Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 805890 times)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #750 on: July 18, 2015, 06:07:47 PM »
Thanks for the Links!!
« Last Edit: July 18, 2015, 06:13:16 PM by Huntra »
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #751 on: July 19, 2015, 03:39:12 AM »
@LooNEY Wow, you terribly amazing person. Even 10 stadiums full of standing ovations wouldn't adequately describe my awe for your writing.
@JoB I hadn't known that! The Dutch are pretty great, haha.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #752 on: July 19, 2015, 05:30:47 AM »
Belatedly, here it is.

A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part XI
Spoiler: show
Year 160, Early Spring

Herr Hotakainen,

It is with great regret that I announce the passing of Emil Västerström, my grandfather. It has fallen to me to handle/“wrap up” his remaining un-official correspondence. Your letter (which I have enclosed, unopened) reached us about a week after it happened.

If I may add a personal note, I would like to thank you for being Grandfather’s chief correspondent through his final years. I know for a fact that he always brightened considerably when he saw that there was a new letter from you in his mail.

Yours Most Respectfully,
Emil Reynir Mikkel Lalli Västerström

Year 160, Late Spring

Fröken Hotakainen,

I thank you for your kind words about my grandfather’s passing.

I was never permitted to read any of your father’s letters, nor any of my grandfather’s responses, though he would occasionally ask me if a certain word fit the role in a sentence that he intended for it. Sometimes, though, my father would tell me silly stories Grandfather had read to him from your Cousin Tuuri’s letters when he and my uncles were boys. The one that I remember best is the one about Onni and the Cursed Machine. I would very much enjoy learning more about your kin, if you would be so kind.

About my family: you have heard of my grandfather from your father, of course. My eldest uncle, Aku, has been called “the Swede Alaxander”, and “Gustavus Adolphus Reborn”, as his Cleansing campaigns liberated the old Counties of Västernorrland, Gävleborg, and the eastern quarter of Västerbotten for Sweden between 130-135. My other uncle, Esko, is perhaps the most famous doctor in Sweden, having saved many hundreds of lives through treatments he invented or rediscovered. Most Swedes know my father’s voice (or, more properly, voices) better than most others, as he has been one of Mora Radio’s “Thousand Voices Men” since their inception.

My six brothers are all Skalds or Cleansers, aside from Ulf, the third youngest of us, who’s another of the “Thousand Voices Men”. As for myself, I am the youngest son of the youngest son of the man I was named for, whose un-official secretary I became when I left school, and there is not much else to say about me.

Yours Most Respectfully,
Emil R.M.L. Västerström

Year 160, Early Summer

Fröken Aino,

I heard a bird singing this morning, and I wondered, “What kind of birds live in and around Keuruu?” Of course, this set me to wondering about all the various Finn flora and (non-Beast) fauna, and I could hardly wait to ask you. I don’t know how I’ll survive the suspense of awaiting your response.

Here on the Isle of Sollerön, we have the ordinary complement of domestic stocks: poultry, pigs, cattle and horses, as well as dogs and the ubiquitous felines, one of whom is trying to sabotage this letter by demanding my immediate attentions. Thus, I must end.

Yours Most Respectfully,
Emil R.M.L. Västerström

Year 160, Late Summer


Pursuant to your request, I have gathered all the “Lalli stuff”, as he used to refer to it, for your examination. As it is quite a substantial amount of... well, stuff, I propose to bring it to you at Keuruu at the beginning of Fall, if that is permissible.

I look forward to finally meeting you face to face.

Yours Most Respectfully,
Emil R.M.L. Västerström

Year 161, Winter


Your mother and I hope you and your new bride (Aino, is it?) are doing well over in Keuruu; for ourselves, work is a bit slow as my voice is still recovering from the bad throat cold I had early in the year, but we do well enough aside from that.

Of course we do not disapprove (it’s not as if you were acting dishonorably by marrying her); we simply wish you’d waited a bit that we might meet your bride, and possibly her family, as I have always had a curiosity about the Hotakainens. On that note, we intend to take the first spring ship out to Keuruu for a visit. I know you dislike “being babied”, but we are your parents. When the gods bless you with children, you’ll understand.

Your story of how the two of you discovered that you share a birthday is amusing. Imagine, the youngest grandson of Emil Västerström and the only daughter of Lalli Hotakainen being born at practically the same time!

If you wish to make your life and home in Finland, instead of the recently liberated Swedish wildlands, we again will not object; we’ll merely request that you visit us at least annually, and let us visit you with the same frequency. No-one in the family wants another Siv Incident.

I remain, and ever shall be,
Your Loving Father
U.E. Mikkel Västerström

Author’s Notes
Spoiler: show
So, some more lighthearted later stuff. I’ll bet you thought the story ended when Emil & Lalli died, aside from the earlier excursus.

It took me a while to decide to do this excursus, but I hope it turned out well.

Alternate titles: Fast Times in Finland, When Emil Met Aino, etc.

This was beautiful and you had me standing on a train station, holding back tears after reading.

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #753 on: July 20, 2015, 02:03:20 PM »
Conquer Sciphol! It's big and fancy and big! And it's probably been run down with trolls since day one since it's, as aforementioned, so very big!

Oh, also, angst party with Reynir: when it's all over.


we don't have cookies but we do have sin

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #754 on: July 20, 2015, 02:04:45 PM »

we don't have cookies but we do have sin
I say no ! (And I'm not alone, I know I'm not alone.)
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #755 on: July 20, 2015, 02:22:54 PM »
we don't have cookies but we do have sin

You don't deserve cookies after what you guys put the rest of us through!
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #756 on: July 20, 2015, 08:58:57 PM »
What SectoBoss said!
But I must admit some of the explorations of difficult themes are interesting. Killing some of the characters highlights the reactions of the others. Hmmmm....
No, I'm not about to change my usage and start killing off the cast, but a historical retrospective might be enlightening. LooNEYDAC's 'Correspondence' stories certainly worked well.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #757 on: July 21, 2015, 02:52:44 AM »

Spoiler: show
I never thought that Mikkel would ever say dude

Ahahaha sorry, didn't make that clear, that is Sigrun saying that.
I say vol, you say tron! Vol!


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #758 on: July 21, 2015, 09:25:06 PM »
Mikkel Madsen and the Crown of Gamleborg
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Spoiler: show

“Unfortunately, the Danes do not know of the kindnesses of the Gods, and refuse to acknowledge them.”

The Fortress of Gamleborg on Bornholm Isle is so old that the names of those who built it are lost. The name Gamleborg itself means “Ancient Heights”, suggesting how much older the fortress is than its medieval successors. Many of its deepest secrets are yet to be rediscovered; many tales are told of what it might hide.

In the Year 80, one man uncovered its deepest secret, completely by accident, as he thought. That man was Mikkel Madsen.


The raven flew off, carrying its stolen bounty in its beak. Furious at the loss of his sandwich, Mikkel grabbed a nearby stone and flung it at the thief. He missed.

“OUCH! Of all the accursed foolish things--”

Mikkel sighed. Of course. “ ‘I shot an arrow in the air’,” he quoted mournfully. And with his luck, he’d just hit that windbag Olsen.

A man at the high end of middle-age sat by the old well, holding his leg and cursing. Some of his turns of phrase were quite inventive, and Mikkel filed them away for potential review later. A fair number of ravens were loitering around him, oddly enough, undisturbed by his vituperative discourse. Mikkel had always thought ravens were the secret sadists of the avian world, and now he had proof.

“Stop lurking over there, you microcephalic gigantopithecan! If you’re going to seek out the consequences of your moronic behavior, then embrace them fully, instead of thinking you can hang back and avoid the flying debris! As though anyone your size could hide in any case.”

Slightly abashed, Mikkel walked over to the man. The rock Mikkel had flung at the escaping avian had evidently struck the man’s leg in just the right, or, rather, just the wrong way, leading the man to sprain his ankle quite badly.

“Better. Now, since you’ve managed to put me out of action, it falls to you to take my place in recompense.” As Mikkel gaped in surprise, the man thrust a small flashlight, notebook and pen at him. “Take these, go down that hole over there,” he pointed to the well, “and through the tunnels into the main chamber, and write down everything you see down there. And you needn’t worry about getting stuck; a notable number of our forbears were as alciform as you, so the tunnels should be as practicable for you as for me. Don’t waste time arguing with me; it’s the equinox, and the sun will peak soon. If I’m right, a light show like you’ve never seen should start momentarily, and it’ll be six months before it’s repeated! Get in there!”

There really seemed to be nothing to say to that, so Mikkel went, stuffing the proffered equipment into his jacket. The well proved to possess a rudimentary ladder of protuberant stones, allowing him to descend into its murky, and unpleasantly slimy, depths. Just as the man had implied, once Mikkel had plumbed far enough, one side opened into a gloomy passageway easily accessible from the “ladder”. Gingerly stepping across to the opening, Mikkel retrieved the flashlight, shining it along the tunnel walls.

The Elder Futhark gleamed back at him, covering the walls in line after thick line of script. Great. His hand would fall off copying all this, since, though he knew Pitman shorthand, he couldn’t use it, as he only knew what the Elder Futhark was; he had no idea what any of the runes actually stood for. On the other hand, these could wait for the man’s ankle to heal, while the still notional “main chamber” could not.

Mikkel kept the spot of light pointed firmly at where his feet were aimed as he moved down the tunnel. It meandered for quite some distance, always descending very gently, with not a few sharp turns and about-faces, but eventually, he reached what he could only assume was the main chamber.

Mikkel had heard that Gavleborg had been built for the ancient kings of Bornholm, before the Danes had united, and the chamber was certainly adorned in a befittingly regal manner. The material around him was stone, metal, ivory and even some wood, and everything was carven as the tunnel had been. In the center, there was a plinth, or perhaps it had been an altar; it was a pillar of stone just about five feet high, at any rate, and atop it, for all the world like a crown, was carved a toroidal shape, ensconced in which were a number of large, grayish-looking rocks. Mikkel quickly sketched the plinth and its crown.

How odd. One of the stones atop the central plinth was jarringly out of its socket. Instinctively, Mikkel righted it in its sconce, and as he did, a shaft of sunlight gleamed upon it, illuminating previously invisible translucent depths. There was a sound like stone upon stone, and suddenly, the other jewels in the sconce lit up as well, glowing bright in the subterranean gloom.

Mikkel had just decided that he should leave when the glow faded, leaving only a chamber forlorn and forsaken by time. He shook his head and left anyway, eager to return to the surface and the sun.

The man was awaiting Mikkel in more or less the same spot, fussing over something which proved to be a glass eye. The man snorted at Mikkel’s surprise. “There have always been more of these here on Bornholm than are used, so why should I deny myself the anonymity of two eyes? But enough of that. Did you see it? Did it shine for you?”

Mikkel handed over the notebook. “I had to re-set one of the stones, but yes. I sketched it as I found it, as it shone, and as I left it.”

“Then Bornholm owes you a great debt, Mikkel Madsen.” With that, the man stood and walked off unhaltingly. When Mikkel tried to follow, he had vanished. Perplexed, Mikkel scratched his head, and then shrugged.

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show

Just a quick “Mikkel Meets Mysticism” bit, more practicing his POV than anything else. Unfortunately, his jocular side didn’t get a chance to put in an appearance, so I’ll have to work on that later.

Ahahaha sorry, didn't make that clear, that is Sigrun saying that.

Spoiler: Gentle criticism • show

Paragraphs are your friend. Use them, and such confusion disappears.

Other than that, very nice.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #759 on: July 22, 2015, 01:07:23 AM »
LooNEY: ahahahahahaaaa! Love the story! And still giggling at the thought of the old Rider of the grey horse having a glass eye. Though, I guess, why not?
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #760 on: July 22, 2015, 05:45:41 PM »
Feels like it's been a while since I posted here!

Buuuut here's a fanfic I wrote for Sigrid's birthday where everyone works in a bakery :D
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #761 on: July 22, 2015, 06:06:41 PM »
Feels like it's been a while since I posted here!

Buuuut here's a fanfic I wrote for Sigrid's birthday where everyone works in a bakery :D

Loving the tags: "no language barriers" "they're awkward enough already" "possibly pre-slash".

AND "Old Baldy."
"The music of what happens," said great Fionn, "that is the finest music in the world."
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #762 on: July 22, 2015, 08:21:23 PM »
Feels like it's been a while since I posted here!

Buuuut here's a fanfic I wrote for Sigrid's birthday where everyone works in a bakery :D

I can never say this enough times but I LOVE IT SO MUCH THANK YOU IT'S PERFECT
I do not regret my request for coffee shop au with awkward barista Emil. It was everything I wanted it to be and more


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #763 on: July 23, 2015, 08:03:51 AM »
Feels like it's been a while since I posted here!

Buuuut here's a fanfic I wrote for Sigrid's birthday where everyone works in a bakery :D
Yes, awkward Emil <3
Spoiler: show
I can imagine now; how he goes to Trond for help and is forced to read his book in before getting any information. It's super weird and he doesn't understand anything of it, reducing him to a state of near desperation. Then Tuuri comes by and asks him what's happening. He starts explaining and as soon as she hears "he ordered two cookies without any drink or anything" she goes "Must be Lalli". XD

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #764 on: July 23, 2015, 11:24:52 AM »
Yes, awkward Emil <3
Spoiler: show
I can imagine now; how he goes to Trond for help and is forced to read his book in before getting any information. It's super weird and he doesn't understand anything of it, reducing him to a state of near desperation. Then Tuuri comes by and asks him what's happening. He starts explaining and as soon as she hears "he ordered two cookies without any drink or anything" she goes "Must be Lalli". XD

XD you basically just read my mind. That's a little scary.
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