Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 805512 times)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3855 on: October 12, 2020, 10:59:13 AM »
And the final chapter of ‘Caring For a Friend’ has gone up on Archive. The Onni and Reynir strand of this story will be continued in ‘Alliance’. Hope you all like the ending!
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Grade E cat

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3856 on: October 13, 2020, 07:36:40 AM »
I promised I'd properly publish Silent Child once I was done with Adventure I, so here you go. I fixed a few things and gave the chapters names while I was at it.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2020, 12:44:25 PM by Grade E cat »
Native: :fr:
So much part of my life it might as well be native: :us:
Few and far between practice opportunities: :es:
A little learned during hardcore anime fan phase: :jp:
Only alternative to English in early junior high school: :de:

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3857 on: October 13, 2020, 10:39:56 AM »
I finally finished my story for Fandom for Australia, paid for by Grey so long ago! But, now it's up. After the expedition, the team must stay in Reykjavik for hearings and a party in their honor. Lalli and Emil become friends with the reporter girl. But is there more than friendship in the air?
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3858 on: October 22, 2020, 10:18:29 AM »
Another chapter of ‘An Historical Document’ has gone up on Archive. A warning for sad memories and past character deaths (it’s a reincarnation fic, right?). We are getting near the end of this one. A few things still need to happen: the boys need to deal with the trolls in Emil’s basement, and a journey to extremely distant parts needs to happen. I have hopes of finishing this story arc before the end of the year.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3859 on: December 27, 2020, 01:10:22 PM »
So, I was in an extreme writing-mood over today and yesterday and wrote a total of three two stories. I have only proofread one so far, so that one is coming today.

It´s the one I mentioned over in the SSSS-addict thread which is based on a dream I had. One of two actually, it had two so different narratives that I couldn´t fit them in one story. Dreams are like that sometimes...
So yeah, two stories, stylistically very similar, but two different narratives. Second one is coming... at some point. We´ll see. ^^"
  Scratch that, I decided I didn´t like the other story, so one it is. :'D

Constructive critizism is, as always, highly apprechiated.

In this one, the narrator is about 14 and their brother 17 or 18. It is set in Y0 not in Scandinavia, but I didn´t specify where instead.

Spoiler: levelup • show

I recall watching my brother play that videogame on his computer. The one with the Zombies.

“I hate Zombies”, I told him, but kept on watching anyway.

He explained to me what he was doing. Maybe so he was less afraid. The game had a lot of jump-scares and things like that. Talking to someone outside of that world at the same time would remind both of us that it wasn´t real.

“We need to get supplies, food and such. Tell me if you see something lying around”, he said. His character was walking through a raided store.
“Then we need to find a safe place and hide. That´s the next level.”

I always thought this game was stupid. I didn´t like the gross enemies and that all the remaining humans turned on each other. In fact, my every second sentence while I watched him play was “This is stupid.” At least I ended up learning something from it.


When the Rash came, we didn´t think much. When it reached my country, we just thought “Of course. Globalization is like that. It´ll go away.” No one had died back then.

Schools were closed after a while. My brother was happy he would have more time to study for his exams now.

Then people and animals started dying. Not just dying, turning. Into… something. Not a Zombie, but… actually, “Zombie” maybe wasn´t too far off. Just bigger, and with more teeth. I hadn´t seen one of them in real life yet. Many said it was just a rumor, to scare us all into staying at home. I hoped they were right, but knew they weren´t. I saw the monsters in my nightmares.

People in my town were getting sick, then people in my family until only the two of us were left. I don´t know what happened to the others, at that point people were still brought into the hospital. Visits were forbidden. Someone had always called us.
“I´m sorry, it´s over.”

Soon the radio started broadcasting nothing but helpless screams that my brother insisted were just interference that sounded like nothing.

And then, suddenly, me and my brother were the character from that videogame. And the fear was there again, but this time, talking wouldn´t help. Any sound would just make everything worse.


It was ok though, we didn´t need talk. We just had to follow the rules. Find supplies, then find a safe spot. That´s how apocalypses work. Now we were the ones standing in a store people were raiding. It were just a few, hiding and grabbing everything they could get their hands on.

“It will all go back to normal”, someone near me said almost cheerfully to their coughing child while loading a large bag with pasta. “It´s just precautions. They´ll fill the shops again, this is just to tide over the time while they don´t.”

Quit lying to yourself!, I thought, but didn´t say out loud. I think the person was aware of how hopeless everything was.

Sooner or later everything edible was gone. People were violently fighting over the last bits. I didn´t think humans would do that in real life. Me and my brother were hiding behind a large basket that once contained potatoes and watched. Our backpacks were full, we had come early, but the fight was happening in front of the door, so we couldn´t leave.

The people were shifting their attention to something alive now. A small dog sitting in the handbag of a woman. Someone was yelling and pulled at the bag, the woman refused to let go and yelled too. I covered my ears. More people joined in, I couldn´t understand what they were saying. It was too much at once.

Something´s going to happen.

The handbag´s handles ripped and the dog fell on the ground. Some people screamed in surprise, we stayed silent. The dog suddenly started snapping and hissing and twisted and squirmed. It was deforming, everything was suddenly teeth and its skin turned black. More people screamed, this time in outright panic. Everyone jumped back. Some froze, some ran away. I stared in horror. A guy tried to stab the small animal with a metal stick he got from one of the shelves. The dog´s owner started crying hysterically and tried to stop him.

“No! No! That´s my dog you sick bastard!”

“That´s no dog anymore!”, the guy shouted.

The next moment said no-dog-anymore bit the woman in the leg. She screamed, or maybe just cried louder. She sobbed, asking why her companion would do this to her. The guy tried to pull her away from it.

My brother poked me in the arm. No doubt what that meant. Time to leave.
We sneaked out the entrance while everyone was busy dealing with the zombie-dog.


The screams from inside wouldn´t stop. Both of us were shaking. Then my brother took a deep breath. “Next level?”, he whispered. I nodded. Level beaten, continue with the next one.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2020, 07:19:24 AM by Mirasol »
supposedly studying, most likely drawing…

fluent: :de: :us: sort of: :fr: learning!: :fi: I wish…: :it:
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3860 on: December 28, 2020, 08:30:10 AM »
Mirasol, I like your idea! It often bugs me in film etc. when it seems that the characters have never ever watched anything! Like, I’m pretty sure everybody know by now that you don’t split up, if there may be monsters in the house :) Having watched / played / read / otherwise engaged with content with similar themes would help one adapt more quickly, perhaps allowing that precious moment between survival and destruction to fall one’s way.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3861 on: December 28, 2020, 10:50:55 AM »
Mirasol, that is an interesting story, and something that in the Minnaverse might become very likely. Having never been into either gaming or modern horror and zombies, but having in real life been in some quite perilous situations and dealt with them, I have no patience with people who don’t plan or look ahead. My husband teases me about my tendency, when he gets me to watch an action movie with him, to yell at the characters who are careless, who open doors and leave them open when they should know there is something dangerous about, and who never look up! (He grew up in a culture with lots of games and movies, I spent much of my childhood in places that didn’t have electricity, little say movies, but had plenty of books and old people who told me stories.)

Anyway, this is an interesting story, and I think worth continuing if you are so inclined.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3862 on: December 29, 2020, 03:25:48 PM »
Thanks for the feedback, Jitter and Róisín! :)) I´m also really annoyed by protagonists who go about danger the stupidest and most illogical way ever. I have the same habit of yelling at protagonists who do... And I do think that one can occasionaly learn a thing or two from content with similar themes.

Though, just like you Róisín, I´m neither into modern horror or zombies. I haven´t in my life played a game like that or watched someone else play. I pretty much share my story´s narrator´s approach to zombie-stories. I think the monsters are just gross, but not in a cool kind of way like the rash-monsters. Though I do really like apocalypse-stories otherwise.
This is probably the main-reason why I most likely won´t continue this story. I don´t know a thing about those video-games apart from the general end-goal. I was just winging it in this one. (Though it was fun to write) :'D

Either way, then I needed a break from sad/scary stories and wrote another Human!Kitty-chapter, after long last finally.

Spoiler: part 13 • show

Sigrun had said they would be on the road for a couple of days. With hopefully no grosslings they could attract, it was the ideal time to help Kitty train her mage-skills. Just, daytime-Kitty either didn´t understand what Reynir wanted from her, or didn´t care. She had great fun learning Icelandic with Tuuri though, especially since Mikkel had salvaged an old dictionary from the last place before moving on. Tuuri could use it for reference now. It happened to have nice pictures, which the little girl really liked.
“Hello, I am Kisa!”, in Icelandic were the words she woke Reynir up with after the last dreamless night.
And that was exactly the Icelander´s problem. Ever since the ghost-attack, he either didn´t dream at all or just had weird nightmares and kept on waking up. As a result, he was constantly tired and couldn´t find the dream-Kitten.
All the more surprised he was to find himself in the dreamspace now, in the middle of the day, when he had just dozed off sitting on the tank´s wheels. The vehicle had broken down, and the others were sitting around waiting for Tuuri to fix it. Kitty had immediately curled herself up in a sunny spot and fallen asleep. Reynir had intended to stay awake in the hopes of then being able to sleep tonight, but it looked like that hadn´t worked. Whatever, the kitten was here, and he was here, and he would not waste that opportunity.
It was sitting at its usual spot on the fence, fast asleep. He carefully approached it and poked the little cat´s back.
“Hey, wake up! I really hope waking you up here doesn´t wake you up in the real world… Or wait. Are you Kisa? Or her Fylgia?”
The little orange and white cat opened one of her big, blue eyes. She started stretching and gracefully leaped to the ground.
“Kisa?”, Reynir asked.
The kitten looked at him with her head tilted. Then she seemed to smile.
Her voice still sounded husky and unused, but the accent was gone.
The Icelander exulted. “Oh my gods, it´s really you! Please tell me you can understand me!”
She nodded, seemingly surprised by herself that she did.
“Why?”, she asked.
“We´re in the dreamspace. Languages don´t exist here, everyone can talk to everyone.”
Kitty looked around.
“Where Tuuri? And others?”
She still didn´t seem to be a fan of talking. Or using too many unimportant words.
“Oh, they can´t come here, sorry. Just mages can. Like me and Lalli. And you.”
She thought a bit and pouted.
“Sad. Then we still can´t talk.”
“Yeah…It would make a lot of things easier if everyone could come here… But either way, this is great! I wanted to ask you, but you never understood me: That night when the ghosts came, you were able to do something against them. Do you know how you did that?”
She shrugged. It looked funny, since a cat was doing it.
“Just knew in the moment. Wanted it to leave, and you said “help”. I just repeated. Louder. What is mage?”
“Uh… mages are people that can hear trolls speak. Like, real words. And sometimes make them do things? It depends.”
“I can hear trolls!”, Kitty exclaimed. “Wait. “Hear” is not right. More, feel. When they are near. And where.”
“Oh. Yeah. That´s when your hair gets all fluffy, right?”
She tilted her head again. “Maybe? I just try not moving. Mom taught me then they don´t come.”
“Hm, you´re right. I was taught that too. We have a rule here. “Stand still, stay silent”, then the trolls won´t come.”
“But moving house never stops moving. So they keep coming.”
“Yeah that´s because the tank is safe- wait, what did you say?”
“Trolls… no “ghosts” are following house because it´s moving. I think.”
Oh no… Reynir had thought they were done with these for a while. “Ehm… Are you sure?”
“Yes”, Kitty said sounding very convinced, though not necessarily scared.  “But they are slow. We keep moving fast, and then they can´t find us.”
“Ok… um… good to know. I… should probably tell Sigrun that.” The Icelander just prayed Tuuri would be able to fix the tank.
Though, since the girl didn´t seem all that concerned, Reynir figured it was a problem he could deal with later. Back to the reason why he originally wanted to talk to the girl.
“So, Kisa. What I´m actually trying to say, you are a mage. Like me, and Lalli and Onni, the one we called the other day.”
She nodded. “Because I feel trolls.”
“Yes, and that means you have special powers that can help you here. Like how you made the ghost leave. Do you know anything else you can do?”
She thought. The kitten´s whiskers were shuttering.
He tried to help her. “Like, most mages can look like humans in the dreamspace. Can you do that?”
The little cat sat down, closed her eyes and concentrated. Nothing happened. After a bit, she shook her head.
“Can´t.” She paused. “Don´t know can I do something else.”
She seemed really disappointed by that fact. Reynir petted her, trying to make her feel better.
“No worries, Onni said that´s normal. You´re still really young. But you have to practice and learn. I´m also still learning. We can practice together if you want. But I have different magic then you do.”
She smiled and nodded. “don´t mind.”
“Ok, then let´s meet up here again to learn. And maybe even outside.”
At that moment Reynir´s Fylgia decided he wanted to greet Kitty, and ran towards her wagging his tail and barking. The kitten´s pupils became slits, she hissed, and her shape started disappearing immediately. The dog whined sadly as the shape was gone.
“Congrats buddy, you woke her up.”
The Icelander was a bit mad at the dog, but he seemed devastated enough that the new friend had left, so Reynir couldn´t bring himself to be angry at him for long. Also because at that moment a real-life-Tuuri woke him up.
“Wake up, sleepy-head! Tank is up and running again!”
“Hm…?” Reynir yawned. “Oh, great!”
She laughed. “Wow, you should really sleep more.”
supposedly studying, most likely drawing…

fluent: :de: :us: sort of: :fr: learning!: :fi: I wish…: :it:
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3863 on: December 30, 2020, 01:28:14 AM »
Interesting problem for Reynir and Kitty. I wonder if she will become used to Reynir’s fylgja once she realises that the dog is a part of him, and is not a danger to her? I wonder what god or gods Kitty answers to? Some sort of nature deity, or the Christian god, or what? In Reynir’s position it would be sensible to tell his dog to be still and let Kitty do the exploring and introducing herself, perhaps?
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3864 on: January 01, 2021, 03:51:45 AM »
Forgot to actually post the link, but the anthology of my 2020 short fics is live.
Native: :fr:
So much part of my life it might as well be native: :us:
Few and far between practice opportunities: :es:
A little learned during hardcore anime fan phase: :jp:
Only alternative to English in early junior high school: :de:

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3865 on: January 01, 2021, 09:42:10 AM »
Mirasol, this is a bit late, but I finally got around to reading "Levelup" and wanted to join Jitter and Roísín in approval. It makes so much sense that people would apply their gaming (or other fictional) experience to surviving irl. I'm glad your characters were more sensible about it than this one:   ;D  It's a nicely self-contained vignette, with a full narrative arc, and anyone unfamiliar with SSSS would understand it.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3866 on: February 14, 2021, 05:13:11 PM »
What if Reynir had some trouble adjusting to the situation in the silent world?
Warnings: Pain, hurtful thoughts and the story doesn’t make much sense. But I wouldn’t call it "explicit" in any way.

Spoiler: show

Reynir is lying in the tank. His first night in the silent world.
The others seem to have fallen asleep already. But Reynir is still awake.
These foreign and mostly incomprehensible people... The smell of sweat, disinfectant and some unidentifiable stuffs. Will they get attacked? Are the others nice people? Mikkel seemed nice. The captain and the blond one seemed to hate him. Will they hurt him for this? He’ll help them eat their food away.. If only he hadn’t removed so many cans of tuna from the crate. If only he stayed on the ship. If only he stayed at home.

His stomach hurts, he feels sick, needing to vomit. He feels exposed, as if in a tin can in a sea of hungry mouths & arms that try to get him. Around every corner he believes to see the fingers of twitching abominations that’ll eat him if he falls asleep.
What’s that tickling in his legs?
What’s that smell? Wasn’t it different a moment ago?
His heart’s beating loudly. Should he stand up? How could he flee? To safety?

Hurt. Pain.
He rolls onto his stomach & tries to vomit next to his matress. But he fails, something hindering him, as if he’d forgotten how to do it.
There! Some acid rose up. But it only creates the usual acid taste in his mouth. He doesn’t find the expected relief of vomiting and his stomach still hurts.
When was the last time he vomited? Must’ve been years ago.

He tries to sit up. But he feels that he has to be careful about it, ’cause his sense of balance is all messed up. Every slight motion of his head feels like a great movement, and that disorients him.
He sees some lights, from the electronics somewhere. Blinking.

Will he be safe? Will he get the Rash and die, without having said any goodbies to his family? The weakest of his family.
At least his current pains won’t kill him. No, somehow it feels familiar, but he can’t quite recall where and when he’d felt like that. And such stress-induced stuff won’t kill him. At least not directly or quickly.

How can he not get in the way? How can he make himself useful, so the others won’t hate him for being here?
That’s it! He’ll try to help them as best as he can, whatever needs doing.

This goes on for quite some time. Sitting up, lying down, turning around. Pain, never ceasing pain. Never ceasing thoughts.

When Reynir woke up, he didn’t open his eyes. In this instant he didn’t quite know where he was, but felt safe. The moment he opened his eyes, he remembered where he was, and the stress came crushing down on him.
He did think something, automatically, intuitively and he didn’t feel the stress so much anymore, but it was still there. A few moments later he got up, his head quite fuzzy. His sense of balance hadn’t returned to normal.
Soon his stomach began to hurt again and he felt the need to vomit. But he couldn’t.

Spoiler: Author’s Notes • show

I dunno how to give this an ending that feels more proper.
I used Reynir as a “puppet” actor here, for stuff I wanted to write about. It’s not something I think “actually” happened in the comic. I think Reynir’s reaction in the comic was much more subdued and not actually physically hurting him like in the above text.

Writing fiction is strange. There are so many possibilities to choose from. And each gives a different story.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2021, 02:46:29 PM by Groupoid »
Native: :de: (:ch:), Ok: :gb:, Rusty: :fr:, A bit: :ru:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3867 on: February 15, 2021, 02:13:25 PM »
Nice story, Groupoid!

That may not happened in-comic, as you said, but also could! That first night "lost" in the silent world with a bunch of people he didn't knew, with so many dangers around him... I'd say that in-comic Reynir adapted surprisingly fast.

Also, being trapped inside a dark crate on a ship, rocking all the time, for days (?) surely wasn't a relaxing experience...

Writing fiction is indeed strange, and fascinating! I'm completely hooked with writing my stories, and absolutely in love with that god-like power to choose among the possibilities to carry the characters in the desired direction. So, welcome to the fold! :)

(and if you want more SSSS fanfics check AO3. You will find (many) amazing stories there)✓&work_search%5Bquery%5D=stand+still+stay+silent
Chapter break survivor: :chap20: :chap21: :A2chap01: :A2chap02: :A2chap03: :A2chap04: :A2chap05:
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3868 on: February 15, 2021, 03:13:38 PM »
I considered including the ride in the crate, or including more "calming" interactions with Mikkel or Tuuri, but that didn’t fit with what I wanted.
Having so many possibilities available is sometimes problematic for me, because I can’t decide what to do. In maths there’s usually not so many possibilities you have to consider at once (in my experience). I’ll get more used to it, by exposing myself to it.

I already read many stories. There’s so many nice ones. I followed your link, fell through a hole of links, images & stuff and noticed that I could use it to study Russian a little more. I didn’t expect there to be a russian-speaking SSSS-community.
Native: :de: (:ch:), Ok: :gb:, Rusty: :fr:, A bit: :ru:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3869 on: February 15, 2021, 06:29:03 PM »
I considered including the ride in the crate, or including more "calming" interactions with Mikkel or Tuuri, but that didn’t fit with what I wanted.
Having so many possibilities available is sometimes problematic for me, because I can’t decide what to do. In maths there’s usually not so many possibilities you have to consider at once (in my experience). I’ll get more used to it, by exposing myself to it.
I love the clarity of Math, where something is, or not, with few grey areas :) Life is not like that, and a story is a description of life, even if it's an imaginary life on a fictional world. Usually there are no straight paths, rather a network of roads, avenues and trails that we negotiate the best we can, never being able to see, much less explore, all the possibilities.

I'm by no means an experienced writer, but to me having a good idea on how the story will end is essential. Without it I'm lost.
I also draw a "road map" with the relevant "places" where the story should pass, but my map is like the medieval ones: Everything is out of proportion, legends fill the empty spaces and there are imaginary places that I never find. :)

Anyway all writers (AFAIK) tend to agree that experience is fundamental. The more you write the better you do it.
So let's do it!
Chapter break survivor: :chap20: :chap21: :A2chap01: :A2chap02: :A2chap03: :A2chap04: :A2chap05:
Languages: :pt: :br: Capable: :gb: Can read and survive: :es: Knows a bit: :fr: :it:

proud member of the Sigrun Eide for God-Emperor of the Universe Society