Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 805998 times)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2010 on: May 01, 2016, 02:39:02 PM »
Hmm... I haven't really been writing much SSSS lately. Well, here are two bite-sized bits of shippy flashfiction that I wrote while neglecting some responsibility or other:

01. "Silence makes it easier". 0+, 600 words. Emil/Lalli.
Summary: They'll return to civilization in the morning. But where will they go from here?
On Dreamwidth:

02. "Soaked". 0+, 100 words. Emil/Lalli.
Summary: Lalli returns covered in blood. Emil is Concerned.
On Dreamwidth:
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2011 on: May 01, 2016, 03:11:59 PM »
Hmm... I haven't really been writing much SSSS lately. Well, here are two bite-sized bits of shippy flashfiction that I wrote while neglecting some responsibility or other:

01. "Silence makes it easier". 0+, 600 words. Emil/Lalli.
Summary: They'll return to civilization in the morning. But where will they go from here?
On Dreamwidth:

02. "Soaked". 0+, 100 words. Emil/Lalli.
Summary: Lalli returns covered in blood. Emil is Concerned.
On Dreamwidth:

You should neglect your responsibilities more often, these were lovely to read! :)
Native: :finland:
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2012 on: May 01, 2016, 03:33:46 PM »
Hmm... I haven't really been writing much SSSS lately. Well, here are two bite-sized bits of shippy flashfiction that I wrote while neglecting some responsibility or other:

01. "Silence makes it easier". 0+, 600 words. Emil/Lalli.
Summary: They'll return to civilization in the morning. But where will they go from here?
On Dreamwidth:

02. "Soaked". 0+, 100 words. Emil/Lalli.
Summary: Lalli returns covered in blood. Emil is Concerned.
On Dreamwidth:

Ooh, ouch : (  In 'Silence' – on one hand it's beautifully sad, but on the other I'm just loving how well you've worked in Emil's character development. 'Will you miss me?' vs. 'You'll miss me, of course,' is just perfect. And perfect levels of Emil faffing around whilst Lalli just stands there, very patiently allowing it, in 'Soaked' < 3


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2013 on: May 01, 2016, 05:57:53 PM »
Hmm... I haven't really been writing much SSSS lately. Well, here are two bite-sized bits of shippy flashfiction that I wrote while neglecting some responsibility or other:

01. "Silence makes it easier". 0+, 600 words. Emil/Lalli.
Summary: They'll return to civilization in the morning. But where will they go from here?
On Dreamwidth:

02. "Soaked". 0+, 100 words. Emil/Lalli.
Summary: Lalli returns covered in blood. Emil is Concerned.
On Dreamwidth:

I absolutely love the first line of 'Silence makes it easier'. Beautiful piece of imagery. And the rest of it was as gorgeous and full of longing and heartbreak and gah it was all just perfect.
I saw the future.
We are not doomed, because our Cat overlords are benevolent leaders :3

:chap11: :book2:  :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2014 on: May 01, 2016, 07:08:08 PM »
You should neglect your responsibilities more often, these were lovely to read! :)
Ooh, ouch : (  In 'Silence' – on one hand it's beautifully sad, but on the other I'm just loving how well you've worked in Emil's character development. 'Will you miss me?' vs. 'You'll miss me, of course,' is just perfect. And perfect levels of Emil faffing around whilst Lalli just stands there, very patiently allowing it, in 'Soaked' < 3
I absolutely love the first line of 'Silence makes it easier'. Beautiful piece of imagery. And the rest of it was as gorgeous and full of longing and heartbreak and gah it was all just perfect.

Thank you, all! < 3 The prompt generator did most of the work, I just fit things into place, heh. It was fun to explore something somewhat sad with those two.
(I can't say whether or not I will be neglecting my responsibilities more often - that sounds like kind of a bad idea, you know. ;p )
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2015 on: May 01, 2016, 07:30:40 PM »
33: Expectations

Tuuri moves into a new apartment, but there's someone already living there. 'Deading there' might be a more appropriate statement.
I saw the future.
We are not doomed, because our Cat overlords are benevolent leaders :3

:chap11: :book2:  :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2016 on: May 01, 2016, 07:44:40 PM »


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2017 on: May 01, 2016, 07:52:00 PM »
OwlsG0, I love this. They would get along marvelously. Tuuri would have to unpack her stuff, and then Reynir would help.  ;D
Aansero, that made me smile. Wonderful.
And oh look, I wrote a really short, cute fic about what will happen when Lalli wakes up! I'd better put it up before the page~
Oh. Oops. Ah well.
Here, have this anyway.
Spoiler: show
Lalli opened his eyes. The weight holding them down had vanished. The hollowness in his chest, the empty space in his head, all gone. He was alert, alive, awake. He disentangled himself from the blankets, taking a deep breath of air that felt so fresh it almost sparkled.
He went to find Tuuri to tell her the good news. She was hunched over an old book, deep in concentration. Lalli stood quietly, waiting for her to notice him.
"Oh, hey, Lalli," she said, still focused on the book in front of her. "Listen, can you stop breathing down my neck for a minute? I need to finish translating this."
Lalli barely moved. Tuuri didn't appreciate how great the day had just become. He had returned, out of exhausted darkness. He was alive, no longer fading, or withering as his eyes sealed themselves shut and his mind deteriorated into dust. But Tuuri wouldn't look up, so he slipped like a shadow into the next room.
The next room was different. He felt someone looking at him.
Lalli glanced up, straight into Emil's astonished gaze. He saw the Swede's face become luminous, as a smile spread like a sunrise across it.
But Lalli wasn't concerned about Emil's face. There was a problem, and it was his friend's messy hair. Lalli knew Emil couldn't be properly happy without perfect hair.

At that moment, Emil couldn't care less about his hair. Nevertheless, the smile on his face shone as Lalli smoothed his hair back down, making sure each golden strand was in its proper place.
Lalli stepped back in front of him, and Emil thought he saw his friend smile. It was a small smile, but it lit his face. Like magic. Not that he believed in magic, or anything weird like that.
He might not believe in magic, but he believed in his friend, and he was glad Lalli had finally awoken.

Spoiler: authors note • show
Yep. I totally went overboard with the light symbolism. And augh, the page has been up for the last hour without me realizing! ;__;
Avatar by the amazing and wonderful ginger ^-^ :chap11: :chap12: :chap13:
Fluent :usa:, Learning in school :spain:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2018 on: May 01, 2016, 08:01:10 PM »
OwlsG0, I love this. They would get along marvelously. Tuuri would have to unpack her stuff, and then Reynir would help.  ;D
Aansero, that made me smile. Wonderful.
And oh look, I wrote a really short, cute fic about what will happen when Lalli wakes up! I'd better put it up before the page~
Oh. Oops. Ah well.
Here, have this anyway.
Spoiler: show
Lalli opened his eyes. The weight holding them down had vanished. The hollowness in his chest, the empty space in his head, all gone. He was alert, alive, awake. He disentangled himself from the blankets, taking a deep breath of air that felt so fresh it almost sparkled.
He went to find Tuuri to tell her the good news. She was hunched over an old book, deep in concentration. Lalli stood quietly, waiting for her to notice him.
"Oh, hey, Lalli," she said, still focused on the book in front of her. "Listen, can you stop breathing down my neck for a minute? I need to finish translating this."
Lalli barely moved. Tuuri didn't appreciate how great the day had just become. He had returned, out of exhausted darkness. He was alive, no longer fading, or withering as his eyes sealed themselves shut and his mind deteriorated into dust. But Tuuri wouldn't look up, so he slipped like a shadow into the next room.
The next room was different. He felt someone looking at him.
Lalli glanced up, straight into Emil's astonished gaze. He saw the Swede's face become luminous, as a smile spread like a sunrise across it.
But Lalli wasn't concerned about Emil's face. There was a problem, and it was his friend's messy hair. Lalli knew Emil couldn't be properly happy without perfect hair.

At that moment, Emil couldn't care less about his hair. Nevertheless, the smile on his face shone as Lalli smoothed his hair back down, making sure each golden strand was in its proper place.
Lalli stepped back in front of him, and Emil thought he saw his friend smile. It was a small smile, but it lit his face. Like magic. Not that he believed in magic, or anything weird like that.
He might not believe in magic, but he believed in his friend, and he was glad Lalli had finally awoken.

Spoiler: authors note • show
Yep. I totally went overboard with the light symbolism. And augh, the page has been up for the last hour without me realizing! ;__;

I love how Tuuri just doesn't give a dang. Like 'oh welcome back from near-death cousin, now go away. I'm translating stuff'.
Emil on the other hand is over the moon. Cute as all get out!
I saw the future.
We are not doomed, because our Cat overlords are benevolent leaders :3

:chap11: :book2:  :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2019 on: May 01, 2016, 09:29:38 PM »
Here, have some fluff! And between two characters who haven't had a whole lot of interaction, too.

(You can blame Jureeya for this one.)

31. Flowers
:usa: native
:spain: comes back in an emergency
:vaticancity: rusty
:china: can usually manage to order food
:norway: can hold a basic conversation

:chap5: | :book2: | :book3: | :chap17: :chap18:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2020 on: May 02, 2016, 10:49:53 PM »
I think I was kind of stuck for inspiration on this one.

32. Night
:usa: native
:spain: comes back in an emergency
:vaticancity: rusty
:china: can usually manage to order food
:norway: can hold a basic conversation

:chap5: | :book2: | :book3: | :chap17: :chap18:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2021 on: May 03, 2016, 03:46:30 PM »
The Funny, Grotesque, Excitingly Scary Adventures of Freya and Lola on Balloon Island
A delightfully horrid bedtime story of blood, gore, poison, and torture; fun for all! That is if all are insane, cruel, diseased monstrosities.

This began from Disqus comments of page 508 featuring information about the sjodraug troll. The bloated abomination featured there was given the name “Balloon Island” by P_, whose post inferred that it was easily the stuff of nightmares. “Balloon Island” sounded to me like a magical land from a syrupy-sweet, children’s bedtime story. That made the name terrifyingly deceptive, as the island would actually be waiting to catch and devour any happy-go-lucky moppet who came near. Of course, if the child were already a misshapen creature of disease and madness, then this would actually be a fun place for them to visit. So I began to think about what would monster children do for fun, and before long, this twisted little tale rose up out of the ooze of the deep and dangerous pools of imagination. Disclaimer: This story contains scenes that may be inappropriate for uninfected children.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2022 on: May 03, 2016, 10:16:24 PM »
Eternal Optimist vs. Professional Wet Blanket, GO!

33. Expectations

...also this puts me roughly a third of the way through the challenge. Yay?
:usa: native
:spain: comes back in an emergency
:vaticancity: rusty
:china: can usually manage to order food
:norway: can hold a basic conversation

:chap5: | :book2: | :book3: | :chap17: :chap18:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2023 on: May 04, 2016, 07:09:17 AM »
46: Family

So I noticed Lalli and Hannu from aRTD have the same cheekbones. Kinda

13: Misfortune

In which Tuuri discovers talking about her trauma is cheaper than therapy
I saw the future.
We are not doomed, because our Cat overlords are benevolent leaders :3

:chap11: :book2:  :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2024 on: May 04, 2016, 05:10:21 PM »
Title: Bit Less Awesome of a Plan
Author/Artist: Elleth
Characters and/or pairings: Sigrun, Emil (Sigrun/Emil if you squint)
Rating: Teens
Warnings: Canon-typical blood and gore, injury
Summary: Sigrun and Emil go book-hunting. Things go boom.
Á tarë quildë, á harë tínë.

:chap10: :chap11: :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16: :book3: :chap17: :chap18: :chap19: :chap20: :chap21: :book4: :A2chap01: :A2chap02: :A2chap03: :A2chap04: :A2chap05:

:germany: (native) :uk: (fluent) :vaticancity: (had to) :spain: (okay) :denmark: (learning) :france: (learning)