Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 805566 times)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2805 on: December 17, 2016, 04:43:52 PM »
Grade E cat, you are clearly having too much fun with this! Please, please continue! :'D

Grade E cat

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2806 on: December 20, 2016, 02:57:14 AM »
[Worst Case Scenario, Lalli's Chapter] More than happy to comply with that request. Unfortunately couldn't avoid briging up the ghosts in the "how it's really like" scene for this chapter, so it's not as funny as the two previous. Still found an ironic thing for Reynir's parents to be worrying about. Spending too much time trying to figure out what I was going to do for Emil's has resulted in it being the most advanced in my mind, so I'll be doing it next.

Spoiler: show
Worst case scenario: The scout

Árni and Sigríður both realized that they were awake early and that the still-dark sky put the same person on their mind: the Finnish night scout. Early morning was certainly one of the times of the day during which he and Reynir crossed paths, the man under the impression that their son was mistreating his relative when it was actually the other way around. His relative's lies probably happened at the end of his shift rather than the beginning, so he would be less likely to have second thoughts about what she told him. His possible means of revenge were countless. They considered the possibility that the Finnish gods had a heart and prevented him from casting too strong spells on Reynir, maybe even told him that his relative was lying to him. No, Reynir wasn't under their protection, hence they probably did not care. And if they did, the man probably still chose to believe his relative over them and, strictly speaking, did not actually need powerful magic to make Reynir's life miserable. He could do something to Reynir's food while he was in the middle of eating it. Make him drop the captain or the cleanser's food as he was serving it to them in hope of getting on their good side, preferably on the captain and/or cleanser themselves. Have him fall with the worst timing possible, so someone else would either step or trip on him. Even when not under the effect one of his spells, Reynir was probably living in constant fear of the next one. He probably didn’t dare get anywhere close to the man, even as he was asleep. To add insult to injury, this man was going to be the first mage around which Reynir spent any significant length of time. They feared greatly that he would he be unable to trust mages back home after going through such a treatment.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the Silent World:

Lalli was trying to hide it from everyone else, but he could not from Reynir. Ghosts had been following them for the entire trip to Odense. Lalli would cast the spells intended to ward them off when he came back from scouting, and only then scratch the door to signal his presence to everyone else. The only reason Reynir was awake to hear and sense him doing so was that the distant presence of the ghosts had started keeping him from sleeping through the night. Mikkel simply thought that his early insomnia had come back. With no official duties, Reynir could catch a nap during the day, during which presence of ghosts wasn't as strong, without inconveniencing anyone. He thought he understood why Lalli was originally a night scout. If nighttime activity of spirits kept one from sleeping anyway and there was a need for people willing to take night shifts, this worked best for everyone. He rolled over and let his arms stretch on the empty mattress under Tuuri's bunk, the only space available to do so, as Mikkel was sleeping on his other side. Despite usually being the only one asleep during the day, Lalli chose to sleep in there. Tuuri had once told him that Lalli slept under his bed at Keuruu as well. It did look comfy and reassuring in there, but he wouldn't dare actually try to sleep in the spot. Lalli didn't like him very much, he had told Onni so in the earliest dream Reynir remembered. They couldn't talk without Tuuri translating in the waking world anyway, so they had reached an unspoken agreement to stay out of each other's way. However, if Reynir ever found a way of helping with the ghosts, they were going to have to coordinate their efforts at some point. And Lalli was still giving him something without quite realizing or intending to. Mikkel and Emil didn't believe in magic. He sometimes felt that Sigrun and Tuuri were humoring him rather than actually believing him when it came to his attempts to make useful runes. Lalli's presence meant that there was one person in the crew who knew for sure that he was a mage and saw the same things he did. This was the reason Reynir was considering having his nap at the same time as Lalli's and visiting him in the dream world to ask him if there was another reason than the ghosts for the bad mood in which he had been as of late according to Tuuri. The problem was that Lalli had reacted quite violently the first and only time he had gone into his protected area uninvited. He suddenly had an idea.

Later, in the dream world:

-Hey Lalli, can you hear me? I'm trying a new trick.
Lalli was very tempted to tell Reynir to go bother Onni with that annoying dog of his instead, but that would let him know that he could actually hear him through it. He was hoping he would give up and get the animal out of his protected area if he ignored it long enough. It was still interesting that he could do this. Lalli didn’t know much about foreign magic, but it had taken him several months of training to be able to do anything similar to this with his luonto. Even if it was easier for foreign mages, chances were that Reynir was succeeding at this early for someone who had been aware of his powers for barely more than two weeks and was finding out how they were working on his own. Maybe Lalli wouldn't have to do everything if the ghosts finally caught up with them, after all.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2016, 02:27:25 PM by Grade E cat »
Native: :fr:
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Few and far between practice opportunities: :es:
A little learned during hardcore anime fan phase: :jp:
Only alternative to English in early junior high school: :de:

Do what cat. Lalli's way of life since age three.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2807 on: December 20, 2016, 06:32:46 AM »
This is becoming very interesting, both the humorous and the serious parts.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2808 on: December 20, 2016, 08:08:41 AM »

Tuuri and Reynir jumped convulsively as the cat suddenly leapt from Tuuri's lap to the top bunk, then stood, claws embedded in the blankets, every hair standing out like a dandelion, glaring at a spot on the floor.

Reynir followed the kitten's gaze. He froze when he heard the scratching noises - and saw a floorboard move.

Tuuri gasped. "Troll - under the floor!..."

Reynir looked around desperately for a weapon. There wasn't much - everything lethal was outside, with the warriors.

Tuuri was military, so she had her knife - but what good was that against something that claws through wood and metal?

Reynir's gaze fell on a shovel in the corner.

Then he had an idea - desperate, but it was all they had...

"Tuuri! Give me your knife!"


"No time to explain! I need your knife now!"

Tuuri watched as Reynir took the knife and shovel in hand. Reynir grinned apologetically. "This will probably ruin your knife - but it's all I can think of right now..."

Tuuri frowned: "Don't worry, I can always get another knife - what...?"

But Reynir was no longer paying attention, scratching furiously on the back of the shovel with the knife blade. "I just hope I can make marks deep enough..."

The floor-noises intensified, with ominous cracking noises from the visibly shaking boards. The cat was yowling continuously, eyes as big as saucers.

"There!" Reynir held up the shovel to inspect his handiwork in the dim light, dropping the sadly abused knife to the floor. A scratched symbol glittered faintly on the back of the shovel...

A floorboard snapped with a bang.

A weirdly distorted limb thrust through the gap, gripping the wood work.

Reynir sprang to his feet, shovel in hand.

The creature heaved itself upwards, bending and breaking solid boards, a grotesque head appearing in the hole.

Reynir swung...


There was a muffled WHUMP! from inside the tank. Mikkel and Sigrun looked up with alarm.

Both ran towards the truck, from which smoke was now seeping.

The door opened before they got there, a thoroughly terrified, soot-blackened cat flying out, followed by billows of smoke, then a coughing sooty Tuuri.

A blackened apparition appeared in the doorway behind Tuuri, red hair smoking, holding the remains of a shovel.

It grinned. "Hey! Whatta you know? It worked!"


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2809 on: December 20, 2016, 10:45:16 AM »
Hey guys, I actually started to write fanfictions for our beloved team before I got into the forum so: Here is the newest chapter of my current ongoing fanfiction.
In which Emil takes ages to find out that he is supposed to marry Lalli.
I'm the left one on the picture.

Fluent: :germany: :uk:
In school I had: :france: :spain:
Some words and phrases: :japan:
Learning: :sweden:



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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2810 on: December 21, 2016, 08:01:01 AM »
Title: Eleven Christmas Mornings
Pairings/Characters: Sigrun/Tuuri, background ships   
Words: 3,100+
Rating: Teen   
Content/Warning: No warnings to give. Brief past mention of battle-related violence in one section. Contents/Tags: Christmas, Christmas Fluff, Romance, Through the Years, Fluff, Some Humor.

Summary: Eleven notable Christmas mornings that Sigrun and Tuuri shared together.
♫ ♪ Sharing secrets with another world
Rubbing shoulders with some unknown lovers
♪ ♫
:chap11: :chap12: :chap13: :chap14:
AO3 (Mageverse) | Twitter | Tumblr
Fluent: :usa:
Various degrees of fluency: :arableague: :mexico: :japan: :italy:
Now acquiring: :germany:
Wishlist: :iceland::finland:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2811 on: December 21, 2016, 08:50:52 AM »
Very sweet!
Avatar is courtesy of the amazing Haiz!


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2812 on: December 21, 2016, 08:27:12 PM »
Bent and Twisted
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“Avatar: the Last Airbender” crossover fanfic
Part 7
Complete Links to Complete Links post
Prior part
Spoiler: The First Apocrypha • show
“I’m not a helpless baby,” Reynir pouted. Emil couldn’t understand one word of that sentence, but Reynir’s tone was indicative, as were Tuuri’s look of embarrassment and initial reluctance to translate.

“You also aren’t immune to the Reaving,” Emil pointed out once Tuuri had finally passed on Reynir’s complaint. “Were a Horror to happen by, you might kill it a dozen times over and still fall victim to the scourge it carries.” Then he belatedly added, “And we need to keep our voices down, or we’ll draw them right to us.”

“The Death-Shades are still tracking us,” Reynir pointed out. “They’ll bring the Horrors to us whether we remain silent or not, if I’m not mistaken.”

“Staying silent isn’t just the First Rule, though: it makes sense regardless.” Emil huffed out a frustrated breath. “Look, you can stay out here for now, but if we see a Horror, I want you back inside the vehicle before it gets within the 20 meter circle. OK?”

Once Tuuri translated this to Reynir, the tall redhead gave such a vigorous nod that his braid almost did Tuuri an injury.

“You’re not afraid,” Tuuri told Emil, in a confident statement of fact.

Emil was about to contradict her when he realized that, in fact, he wasn’t. “No.”

“Good.” Tuuri smiled at Emil calmly. Then her eyes grew wide at the sight of something behind Emil. It hadn’t even been ten minutes since the others had left, but Emil knew what he’d see if he turned.

Turn Emil did, and he saw about what he’d expected: Giant-sized Horrors making their way straight to the camp. “Tuuri, get in and get ready to drive out of here.” Emil looked at Reynir, ready to tell him something similar, but the other boy’s face had hardened into a frown of concentration, and so Emil knew Reynir was Bending.

A meter-thick hedge sprang up around the camp, shooting up impossibly fast, and when the Giant Horrors tried to bludgeon their way through by main force, vines shot out of nowhere to snare them, wrapping and tangling themselves around the Reaving-Bent flesh until the Horrors could scarcely move--for now.

“Get inside, Reynir,” Emil ordered, using one of the phrases Tuuri had drilled into him while never taking his eyes off of the nearest Horror, but Reynir was too transfixed by his first good look at a Giant Horror to obey. When that Horror began to shear away the first few vines entangling it, Emil repeated his command, shouting now, and Reynir went.

Emil glared at the Horrors as they thrashed in search of freedom from their vine bonds, unknowing that his eyes were glowing blue. His entire being focused on the one word that he growled out-- “Burn.”

And there was fire.


Within the vehicle, Reynir and Tuuri sat and nervously listened to the sounds of fire and burning Horrors.

Tuuri felt a tap on her shoulder, and when she turned, she saw Mikkel, but a horribly translucent Mikkel, standing in the doorway to the driving compartment.

The image spoke in Mikkel’s voice, except with an urgency Tuuri had seldom heard from Mikkel in the flesh. “We need you to come and save us, Tuuri. We’ve run into something worse than we’d ever imagined.”

Somehow, Tuuri never thought to doubt the message. She knew that this was, indeed, a message from Mikkel, however he had managed to send it. She started the engines and called for Emil.

When the blond Fire-Bender stuck his head into the driving compartment, Tuuri told him, “I need you to clear us a way out of here. We’re going to get the others.”

Emil was almost stupid enough to argue, but the steely light of determination in Tuuri’s normally soft eyes convinced him. With a wave, he parted the ring of fire around them, and their roving home rolled forward.


The vehicle stopped at the end of a long driveway. At the other end, Emil could see what appeared to be a run-down old hovel, but Emil sensed that it was more that it seemed. He could feel Energy being Bent within it, so he knew that this was where he needed to go. Admonishing Reynir and Tuuri to seal themselves into the vehicle until his return, Emil left.

Emil could feel the fear creeping back over him the further he went from the vehicle, but once he stepped through the open doorway, he heard the mad cries of the foe menacing his friends, and the sound set his blood to boiling anew.

“Give me your Bending! I, the mighty Sonew, demand it!”

Rage overtook Emil once more as he went towards the howls...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
Did someone ask for more Bending in this tale of Benders?

There will be more coming soon.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2813 on: December 21, 2016, 08:46:14 PM »
Bent and Twisted
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“Avatar: the Last Airbender” crossover fanfic
Part 7
Complete Links to Complete Links post
Prior part

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
Did someone ask for more Bending in this tale of Benders?

There will be more coming soon.

Yes! We want more, more, more!

Thank you, LooNEY. We will be happily awaiting any further episodes you desire to post.
*grins with anticipation*

Grade E cat

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2814 on: December 22, 2016, 12:34:51 PM »
[Worst Case Scenario, Emil's Chapter] And here's Emil's chapter. In a way, it's also Onni's chapter because I wanted to do one but had no idea for the context, while the Emil one was missing an activity for Reynir to be doing for the bulk of the scene. As somewhat of a Reynir/Tuuri shipper, I feel Tuuri's chapter deserves the "last, but not the least" position, so Sigrun's will be next by default.

Spoiler: show
Worst case scenario: The cleanser

Árni and Sigríður had just had a discussion with a neighbor complaining about the things the children of a wealthy nearby household got away with on a daily basis. They had already forgotten whose children the neighbor had been complaining about. They now had the cleanser who was related to the expedition's organizer on their minds. They quickly realized that someone used to working with fire and explosives was probably just as bad to have as a bully as a mage. It could actually be worse. In the mage’s case, there was at least a remote possibility that his gods were limiting what he could do to Reynir. Cleansers did not need to call upon their gods to use their explosives or flamethrowers. They remembered the official had told them that the crew had been ordered to keep Reynir alive, and that protocol forbade from leaving non-immunes alone without immune guards in troll-infested areas. The captain had to be enforcing these rules. But what if she left Reynir alone with the cleanser as a guard, while the scout was asleep, under the cover of showing the medic and the skald something that could interest them? Maybe the cleanser would play a "prank" involving explosives on Reynir, the “prank” would go wrong and, when everyone came back, he would claim that he was fending off a troll attack and that Reynir "accidentally" got caught in the blast. Nobody would question him, because he was their employer's relative, despite the obvious absence of troll remains in the vicinity. The medic would do his best to repair the damage, the skald complain about her favorite toy being broken but ultimately turn her attention to the cleanser himself, the captain possibly scold him for the waste of resources but not much else. They knew that by the time the news reached headquarters, everyone would be agreeing, willingly or reluctantly, that it the whole thing was an unfortunate accident. Would they get Reynir back with an eye missing, or even a limb, all because of some rich kid’s boredom? They prayed the gods that the other members of the crew realized that this could happen, understood the implications and made sure Reynir and the cleanser were never left alone.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the Silent World:

The idea suddenly felt stupid. Manning the radio in case somebody called and stayed to talk with him if the person they were trying to reach was unavailable. Speaking with him was probably the last thing all but one of the people at headquarters wanted to do. Maybe he should take the earphones off and try talking to Emil. Tuuri claimed that Swedish was actually quite similar to Icelandic. And if Emil had somehow managed to befriend Lalli despite not speaking a single word of Finnish, it couldn’t be much harder for him and Reynir to get along, right? Just as Reynir was about to act on the idea, the radio buzzed. He might as well answer:
-If you're trying to reach Sigrun, Mikkel or Tuuri, they are not here. Can I take a message for any of them?
-Does this mean Lalli is here?
The familiar accent almost made him jolt:
-Onni! Uh... yes, Lalli is here but he's sleeping and Mikkel forbade us to wake him up unless it was necessary. He's been basically taking daily double shifts lately, so Mikkel's been making sure he gets all the sleep he can. I'm not sure "getting a magic lessons from his cousin" will count as a good reason to wake him. But if you really, really need to talk to him now, I'll wake him and figure out a good excuse before Mikkel comes back.
-It is not so important that such measures are needed. I will accept your offer to take a message.
Once Reynir had noted the message that he would later give to Tuuri, Reynir asked if Onni needed anything else.
-To know since when you are manning the radio.
-Since the only other awake person here right now is Emil. The most entertaining thing I did today was mend the canvas on a folding stool. Uh... before you called, of course.
They had to do some of that cover-up research from time to time, and that research was the reason Tuuri was part of the expedition. Whatever was interesting to Tuuri was to Mikkel as well. Emil came to the office asking something. He had probably recognized his name and thought he had been called, considering that he was now reaching his hand towards him, probably expecting to be given the earphones. Tuuri had suggested starting with short and simple sentences:
-Oh, no, not for you. Tuuri's brother, Lalli's cousin. Doesn't speak Swedish.
Either one of the words being close enough to its Swedish equivalent, or the association of Tuuri and Lalli's names, had apparently made Emil understand who he was talking with. Emil went back outside, but not before raising an eyebrow and asking a bewildered question. He was probably surprised that there was someone at headquarters with whom Reynir could have somewhat of a casual conversation. Unfortunately, any chance of resuming said conversation got shot down by Onni's voice speaking from much further away from the radio than before:
-Hey, you three, what are doing with this?
Reynir heard the sound of something being dropped on the floor just as he took the earphones off, wishing Onni good luck with Emil’s young cousins. Well, he had technically talked to Emil just now. Re-doing his braid while waiting for the others to come back couldn't hurt.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2016, 02:29:49 PM by Grade E cat »
Native: :fr:
So much part of my life it might as well be native: :us:
Few and far between practice opportunities: :es:
A little learned during hardcore anime fan phase: :jp:
Only alternative to English in early junior high school: :de:

Do what cat. Lalli's way of life since age three.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2815 on: December 23, 2016, 03:51:11 AM »
LooNEY, that's good! Please continue.

Grade E cat: I see that the comic misunderstandings continue. Do go on.
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Grade E cat

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2816 on: December 24, 2016, 03:31:09 PM »
[Worst case scenario, Sigrun's Chapter] Here's Sigruns chapter. Back to a little more seriousness, because a certain event had to be mentioned in the second part. Tuuri's next. There will be an epilogue, because I have a headcanon of how the expedition's return will look like, and with a few adjustements, it will make a nice epilogue to this mini-series.

Spoiler: show
Worst case scenario: The captain

Árni and Sigríður were wondering about the captain, who was the member of the crew actually in charge of making sure Reynir stayed alive. She probably spent the bare minimum of resources she could manage to do so. Fed him leftovers or any food that had gone bad, made him sleep in some extremely cold corner of their vehicle with just a beaten-up blanket that didn't keep him warm at all, while at the same time expecting him to keep up with the military pace that the crew was following. They were certain Reynir had fallen ill at least once from this by now. The medic probably had the authority to make his conditions a little more bearable while he was sick, but the bad conditions would come back the second the captain decided he looked healthy enough to not need any "coddling". On top of this, she was probably doing absolutely nothing to keep the scout, the cleanser and the skald in line. She sounded like they type of person who looked down on those unable to fend for themselves and saw no reason to make life any easier for them. She maybe even saw the scout and the cleanser’s treatment of Reynir as entertaining in some way, while the skald had certainly by now convinced her that Reynir was the one who needed to be kept in line, while her own behavior was spotless. The bad conditions imposed by the captain were maybe even what allowed the skald girl to trap Reynir into compromising situations so easily. All she'd have to do was to offer him extra food in exchange of "helping" her with something that inevitably ended up making him look bad in the captain's eyes. This would get him considered as even more of a liability than he already was merely from his presence. Because of this, the captain probably saw Reynir's habit of sticking as close to the medic as he could as some kind of cowardice and the medic's protectiveness of him as a baffling waste of time and energy. Things had probably come to the point that if the captain ever had to make a choice between Reynir's life and that of a member of the crew, she would choose the member of the crew without a second thought, and let their son die. They prayed the gods that no such situation would ever happen during the expedition, as it would mean certain death for Reynir.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the Silent World:

Reynir knew Sigrun's opinion about him had gotten better since that day on which he had overheard at lot of yelling from the radio room while being held "prisonner" in the dormitory, and Mikkel's news that he was stuck with them had made him understand that the yelling was probably about him. Yet that smile addressed to him as he was bringing dry laundry inside took him aback. Emil, Lalli and Mikkel were the ones out this time. Mikkel had decided that at this point, the only way Sigrun would have a chance of taking proper care of that troll bite was by being the obligatory immune guard to him and Tuuri; as long as there was no attack, it consisted mostly of leaning next to the tank's main entrance and keeping one's eyes and ears open. Mikkel had assured Reynir that Sigrun was career troll hunter, that she had certainly gotten worse wounds before and that it was probably one of the reasons why he was having so much trouble getting her to take proper care of the bite. Still, Reynir had thought slings were only for broken bones before he had seen Sigrun's. That the wound required one told him just how bad it was. Sigrun must have noticed him staring at her wounded arm, as she used the healthy one to push him inside the tank as delicately as she could, saying something in a relatively soft voice that she seldom used.
-She said to stop worrying and that she'd do it again with no second thoughts.
That was Tuuri translating for him, having heard everything thanks to the open office door. Reynir thanked Sigrun, then rushed into the dormitory to drop the dry laundry on Emil's bunk. Maybe he should ask the gods for some kind of healing rune as well. But a healing rune would be no good if a ghost got Sigrun again, and he felt in no position to ask for more than one specific thing at once. Something for the ghosts first, to keep their handling from resting entirely on Lalli’s shoulders. Any healing runes would have to come later. He thought of something: Sigrun had worked with Iceland-trained mages before, someone may have even used a healing rune on her once. If she remembered what it looked like, he could draw it himself.
-Hey, Tuuri, could you ask Sigrun if she ever saw a mage cast a healing rune? And if so, what it looked like?
Tuuri repeated his question in Swedish, and got an answer. Unfortunately, it turned out that Sigrun had never really paid attention to such things. From the tone of one of her sentences, Reynir was also quite sure Sigrun had given him one of those pieces of "advice" that Mikkel translated truthfully out of amusement, but that Tuuri tended to just not mention. Reynir still wished he could do something more. He still remembered Sigrun's arm, between him and that troll's mouth, while Mikkel was already pulling him away.
Native: :fr:
So much part of my life it might as well be native: :us:
Few and far between practice opportunities: :es:
A little learned during hardcore anime fan phase: :jp:
Only alternative to English in early junior high school: :de:

Do what cat. Lalli's way of life since age three.

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2817 on: December 24, 2016, 10:12:08 PM »
I promised a fic for Christmas Day, and here it is!

The Best Rooms are Always in the Rear

It's not Christmas/Holiday themed at all, and I feel like it could do with a little bit more polishing, but deadlines are deadlines. Hope you all enjoy! :))
Native :australia:
Fluent :newzealand: :uk: :usa: :canada: (Yes, I realise that's cheating)
Might remember some in an emergency :italy:
Understands the concept, just not the specifics :vaticancity:

:chap10: :chap11: :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16: :chap17: :chap18: :chap19: :chap20: :chap21:

:A2chap01: :A2chap02: :A2chap03: :A2chap04: :A2chap05:

⁂ Iron fisted ruler of Caversham Airfield ⁂ Sigrun isn't immune, t


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2818 on: December 25, 2016, 01:39:38 AM »
Please enjoy the lovely piece I received as my Secret Santa present, by an author who is as yet unrevealed.
Spoiler: "My awesome Secret Santa fic - Song of the Wanderer" • show

Over hill and under dale
Will you listen to my tale?
Over dale and under hill
I will sing it even still

The Wanderer was immune, which was all that had saved him time and again on his wanderings. His ever-winding path took him in and out of danger as another’s might go from home to work, for the Wanderer had no home.

The Wanderer had many names in many places already, and would have many more as he wound his way through the wide world. None were his True Name, though; even he had nearly forgotten it, so long had it been since he’d used it.

I was walking through the forest
I was walking on my way
Through an ancient ancient forest
Dark as night at height of day

Woodlands dense and dark were places of fear for most in this Silent World, but the Wanderer neither hated nor feared even the thickest wood, for he was of the woods himself. The only thing the Wanderer could remember of his father was his very first nick-name: “My little Ent.”

Though he was compelled to wander, he always lingered when he found a wood, learning its ways, listening to its heartbeat, and doing his sorry best to drive the Sickness out wherever it had a foothold.

Passed a river clear as crystal
Passed a river sweet and true
Did not stop to drink its nectar
Did not stop to quaff its dew

The cheery chuckle of the rushing stream lifted the Wanderer’s spirits as he passed; the sight of various water-fowl playing in the sparkling shallows did even more to raise his mood. Light of heart though he was, yet the Wanderer did not pause; the wood was whispering to him that he was awaited further in.

Found a hovel in a clearing
Sure to be a grossling nest
Drew my knife as I was nearing
Meant to send its soul to rest

The ramshackle structure was a remnant of the height of the Old World, when the overwhelming abundance that Mankind enjoyed meant even the greatest things could be built and discarded in the blink of an eye, instead of being husbanded and hoarded against a time of want. That it was in as good a shape as it was suggested that something within it was working to maintain it, which meant the Twisted. Well, the Wanderer would see to that.

But within I found a maiden
And she met me with a smile
And together we found beauty
Putting off the world awhile

As she was about to leave, she turned to him and said, rather haughtily, “I am Ensi Hotakainen.”

For the first time in a long, long time, the Wanderer gave his True Name. “I am Ukko-Pekko.” This Ensi deserved that much of him, at least.

She nodded. “I shall remember.” Then, between one blink and the next, she was gone.

The Wanderer sighed, knowing that he had just passed his curse on. It would not go to Ensi’s twin sons, but to her only granddaughter, who would find herself compelled to roam as had he, into and through the Silent World...

Soooo cool.  I'm guessing Dvergamhrar penned this haunting story. Or maybe Róisín.  Would anyone else like to hazard a guess?
Always a newbie at something
Native speaker: :us:
Acquired: :nz:
Grew up speaking but now very rusty: :ee:

Ruler of Queenstown Airport (Thanks Purple Wyrm, I will wear my wings with pride)
Admiral of the Sunken Rainbow Warrior


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2819 on: December 25, 2016, 01:45:27 AM »
No, not mine, though it is very beautiful, and I would not be sorry if it had been! Dverghamrar maybe?
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