Author Topic: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones  (Read 56004 times)


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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #255 on: October 19, 2020, 08:42:45 AM »
We've been in partial lockdown in the Netherlands since end of last week, too. They're working on making non-medical masks mandatory in public areas - it's already been an urgent advice for the past few weeks, but they're trying to put it into law now. People have been arguing too much about whether urgent advice means they should follow it or not...

If the partial lockdown doesn't bring results needed by next week, we're going into complete lockdown. Hospital admissions are far fewer than back in March, but infections have skyrocketed to between 5000 and 6000 per day. For a tiny country like this that's not great. Right now most infections have been in the university-age group, if it reaches any at-risk group the hospitals will have pretty big problems again - the capacity is already at such a point that they're putting off life-saving urgent surgeries.
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #256 on: October 19, 2020, 12:27:11 PM »
It’s same here as with you Lenny, it’s spreading among young adults in particular. We are between about 100+ to 250 confirmed cases a day so still not that bad, but we are also hoping to stay down here. Mask takeup is nowhere near where it should be!
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #257 on: October 19, 2020, 04:58:21 PM »
Yastreb, best of luck with your state’s reopening! Let us just hope that no idiots mess it up with carelessness this time!

Errr, that would be us this time.  Australia finally cracked open their borders to New Zealand to allow quarantine-free travel NZ -> Oz (not the other way yet), but only to NSW and Northern Territories.  First thing, some New Zealanders travel to Sydney, then book onto flights to Melbourne and Perth.  *facepalm* 
Granted, we have no community transmission at the moment (just cases in managed isolation), but still, what numpties.
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #258 on: October 19, 2020, 11:36:05 PM »
Errr, that would be us this time.  Australia finally cracked open their borders to New Zealand to allow quarantine-free travel NZ -> Oz (not the other way yet), but only to NSW and Northern Territories.  First thing, some New Zealanders travel to Sydney, then book onto flights to Melbourne and Perth.  *facepalm* 
Granted, we have no community transmission at the moment (just cases in managed isolation), but still, what numpties.

Yeah, no, I heard about that on the radio. As far as I know, the New Zealanders that got to Perth are obeying the law and isolating themselves for two weeks, but it still remains that legally they shouldn't have been able to get here in the first place - even travelling here from other states, you have to go through a whole process of applying for a permit and everything.
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #259 on: October 22, 2020, 03:25:41 PM »
People sure can be idiots... Hang in there everyone!
Things sure have been "progressing" over here in Germany too, rather for the worse.

We had over 10,000 new cases for the first time today, and the numbers are rising, yet so far no lockdowns are happening as far as I know. (Which is good I guess, so life can go on.) As usual, every larger area cooks their own soup regarding rules and restrictions. (Not as good...) There is an official rule that marks areas as "high-risk" as soon as they hit a certain amount of infected people, but the consequences for the people living in these areas vary depending on who is in charge of them.

I do live in such a "high-risk"-area, it has so far resulted in slight traveling-restrictions, stricter face-mask-rules, and I think earlier closing-hours for pubs and restaurants. So far, me, family and friends are fine though.
My school has had its first confirmed case at the end of last week, that number has by now risen to about 7 (official news are always delayed a few days plus rumors spiral), but it looks like most of these aren´t really related to each other and came from different sources. Regardless, by now several classes are in quarantine, some classrooms were blocked to host online-classes from there. My class-level is by now one of the last ones without cases, possibly due to the fact that we were about the only ones who kept on wearing face-masks even when they weren´t mandatory, which they now are again.
Still, everything is sort of tense, and opinions on everything surrounding the pandemic are more and more discussed in ways and places where it´s not exactly good for students getting along with each other. Like in our main-classlevel-whatsapp-group, which has led to both heated arguments over even the existence of danger in the corona-virus (I hadn´t really had contact with people who believed in these conspiracies before, so to read them now among people I´ve known in parts for a really long time kinda hurt...), as well as almost harassment of students who dared to come to school with a slight cold despite wearing a mask. A few times our Admins had to step in to block everyone from texting for a few hours. With opinions ranging from complete panic to complete disbelief, it sure is a situation.
Either way, we have a holiday soon, and with both cases in school rising and the building site next to it having recently destroyed both heating (in some parts) and internet connection (in the entire building) (sh*t happens, I guess...), many people don´t believe that it´ll open as normal again once the holiday´s over. Fun times!

Butter Good and stay safe everyone!
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #260 on: October 27, 2020, 05:31:44 AM »
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has announced that we are moving to Stage III.

The last time Victoria had zero cases was 9 June, 139 days ago. Even more incredibly, it's zero cases off the back of a huge testing drive. Over the course of this weekend, we asked Victorians living in our northern suburbs to get tested. They did just that.
In 24 hours, we have been able to process an additional 14,024 tests — 3196 of them from these communities. This morning we've processed an extra 1157.
And not a single new case has been found.
I want to thank everyone who did the right thing by their community and our state in getting tested. I also want to thank the nurses, lab technicians, collectors, couriers — everyone who has been working around the clock to process these tests.
Because of that effort, we've been able to get the results faster than we thought. These results give us confidence — confidence that even if we do identify positive cases in any further tests — we are firmly on top of this virus.
It's why today I can confirm what we've long waited for: Melbourne will move out of lockdown and into the Third Step. Before we get to the bit that almost everyone will be waiting for, an ask:
As we take these steady steps towards reopening, the message remains the same: please, stay safe. And if you have symptoms, you must get tested.
Under the Third Step, and from 11:59pm on Tuesday, Melbourne will move from "stay home" to "stay safe", with no more restrictions on the reasons to leave home.
The 25-kilometre limit though, will remain in place. I know it's frustrating, but this is about making sure that even as we ease restrictions, we're limiting the virus's ability to travel.
It's why the border between regional Victoria and Melbourne will also remain in place — for just a bit longer.
Under the Third Step, Melbourne's cafes, restaurants and pubs can reopen. Outdoors with a limit of up to 50, indoors up to 20. Density limits, record keeping and COVIDSafe Plans also apply.
Remaining retail will also open. Beauty and personal care services can resume. And for those businesses who need to get ready for their reopening — staff will be able to attend onsite straight away.
Outdoor contact sport for those aged 18 and under will also begin again — so too can non-contact sport for adults. PT, fitness and dance classes can also be held outdoors with up to ten people, and the number of people at outdoor pools can increase to 50, subject to density limits.
Libraries and community venues will be able to open for outdoor events. Outdoor entertainment venues can also begin hosting visitors.
And faith communities will be able to meet for outdoor religious ceremonies with up to 20 people, in addition to those required for the service. Indoor services can be held with up to 10.
Weddings will increase to ten people, and funerals up to 20.
Workplaces will no longer need to be on the permitted work list to open and the ability to work will change to "if you can work from home you must work from home".
While the boundary is in place, work permits will still be required for workers from Melbourne travelling into regional Victoria — and vice versa.
I know the thing many people are missing is having people over to visit — but as we've seen, this virus is at its most dangerous when we're indoors and relaxed and comfortable.
It's why we're going to take the next 24 hours to understand how we might be able to make this work — safely —and I'll have more to say about this tomorrow.
From 8 November, and if we can continue driving case numbers down, the 25km limit will come off and Melbourne will be able to meet regional Victoria at the same level.
That means the same eased restrictions that apply to regional Victoria will also apply to Melbourne. The capacity of pubs and restaurants will increase, with up to 40 inside and 70 outside.
Religious gatherings will expand with up 20 people and a faith leader indoors, and 50 outside.
Gyms and indoor fitness will be able to reopen — with some strict safety precautions in place. And because Melburnians will have well and truly earned a holiday, accommodation will also reopen.
The border between the city and the rest of our state will also fall away. I know personally — deeply — just how much this will mean for thousands of Victorians who haven't been able to see loved ones for far too long. It will mean families are whole again. Our state is whole again.
I understand there will be questions, "what about X?" or "when can I do Y?". And I promise, we'll also have an update on 8 November on the timelines and thresholds for taking the Last Step.
We want to reach COVID Normal by Christmas and right now, we're on track to do that. It's why we've got to keep going — all of us.
Understanding that even though restrictions may ease, our personal responsibility in all this doesn't. We have come so far and given so much.
Getting here — and staying here — relies on the efforts of every Victorian. Keep going.
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #261 on: October 27, 2020, 08:26:37 AM »
Yastreb, I’m very glad to hear (read) this! I hope it will help you improve as well! And of course it’s encouraging to see that the measures help, albeit you have had to put up with them for a long time now. Stay safe!
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #262 on: October 27, 2020, 11:52:19 AM »
Good news, Yastreb! Let's hope it keeps that way.

Here in Portugal, in the other hand, things are still getting worse. But at least that pushed our... let's say just "not very clever" government to make wearing masks mandatory, a decision which I believe will make a very positive difference in two or three weeks. (and one that should have been put in action months ago)
There's also the decision to forbid traveling to other municipalities next weekend, when usually lots travel because it's "All Saints Day" and also the day(s) when people visit cemeteries to honour their dead. This years many cemeteries will be closed or will have limited access, which will prevent the usual agglomerations on their entrances.
A few municipalities with higher numbers were also put on a limited lockdown, trying to minimize the spread to their surrounding areas.
Meanwhile the country's economy remains slow and weak, and everybody is tired (myself included), particularly health personal that has been working extra hours since March... Thankfully our numbers are not as bad as our Spanish neighbors...
Lots of safe hugs for you all, and be careful out there.
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #263 on: October 27, 2020, 04:14:16 PM »
Tonight, the news basically announced that we're probably going to be back in lockdown soon. Pretty much crossing my finger public transport will be running half because I crammed four medical professional visits between now and the end of the year, half because I'm interviewing for a partially on-site assignment tomorrow. Oh, and we're at 50 000 + new cases per day.

EDIT: changed patients to new cases, which is more accurate
« Last Edit: October 29, 2020, 11:40:50 AM by Grade E cat »
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #264 on: October 27, 2020, 04:47:25 PM »
Thumbs up, Cat! The situation in France is bad indeed.
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #265 on: October 28, 2020, 04:16:12 PM »
Lockdown is starting on Friday (it's Wednesday evening right now) and the only people who will be tolerated changing regions are people returning from vacation over the weekend. Silver lining is that my mother got so paranoid about not having candy for eventual trick-or-treaters a few years ago that we tend to always buy three packs of bite-size candy bars on the week-end before Halloween. The selection is a combo of her favorites and mine by design.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2020, 04:55:52 PM by Grade E cat »
Native: :fr:
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Few and far between practice opportunities: :es:
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #266 on: November 17, 2020, 07:49:40 PM »
Covid restrictions in my state of Illinois will be tightened starting Friday November 20th. No indoor service at bars which must close from 11:pm until 6:00am, outdoor tables allowed with space and occupancy restrictions but temperatures will make that uncomfy. Supermarkets and pharmacies at 50% capacity and curbside pickup and delivery recommended. Big box stores even those with groceries and pharmacies at 25% capacity. Masks required indoors everywhere. Funerals limited to 10 family members. essential workers at offices, work at home advised for non-essentials. There is more but it's a long list. These are the highlights.
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #267 on: November 17, 2020, 09:30:29 PM »
We too have just had notice of a total lockdown in South Australia. And the local supermarket has apparently already been stripped of toilet paper, dammit. We have had a rash of outside people coming into town buying the shops out. Apparently this is a new fast- moving strain of the infection which can show in 24 hours. We may have major trouble here.
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #268 on: November 18, 2020, 06:20:24 PM »
Uff, really?  That's no good.  I heard about the lockdown but not the new strain.  I worry about you & Star, seeing as how you're currently under active medical care.

We haven't moved up in alert levels, but from today masks are not *required* on all transport, including trains, buses, planes.  Taxi *drivers* have to wear them, but not passengers, although there has been outcry over that policy.

NZ government has entered into agreements for supply of vaccines with Pfizer, and advance purchase consideration pending outcome of Phase 3 trials, with Janssen (J&J).  The latter is meant to come into effect late 2021 and into 2022.  The Pfizer ones require very specialised bespoke cold storage (70C below) that is not available in most of the country.
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #269 on: November 18, 2020, 08:14:32 PM »
I mean, in theory, shorter incubation period is good, because it makes it easier to test and isolate people.