Author Topic: Poetry collection  (Read 229016 times)


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #1185 on: March 25, 2019, 10:59:51 PM »
Pg 73

This Way, That Way, Sweden, Not Norway

Into the dockyards,
For shipping lines.
The cat then knocks hard,
To get the foreman reclined.

"How can I help you?"
He shows a diagram penned.
To get to Finland go through
By freight lines "Krabben".

Via Bornholm, he's to go,
The second office booth it be.
But Lalli's not to know,
He goes to first one he sees.

The first one goes to Bornholm,
But it's the area for junk.
The understanding troublesome,
Or lack thereof has him sunk.

Wandering about, he holds the
Sheet, being directed, confounded.
To Sweden, not Norway, he's told.
They're giving him the runaround.
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:


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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #1186 on: March 26, 2019, 07:05:46 AM »
Page 73

Where In The World Is Lalli Hotakainen?
(based on Rockapella's Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego? theme song)

Well, he'll sail across the sea, back to Finland on the double.
But he's gotta find a boat first, and that isn't so easy.
Still, he needs to get back home to find his cousin who's in trouble.
Tell me, where in the world is Lalli Hotakainen?

So he wanders 'round the shipyard, getting all sorts of directions.
They tell him to go to Bornholm, or to Sweden or Norway.
But he doesn't understand them, so it doesn't help a smidgen.
Tell me, where in the world is Lalli Hotakainen?

Nellie McEnt

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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #1187 on: March 27, 2019, 09:02:29 PM »
Sonnet for Circularity
Adventure II, Page 74

The guardsman at the entrance sent me on
To go by Bornholm on the "Krabben" lines;
But only junk did those folks carry yon,
And had no stop that fitted my design.

They sent me "over there" to make request,
But Norwaybound did that ship's journey run.
They said to go to Sweden, and my quest
To get to Finland would be soundly done.

But inventory only was their task;
They spurned my question, looking put-upon.
They sent me to the entrance for to ask--
The guardsman at the entrance sent me on.

A funny thing is circularity;
I follow it--in turn, it follows me!
Speaks: 🇺🇸/🇬🇧
Learning (and not particularly good at): 🇨🇳, Latin
carpe diem

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  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #1188 on: March 29, 2019, 12:53:49 AM »
Pg 74

Leaving Is Hard, Back To The Guard

Not as expected,
Without success.
Being directed
From rights to lefts.

From back to front,
Point this way and that.
Like a wild goose hunt,
Back to the man in hat.

No leaving by seas,
Not today lad.
Leaving displeased,
The disgruntled cat.

Suffered the slight,
Being miffed as hell.
Has to spend the night.
In a feline hotel.


Danish Milk Maid Will Give His Aid

Back again he knocks,
With a diagram anew.
But the man at the dock,
Doesn't have a clue.

Too many arrows,
And words not at all.
The man hardly knows
About what is scrawled.

He just got lost,
From the rest of the group.
Now he's been caught
After he flew the coop.

Now in Mikkel's care,
He knows where to buy.
The medic knows just where,
The well-travelled Danish guy.

His relative bailed, eh?
Back again with the bunch.
They couldn't stay away,
With another friendly punch.

Sigrun was all ready,
To go home to Norway.
For some reason instead she,
Just couldn't say nay.
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:


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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #1189 on: March 31, 2019, 07:13:35 PM »
Since far better poets than me have praised my stuff, and it is the first of the month, I had better keep my promise and post a chapter.

Chapter 1

Lake-girt Keuruu. In the cold night
The snow-caped ranks of regimented
Barrack hut-rows bare of comforts
A stark welcome bestow on Lalli,
Thin-limbed night-scout, unknowing pawn
In the far game of the four Icelanders,
At his dawn return. On his door he found
A gentle note to join his sibs,
Two Hotakainens, technical skald
Eager Tuuri, and Onni mage,
Wary dreamer, at the water-gang.
As the stream-car frets, strategist thinker
Taru Hollola her team members
Welcomes together. Ward-mage Onni,
Protective sib, to Taru pleads
That his two kinfolk, Tuuri and Lalli,
Must not be sent to the Silent Lands;
But Tuuri skald, tene in Keuruu
Long enduring, leaps at the chance
For a life released. Lalli night-scout
Brother unkenning, unbriefed, unsure
And unequipped, queries the purpose
In Taru’s call. Protective sib
Onni, wary, warned by his asking
Attempts again the two to bar
From the wild project, so wise Taru
Strategic skald, in the team offers
Onni a posting; panic locks him
In sure Keuruu – in shame he frees
Lalli and Tuuri. The lake-boat sails
On the gadwall’s track to the gates closing
The high lich-wall that lets horror
From the safe lands; sight of the outpass
Allures Tuuri, tempting with hope
Of liberty, risk and a life unchained.
Her first far glimpse of the fiend-haunts
Disappoints her; no peril looms
In the dull braes. Unbriefed, Lalli
Again attempts to get why the team
Brought him away, so breakfast's shared
At the refectory board, and a first briefing
From Taru skald, talk encouraging
Of the tasks ahead. Tuuri, eager,
Sweeps out her tales of Swedish folk
But Lalli hopes to homeward go,
And cease to endure his seasick voyage.
So Taru wise, strategic skald
Describes their way on the water road:
Keurusselkä’s cold gentleness,
Her soft lake-airs scented with pines;
A hundred isles, heron-sentried,
Close her southward; then cleansed gore-pools,
Bleak wilderness, waters tainted
With charred splinters, and channels close-set
To piers and quays, purposeless relics
Of brighter days; then the brisk current
Through tight reaches where the river frets
The hoar-dusted trees of Hongonselkä,
Into Paloselkä where pintail sleep.
In Mustaselkä the meeting waters
Mingle their hues in the mere-car’s wake
As the steamer’s earl steers her southward,
Navigates lake-chain Näsijärvi –
The long highway to the lost city,
Tampere huge, terror infested;
Past the tossing strait of Tammerkoski,
Find the goose-road of falling water:
Calm and verdant Kulovesi,
The cataracts in Kutala’s maze,
Rautavesi of the rich harvest,
Vammaskoski care demanding,
Leikovesi that legends know.
Then run the cascade, past skeletal wards,
Down the bouldered force that births a river:
The testing stream that timber wealth
Rides in convoy past ruins troll-blighted
For merchants' pay in Pori's firth,
Then ride salt-waves to assemble the team –
But shutter-lids close the ship’s side-eyes
And the ferry's cats enforce silence
As the three voyagers their venture begin.
The quietness lulls Lalli, sea-queasy,
To teneless sleep; his two companions
While time away in whisperless hush
Overseen by cats, securely held
In Vellamo's guard, virtuous Lady
Of the running waters. They wend unscathed
Through her power's grace to Pori hithe,
Its wonings cleared of the worst dreads
With Swedish help, so the swan's meadhall,
Sanderling's joy, sea-wender's holt,
Suomi’s threshold, Swedes' safe haven,
Rest gives to farers. The river courser
Hails a sea-drake, century-old
Relic of days ere the Rash ended
Shipwrights and yards. Yawning, its belly
Gulps the lakefarer; a good welcome
For the band of friends. Bidden by Taru
They explore the ship, plump for sleepsteads,
And their goods unpack as they gossip about
Their next federate in far Sweden’s
Björköfjärdin, Baltic fortress,
Rail-head and port. Expecting kin
And aid trysted, Emil, heart-sour
Callow cleanser, on cobblestones drags
His unhandy bag to the high entrance
Of the steamer’s berth. The stairs he climbs
To the waiting-room – wildered he spies
Siv and Torbjörn, savant couple,
His kin Västerströms, in the cosy hall –
Not the cold rail-quay or the cobbled streets
Where their aid lacked. Emil, wrathful,
Demands the cause of his unmet tryst
To know he arrived on the wrong day –
Unschooled Emil scanted the map;
One sun-turn had for the water-pass –
Few enough hours for the Finns to cross
The gull’s pleasance! Plainting Emil,
No lodging booked, no bed reserved,
Endures a night dozing on seats
A deceitful book set on his face
As long he slumbered. From litter of diners
Beside his sleepstead, a sliding foodplate
Defiles his tunic as fast in slumber,
The minutes drift. At morningtide
Over-late he wakes as the wave-traveller
Berths at the landgang and disbarks the Finns;
The friendly Swedes to the frommed guests
Welcome extend. Wild-customed Lalli,
Lone-scout noita, ignores their hands,
Wants no greeting; wide-eyed Tuuri
Gushing loudly over gorgeous Swedes,
Points up Emil, apparel marred
In his long sleep. Language hurdles
In making friends mean that the team
Neglect to track their train schedule;
Far is the stand, over stones ice-glazed,
Where the steel-courser loads its last riders –
Hopelessly far. To hold their chance
Tuuri commands mystified Lalli
To run full tilt to the rail-coach door
Forbidding to shut till his buddies come
Faring to Mora. The folk carrier,
Secure steel-horse, steam-borne castle,
Wends through the land, windows unblinked,
Proclaimed as safe by cleanser wight
Emil swaggering Swedish success –
But he sees the line of Lalli’s stare
To his marred tunic – and retires to wash.
Then food, and talk. Tuuri, eager,
Looks for a troll, while Lalli and Emil
Share cold distrust till they come to Mora.
Native :uk: Usable :france::vaticancity: Trying to learn :wales: Wish I knew :finland:

Nellie McEnt

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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #1190 on: March 31, 2019, 08:13:54 PM »
Sonnet for Asking
Adventure II, Page 76

At nights alone in forests silver-white,
The moon his only quiet company,
The grass-tips all aflame with ghostly light,
He learned to live untouched and solit'ry.

No beast could make him run or cry for aid,
No task was there he couldn't face alone.
A lonely and efficient world he made--
He came and went unnoticed and unknown.

His moonlight met with fire's burning heart,
Which scorched the marble of his lonely shrine--
But when he made his mind up to depart,
He begged no help, and closeness he declined.

Cut off, cut loose, but never cut away,
For fire follows friend through night and day.


Speaks: 🇺🇸/🇬🇧
Learning (and not particularly good at): 🇨🇳, Latin
carpe diem

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Nellie McEnt

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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #1191 on: March 31, 2019, 08:47:40 PM »
Adge, you ineffable wordsmith!!

I'm supposed to write a poem
What the heck, how do I do this?
All your lines fill me with joy and
All your words are master-chosen!
You're genius, I am convinced, but
I know not how to express it,
So simplicity will guide me
Just to add in listed fashion
Quotes comprising just a sampling
Of the lines I find delightful:

Spoiler: show

Thin-limbed night-scout, unknowing pawn
In the far game of the four Icelanders,
At his dawn return."

"Her first far glimpse of the fiend-haunts
Disappoints her; no peril looms
In the dull braes."

"Keurusselkä’s cold gentleness,
Her soft lake-airs scented with pines;
A hundred isles, heron-sentried,
Close her southward; then cleansed gore-pools,
Bleak wilderness, waters tainted
With charred splinters, and channels close-set
To piers and quays, purposeless relics
Of brighter days"

"The quietness lulls Lalli, sea-queasy,
To teneless sleep; his two companions
While time away in whisperless hush
Overseen by cats, securely held
In Vellamo's guard, virtuous Lady
Of the running waters."

"Expecting kin
And aid trysted, Emil, heart-sour
Callow cleanser, on cobblestones drags
His unhandy bag to the high entrance
Of the steamer’s berth."

"One sun-turn had for the water-pass –
Few enough hours for the Finns to cross
The gull’s pleasance! Plainting Emil,
No lodging booked, no bed reserved,
Endures a night dozing on seats
A deceitful book set on his face
As long he slumbered."

"Wild-customed Lalli,
Lone-scout noita, ignores their hands,
Wants no greeting; wide-eyed Tuuri
Gushing loudly over gorgeous Swedes,
Points up Emil, apparel marred
In his long sleep."

"But he sees the line of Lalli’s stare
To his marred tunic – and retires to wash.
Then food, and talk. Tuuri, eager,
Looks for a troll, while Lalli and Emil
Share cold distrust till they come to Mora."
« Last Edit: April 01, 2019, 07:23:15 PM by Nellie McEnt »
Speaks: 🇺🇸/🇬🇧
Learning (and not particularly good at): 🇨🇳, Latin
carpe diem

:A2chap01: :A2chap02: :A2chap03: :A2chap04: :A2chap05:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #1192 on: March 31, 2019, 11:05:51 PM »
Pg 75

Just Ask For Aid, Luxury Trip Paid

"Seriously?!", he
Couldn't ask for aid there?
Just ask the Swede, silly,
Instead of leaving face-paper.

The cleanser stomps away,
Leaving the cat riled.
Looks at Reynir in dismay
Who just shrugs with a smile.

To the Krabben lines window,
Five tickets please.
Evening boarding, so they go,
This ship is the bees' knees.
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:


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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #1193 on: April 01, 2019, 06:15:13 PM »
Adge, you ineffable wordsmith!!

I'm supposed to write a poem
What the heck, how do I do this?
All your lines fill me with joy and
All your words are master-chosen!

So if you are generous enough to reply in my metre, I must do what I can in yours.

In this rare fandom, wonderfully kind,
Where trolls are topics, not a daily pest,
Where tolerance and openness of mind
Are prized, each posted word checked doubly, lest
Unmeant offence be given, the most best
Of all the groups the poets are, so high
Their vision climbs, so deep their insight pressed,
Their touchstone words the heart’s true virtue try.

Yet we, who for a distant glimpse still sigh
Of that Parnassus where you poets blessed
Are dwellers, in your words no scathe we find;
No patronising sneers our doggerel grind
Into the dust; but from the worthiest
Such praise that makes our caterpillars fly!

Native :uk: Usable :france::vaticancity: Trying to learn :wales: Wish I knew :finland:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #1194 on: April 02, 2019, 02:56:08 AM »
Pg 77

Living Like Lords, Pets On Board

This is how, you're
Meant to travel in style.
The carpets velour
Lining floors of the aisles.

Bright and cheery décor,
Full of luxury, sweet.
Like never before,
They can put up their feet.

Bathrooms en suite,
Closet space massive.
This cannot be beat,
For their upcoming passage.

Even allowing pets,
A pretty penny surely spent.
On choosing their beds,
To her own bunk kitty went.
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
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  • Weirdsmith
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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #1195 on: April 03, 2019, 11:49:36 PM »
Pg 78

Motion Dizziness, Some Funny Business

Should have saved up dough,
Says the man with the braid.
It's a great way to go,
You really get what you paid.

However, the Swede cleanser,
Emil's not as excited.
He really would have preferred,
His own cabin in private.

The cat with an ailment,
Transportation his weakness.
Responding to those statements,
With sounds of motion sickness.

Why does Mikkel suddenly care,
About the pipsqueak predicament?
It's complicated, to be fair,
For the normally ambivalent.

Lalli, the Dane's obligated,
To not let wander off on his own.
Shenanigans not appreciated.
Pulling a fast one not condoned.

The older Hotakainen
Has some explaining to do.
Then straight, the two of them,
To Norway when they're through.
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:

Nellie McEnt

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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #1196 on: April 04, 2019, 09:52:53 AM »
Sonnet for How You're Supposed To Travel
Adventure II, Page 77

O rooms partitioned with the greatest care,
And furnished with fine desks and bathrooms, too!
O beds with sheets as warm as summer air,
And carpets soft as clouds in skies of blue!

A soft contented chatter fills the halls,
The lights are warm and welcome with their glow;
Wide windows beckon sun through sturdy walls,
Revealing gulls that circle to and fro.

Compartments, wide and wooden-paneled, yawn
Receiving all our bags so helpfully!
The rolling cases make no sound upon
The gentle floor--and so we're off to sea!

Now this is how you're meant to travel, dears--
In comfort and in safety, with no fears!

Sonnet for A Private Cabin*
Adventure II, Page 78

When first I left that comfy, home-called place,
Upon a dirty couch I had to sleep
And rest an ugly book upon my face,
And in discomfort, how I wished to weep!

When in the train, in narrow bunks we lay
And all throughout the night the ride was rough--
And then a fearsome troll great waste did lay
To us, as though discomfort weren't enough!

And on the expedition? Narrow boards
With dirty mattresses, both rough and thin!
And when I came to Iceland? No reward
Of my own private room did I yet win!

And even now, though it's luxurious,
A cabin we must share--the five of us!

*Or: Sonnet for Why the Hell Can't I Just Get a Decent Place To Sleep?
Speaks: 🇺🇸/🇬🇧
Learning (and not particularly good at): 🇨🇳, Latin
carpe diem

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Nellie McEnt

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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #1197 on: April 05, 2019, 11:50:23 AM »
Sonnet for a Cool Gig
Adventure II, Page 79

Farm maging's not the job for me, you know;
It's boring, unfulfilling, not my jam.
So lucky 'tis that I have friends! I'll go
And follow where they wander, on the lam.

I stuffed a note into my sister's hand,
And held my conscience back and ran away.
Now I will travel all the blighted land
With gear to keep the rash disease at bay.

Old Norway's army won't accept me, true--
But lots of places out there need a mage!
I'm ready to be off, there's things to do,
And I will do them all before I age.

So I'm aboard, don't throw me in the brig;
I'll search the world around for one cool gig!
Speaks: 🇺🇸/🇬🇧
Learning (and not particularly good at): 🇨🇳, Latin
carpe diem

:A2chap01: :A2chap02: :A2chap03: :A2chap04: :A2chap05:

Nellie McEnt

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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #1198 on: April 07, 2019, 06:49:04 PM »
Sonnet for Dolphins
Adventure II, Page 80

The sunlight used to shine upon our backs
And glimmer on the iridescent drops
That flew in parabolic sky-sea tracks
As from the sea we leapt without a stop.

Then sickness closed us in and clustered near,
And blue-green festered grey beneath its hands.
The sea was choked, and sunlight disappeared,
Less open to us even than the land.

Our happy yips and chirps turned into screams;
Our smiles stretched and filled with broken teeth.
Our fins grew twisted limbs, and swimming seems
A task too painful, and without relief.

The only color now is carmine blood
Which blooms like sickly flowers in the flood.
Speaks: 🇺🇸/🇬🇧
Learning (and not particularly good at): 🇨🇳, Latin
carpe diem

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  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #1199 on: April 10, 2019, 01:23:20 AM »
Pg 79

As Far As Reykavik? Pulling A Slick Trick?

He told his parents he
Was only going to Reykavik.
The Icelandic man slyly,
Left a note and left quick.

He might not officially
Be in the army to enlist.
But there are places aplenty
For such mages to assist.

If there's nothing else
He'll follow Emil and the scout.
But clueless are the subjects
As their names are called out.

'Farm maging', he opines,
Is really not his bag.
A scheme of his design,
How far along will he tag?

Rooms and meals provided,
Mood, mostly, soars.
A kitty well excited
By the great out of doors.


Pg 80

Death In Chains, Window Stain

As the vessels cut through
The waves on the way.
They're ambushed by a slew
Of dolphin beasts in the bay.

Teeth and sharp bones wielded,
Leaping concert assault.
The smaller vessels fielded,
Tethered guns monsters halt.

Heavy chains, harpooned,
Weighted lines overboard.
Dying from their wounds,
They threaten no more.

Heavy metal, linked embrace,
Leaving them well bled.
Of battle, barely any trace,
Just the windows tinted red.


Pg 81

Island's A Fake 'Un, Dreams Forsaken

This island they're on,
It's some kind of fake 'un.
Unknown where they've gone.
Not to Bornholm taken.

Same as Iceland, held up,
They need quarantine.
An international hub,
For the trade and travel scene.

Whatever, it's not like
Anyone wanted to go there.
His words like hammers strike
The one with braided hair.
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan: