Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 859486 times)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2865 on: January 06, 2017, 12:54:25 PM »
I present to you what I have been working on before and after christmas:

It's mostly Emil/Lalli  hurt/comfort and Emil fussing over his injuried muffin. Nothing happens that can't be fixed, I guess. (I wish I could say the same for the current pages of the comic)
I'm the left one on the picture.

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2866 on: January 06, 2017, 06:10:15 PM »
Here's a short fic to go with page 657:

And then the creature that had once been many remembered.
It remembered every year of waiting. The slow rotting of the world that whispered to them that there was no help left to wait for, and then their anger and anguish when living ones did come after all that time, and all that waiting, only to selfishly leave them behind.
But the images were far worse. They were old things that they had hoped were long forgotten, flickering in and out of their mind like bats under a streetlamp, there one second and gone the next. Smiling faces of ones who had loved them. The warmth of loving them back. The un-hunger and wholeness, and the gentle touch of a sun that did not burn and sear their skin.
All the anger, fear and contempt they had used to cover up the pain, had been ripped up by the flames, and out through the tear came the anguish, and the void. The wretched flame had illuminated, making them SEE, all those hideous things they had gone into the darkness to hide from. Crushed hope ached in them. They reached - feebly, desperately, with sickening pointlessness - for the ghostly images that had re-surfaced, as if they could cling to them and climb back into that life without this pain.

A faint understanding whispered in their mind. It hadn't just been the anger, or the hunger. There was that, but then there was those two. The one with the braid. And the sneaky one. They reminded it of something intangible, something Beyond, something that should have been their birthright. Something that.. wasn't. It couldn't remember exactly what anymore, and that made it worse, and for a brief second the murderous rage flared, because they HAD NO RIGHT to make it remember. This was THEIR FAULT. Anger felt good - it distracted from the anguish. But it drowned, and faded, and that, too, was gone. And they were alone.

All those things, those safe things, the fire had burned them all. The anger and the hunger. Even the fear. And so there was only the agony, and it was as bottomless as the night and as cold as their corpses had felt when their hearts had only just stopped beating.

They breathed a faint static into the air. Once, it would've been a voice, but now it was little more than a chill that they didn't recognize the sound of. It clicked for a moment. Before they remembered words.
They spoke to it all - to the darkness and the void. Called out to mothers and fathers, spouses, siblings, children. Friends. Even to the faint recollection of themselves. Everyone, and everything, that appeared in the faint silvers of their resurfacing memory in the dreamlike illusion that some one could reply. They spoke to that intangible, un-remembered thing. They spoke to a God that had forsaken them all.
".... hElp. heLP Me. Is theRE AnyboDY TheRE. "
« Last Edit: January 06, 2017, 06:49:11 PM by Fauna »


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2867 on: January 07, 2017, 08:21:34 PM »


Bent and Twisted
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“Avatar: the Last Airbender” crossover fanfic
Part 9
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Prior part
Spoiler: Lamentations and Psalms • show
A tiny flame bloomed on one upturned corner of the First Rule poster that had almost been the death of them, but before the flame could do more than discolor the paper, it was snuffed out, leaving only a wisp of smoke behind.

“Emil’s awake,” Sigrun told Mikkel.

“You don’t say,” Mikkel replied dryly, half-a-dozen wisps of smoke rising from his hair. “Fortunately, so is Lalli. Perhaps Emil will be more cooperative for him.”

Sigrun frowned. “I get the feeling you remind Golden Boy too much of a mean teacher of his or something. Once we Return, I swear I’m gonna go find those incompetent Svensk and...”

Mikkel waited until she’d run out of steam before observing, “You’re oddly choleric for an Earth-Bender.”

“And Emil’s a melancholic, which can be dangerous for a Fire-Bender, but he’s been coming along nicely ’til he scared himself just now.” Sigrun grinned. “Besides, that’s why we get along so well together. We’re both Earth and Fire.”


Lalli was deeply unhappy at having to confer with Onni while Reynir was in the dream with them, but it couldn’t be helped: he needed to try to hash out just what exactly the encounter with Sonew had portended.

Sonew was not a “natural” Bender; by his own admission, he had made a deal with something or someone from the spirit world to gain his powers. That this bargain even existed worried Lalli; the thought that it might not be the only such bargain was frankly terrifying.

Then there were the Death-Shades. Sonew had admitted to knowing about them and their pursuit of Lalli’s group, and had rather implied that he had been an agent in setting the Death-Shades after them.

All these questions and more were burning in Lalli’s mind, demanding answers that Onni alone of Lalli’s ken might be able to answer; such was the force that drove Lalli to seek Onni’s counsel in their dream, regardless of whether or not the redheaded Life-Bender was present.


Emil was trying desperately to keep from igniting everything around him, as he and Sigrun were out here alone under the stars. The fire within him snarled and chafed at its confinement, but he kept beating it back.

They were out on a hunting trip, where the least little slip-up on Emil’s part might result not simply in injury to one or both of them but also the whole party’s going hungry until they could catch something else. The strain of this only amplified Emil’s absolute horror over what he’d done to Sonew, making it that much harder to keep the fire banked.

They were most fortunate that night: a non-Reaving-Bent bear wandered into their trap. Of course, this embarrassment of riches meant hours’ worth of work in hauling it back to camp, so Sigrun got to work gutting their kill with a will, calling for Emil to help her.

“Roll up your sleeves and let’s get to it,” she ordered him.

Emil swallowed hard. Roll up his sleeves? It was bad enough that they all knew he had shamed himself sufficiently to result in his Exile, but this would be so much worse...

His deliberations were cut off when an impatient Sigrun reached over and yanked one of his sleeves up to the elbow, exposing a myriad of tiny scars in row upon orderly row. Aghast, Sigrun drew her arm back, grasping for words which seemed to have fled her mind. “Emil...”

The blonde Svensk ducked his head in shame. His voice was flat and dead as he told her, “You kept insisting my ‘little blazes’ would stop--I didn’t want you to see how wrong you were, but now you can.” He pointed to a very faded one near his wrist. “This was my first punishment for setting something alight--my mom’s hair. Usually, it only takes one or two of these to teach a Fire-Bender not to lose control; lack of control can kill or maim so easily that the lesson must be burned into you. But I never could learn it.”

Sigrun’s retort was pithily encapsulated in a single word that expressed her feelings towards the Svensk and their teaching methods. Then she added for good measure, “Then why did your little ‘incidents’ drop to one or two a day over the last month?”

Emil shrugged. Still with that dead, hopeless tone in his voice, he said, “You’ve all been so nice to me, and I haven’t deserved it in the least...”

The moon rose to the sight of Sigrun holding a sobbing Emil.


The Death-Shades surrounded the camp, but no one stirred save Tuuri. Though she tried to rouse the others, they lay where they were, as though already drained by the hungry hordes that steadily approached them.

There was nowhere to run, and no one else who could fight. Tuuri was on her own.

Just before the lead ghost would have entered the vehicle, it happened. The last of Tuuri’s restraint snapped. She could not let this happen.

Her eyes shining blue, Tuuri announced, “Leave now. There is only terror for you here.

Halt and heed me, Fiendish Phantoms
Hollow husks of horrid hunger
Unto us now come unwelcome
Sink into my spell, you spirits!

Can you feel the fear awaken?
Long-held lust yet lose its luster?
Now at last has passed your longing
Hounded down by mounting terror!

Feed? No, flee, indeed, you evils!
Nevermore henceforth to hound us!

Before the last syllable had finished echoing into the night, the Death-Shades had flown, mashing into each other in their haste to escape the sudden terror that had overtaken them. Out of the world of flesh they fled and back to their own realm of spirits, pausing only briefly to let their go-between know that their deal with him was off, now and forever.

“We knew you could do it.” Tuuri turned in surprise at the voice...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
Aaaaand Tuuri isn’t the Avatar either.

But she isn’t precisely a classical Bender, either.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2017, 08:26:26 PM by LooNEY_DAC »


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2868 on: January 07, 2017, 10:39:40 PM »
Dai: that is blackly amusing. 'Their own babysitting' indeed!

Fauna: I'm glad you put this up here. Beautiful writing, stark and very intense.

LooNEY: This is becoming intriguing. Poor Emil....
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2869 on: January 08, 2017, 05:22:54 AM »
Hey guys, I did something I have wanted to do for a long time: Start the old 2015 prompt challenge for SSSS and aRTD! The first chapter is up already, I expect the second one to be finished within the next hours:

Wish me luck in doing it all the way to the end!
I'm the left one on the picture.

Fluent: :germany: :uk:
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2870 on: January 08, 2017, 07:01:10 AM »
Is anyone in need of something silly and light to deal with the latest torture session cliffhanger that Minna's concocted?

The Reluctant Apprentice
« Last Edit: January 13, 2017, 07:14:21 AM by Lazy8 »
:usa: native
:spain: comes back in an emergency
:vaticancity: rusty
:china: can usually manage to order food
:norway: can hold a basic conversation

:chap5: | :book2: | :book3: | :chap17: :chap18:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2871 on: January 10, 2017, 04:48:45 PM »
Chapter 22 is finally up over on AO3. It's another Sigrun one, which cements the idea in my head that said chapters are cursed. Enjoy!
Survived: Chapters: :chap8::chap9::chap10::chap11::chap12::chap13::chap14::chap15::chap16::chap17::chap18::chap19::chap20::chap21: :A2chap01: :A2chap02::A2chap03::A2chap04::A2chap05:
Books: :book3: :book4:

I wrote a thing. It has consumed my life.

Reigning champion of time spent on this forum.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2872 on: January 11, 2017, 10:37:17 PM »
The Good, the Bad, and the Bestial
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Western crossover fanfic
Part 28
Caper the 4th: The Madsen Connection
Part 3
Complete Links to Complete Links post
Prior part
Spoiler: Connecting the Dots • show
In retrospect, they were all lucky the whole of Milwaukee hadn’t burned down, though you’d have a tough time convincing Emil Westbrook of that.

Lalli Ghost-of-Forest and Tuuri Face-Like-Baby, however, were horror-struck at how near the Beer Capital of America came to going up in flames; Doc Mikkel asked whether they were hopping mad over it, and nearly got knifed before Emil and Sigrun intervened.

Reynir was just glad his braid hadn’t been singed.

Now, none of it could have happened in the first place if Onni Talks-To-Spirits hadn’t finally managed to overcome his trepidations and gone to Milwaukee; nor could it have happened if not for a certain redhead accidentally getting plastered again...


Well, this was certainly different.

Usually Reynir Saw various events playing out before him as though he were watching one of those “nickelodeon” things; this time, he was in the events, as though he were just dreaming normally.

Reynir was standing by a lake shore beneath a magnificently dramatic and imposing series of cliffs, while a man sobbed his eyes out a few feet in front of him. After a few moments of watching this in increasing perplexity, Reynir tried clearing his throat a few times in an attempt to make his presence known.

“It took you long enough.”

Reynir whirled in the direction the familiar voice had come from and beheld Lalli Ghost-of-Forest standing behind some weirdly shimmery kind of veil-like thing. The thin youth only nodded before looking over at the huddled crying man.


The sobbing stopped. The man raised his head, exposing a face that bore a distinct resemblance to Tuuri, though in masculine cast.

“ONNI! Let me in!”

The man leapt to his feet and sprang at Reynir, grabbing him by the lapels and crushing him against the cliffside. He then growled something utterly incoherent before Reynir had even gotten his wind back.

Finally, Reynir managed to blurt out, “I’m a friend! Ask Lalli!” And he pointed to where Lalli was still hammering against the veil-like thing.

The man dropped Reynir, turning to face Lalli, and Reynir suddenly remembered something. “Onni... That’s--You’re Tuuri’s brother, aren’t you?”

Onni whirled back to Reynir. Behind him, the veil parted, Lalli almost falling flat on his face immediately thereafter. “You know Lalli and Tuuri?” At Reynir’s nod, he asked in a sudden flood of words, “How is she? Is she homesick? Is she all right? Has she been eating well?”

Even as Onni asked, Lalli was running up to him. Right before Lalli reached Onni’s side, Onni turned and reached out his arms as if to hug the younger man. When Lalli recoiled, however, Onni placed his hands on Lalli’s shoulders. “It is good to see you.”

Reynir looked around Onni at Lalli. “What did you mean by ‘It took you long enough’?”

Lalli looked at Onni. “That’s Reynir. He Sees things when he drinks whiskey. Don’t know why he hasn’t been here before.” Then he looked at Reynir. “Onni and I can talk like this when we’re close enough. Thought you’d talk with me like this before now. Probably need to talk about what’s up in Milwaukee now.”

“Are you in Milwaukee now, Onni?” Reynir asked.

“No,” Onni and Lalli said simultaneously. Then, to Lalli’s obvious shock, Onni added, “But I’m on my way there now.”

Reynir frowned. “Well, you might be in for trouble, then.”

Onni grinned mirthlessly. “I already know I’m in for trouble,” he answered curtly. “I’ve left our homestead.” He looked back at Lalli. “You’re on your way to Milwaukee too, aren’t you?” At Lalli’s nod, Onni asked, “Does that mean you’re finally coming home?”

“Yes and no,” Reynir answered for Lalli. Lalli threw him a look, to which Reynir said, “Well, it’s true! I mean, I Saw you both going home for a while, but not just yet, and a whole bunch of other crazy stuff needs to happen first! Sorry, Onni,” he added at the other man’s sad look.

“Is this true?” Onni asked Lalli gruffly.

Lalli shrugged and gestured at Reynir, saying, “He’s the one who Sees stuff.” He shrugged again. “Saved our skins a few times that way.”

Onni turned to Reynir, his hands still on Lalli’s shoulders. “I need to know what you Saw,” he said, quietly but firmly...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
Oh, look. The latest part of my Western is up, right after someone doubted its existence.

What a surprise.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2873 on: January 12, 2017, 12:35:56 AM »
More LooNEY Western! Hurray!
*settles in with popcorn*


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2874 on: January 12, 2017, 03:35:45 AM »
Excellent, LooNEY! By the way, a drawing on the Art thread has a Western Lalli - a rather cute one. You should maybe post a link there to your Western and Cave of Time AUs there?
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2875 on: January 13, 2017, 07:17:29 AM »
...LooNEY, I kind of hate you right about now.

But not as much as I hate my own brain, for insisting on adding that one extra thing...

Yes, every entry in this challenge will be named after a song that fits the same criteria. Every. Single. One.

Anywhere Is

:usa: native
:spain: comes back in an emergency
:vaticancity: rusty
:china: can usually manage to order food
:norway: can hold a basic conversation

:chap5: | :book2: | :book3: | :chap17: :chap18:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2876 on: January 13, 2017, 02:11:51 PM »
The Eide Traveling Mercenaries, Er, Players
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Napoleonic Wars AU fanfic
Part 1
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Spoiler: From an Engagement in Bolivia • show
Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Upper Peru [modern Bolivia]
February 7, 1814

The battlefield was covered with the dead and the dying, their pitiful cries the only things that broke the post-battle silence.

Overall, Sigrun Eide considered that their work had gone much better than expected; hopefully their employers agreed.

While the local leader, one Ignacio Warnes, had done a stellar job on his own, he was only one man; the addition of six assistants to his poster gave him a much-needed respite, as had the performances the Eide Traveling Players had staged for his benefit and to keep up their cover.

Even the best and most remunerative engagements must inevitably end, as Mikkel was fond of saying; so it was that they were called back to Europe for yet another job. If, as Sigrun more than half suspected, it proved not to their taste, the Eide Traveling Players would try another circuit of Germany, Switzerland and Italy.

In the meantime, they had to make their way back to Europe from a town in the middle of a civil war.

Naturally, Emil suggested leaving under cover of a forest fire; Tuuri and Lalli managed to talk him out of it, but their suggestion of slipping down the river and into a forest where they could lose any pursuit was just as impracticable, as they would need to abandon their faithful old wagon and its contents. Reynir had some weird idea about using a massed herd of sheep in place of the fire, while Mikkel wanted to run an absurd Trojan Horse scheme. Once again, the plan would have to come from Sigrun.


Well, that had gone much better than they’d expected, Sigrun thought upon their arrival in Montevideo a scant three months later. A few close calls with the natives, the rebels, the Spaniards, the bandits, and a weird group of clowns (of all things) notwithstanding, they had come through sound of limb and with all their possessions. Another week or so of performances here would see them ready to take ship back to Europe in high style.

Hopefully, their first performance here wouldn’t be their last, as had happened a time or two before. They were starting a new production of one of the favorites from their time in Galicia, since the locals (or the authorities) probably wouldn’t appreciate the revolutionary-oriented plays that had gone over so well in Santa Cruz.

The sluggardly pace of cross-Atlantic mail being well known to Sigrun (who had at certain times used it to her advantage), she had half expected to find a letter awaiting the troupe rescinding the offer and instead offering them service against the Portuguese in the abominable jungles of Brazil, or the French in Indo-China, or some such hot and miserable place. Fortunately for all concerned, this had not eventuated.

To a certain extent, they were all a bit homesick by now, so a nice ocean voyage back to Europe was just what they needed. Sigrun paused a moment, wondering if she could bribe Mikkel into telling the kids that such a voyage was, in fact, his prescription for what ailed them...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
Oh, look. I went and spun these guys off from their “Cave of Time” cameo.

I wanted to at least get this started before the Alphabet Soup began; updates may thus be even more sporadic than is my wont.

I will relate the brush with the “weird group of clowns” at some point.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2877 on: January 13, 2017, 10:00:28 PM »
The Eide Traveling Mercenaries, Er, Players
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Napoleonic Wars AU fanfic

Literally everything I know about the Napoleonic Wars comes from reading the Temeraire series, but this looks exciting!
:usa: native
:spain: comes back in an emergency
:vaticancity: rusty
:china: can usually manage to order food
:norway: can hold a basic conversation

:chap5: | :book2: | :book3: | :chap17: :chap18:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2878 on: January 15, 2017, 01:52:59 AM »
For some reason this next song prompted me to try my hand at a Western AU.
Even though I hate Westerns.

Blaze of Glory
:usa: native
:spain: comes back in an emergency
:vaticancity: rusty
:china: can usually manage to order food
:norway: can hold a basic conversation

:chap5: | :book2: | :book3: | :chap17: :chap18:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2879 on: January 15, 2017, 02:08:57 AM »
These are turning out interesting. And of course Reynir would turn up, and of course Mikkel would send him off to raise sheep, probably knowing full well that sheep-raising in the old West carried its own whole range of problems.
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