothing when he adresses her.

"You aren't Saga, so you don't know how much I like my monologues. Don't interrupt me" he starts. "I am by no means a mage so I can't really claim to have any expertise here, but after reading through enough materials and field reports, I believe both of us can agree that regional religions, folklore and Old World beliefs influence the creatures roaming in the Silent World to some degree. Case in point, the wolves and their differences in the three countries they were spotted in so far." He crumples the letter and throws it into the trash. "Which of course had me turn my head to the other countries of Europe and North Africa, and their religion and folklore. Unfortunately, attempts to look into it after almost a century and a half of us returning to our own roots were... annoying at best. Not to mention it was hard to determine which religions would matter. In the many centuries before the Illness, Nordic religions were almost lost to the time as Christianity and some other monotheistic ones became more popular. But here we are, and Odin is with us again, while the Old World God seems to barely hold any influence in the North." He points at the map behind him. "In the Old World, they really liked monotheism. The so-called Abrahamic religions were followed in pretty much all of Europe and northern areas of Africa. They worshiped the same god, the God in their opinion, and wrote several holy books about him and what he was up to..." He takes a switchblade out of his pocket and unpacks the three books that were delivered to them. "Right. There are three main Abrahamic religions: Christianity, Judaism and Islam. All originated in the Middle East" he knocks on the spot on the map behind him "with Christianity taking over the Europe and dividing into several sub-categories, Islam taking over Arabian peninsula, North Africa, Near and Middle East and also dividing into several sub-categories, and with Judaism being... around. Like dots, in both areas. What I was able to procure is this, a Bible as they called it" he says, putting in on the table. "It contains Old Testament, which is a part of both Judaism and Christianity, and New Testament which is where the two more or less split away from each other. Originally the book was meant to be in Latin only, but thankfully some people violently objected to it and it was translated into local languages. Like Icelandic" he brightly smiles. "Unfortunately, I don't have a proper Tanakh, which was the holy book for Judaism, but as Inga politely said, work with what you have. Similarities between the two should be enough... I hope. Odin, I hope." He makes a small pause before continuing. "Qur'an is the holy book for the religion of Islam, which is the newest of the Abrahamic religions. I also couldn't get my hands on it, so have a collection of their stories from long ago, which reference some of the spirits and such that were integrated into their religion from the previous ones, before monotheism took over. It's called One Thousand And One Nights, and hopefully it will be enough to navigate through at least some of the Old World folklore from those areas and help you connect the dots should you encounter spirits and region-specific monsters."

He takes a deep breath before continuing with his lesson.

"And now we've only had a chance to scratch the surface of Old World religions. If we go farther back, we can see that pretty much every tribe from long ago had its own folklore. Yay. Nordic, Germanic, Slavic, Celtic, Gaelic, Lusitanian - maybe, Greek and Roman mythologies in Europe, Egyptian, Babylonian, Sumerian, and too-many-to-count lost ones in North Africa, all potential sources of folklore and whatever other thing that could influence behavior of spirits and beasts out there. Obviously, I have no clue about the lost ones. Oliver might know a thing or two about Celtic and Gaelic mythologies. I have no clue about Lusitanian, Babylonian or Sumerian, but I do know some of the Babylonian might have had some influence on some stories in Judaism. Maybe. It's more or less lost, too. Nordic and Germanic are very similar, with my limited knowledge I'd dare call them the same but with names of gods and spirits changed, Slavic is similar to Nordic in spirit but not in letter and also heavily depends on the region because Old World Slavs separated in several smaller groups, and Greek and Roman mythologies had... well, Roman more or less copied the Greek Parthenon with some names changed and some original stuff from Italian Peninsula adapted." He shows areas of every religion on the map as he speaks. "Romans for a while held large areas of Europe, and were later Christianized. Depending on the age, Romans heavily disliked local religions. Celtic, Gaelic and Lusitanian suffered from it. Greek mythology is more well-known, and from what I know I can tell you immediately to stay the hell away from both Italy and Greece. Their gods were petty and vicious and constantly bothered mortals. If you run into anyone worshiping Greek gods, get back on the ship and leave before one of them decides it would be a fun prank to start a ten-year-long war." He takes out the last book with an annoyed look on his face. "Meet the Illiad. Enjoy reading it. Less important than the first two, but here to give you all the reasons why you should not go to Greece or Italy. And finally" he says, knocking on the map where Egypt used to be "Egyptian mythologies. I have... no idea. They had several gods, they liked the sun, their empire lasted for thousands of years and who they worshiped the most apparently kept changing with their kings. Name for the king is 'Pharaoh', they were considered gods, and when they died they were mummified. The mummies had a fun rep even back in the Old World, so I'd rather not think about what the Illness and return of the gods made of them. Avoid any and all pyramidal structures. If you find a temple door buried in the sand, leave quickly and quietly."

Since her boss likes listening to his own voice so much, she doesn´t interrupt him, even though almost nothing he tells her is really news to her. She did study old-world-mythology for three years, after all. She nods at the relevant places when he asks for agreement.
That he will entrust them with real, complete versions of the Bible, the Iliad and "One Thousand And One Nights" though, is really awesome. And will be really helpfull! She tries to not look overly excited, which works... to some degree.

":is: Wow, thank you. You will be happy to hear that I read most of the Iliad already, and parts of the Odyssee, which is the book following the Iliad. I studied old-world-mythology with an emphasis on ancient Greece and Egypt in Reykjavík for the past three years, so in the Egypt-department, I should have you covered as well. I have a few books with me that sum up some of the important myths and legends in both of these Religions. But the full version of the Iliad will still be a huge help, there´s always important details a summary might miss."

She looks at the other two books again.

"I did have a class regarding the Abrahamic religions, and read small parts of their holy books, but my knowledge of them is a lot worse. but from what I do know, yes, the Old Testament should tell us enough about Judaism too. I guess I know now what I´ll be reading tonight. For other, smaller religions, I only know very few legends. My teacher told us that almost nothing is known about them here anymore."
supposedly studying, most likely drawing…

fluent: :de: :us: sort of: :fr: learning!: :fi: I wish…: :it:
Proud member of the Sigrun Eide for God-Emperor of the Universe Society

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Re: Unified Roleplay Round 3: Play
« Reply #287 on: January 02, 2021, 08:55:45 AM »
Dísa is repeatedly impressed by how quickly Leif is able to switch between "decent human-being" and "absolute asshole". But she just smiles and says nothing when he adresses her.

Since her boss likes listening to his own voice so much, she doesn´t interrupt him, even though almost nothing he tells her is really news to her. She did study old-world-mythology for three years, after all. She nods at the relevant places when he asks for agreement.
That he will entrust them with real, complete versions of the Bible, the Iliad and "One Thousand And One Nights" though, is really awesome. And will be really helpful! She tries to not look overly excited, which works... to some degree.

":is: Wow, thank you. You will be happy to hear that I read most of the Iliad already, and parts of the Odyssee, which is the book following the Iliad. I studied old-world-mythology with an emphasis on ancient Greece and Egypt in Reykjavík for the past three years, so in the Egypt-department, I should have you covered as well. I have a few books with me that sum up some of the important myths and legends in both of these Religions. But the full version of the Iliad will still be a huge help, there´s always important details a summary might miss."

She looks at the other two books again.

"I did have a class regarding the Abrahamic religions, and read small parts of their holy books, but my knowledge of them is a lot worse. but from what I do know, yes, the Old Testament should tell us enough about Judaism too. I guess I know now what I´ll be reading tonight. For other, smaller religions, I only know very few legends. My teacher told us that almost nothing is known about them here anymore."

:is: "Grand! I do enjoy working with educated people. What else... Ah, yes. This area" he says, knocking on the north of Germany "is off-limits. Don't go there, don't go near that coast and definitely don't go far in. From the heavily censored reports I got my hands on, I can tell you that there is intense supernatural activity happening in those areas, making them so dangerous the group will probably last for less than a day there. And also, there might be human survivors there. Also too dangerous to approach. I heard of an encyclopedia in three parts written by a mage from there, listing every hostile entity and group, but sadly couldn't get my hands on any copies. If you get stranded, don't head straight north. Go to France or Baltic, and I'll figure a way to pick you up from there. I'm looking for a retired mage to hire so that you can reach them to give me occasional reports, since our radio can't reach to the distance you'll be going... And finally, these are borrowed" he says, lightly tapping the books. "I'd prefer them returned. But it's just things, so don't risk your life for it. If you get stranded, pack food and water, not books. Any questions?"

Native: :hr:
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Not really: :de:


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Re: Unified Roleplay Round 3: Play
« Reply #288 on: January 02, 2021, 09:50:51 AM »
:is: "Grand! I do enjoy working with educated people. What else... Ah, yes. This area" he says, knocking on the north of Germany "is off-limits. Don't go there, don't go near that coast and definitely don't go far in. From the heavily censored reports I got my hands on, I can tell you that there is intense supernatural activity happening in those areas, making them so dangerous the group will probably last for less than a day there. And also, there might be human survivors there. Also too dangerous to approach. I heard of an encyclopedia in three parts written by a mage from there, listing every hostile entity and group, but sadly couldn't get my hands on any copies. If you get stranded, don't head straight north. Go to France or Baltic, and I'll figure a way to pick you up from there. I'm looking for a retired mage to hire so that you can reach them to give me occasional reports, since our radio can't reach to the distance you'll be going... And finally, these are borrowed" he says, lightly tapping the books. "I'd prefer them returned. But it's just things, so don't risk your life for it. If you get stranded, pack food and water, not books. Any questions?"

":is: I´ll do my best. You have told Saga about the areas that are off-limits, right? And, when you found a mage to contact us, please tell me as quick as possible. It´s really difficult to find somebody in the dreamspace that I don´t know personally, or at least haven´t seen before. Do you need me for anything else? Oh, and do you have something to safely transport the books with?"
supposedly studying, most likely drawing…

fluent: :de: :us: sort of: :fr: learning!: :fi: I wish…: :it:
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Re: Unified Roleplay Round 3: Play
« Reply #289 on: January 02, 2021, 09:53:45 AM »
Harald takes Leif's departure as a sign to head back to the ship. He quickly gets to work sharpening the harpoon and arrowheads he'd made earlier in the day.
Survived: Chapters: :chap8::chap9::chap10::chap11::chap12::chap13::chap14::chap15::chap16::chap17::chap18::chap19::chap20::chap21: :A2chap01: :A2chap02::A2chap03::A2chap04::A2chap05:
Books: :book3: :book4:

I wrote a thing. It has consumed my life.

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Re: Unified Roleplay Round 3: Play
« Reply #290 on: January 02, 2021, 10:00:26 AM »
":is: I´ll do my best. You have told Saga about the areas that are off-limits, right? And, when you found a mage to contact us, please tell me as quick as possible. It´s really difficult to find somebody in the dreamspace that I don´t know personally, or at least haven´t seen before. Do you need me for anything else? Oh, and do you have something to safely transport the books with?"

"Saga read those reports, so yes, she knows. I'll grab a mage as soon as possible. I have your photo and your file, so they can find you... if they'll be Icelandic. I'll try to have somebody Icelandic. As for the books... I don't think I have a proper glass case for them... Yeah, maybe just a bag that's waterproof. One moment..." He goes off to dig through the stuff to find a bag for the books. "Oh and, keep those away from Saga. No, wait, even better - say they're yours if she asks."

Native: :hr:
Fluent: :gb: :us: :ba: :rs:
Can kinda understand but not really: :si:
Not really: :de:


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Re: Unified Roleplay Round 3: Play
« Reply #291 on: January 02, 2021, 01:14:15 PM »
"Saga read those reports, so yes, she knows. I'll grab a mage as soon as possible. I have your photo and your file, so they can find you... if they'll be Icelandic. I'll try to have somebody Icelandic. As for the books... I don't think I have a proper glass case for them... Yeah, maybe just a bag that's waterproof. One moment..." He goes off to dig through the stuff to find a bag for the books. "Oh and, keep those away from Saga. No, wait, even better - say they're yours if she asks."

":is: O...kay?" Dísa doesn´t feel great about being told to lie to her coworker, but if Leif says so...
Anyways. Good, the mage will find her. Even if they´re a Finnish one, she´ll just wait close to the edge of her dreamspace and let them in.

"Thank you for the bag. I´ll go back to the boat then."

She decides to go to the pastry-store right now before it closes, and retuns to the boat with one bag filled with books, one with leftover-lamb and one with vanilla-Kleinas. She already looks forward to eating them. Judging by the sounds coming from the forge, Harald is already back as well. She decides this might be a good moment to finally get herself a cabin, and chooses the one that is the furthest away from the forge that is still free. After loading all her stuff in there, she goes to take a look at the kitchen to put the rest of her food into the fridge, not before writing her name and the date onto the bag.

Spoiler: OOC • show
Kleinas are a popular Icelandic pastry, as Google just told me. They sound delicious: Kleina

Also, if Svenny wants leftovers, this would be the moment. :'D
supposedly studying, most likely drawing…

fluent: :de: :us: sort of: :fr: learning!: :fi: I wish…: :it:
Proud member of the Sigrun Eide for God-Emperor of the Universe Society

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Re: Unified Roleplay Round 3: Play
« Reply #292 on: January 02, 2021, 04:00:55 PM »


With most of the crew leaving the restaurant Leo slides out of his seat, collects his rifle and takes his leave as well.

While at first, he does appear to head towards the docks, he turns off towards one of the pier side motels instead and checks himself back in before sitting down at the attached outdoor cafe in front, to nurse a coffee and pastry while reading a rather well worn book.

Interestingly, his seat and lodgings affords him a good view of the dockyard, offices, and most importantly the Leif's And.

« Last Edit: January 02, 2021, 08:53:48 PM by Solokov »
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Re: Unified Roleplay Round 3: Play
« Reply #293 on: January 02, 2021, 05:35:43 PM »
Harald takes Leif's departure as a sign to head back to the ship. He quickly gets to work sharpening the harpoon and arrowheads he'd made earlier in the day.

Oliver finishes his hákarl with little ceremony. It was pungent, but still not as bad as the time he tried to deep fry troll meat while very drunk. As he follows Harald out of the resteraunt, he doesn't turn to head back to the ship with the blacksmith, but turns the other way down the street, apparently having seen something specific to him. As he heads up the road past the market stalls, until a short young woman runs towards him and jumps, and he catches her as he braces, continuing the hug for a bit before putting her down.
 :sct:  "Oliver! What are you doing here? You weren't on the boat with me, James and Sara, and you weren't at the first talk... Anyway, it's great to see you."

 :sct:  "I'm not here for the talks, one of the Icelandic academics from when we went on the argyll survey recommended me to this rich kid who wants to send an expedition down to somewhere called the suez canal, about 3 and a half thousand miles south east from home, we're leaving tomorrow. But enough about what I'm up to, how did your drawings go down with the university people?"

 :sct:  "Oh, they loved them. They thought James and Sara were great as well. But if you're going away for that long, on something that dangerous, there's some things I need to give to you." From her satchel, she takes an object thickly wrapped in oiled cloth. Oliver takes it and peeks in at it. The handle of the old webley revolver, engraved with the names of each of the 9 owners since it had been manufactured in the last great war before the rash. From Captain Charles Muncey, to Emily Muncey, the black haired artist with eyes the colour of an overcast sky standing in front of me. He smiles and replies  :sct: "I'll have to look after it unless I want your ancestors coming out of Annwn to bother me while I'm already in the silent world."

She hands him the other item, this one a simple envelope. :sct: "Don't open it until you're just about to get back, please. It'll ruin it."

He considers asking about what he should do if he knows he's going to die at a time while he's in the silent world, but realises with uncharecteristic tact that it'd ruin the moment, so he just takes it and puts it in his breast pocket and smiles again with unusual sincerity. :sct: "You know I wouldn't do that Emi. Neither of us want that sort of moment ruined."

 :sct: "Do you know where to find the "office" where James and Sara said they were going? I don't know enough Icelandic to understand anyone I've tried asking for help, and obviously no one speaks ."

 :sct: "Yep, I think I know the one you're talking about. Come on then." He affectionately ruffles her carefully braided hair, then starts to walk back to leif's office. 
« Last Edit: January 02, 2021, 05:40:03 PM by R.M.S.N.P »
:gb:-Native speaker
:fr:-conversational (once upon a time (2 years ago))
old english (wessex)-some
:ru:-can swear


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Re: Unified Roleplay Round 3: Play
« Reply #294 on: January 02, 2021, 06:46:16 PM »
After getting back from the restaurant, Doc decides not to tempt fate and heads to the storage area. He's not going to get left behind if he can help it.

His organizational system is based on what he used to use at the university... so, only he could possibly understand it. It's written in a mixture of swedish and icelandic, only half labelled, and frankly looks like a complete mess. But after half an hour or so, Doc nods, satisfied. Yes, this should work nicely.

Now, to figure out where they'll quarantine people if necessary... they'll need a decontamination section for anything that may have been in contact...
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Re: Unified Roleplay Round 3: Play
« Reply #295 on: January 02, 2021, 07:38:12 PM »
Ah! Conversation. Friends. Good.
:no: "Ah, well, Leif mostly. He's very smart, competent and a historian, and he could think of ways to fund it, he just needed a few competent people as advisors. We met in college and became friends and after a few years of discussing logistics of the journey he decided to put me in charge of planning supplies and stuff, while he finds people. When I said I want to go on the expedition, too, he said I need to be more useful than just a linguist. Several crash courses in navigation, some classes I picked up from geography college, a few field trips through the Icelandic mountains without getting lost or needing help... he saw I was serious about it and said I'm in" she says. Leif also had several rants about allowing a non-immune woman with no military experience on board of a ship headed to the far south for several months, without any contact with Iceland and no ways to organize a rescue mission. After taking shooting lessons, those stopped, too.
:dk: "So he is a historian? That's nice and I read history books whenever I'm not dealing with platoon shenanigans or reading a biology book. I'm a biologist by the way, although one that joined the military to test a personal theory and remained there since." - says Alergo happy to have some conversation while walking to the place he is staying at - "I may also be biased because I'm a cleanser but I agree with your friend in that regard, I have yet to have a mission in which there have not been a surprise firefight against a small horde of trolls and beasts. Good thing most of the platoon are immune or we would have had bigger troubles."

Suddenly he remembres something and chuckles a bit

"Also, I'm a platoon sergeant, the lieutenant is my boss and he would scream my ears off if he learned I let people call me lieutenant"
« Last Edit: January 02, 2021, 07:42:10 PM by doorcf »


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Re: Unified Roleplay Round 3: Play
« Reply #296 on: January 02, 2021, 07:40:13 PM »

Spoiler: OOC • show

Also, if Svenny wants leftovers, this would be the moment. :'D

Svenny hears the large male start to beat shiny stones again, and decides that for now, his nap is over. He gets up and stretches, and lopes away down the corridor, and around the place. He must get acquainted with the others at least, and decides to poke his nose into every room, giving a short "brrrt?" as a greeting. He will stop at the first one that responds, and sit down in the doorway, awaiting some, any form of interaction. He knows not to invade private spaces that have now been claimed.
From the :gb: , and I'm into a lot of things.


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Re: Unified Roleplay Round 3: Play
« Reply #297 on: January 03, 2021, 04:32:03 AM »
:dk: "So he is a historian? That's nice and I read history books whenever I'm not dealing with platoon shenanigans or reading a biology book. I'm a biologist by the way, although one that joined the military to test a personal theory and remained there since." - says Alergo happy to have some conversation while walking to the place he is staying at - "I may also be biased because I'm a cleanser but I agree with your friend in that regard, I have yet to have a mission in which there have not been a surprise firefight against a small horde of trolls and beasts. Good thing most of the platoon are immune or we would have had bigger troubles."

Suddenly he remembers something and chuckles a bit

"Also, I'm a platoon sergeant, the lieutenant is my boss and he would scream my ears off if he learned I let people call me lieutenant"

:no: "Ah... I'm sorry" she says. "There are some differences between Danish and Norwegian, and neither Leif nor I have any military experience. It was an honest mistake." She pauses for a bit. "And I'm not stupid. I'll stay out of the way of proper soldiers when we're in danger, and I won't go off board unless it's completely safe. And I'll make sure there's always someone with me on deck at night, when I'm doing my navigation stuff." She wonders if it's polite to ask... but he probably wouldn't have mentioned... "So, how does a biologist end up in the army? What theory did you have?"


 :sct: "Yep, I think I know the one you're talking about. Come on then." He affectionately ruffles her carefully braided hair, then starts to walk back to leif's office. 

Leif is vibing in his office, doing paperwork. He is quite happy with himself and a lesson he held.

He is feeling


:sparkle: fabulous :sparkle:

Native: :hr:
Fluent: :gb: :us: :ba: :rs:
Can kinda understand but not really: :si:
Not really: :de:


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Re: Unified Roleplay Round 3: Play
« Reply #298 on: January 03, 2021, 06:28:02 AM »
Svenny hears the large male start to beat shiny stones again, and decides that for now, his nap is over. He gets up and stretches, and lopes away down the corridor, and around the place. He must get acquainted with the others at least, and decides to poke his nose into every room, giving a short "brrrt?" as a greeting. He will stop at the first one that responds, and sit down in the doorway, awaiting some, any form of interaction. He knows not to invade private spaces that have now been claimed.

It takes Dísa a while to find a pen. Apparently she had put her pencilcase right at the bottom of her backpack. (Because of course. What you need first is always at the bottom.) She is just finished writing everything on the foodbag when she hears the cat in her doorway.

"Oh, hey there." she sais quietly to not scare him away.

The bag still in her hand, she kneels down in front of the cat and reaches out her hand to pet it. But carefully. An adult cat´s bite hurts.
supposedly studying, most likely drawing…

fluent: :de: :us: sort of: :fr: learning!: :fi: I wish…: :it:
Proud member of the Sigrun Eide for God-Emperor of the Universe Society

:squirrelcookie: Current Squirrel-cookie-chef :squirrelcookie:


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Re: Unified Roleplay Round 3: Play
« Reply #299 on: January 03, 2021, 12:19:57 PM »
:no: "Ah... I'm sorry" she says. "There are some differences between Danish and Norwegian, and neither Leif nor I have any military experience. It was an honest mistake." She pauses for a bit. "And I'm not stupid. I'll stay out of the way of proper soldiers when we're in danger, and I won't go off board unless it's completely safe. And I'll make sure there's always someone with me on deck at night, when I'm doing my navigation stuff." She wonders if it's polite to ask... but he probably wouldn't have mentioned... "So, how does a biologist end up in the army? What theory did you have?"

 :dk: "Yeah, I know, don't worry about it, you have not idea how common a civilian mixing ranks" - says Alergo

 :dk: "About the theory, it is about the fact that the rash has a strong magical component in its infection mechanism and as such amgic is a major factor on why we can't make a vaccine that work since that mechanism is still unknown for most part and we don't know how magic might be integrated into it, problem was that the research group I was in didn't really considered magic to be a factor. Bloody swedes."

Says Alergo with a bit of frustration showing

 :dk: "I stayed there a few years but soon got tired of no one even trying to consider magic into the ecuation while at the same time having no real advace on the vaccine development. I ended in the military since for me it was the best place I could get samples of rash infected individuals and animals and how they reacted to magic of differrent types. Let me say you, my family wasn't that happy about my change of job but ended accepting it."

Alergo sighs and smiles

 :dk: "There, I got immediatly attached to the current platoon I'm in, all a bunch of weirdos that do crazy stuff and me being a biologist more interested on researching the rash to kill it later than killing it directly in the field, fitted right in." - Alergo shurgs - "My research there was not as productive as I expected but I has given me a lot of knowledge about magic while making many friends and blowing a lot of stuff up. Considering the crazy stuff people says there is on the silent world I think I will get the information I need or at least I hope I get a breakthrough somewhere."

As they continue to walk the pair reaches the place Alergo is staying it and after getting the keys both him and Saga go into the rented room. There is a small bes, a small kitchen, a small refrigerator, a small bathroom, a desk, a table and a few chairs. There is also a crate that is obviously not a original part of the room.

 :dk: "Please, take a seat" - says Alergo to Saga pointing at the table while he moves towards the desk - "I will get my documents"

Suddenly a pair of cats start meowing, one is over the refrigerator, the other under the bed

 :dk: "Ah, those are my cats, both are female"

 :es: "Kota, Chiqui, come here girls" - says Alergo while getting his documents while both cats come and get on the table looking curiously at Saga

 :dk: "If they can't come, I have one of my uncles here that loves both of them and can take care of them if needed" - explains Alergo document now in his hands