Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 806072 times)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #435 on: May 27, 2015, 09:36:35 PM »
As someone slogging through a science degree, I’m slightly sad we never saw much of Siv’s work in the comic. So I wrote this, a short story of Siv pulling a late shift in the lab on the night Torbjörn quit his job. Remember those trolls in the background of page 138? Siv certainly will after this…

I hope you all like it!

(I really need to stop writing and do some revision now)

That makes so much sense for Siv. Head cannon!


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #436 on: May 27, 2015, 09:43:19 PM »
As someone slogging through a science degree, I’m slightly sad we never saw much of Siv’s work in the comic. So I wrote this, a short story of Siv pulling a late shift in the lab on the night Torbjörn quit his job. Remember those trolls in the background of page 138? Siv certainly will after this…

I hope you all like it!

(I really need to stop writing and do some revision now)

Dang! This is actually pretty cool, since her personality in comic hasn't been expanded upon much more than 'pessimist'.

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #437 on: May 27, 2015, 11:10:46 PM »
SectoBoss, that was excellent! I'm curious about the backgrounds of those trolls.....
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #438 on: May 28, 2015, 05:49:20 AM »
Thanks guys!

Brilliant!  (Troll names FTW...)

They were originally going to be John, Paul, George and Ringo before I changed them to something a little more Nordic :D
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #439 on: May 28, 2015, 06:17:08 PM »
Oof, double-posting here. Bad SectoBoss!

This is what happens when I write fanfiction on 48 hours with no sleep: I go a bit crazy and write a story about a giant telling a gang of trolls the legend of the six warriors and their iron beast that invaded Copenhagen in the winter of Year 90. I think in my addled state I’ve developed a sort of ‘I am Legend’-style headcanon for the trolls and giants.

(Looking back, I also think I’ve been inspired by KicknRun’s Count on a Hand here. Go read that, it's better.)
Count on a Hand

Anyway, here goes nothing:

And good grief, this is my twelfth fanfic for SSSS! I really need to figure out how to stop…
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #440 on: May 28, 2015, 06:48:50 PM »

Anyway, here goes nothing:

Whoa, that has a great mood. Because of it I imagine the trolls sitting by the campfire, greeting a stranger, even though it's nonsense, but that's just me.
Also, I love how you show trolls (all of them? some of them?) as having memories and not just being mindless beasts.
And good grief, this is my twelfth fanfic for SSSS! I really need to figure out how to stop…
..Please don't figure it out. c:
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #441 on: May 28, 2015, 07:57:52 PM »
Oof, double-posting here. Bad SectoBoss!

This is what happens when I write fanfiction on 48 hours with no sleep: I go a bit crazy and write a story about a giant telling a gang of trolls the legend of the six warriors and their iron beast that invaded Copenhagen in the winter of Year 90. I think in my addled state I’ve developed a sort of ‘I am Legend’-style headcanon for the trolls and giants.

(Looking back, I also think I’ve been inspired by KicknRun’s Count on a Hand here. Go read that, it's better.)
Anyway, here goes nothing:

And good grief, this is my twelfth fanfic for SSSS! I really need to figure out how to stop…

You think Count on a Hand is better?

No, but I'm pretty sure this one is better, because I remembered it exists.

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #442 on: May 30, 2015, 10:44:13 AM »

this isn't much of an update, actually. I finally got around to making an Ao3 account, and I thought that maybe what I said in the tags might clear up some things.

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #443 on: May 31, 2015, 02:21:58 AM »
Kick'n'Run: This is getting intriguing! I'll be very interested to see what the connection is to Reynir (or is it braidy?) and the New Wave writing style is a worthwhile experiment. I like how you catch the feel of both Lalli and Sigrun, also that conflict in Mikkel's mind between 'evidence-based' thinking and a world that actually has obvious (and evident) magic. I'm curious as to how Lalli knows about possession (if that is indeed what is going on) and whether he can do anything about it.
By the way, thanks for your compliments on my story! Glad you liked my take on Sigrun. I imagine her as having enough berserker in her nature to appeal to the crazy/reckless among her folk, but with enough sense and trustworthiness not to get everybody killed. And of course she's lucky! She seems to be the better type of warrior-aristocrat, a bit the same sort of character as Egil Skallagrimsson from the Sagas (just without poetry and magic).
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #444 on: May 31, 2015, 05:40:38 AM »
Woohoo! We've made it to 40 stories on AO3 alone! I remember when it was something like 15...
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #445 on: May 31, 2015, 07:11:41 PM »
Woohoo! We've made it to 40 stories on AO3 alone! I remember when it was something like 15...
I remember when we had 10 and half of them were mine and I felt like a horrible person for dragging the fandom into ship territory.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #446 on: June 01, 2015, 10:29:39 AM »
As someone slogging through a science degree, I’m slightly sad we never saw much of Siv’s work in the comic. So I wrote this, a short story of Siv pulling a late shift in the lab on the night Torbjörn quit his job. Remember those trolls in the background of page 138? Siv certainly will after this…

Oh my gosh, this is amazing! Headcanon accepted! Also, thanks for writing this! :]
:germany: :uk:
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #447 on: June 04, 2015, 06:09:53 PM »
Today on: Kick writes wish fulfillment!

They were lucky, the first few raids.The first raid wasn’t too bad, and practice makes perfect, right? The second and third raids went just fine.

This raid was on a crash course to failing spectacularly.

Everything goes wrong, very very loudly. Its in a library, once proud stone now decaying, what is means defiled and gone, ready to be opened like one of the Old World’s innumerable rotten presents.

(Number 42: library, many books above ground, preserved books below ground. high value collection)

There is a loud rumbling sound, and as Tuuri looks out from the window, more of the roof starts to cave in. Mikkel is at the door of the library, and Sigrun, Lalli, and Emil already seem to be getting out of there. Sigrun, of all people, has a gash running down her arm, and favors her arm as she runs. Tuuri starts the engine.

It doesn’t start, and the ground begins to rumble. There is a thudding sound at the cockpit, and Tuuri turns her head to look back at the door, even though she already knows who it  is.

“Is something happening! What’s going on? ”, Reynir yelps in panicked Icelandic, and Tuuri winces, because she needs to think, and having a panicking Icelandic boy at the door is not. Helping.

Tuuri tries to start the engine again, and it fails again.

“I’m starting the engine! We’re leaving, and everything will be fine.”, Tuuri lies. She tries not to think of what ‘everything will be fine’ means, because she isn’t fooling herself, and she doesn’t think she’s fooling Reynir either. Because, if she can’t start this engine, they’ll all be nothing but dead, and she can’t have that.

The ground rumbles again, stronger, and Tuuri feels it though the metal treads of the tank. The old library collapses in on itself,entirely, and something like a displeased rumble sounds.

Its a giant
a giant

The word giant loops itself on an endless circle around her mind, stopping everything else. Then Tuuri forces down her panic like the weak little thing it is, and tries the engine one last time.

And the proximity monitor beeps. They’ve finally reached the tank. Tuuri yanks down the lever that will let them in and leaves them to close the door for themselves.

The engine still hasn’t started. She had a ton of luck right now, a full load but a broken boat.

Something weak and fleshy starts breaking out from the once-library, and a chittering starts, and Tuuri knows she will not die this way. 

Onni had never taught her much about this, but he had taught her a little, and that was hopefully enough. Beside, any Finn worth their salt knew how to compose a runo. What she needed was a goddess, and a goal. She (un)fortunately had both.

They must be getting restless now, but they couldn't leave until they had been decontaminated , so she could do this. Actually, she had to do this.

Tuuri stands up, spreads her arms straight and wide, takes a deep breath, and sings.

I call to Tuuri, my namesake

Listen to my fear
as I call to your grace
From a dark and silent land
Full of danger, this place

Grant of me you grace
I beg
I plea
I beseech

for luck

So we can live,
a goal we hope to reach

For Tuonela is another day
Our lives a keepsake

Her arms drop, and Tuuri takes in a swallow from her throat to her now much dryer mouth. Tuuri counts to ten before trying the engine once again, because the goddess could always choose not to listen, or punish her for her impatience, and they would all die.

The engine starts. 

A/N: ahhh, i really just wanted to see Tuuri do something magic, since Minna said that even people who don't have magical talent can do runos, and I'm pretty proud of this catastrophe. and to anyone who's reading Hop Skip Fall, the next chapter's going smooth! I'm just putting 75% of my creative output into the Tomorrow Villains AU, which is going to be lengthy.
Word count is 624 words. Its like 200 in my notebook.

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #448 on: June 04, 2015, 08:37:51 PM »
Today on: Kick writes wish fulfillment!

Oooohh that was most awesome!

And...uhh. I'm hoping this won't be too off topic. And I also hope you won't mind terribly (I'm so sorry if you do mind), but when I saw that truly lovely runo, THE INSPIRATION JUST HIT ME and I...kinda made a Finnish rendition of it. It's not a straight translation of course, and I'm not really that good at Kalevala meter (or poems in general) so I'm afraid this isn't nearly as good as what someone like Mikko could come up with, but I HAD TO do it:

Nytpä Tuuria tavoittelen,
kainoa kaimaani komennan

Kauhuani kuulisitko,
pelkoani pysäyttävää

Armoasi havittelen, laupeuttas haikailisin
Pimeästä pahaisesta, maasta hiljaisen hämärän
Vaaroista jo vaanivista, paikan piinaavan pajoilta

Suosiosi mulle myönnä, armahdustasi ojenna
Näin mä pyydän, näin rukoilen,
sulta sääliä anelen

Että onneas antaisit,
että viel voitais elellä
viel ihanteet ehätettäs,

niin jäis Tuonela tulevaan
olo omiin kätösihin
ve'et vainajien vältettäis

(ihanteet is not really the best word for "goals" but, meh)
metsän henget

native: :fi:
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somewhat struggling with: :se:
learned but mostly forgotten: :fr:

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #449 on: June 04, 2015, 08:51:38 PM »
Oooohh that was most awesome!

And...uhh. I'm hoping this won't be too off topic. And I also hope you won't mind terribly (I'm so sorry if you do mind), but when I saw that truly lovely runo, THE INSPIRATION JUST HIT ME and I...kinda made a Finnish rendition of it. It's not a straight translation of course, and I'm not really that good at Kalevala meter (or poems in general) so I'm afraid this isn't nearly as good as what someone like Mikko could come up with, but I HAD TO do it:

Thank god. I was actually going to write it in Kalevala meter, but then I nope'd outta that faster than your average politician, so that didn't happen. I am just so happy that somebody did a thing for my thing oKAy. Thank you a lot!

(also I kinda ended up making my own kinda of meter in the process. kinda)

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