Author Topic: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones  (Read 56070 times)


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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #480 on: July 27, 2021, 05:50:53 AM »
Our lockdown in South Australia is also planned to end tonight at midnight our time. Barring disaster, I can do the market on Saturday. Which will be useful as well as a bit of a return to normal life. We still need to clean our hands and do social distance, which is only sensible, and I intend to mask up whether or not it is compulsory.

At least this pandemic is getting more people growing some of their own food, which both helps my sales of vegetable seeds, fruit trees and other food plants, and makes local food security a little better. I am continuing to work on building our community garden for the same reason.
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #481 on: July 29, 2021, 06:55:56 AM »
In breaking news from north of the border, the Premier of New South Wales will be asking the Australian Defence Force to assist in enforcing lockdown in eight local government areas across Sydney. The number of personnel to be allocated is said to be 300.

My concern (apart from the legal issues on involving the ADF in law enforcement) is that such a measure will be seen by the conspiracists as a form of vindication, and be inspired to some kind of violent response.
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #482 on: August 05, 2021, 05:43:18 AM »
From 2000 AEST Victoria is going back into lockdown for seven days after eight new cases were reported today. This is the sixth lockdown.
From ABC news; The lockdown will last for seven days and there will only be five reasons for leaving home: getting groceries and supplies, exercise, care or caregiving, authorised work or education that cannot be done from home and getting vaccinated.
Under the rules, shopping and exercise must be done within five kilometres of your home. Mask rules will remain unchanged, with masks mandatory in all indoor and outdoor settings except for inside your own home.
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #483 on: August 06, 2021, 06:12:48 PM »
NZ's vaccination regimen is proceeding, with Pfizer doses being given at about 3-week intervals.   (I personally received my 2nd dose just this last Thursday, at a 4-week interval.) 
I have heard reports of a UK study that an 8- to 12-week interval is more effective in promoting antibody numbers, which would raise questions, but I have also heard opinions that we'll will likely need subsequent yearly boosters anyway. 
Our borders remain closed, with ongoing ructions surrounding booking managed isolation spots for returning Kiwis.  While the quarantine-free travel bubble with most of Australia is suspended, we still had an exemption made for the (Australian national rugby team) Wallabies to come get beaten most heinously play at Eden Park.
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #484 on: August 11, 2021, 08:03:24 AM »
North of the border, the number of cases is increasing by the hundreds ever day (344, with two deaths, today). Thirty-five people have died since the Delta variant appeared in Australia. Meanwhile, Victoria has recorded twenty new cases today, so the lockdown has been extended for another week (to midnight on 18 August).
When I last spoke with my sister, she commented ruefully that it's probable that I won't be able to visit before September.
The only bright spot is that I'll be getting my second Astra-Zenica shot this Saturday.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2021, 08:08:49 AM by Yastreb »
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #485 on: August 11, 2021, 08:59:30 AM »
Yay, good luck with the second shot, Yastreb! Star has had both of his, and seems to be doing okay. Because I am immunocompromised and have had bad reactions to flu shots and some other vaccines, my doctor is still considering whether or not I should wait until I can get Pfizer or Moderna, so meantime I am taking every possible precaution (masking up, sanitising, social distancing and so forth). Let’s hope things quiet down enough that you can get over here to visit before next year!
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #486 on: August 16, 2021, 02:14:08 AM »
Melbourne's lockdown will be extended until 2 September, with additional measures taking effect from 2359 tonight. These include a 2100 - 0500 curfew and the closure of playgrounds.

Premier Daniel Andrews made the following statement.

Monday, 16 August 2021 
Due  to  the  ongoing  level  of  community  transmission  of  coronavirus  in  Victoria,  the  current  lockdown  across
Melbourne will be extended and a curfew will be put in place across metropolitan Melbourne. 
After almost two weeks of restrictions in Victoria, it’s clear the number of coronavirus cases out in the community is still too high, it’s spreading too far and there are too many exposure sites cropping up every day. 
The  average  exposure  days,  the  number  of  days  an  infectious  person  is  out  in  the  community,  was  0.61  and
declining at this point of our previous outbreak. In the current outbreak the average exposure days is 1.8. To put that more simply: cases diagnosed yesterday were infectious in the community for a total of 15 days, compared to 0 for the same point during the last outbreak.
Most  concerningly, there  have  been a number of mystery  cases  discovered over the  course of the last week which indicate the virus is moving around undetected in the community. Victoria’s public health team believe additional measures are needed to limit movement across Melbourne to slow the spread of this highly infectious Delta variant and enable us to open up again as soon as possible. 
Unfortunately, based on the current trajectory of the outbreak, we will not be in a position to lift restrictions on Thursday as planned. Victoria’s Chief Health Officer has declared that from tonight the lockdown restrictions will be  strengthened  and  extended  in  metropolitan  Melbourne,  until  11.59pm  on  Thursday,  2  September.  This  is  an additional 14 days on the previous directions.
The strengthened settings will see a curfew imposed from 9pm to 5am every night. This will operate as it did last year, with very limited reasons to leave the home during this time. There will be increased police presence across metropolitan Melbourne to ensure public health measures are enforced. 
While the restrictions commence from 11.59pm tonight, we are asking people to respect the curfew from 9pm. 
Permits  will  be  required  to  leave  the  house  for  authorised  work,  consistent with  the  arrangements that were  in place last year. Additional restrictions will also apply to the construction industry, again operating as it did last year with staffing reductions in place except for critical infrastructure and emergency repairs. 
At large scale construction sites, staffing must reduce to 25 per cent or five workers on site, whichever is higher. 
Authorised workers will be required to carry permits when working, and when travelling for work, from 11:59pm on Tuesday August 17. The permits need to be certified by an employer. Permits will be available on the coronavirus website before these directions come into effect.   
Permits will also need to be carried by higher education students who are on the Authorised Provider list.
Incidents which occurred in Melbourne over the weekend – people congregating together on pub crawls with no social  distancing,  different families meeting  in  parks  together,  large  groups of  people  visiting other  households – were unacceptable.
Under the strengthened restrictions designed to curb potential transmission events, playgrounds, basketball hoops, skate parks and outdoor exercise equipment will now be closed. People will not be able to remove their masks to drink alcoholic beverages in public. 
Exercise  will  be  limited  to  just  you  and  one other person, plus dependants if they can’t be left at home. This  is similar to the current rule, but with a slight change so that if you live in a larger household such as a share house, or with extended family, you can no longer exercise with all members of your household.
Otherwise, the restrictions will remain the same – there are still only five reasons to leave your home: shopping for the things you need – one person per household per day, care and caregiving, exercise, authorised work and study – and to get a vaccine. 
We’re making it even easier for Victorians to reach that goal of one million vaccine doses with more vaccination.
centres, more capacity and more appointments in the system.

Exercise and shopping are still limited to 5km from your home. If there’s no shops in your 5km radius, you can travel to the ones closest to you. You are also able to travel more than 5km to get a vaccine if you need to. And more than ever, it’s critical people do not have visitors to the home. 
Increasing our vaccination coverage in Victoria also remains one of the most important things we can do given the current coronavirus outbreak and the potential for further interstate incursions this year.

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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #487 on: August 16, 2021, 10:22:14 AM »
Finland started vaccinating 12-15 year olds this week. The vaccinations can be taken at vaccination points similar to everyone, but will also be organized at schools which started after summer last week.

So, what do we get? A "people's movement" against vaccinating children, posing under the name "We save the children", with "no intended coincidence" with the big charity "Save the Children". Adults at schools handing out flyers with "information" about masks and vaccinations. Adults insisting to get inside a school to "observe" the vaccinations (had to be taken away by the police as they refused to leave the school premises). I'm sure the children are feeling a lot safer now!  o_O

We also have some restrictions, although at no point have we been even near an actual lockdown like Melbourne is now. Going to work is allowed for everybody, but employers and employees are asked to arrange remote work in all duties where possible. Masks are required in public transport in e.g. Helsinki area, but it's not enforced so you see some without. Restaurants and bars need to close earlier, and can take in fewer patrons, but are allowed to remain open.

Vaccinations are progressing, but a "corona passport" is only being carefully considered. Apparently it's unfair if vaccination is required to allow some things, so it's a lot better to not allow anyone. Frankly it's starting to feel the society is being held hostage by people who refuse to take the shots. We wouldn't be fully vaccinated yet even without anybody refusing, but the anti-vaxx contingent is getting a larger and larger proportion of the entire unvaccinated population.

I hate people.
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #488 on: August 16, 2021, 08:05:01 PM »
A "people's movement" against vaccinating children, posing under the name "We save the children", with "no intended coincidence" with the big charity "Save the Children".

In the United States, "Save the Children" became a QAnon "slogan," along with "The real pandemic is paedophilia" and the like.
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #489 on: August 17, 2021, 04:25:16 AM »
NZ has just entered a snap complete lockdown as at tonight, for a (likely delta variant) case in the community.  While that seems draconian for a single case, we have the example of Australia to persuade our government to "go hard, go early" and order direct to Level 4, for the whole country.  This one was not isolated to Auckland because we just had a major rugby match over the weekend, with people from all over NZ flying in to Auckland to attend.  Yee haaa
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #490 on: August 19, 2021, 02:40:38 PM »
Vaccinations are progressing, but a "corona passport" is only being carefully considered. Apparently it's unfair if vaccination is required to allow some things, so it's a lot better to not allow anyone. Frankly it's starting to feel the society is being held hostage by people who refuse to take the shots. We wouldn't be fully vaccinated yet even without anybody refusing, but the anti-vaxx contingent is getting a larger and larger proportion of the entire unvaccinated population.

I hate people.
Ugh, tell me about it. The vaccination rate among adults in the region I live in is among the highest in Europe (88% fully vaccinated, 91% at least one dose), and the vaccination campaign for those aged 12 to 17 is going pretty well, yet the number of infections and hospitalisations keeps going up rapidly. The vaccination rate in the rest of the country, on the other hand, is quite a bit lower, and a full 30% lower in the capital (possibly the lowest in Western Europe).
Also in the news: according to a survey, vaccinated people are more motivated to keep following the rules and restrictions, and more hesitant about any loosening of restrictions. Unvaccinated people are more likely to just ignore any rules, recommendations, and restrictions.
Is it any wonder numbers are going up?


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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #491 on: August 19, 2021, 03:30:25 PM »
My younger son received his first vaccine today at school. There had been some anti-vaxxers with leaflets at schools again, although I think he didn’t see any.

According to the law, in Finland minors from 12 yo upwards can decide whether they take a vaccine (Covid or otherwise), unless deemed by the healthcare professional in question to be too immature to decide. So, in several schools, teachers and headmasters have received threats of “consequences” or court cases, if children of anti-vaxxer parents get vaccinated. Because teachers and headmasters make laws and arrange vaccinations, I assume…

Anyways, my immediate family is now at least partially vaccinated, which is good! The other son hets his second shot at end of August, the younger one is a couple of months behind. Vaccinations of kids aged 12-15 were just started last week and are progressing well. Maybe we’ll get out of this yet, at some point.
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #492 on: August 22, 2021, 04:03:34 PM »
Now that the holidays are over, the next wave appears in Switzerland. We're currently at about 2000 cases per day with just about half the population vaccinated. But the other half of the population doesn't want to get vaccinated.
At parties and other unofficial gatherings people don't wear masks any more and don't care a lot about the number of people present etc. But we still don't shake hands. Which still makes greetings a little awkward sometimes.
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #493 on: August 23, 2021, 02:32:18 AM »
The situation is Victoria is slowly worsening, with the number of cases growing daily (today was 81, up from 66 on Sunday), and the [EXPLETIVE DELETED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] self-righteous soi-disant protesters "for freedom" (!) are only serving to potentially prolong the lockdown with their superspreader rallies, which have led to violence already, and have the potential to become much worse.
Meanwhile, Sydney is in crisis, with the number of cases today at 830, and no sign of going into decline; there have been 74 deaths since the Delta variant was first detected. Despite that, there are still anti-lockdown protests going on, with the usual posturing.
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #494 on: August 30, 2021, 09:45:46 AM »
The Victorian lockdown was supposed to end at 2359 on Thursday, but an extension is certain as the numbers of new infections is still high (67 today).

However, the situation in NSW is dire, with 1,272 new cases in the past 24 hours, and four more deaths. Australia's death toll now stands at 1,003.

The only bright spot is that South Australia recorded no new cases, so Róisín can take comfort from that.
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