Author Topic: The aRTD Scriptorium  (Read 31479 times)


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Re: The aRTD Scriptorium
« Reply #30 on: April 04, 2016, 10:00:26 PM »
So...I'm doing the 100 fics prompt challenge, and somehow that's led to my first ever aRTD fic. It's a fluffy little thing with Hannu and Ville (which I think of as shippy, but might not strike everyone that way.) Anyway, here it is.

I love this and I love you and I love that this exists. *_*
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Re: The aRTD Scriptorium
« Reply #31 on: April 04, 2016, 10:58:06 PM »
I love this and I love you and I love that this exists. *_*

Awwww! *blushes* I'm excited to start writing the one for the prompt you sent me, too. All the Hannu/Ville fluff! All of it! :))
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Re: The aRTD Scriptorium
« Reply #32 on: April 05, 2016, 11:16:54 AM »
So...I'm doing the 100 fics prompt challenge, and somehow that's led to my first ever aRTD fic. It's a fluffy little thing with Hannu and Ville (which I think of as shippy, but might not strike everyone that way.) Anyway, here it is.

I love it! So cute!
tired programmer girl with stories in her head and magic in her heart

currently working on a video game/digital novel called Keeper of the Labyrinth<3

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Re: The aRTD Scriptorium
« Reply #33 on: April 06, 2016, 10:59:07 PM »
Aww, thanks Luth!

And,'s another Hannu/Ville fic. I feel like I went a little overboard on the cuddling, but...oh well!
Languages: :usa: (native) :mexico: (conversational but out of practice) :germany: (attempting to learn)
Survivor: :artd::book1+::chap6::chap7::chap8::chap9::chap10::chap11::chap12::chap13::chap14::chap15::chap16::chap17::chap18::chap19::chap20::chap21:


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Re: The aRTD Scriptorium
« Reply #34 on: April 06, 2016, 11:22:13 PM »
Aww, thanks Luth!

And,'s another Hannu/Ville fic. I feel like I went a little overboard on the cuddling, but...oh well!

There's no such thing as "overboard with cuddling" when it comes to these two.

At the moment, you're my favourite human. Yes.

I kind of want to print this out and roll around in the pages like a cat. Which sounds weird, but it's the most concise expression of my feelings at this moment.
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Re: The aRTD Scriptorium
« Reply #35 on: April 07, 2016, 01:55:28 AM »
There's no such thing as "overboard with cuddling" when it comes to these two.

At the moment, you're my favourite human. Yes.

I kind of want to print this out and roll around in the pages like a cat. Which sounds weird, but it's the most concise expression of my feelings at this moment.

*makes mental note that Cuddle dial can be turned to maximum*
*puts on pin that says "Yuu's favorite human"*

Also...weird or not, "I want to print this out and roll around in the pages like a cat" may be my favorite reaction to anything I've ever written, so thank you for that!
Languages: :usa: (native) :mexico: (conversational but out of practice) :germany: (attempting to learn)
Survivor: :artd::book1+::chap6::chap7::chap8::chap9::chap10::chap11::chap12::chap13::chap14::chap15::chap16::chap17::chap18::chap19::chap20::chap21:


  • Admiral of a Sunken Ship
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Re: The aRTD Scriptorium
« Reply #36 on: April 07, 2016, 01:02:24 PM »
Aww, thanks Luth!

And,'s another Hannu/Ville fic. I feel like I went a little overboard on the cuddling, but...oh well!
Ahh! That's so cute! You really represented their characters in the situation well too!
tired programmer girl with stories in her head and magic in her heart

currently working on a video game/digital novel called Keeper of the Labyrinth<3

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Re: The aRTD Scriptorium
« Reply #37 on: April 24, 2016, 01:00:24 PM »
Has anyone noticed that, while I started this thread, I haven't put anything up yet?

…Well, now I have.

The Hannunvaakuna of the Fjord
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent A Red Tail’s Dream”/“Sherlock Holmes” crossover fanfic
Part 1
Spoiler: show
A Norwegian Named Sigerson

The winter had closed in early on Mikkeli, a steady stream of snow falling, or rather floating almost horizontally, in the Leipurinkatu. My friend and colleague Hannu Viitanen was most annoyed at this, as he had been contemplating going back to our village for the rest I keep nagging him about.

My name is Ville. Just Ville.

On the third day of the snowstorm, Hannu became even more morose than usual, as none of his usual diversions were open to him, and there had been a remarkable lull in the criminal element of Mikkeli. “What a shame,” he often lamented, “that such a boon to the citizenry means desolation to me!”

It was around mid-afternoon when the bell finally rang, announcing that some hardy soul had braved the storm to call upon us. The change in Hannu was as remarkable as it was instant. Gone was the ever-bleaker melancholy that had held sway over him, and in its place was the Vital Viitanen of old, ready for whatever may come.

Of course, he hid his eagerness for a case behind the cloak of his wonted misanthropy, but I could see it sparkling in his eyes as I went to show our visitor in.

The face that greeted me when I opened the door was a familiar one. “Why, if it isn’t Junnu Kuitunen!”

“Hallo, Ville,” Junnu said. Then his normally cheerful face drooped. “Is Hannu... occupied? I need his assistance on a matter of some urgency.”

“I’m sure he will be able to accommodate you.” So saying, I led Junnu into the sitting room.

Hannu looked at Junnu askance from where he sprawled in his favorite chair. “There’s been a murder in this weather?”

Junnu started, as he hadn’t yet said a word to Hannu. “How on Earth--”

“Immaterial,” Hannu cut Junnu off. “What I need from you are all the facts you can give me about this untoward occurrence.”

Junnu took a deep breath to steady himself. “Well, as you are aware, my interests require that I come to Mikkeli for brief periods throughout the year.” At Hannu’s nod, he continued, “On this last trip, I met several times with a Norwegian colleague named Sigerson. We were to meet again yesterday morning, but he didn’t show up, so I went to his lodgings directly after breakfasting.”

“And you found him dead,” Hannu finished for Junnu when that worthy paused in his retelling. “He had been brutally, shockingly murdered, had he not?”

Junnu nodded. “It was the most horrible thing I’d ever seen.”

“But there was something else,” Hannu prompted.

Junnu’s mouth worked for a moment before he could bring himself to continue. “On his desk was a note--a drawing, rather, of the old Hannunvaakuna symbol, with yesterday’s date written below. Naturally, I left everything to the police, but when I returned to my offices, I found--this!”

He thrust a piece of paper at Hannu, who barely glanced at it before saying, “And you have no idea why the killer has set his sights on you?”

“None whatsoever,” Junnu affirmed. “My only dealings with Sigerson were matters of business, and never such things as might provoke someone to murder!”

“Nevertheless, I think it would be best if you remained here for the present,” Hannu said. “Ville and I shall begin our investigation at once, and there’s every likelihood that the matter will be cleared up presently.”

As we left, Hannu murmured to me, “There’s a doomed man if ever I saw one...”

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
Well, so it begins.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2016, 01:45:42 PM by LooNEY_DAC »


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Re: The aRTD Scriptorium
« Reply #38 on: April 24, 2016, 01:39:23 PM »
Has anyone noticed that, while I started this thread, I haven't put anything up yet?

…Well, now I have.

The Hannunvaakuna of the Fjord
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent A Red Tail’s Dream”/“Sherlock Holmes” crossover fanfic
Part 1
Spoiler: show
A Norwegian Named Sigerson

The winter had closed in early on Mikkeli, a steady stream of snow falling, or rather floating almost horizontally, in the Katu Leipuri. My friend and colleague Hannu Viitanen was most annoyed at this, as he had been contemplating going back to our village for the rest I keep nagging him about.

My name is Ville. Just Ville.

On the third day of the snowstorm, Hannu became even more morose than usual, as none of his usual diversions were open to him, and there had been a remarkable lull in the criminal element of Mikkeli. “What a shame,” he often lamented, “that such a boon to the citizenry means desolation to me!”

It was around mid-afternoon when the bell finally rang, announcing that some hardy soul had braved the storm to call upon us. The change in Hannu was as remarkable as it was instant. Gone was the ever-bleaker melancholy that had held sway over him, and in its place was the Vital Viitanen of old, ready for whatever may come.

Of course, he hid his eagerness for a case behind the cloak of his wonted misanthropy, but I could see it sparkling in his eyes as I went to show our visitor in.

The face that greeted me when I opened the door was a familiar one. “Why, if it isn’t Junnu Kuitunen!”

“Hallo, Ville,” Junnu said. Then his normally cheerful face drooped. “Is Hannu... occupied? I need his assistance on a matter of some urgency.”

“I’m sure he will be able to accommodate you.” So saying, I led Junnu into the sitting room.

Hannu looked at Junnu askance from where he sprawled in his favorite chair. “There’s been a murder in this weather?”

Junnu started, as he hadn’t yet said a word to Hannu. “How on Earth--”

“Immaterial,” Hannu cut Junnu off. “What I need from you are all the facts you can give me about this untoward occurrence.”

Junnu took a deep breath to steady himself. “Well, as you are aware, my interests require that I come to Mikkeli for brief periods throughout the year.” At Hannu’s nod, he continued, “On this last trip, I met several times with a Norwegian colleague named Sigerson. We were to meet again yesterday morning, but he didn’t show up, so I went to his lodgings directly after breakfasting.”

“And you found him dead,” Hannu finished for Junnu when that worthy paused in his retelling. “He had been brutally, shockingly murdered, had he not?”

Junnu nodded. “It was the most horrible thing I’d ever seen.”

“But there was something else,” Hannu prompted.

Junnu’s mouth worked for a moment before he could bring himself to continue. “On his desk was a note--a drawing, rather, of the old Hannunvaakuna symbol, with yesterday’s date written below. Naturally, I left everything to the police, but when I returned to my offices, I found--this!”

He thrust a piece of paper at Hannu, who barely glanced at it before saying, “And you have no idea why the killer has set his sights on you?”

“None whatsoever,” Junnu affirmed. “My only dealings with Sigerson were matters of business, and never such things as might provoke someone to murder!”

“Nevertheless, I think it would be best if you remained here for the present,” Hannu said. “Ville and I shall begin our investigation at once, and there’s every likelihood that the matter will be cleared up presently.”

As we left, Hannu murmured to me, “There’s a doomed man if ever I saw one...”

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
Well, so it begins.

This looks very promising, I'd like some more soon, please! The roles of Holmes and Watson are hilariously appropriate for Hannu and Ville.

A tiny suggestion: a better Finnish translation for Baker Street would be "Leipurinkatu".
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Re: The aRTD Scriptorium
« Reply #39 on: April 24, 2016, 01:45:01 PM »
A tiny suggestion: a better Finnish translation for Baker Street would be "Leipurinkatu".
…I was hoping someone would correct me on that.


  • Admiral of a Sunken Ship
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Re: The aRTD Scriptorium
« Reply #40 on: April 24, 2016, 10:45:57 PM »
Has anyone noticed that, while I started this thread, I haven't put anything up yet?

…Well, now I have.

The Hannunvaakuna of the Fjord
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent A Red Tail’s Dream”/“Sherlock Holmes” crossover fanfic
Part 1
Spoiler: show
A Norwegian Named Sigerson

The winter had closed in early on Mikkeli, a steady stream of snow falling, or rather floating almost horizontally, in the Leipurinkatu. My friend and colleague Hannu Viitanen was most annoyed at this, as he had been contemplating going back to our village for the rest I keep nagging him about.

My name is Ville. Just Ville.

On the third day of the snowstorm, Hannu became even more morose than usual, as none of his usual diversions were open to him, and there had been a remarkable lull in the criminal element of Mikkeli. “What a shame,” he often lamented, “that such a boon to the citizenry means desolation to me!”

It was around mid-afternoon when the bell finally rang, announcing that some hardy soul had braved the storm to call upon us. The change in Hannu was as remarkable as it was instant. Gone was the ever-bleaker melancholy that had held sway over him, and in its place was the Vital Viitanen of old, ready for whatever may come.

Of course, he hid his eagerness for a case behind the cloak of his wonted misanthropy, but I could see it sparkling in his eyes as I went to show our visitor in.

The face that greeted me when I opened the door was a familiar one. “Why, if it isn’t Junnu Kuitunen!”

“Hallo, Ville,” Junnu said. Then his normally cheerful face drooped. “Is Hannu... occupied? I need his assistance on a matter of some urgency.”

“I’m sure he will be able to accommodate you.” So saying, I led Junnu into the sitting room.

Hannu looked at Junnu askance from where he sprawled in his favorite chair. “There’s been a murder in this weather?”

Junnu started, as he hadn’t yet said a word to Hannu. “How on Earth--”

“Immaterial,” Hannu cut Junnu off. “What I need from you are all the facts you can give me about this untoward occurrence.”

Junnu took a deep breath to steady himself. “Well, as you are aware, my interests require that I come to Mikkeli for brief periods throughout the year.” At Hannu’s nod, he continued, “On this last trip, I met several times with a Norwegian colleague named Sigerson. We were to meet again yesterday morning, but he didn’t show up, so I went to his lodgings directly after breakfasting.”

“And you found him dead,” Hannu finished for Junnu when that worthy paused in his retelling. “He had been brutally, shockingly murdered, had he not?”

Junnu nodded. “It was the most horrible thing I’d ever seen.”

“But there was something else,” Hannu prompted.

Junnu’s mouth worked for a moment before he could bring himself to continue. “On his desk was a note--a drawing, rather, of the old Hannunvaakuna symbol, with yesterday’s date written below. Naturally, I left everything to the police, but when I returned to my offices, I found--this!”

He thrust a piece of paper at Hannu, who barely glanced at it before saying, “And you have no idea why the killer has set his sights on you?”

“None whatsoever,” Junnu affirmed. “My only dealings with Sigerson were matters of business, and never such things as might provoke someone to murder!”

“Nevertheless, I think it would be best if you remained here for the present,” Hannu said. “Ville and I shall begin our investigation at once, and there’s every likelihood that the matter will be cleared up presently.”

As we left, Hannu murmured to me, “There’s a doomed man if ever I saw one...”

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
Well, so it begins.

I love it! Thank you so much for writing this.
tired programmer girl with stories in her head and magic in her heart

currently working on a video game/digital novel called Keeper of the Labyrinth<3

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Re: The aRTD Scriptorium
« Reply #41 on: April 24, 2016, 11:36:26 PM »
Has anyone noticed that, while I started this thread, I haven't put anything up yet?

…Well, now I have.

The Hannunvaakuna of the Fjord
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent A Red Tail’s Dream”/“Sherlock Holmes” crossover fanfic
Part 1
Spoiler: show
A Norwegian Named Sigerson

The winter had closed in early on Mikkeli, a steady stream of snow falling, or rather floating almost horizontally, in the Leipurinkatu. My friend and colleague Hannu Viitanen was most annoyed at this, as he had been contemplating going back to our village for the rest I keep nagging him about.

My name is Ville. Just Ville.

On the third day of the snowstorm, Hannu became even more morose than usual, as none of his usual diversions were open to him, and there had been a remarkable lull in the criminal element of Mikkeli. “What a shame,” he often lamented, “that such a boon to the citizenry means desolation to me!”

It was around mid-afternoon when the bell finally rang, announcing that some hardy soul had braved the storm to call upon us. The change in Hannu was as remarkable as it was instant. Gone was the ever-bleaker melancholy that had held sway over him, and in its place was the Vital Viitanen of old, ready for whatever may come.

Of course, he hid his eagerness for a case behind the cloak of his wonted misanthropy, but I could see it sparkling in his eyes as I went to show our visitor in.

The face that greeted me when I opened the door was a familiar one. “Why, if it isn’t Junnu Kuitunen!”

“Hallo, Ville,” Junnu said. Then his normally cheerful face drooped. “Is Hannu... occupied? I need his assistance on a matter of some urgency.”

“I’m sure he will be able to accommodate you.” So saying, I led Junnu into the sitting room.

Hannu looked at Junnu askance from where he sprawled in his favorite chair. “There’s been a murder in this weather?”

Junnu started, as he hadn’t yet said a word to Hannu. “How on Earth--”

“Immaterial,” Hannu cut Junnu off. “What I need from you are all the facts you can give me about this untoward occurrence.”

Junnu took a deep breath to steady himself. “Well, as you are aware, my interests require that I come to Mikkeli for brief periods throughout the year.” At Hannu’s nod, he continued, “On this last trip, I met several times with a Norwegian colleague named Sigerson. We were to meet again yesterday morning, but he didn’t show up, so I went to his lodgings directly after breakfasting.”

“And you found him dead,” Hannu finished for Junnu when that worthy paused in his retelling. “He had been brutally, shockingly murdered, had he not?”

Junnu nodded. “It was the most horrible thing I’d ever seen.”

“But there was something else,” Hannu prompted.

Junnu’s mouth worked for a moment before he could bring himself to continue. “On his desk was a note--a drawing, rather, of the old Hannunvaakuna symbol, with yesterday’s date written below. Naturally, I left everything to the police, but when I returned to my offices, I found--this!”

He thrust a piece of paper at Hannu, who barely glanced at it before saying, “And you have no idea why the killer has set his sights on you?”

“None whatsoever,” Junnu affirmed. “My only dealings with Sigerson were matters of business, and never such things as might provoke someone to murder!”

“Nevertheless, I think it would be best if you remained here for the present,” Hannu said. “Ville and I shall begin our investigation at once, and there’s every likelihood that the matter will be cleared up presently.”

As we left, Hannu murmured to me, “There’s a doomed man if ever I saw one...”

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
Well, so it begins.

: D Go on....
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Re: The aRTD Scriptorium
« Reply #42 on: April 25, 2016, 06:43:25 PM »
Hehe, LooNEY that's a perfect crossover! I chuckled at "My name is Ville, just Ville".

So...I come bearing 5,000 words of Hannu/Ville that I can't really figure out how to describe. Is it fluffy? Kind of. Shippy? Yes, definitely shippy, but awkwardly so. Uh...basically what I'm saying is I wrote this thing and you all should read it. There is a lot of talk about sex (though no actual sex) and some swearing.

Without further ado: How To Take Care of Your Human.
Languages: :usa: (native) :mexico: (conversational but out of practice) :germany: (attempting to learn)
Survivor: :artd::book1+::chap6::chap7::chap8::chap9::chap10::chap11::chap12::chap13::chap14::chap15::chap16::chap17::chap18::chap19::chap20::chap21:


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Re: The aRTD Scriptorium
« Reply #43 on: April 25, 2016, 08:41:57 PM »
So...I come bearing 5,000 words of Hannu/Ville that I can't really figure out how to describe. (...)

Without further ado: How To Take Care of Your Human.

Soooo I'm just going to flail about this in every place that it's possible to flail about it. Because that's how much I love this.
Keeping up the "favourite human" record, I see... ;p
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Re: The aRTD Scriptorium
« Reply #44 on: April 27, 2016, 08:52:53 PM »
Has anyone noticed that, while I started this thread, I haven't put anything up yet?

…Well, now I have.

The Hannunvaakuna of the Fjord
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent A Red Tail’s Dream”/“Sherlock Holmes” crossover fanfic
Part 1
Spoiler: show
A Norwegian Named Sigerson

The winter had closed in early on Mikkeli, a steady stream of snow falling, or rather floating almost horizontally, in the Leipurinkatu. My friend and colleague Hannu Viitanen was most annoyed at this, as he had been contemplating going back to our village for the rest I keep nagging him about.

My name is Ville. Just Ville.

On the third day of the snowstorm, Hannu became even more morose than usual, as none of his usual diversions were open to him, and there had been a remarkable lull in the criminal element of Mikkeli. “What a shame,” he often lamented, “that such a boon to the citizenry means desolation to me!”

It was around mid-afternoon when the bell finally rang, announcing that some hardy soul had braved the storm to call upon us. The change in Hannu was as remarkable as it was instant. Gone was the ever-bleaker melancholy that had held sway over him, and in its place was the Vital Viitanen of old, ready for whatever may come.

Of course, he hid his eagerness for a case behind the cloak of his wonted misanthropy, but I could see it sparkling in his eyes as I went to show our visitor in.

The face that greeted me when I opened the door was a familiar one. “Why, if it isn’t Junnu Kuitunen!”

“Hallo, Ville,” Junnu said. Then his normally cheerful face drooped. “Is Hannu... occupied? I need his assistance on a matter of some urgency.”

“I’m sure he will be able to accommodate you.” So saying, I led Junnu into the sitting room.

Hannu looked at Junnu askance from where he sprawled in his favorite chair. “There’s been a murder in this weather?”

Junnu started, as he hadn’t yet said a word to Hannu. “How on Earth--”

“Immaterial,” Hannu cut Junnu off. “What I need from you are all the facts you can give me about this untoward occurrence.”

Junnu took a deep breath to steady himself. “Well, as you are aware, my interests require that I come to Mikkeli for brief periods throughout the year.” At Hannu’s nod, he continued, “On this last trip, I met several times with a Norwegian colleague named Sigerson. We were to meet again yesterday morning, but he didn’t show up, so I went to his lodgings directly after breakfasting.”

“And you found him dead,” Hannu finished for Junnu when that worthy paused in his retelling. “He had been brutally, shockingly murdered, had he not?”

Junnu nodded. “It was the most horrible thing I’d ever seen.”

“But there was something else,” Hannu prompted.

Junnu’s mouth worked for a moment before he could bring himself to continue. “On his desk was a note--a drawing, rather, of the old Hannunvaakuna symbol, with yesterday’s date written below. Naturally, I left everything to the police, but when I returned to my offices, I found--this!”

He thrust a piece of paper at Hannu, who barely glanced at it before saying, “And you have no idea why the killer has set his sights on you?”

“None whatsoever,” Junnu affirmed. “My only dealings with Sigerson were matters of business, and never such things as might provoke someone to murder!”

“Nevertheless, I think it would be best if you remained here for the present,” Hannu said. “Ville and I shall begin our investigation at once, and there’s every likelihood that the matter will be cleared up presently.”

As we left, Hannu murmured to me, “There’s a doomed man if ever I saw one...”

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
Well, so it begins.

Yes, very good! I agree with the assignment of characters. And am excited to learn more about the case - and Junnu's fate! (I actually have a fic in my idea pile that also involves the two as Holmes and Watson but in an amateur theatre settings - featuring "special effects" shenanigans by the twins and a very frustrated director Paju. :) )
Fluent: :germany: :uk:
Alright: :spain: :france:
I try: :vaticancity: :norway: :turkey: :ireland: :sign: Yiddish
(I study historical linguistics and like to dig around in various Germanic languages of the last 2000 years or so.)

~Rule no.1: Don't question the Sgru!~