Name: Oliver Harwood
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Nationality: British (Scottish and English ancestors)
Languages: English, Scots Gaelic (can understand the other Gaelic languages with some difficulty), Icelandic (speaks slowly with heavy accent),
Intelligence: Very good visual memory and perception, but not good academically unless there's a direct practical application, is contemptuous of purely academic study.
Physical Condition: extremely rugged, is good at ignoring pain and cold to the point that it's a bit dangerous. Very good upper body strength due to longbow training from a young age, but this has damaged the bone structure slightly, generally strong overall from climbing.
Magical Abilities: None
Immunity: Yes
Occupation: Scout (military)
Training: General survival and tracking skills, good with most forms of ranged weapons, including bows and thrown (ammunition is difficult to manufacture on Barra and the surrounding isles). Knows a bit about sailing, being from the isles, about enough to sail without someone more qualified helping him.
Equipment: Full strength yew Longbow (silent and easy to make ammunition, shoots faster than a crossbow), Old hunting shotgun, Large backpack full of survival gear inherited, manufactured or looted from the silent world (Rollmat, blankets (doesn't like sleeping bags as they're hard to get out of in emergency, wrapped up like a sausage roll for a troll), camping hammock, tarpaulin, firestriker, airtight box of tinder (silver birch bark and king Alfred's cakes fungus), hand crank dynamo and wires, electric lamp, headtorch, first aid kit and so on ), Multitool, knife, axe. Believes that no one has ever been killed by being too prepared, and that he's not going to live long enough to care enough about any damage to his spine for carrying too much.
Appearance: Short dark brown hair (somewhere between horse shit and oak bark in colour). Hazel eyes. Tends to shave with a knife, so normally has substantial stubble.
Personality: Confident and enthusiastic but still quite reasonable. Prefers honesty and direct solutions, but isn't totally tactless. Doesn't get stressed or anxious easily, so can be a bit insensitive to others who are. Sense of preservation is possibly a little lacking.
History: Trained from the age of 6, but still had a balanced childhood and got on well with other children. Only formal education was two years of reading, writing and arithmetic. Has picked up knowledge of religion (Celtic and Anglo-Saxon paganism) and some history/geography from his comrades, everything else was learned by doing.
Height: 192 cm (~6ft 2in)
Left handed
Asexual but not aromantic
Plays the bagpipes and the accordion to an good standard, sings a lot.
Portrait coming soon when I finish drawing it or get artbreeder to stop playing up.