In a silghtly joking tone, Oliver says "Rejoice, for I bring solutions and not problems! I've worked out that since we're not leaving until tommorow, James and Sara will actually get here a few hours before we set off, so I'll be able to say goodbye and he can help you with my paperwork!"
Leif knocks on the wood at that. He straightens up and leans back in his chair.
Harald waits for a moment for the Icelandic to stop, then quietly leans towards Saga. "Is my presence still needed, or am I allowed to see if I can pick up some necessary materials?" he asks softly.
"Just a moment, please" Saga says.
Leif considers the situation for a bit.
"Alright so obviously, reporting the mistake made. I need his full name, place of origin, nationality, current location, date of birth, occupation, education, basically everything where he could have left a paper trail. I'm tempted to ask to keep his faulty passport..."
"That is
very illegal" Saga states.
"You don't say." He taps at the quarantine papers. "I'll copy these, and I need a copy of his passport, too."
She nods.
"So, Harald. Full name, place of origin, nationality, current location, date of birth, occupation, education, anything else you might want to share that would help us find you and correct the mistake?"