Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 805508 times)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2940 on: February 12, 2017, 11:44:20 AM »
I am very glad to announce that I already managed to make a B entry! Next up, I would like to finally get something done for the "dark" prompt of the 2015 challenge...
Rating: Teen and Up
Charaters/Relationships: Emil/Lalli
Warnings: It's a little sappy.

(Btw, just mentioning it: If anyone is interested in writing sexy stuff, I suggested a collaborative project on the respective board, I'd be happy to get some feedback!)
I'm the left one on the picture.

Fluent: :germany: :uk:
In school I had: :france: :spain:
Some words and phrases: :japan:
Learning: :sweden:



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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2941 on: February 13, 2017, 12:27:35 AM »
Tall Ships & Taller Tales
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Pirate crossover fanfic
Part 5
Complete Links to Complete Links post
Prior part
Spoiler: The Rising Eide • show
The Ottoman ships plying the Aegean thought themselves invulnerable; after all, the Mediterranean had been the Sultan’s lake for nearly a century. The idea that Ottoman ships would fall prey to Christian raiders was unthinkable to these merchantmen.

The Sea-Lynx came as quite a nasty surprise to all who came under her guns; for more than six months, the mighty Captain Eide was the terror of the Dodecanese and the Levant, once going even so far as to raid the Barbary sultanates themselves. They called her “the Flame-Head”, when they dared speak of her at all.

Between these sorties, the crew of the Sea-Lynx found a warm welcome in Old Venice, which was slowly girding itself up for another go-around with the Ottomans and thus happy to aid any who challenged the Ottoman Navy with such open piracy against their fleets. They even put up with a few “mysterious” fires in Emil’s wake.

Of course, the Sultan’s Navy could not countenance such raiding going unchallenged, so a Hunt was organized. The Aegean soon saw a net of patrols so tight that nothing could slip through. That was the week in which the Sea-Lynx raided Algiers, Tripoli and Rabat.

As winter approached, however, Captain Eide grew more and more restive--the thought of returning to her stash in the Caribbean waxed attractive as the loot in the Sea-Lynx’s hold grew heavier and heavier. In this, Lalli agreed with the Captain; thus, Emil agreed with them both. Neither Tuuri nor Mikkel were particularly eager to leave the lush Mediterranean and its rich ports, but Reynir was indifferent (not that his opinion mattered, except maybe to Tuuri).

Matters really came to a head when Sigrun got hurt, though. The Sea-Lynx had intimidated a lone barque into surrendering a few leagues off Cyprus, but when Reynir led the prize crew aboard, they were ambushed by some janissaries hiding below. Sigrun had saved Reynir by jumping between him and the head janissary, but at the cost of some nasty cuts to her arm.

After disposing of every last person left on the barque, Reynir prevailed upon Emil to set it ablaze and drove it into the harbor of Paphos, the heads of the putative crew hanging from the prow. Reynir was getting pretty good at visual messaging like that, Emil had to admit. Lalli was a bit more dismissive, but still admitted Reynir was getting “almost competent”.

This incident served to convince the crew that the time was right for them to head back to Water Island, if only to secure the loot before their next cruise, so Tuuri set course for the Straits of Gibraltar. Mikkel had his hands full fending off an overly-eager-to-help Reynir and trying to get Sigrun to keep from re-injuring herself every few days.

The Straits were a natural place for an ambush, and the crew waited and watched with bated breath until the Sea-Lynx finally left their narrows behind. A few hours later, when they had all finally got the jitters out of their systems, the Sea-Lynx came under attack...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
Wait, this isn’t dead?

Huh, I guess it isn’t.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2942 on: February 13, 2017, 02:31:49 AM »
Oh, good!
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2943 on: February 13, 2017, 08:52:19 AM »
*mumbles into table*

Why did I try to write about Tuuri's dissonance, why?


:usa: native
:spain: comes back in an emergency
:vaticancity: rusty
:china: can usually manage to order food
:norway: can hold a basic conversation

:chap5: | :book2: | :book3: | :chap17: :chap18:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2944 on: February 13, 2017, 10:57:16 AM »
I think you caught it well.
Avatar is courtesy of the amazing Haiz!


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2945 on: February 13, 2017, 03:25:05 PM »
Chapter 24 is up, another Tuuri one, short but important.

Survived: Chapters: :chap8::chap9::chap10::chap11::chap12::chap13::chap14::chap15::chap16::chap17::chap18::chap19::chap20::chap21: :A2chap01: :A2chap02::A2chap03::A2chap04::A2chap05:
Books: :book3: :book4:

I wrote a thing. It has consumed my life.

Reigning champion of time spent on this forum.

Grade E cat

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2946 on: February 13, 2017, 04:07:23 PM »
A little something to reduce slightly the waiting time for those of you who don't combine sharing a time zone with Sweden and an early bedtime.

Previous chapter

Broken bridges

Just a normal work day for the crew, barring a new development on the Known World side of things. Features a certain plot-relevant book.

Spoiler: Chapter 5 • show

Reynir and Tuuri has decided to split tasks when it came to copying the book found the previous day in what had seemed to be a doctor's office in a communal area turned hospital. Tuuri was going to re-type the text, Reynir was to reproduce any photos and drawings he found. After spending most of the day re-drawing a series of photos showing the progression of the Rash on a patient, he opened the book to the next page that had been marked as having a picture of some kind during a quick comb-through. It seemed to be a flyer with some kind of syringe on it. This was going to be much, much easier than that scary series of photos. The text on the flyer said something about the syringes getting distributed to all treatment centers as soon as possible. He wondered what was supposed to be in them. The radio buzzed. He was quite sure there was no communication planned. Pretending the radio was damaged was fine with everyone, having it damaged for real was not. This meant there was a small chance that Øresund base, and his father, could manage to contact them. Because of this, Tuuri was the one to answer the radio. It turned out to be indeed someone from Øresund base, who claimed to have been trying to reach the expedition for two days. Reynir considered leaving, but his legs felt too weak to support him. What was happening to him? Just yesterday, he had visited that Old World building that was technically sturdy enough to have a troll nest. All though the investigation, Emil had kept saying he was quite sure the rune that Hildur had taught Reynir to draw actually did nothing, and that the building was actually just devoid of trolls.

Tuuri sounded incredibly believable, telling the operator that the radio was broken and that an "accident" had happened with Helena and the cat. Wait, why was she making it sound like Helena had gotten eaten by the troll to save him, while Lalli had arrived later? If she was able to twist words that way, how could he be sure she wasn't doing the exact same thing with him? Or Lalli, for that matter?
-I suppose Reynir's parents would like to speak with him after such a thing happened. Could please fetch them for me?
What was she doing? He wouldn't mind talking to his mother actually, but his father...
A familiar masculine voice came out of the radio:
-Reynir? Are you alright?
Reyir moved his chair closer to the radio and picked up the microphone:
-Ye... Yes...
He might as well go along with Tuuri's story:
-Sor... Sorry... What... what happened to Helena... I didn't know her long, but she seemed...
How could it be so hard to say that last word? She really had seemed nice. He heard his mother's voice:
-I'm happy to hear your voice. But now, you know just how dangerous the Silent World is. Please come back while you are still close to the bridge.
-We... can't.
Fortunately, Tuuri took over:
-Part of the bridge broke while we were driving on it. Actually, we just barely avoided sinking with it.
When his father's voice next came out of the radio, he sounded furious:
-How did this happen?
Tuuri started answering:
-Well, that bridge is more than ninety years old and the knowledge of how it was built in the first place...
-And Helena failed on top of this.
Reynir just barely heard his mother asking his father what he was talking about over his disbelief that if all this story was true, all it took for him to confess was being told that the plan had failed.
-You're Tuuri Hotakainen, right? Listen to me, young lady. If you want to see your brother alive again, you will immediately order that cousin of yours to...
They heard a new voice coming from the radio:
-Please step back, ma'am.
Another new voice:
-Árni Ragnarsson, you are under arrest for attempted murder by proxy.
-You can't do this to me! Do you know who I am?
-Yes, we do.
That last voice was Ólafur's. Guðrún's came next, sounding much closer to the radio:
-Reynir, we are so sorry! Hildur tried to tell us, but we didn't believe her. And when you didn't call back, we thought the worst had happened.
After this, Tuuri felt comfortable telling the real story from their point of view, without twisting any words. That included the fact that they were now reporting to three of Reynir's private tutors.
-Continue reporting to them, in that case. We are going to have plenty to do to clean up this mess as it is, and home is probably one of the safest places for anyone helping you right now. I also understand why you would want to do some that research if you're equipped for it and will need to keep yourselves busy anyway. But please do your best to stay alive, all of you.

When Reynir went to tell Hildur the news, he found her space unoccupied and inaccessible, while it was the complete opposite for the one belonging to Onni. After taking the message he had for Hildur, he explained that he and Hildur had figured out that Icelandic and Finnish mages could ignore each other's protections, but not those of mages from the same tradition.
-Do you know if Hildur is going to go to bed soon?
-I think she will.
-Do you mind if I stay here until she appears in her space?
-Not at all. Besides, she'll probably kill me if I make you wait outside.
Reynir looked around the place. While he knew what Lalli's space looked like from being able to see it, this was the first time he was actually in another mage's space.
-This is different from Lalli's space. More water, less trees. Tuuri told me the three of you basically grew up as siblings, so I thought your space would look like his.
-He's known the forest longer than this place, by now. It's still the other way around for me.
-Oh, is it Saimaa? The place Tuuri told me you lived before going to Keuruu?
Onni suddenly made a face that gave Reynir the impression he had somehow just told him something that made him feel uncomfortable. After that, both of them stayed silent until Reynir saw Hildur appear in her own space and went to join her.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2017, 10:39:04 AM by Grade E cat »
Native: :fr:
So much part of my life it might as well be native: :us:
Few and far between practice opportunities: :es:
A little learned during hardcore anime fan phase: :jp:
Only alternative to English in early junior high school: :de:

Do what cat. Lalli's way of life since age three.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2947 on: February 13, 2017, 06:25:21 PM »
a 7-year-old Reynir has a conversation with his grandfather.

And remember what peace there may be in silence.

Grade E cat

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2948 on: February 14, 2017, 01:11:03 PM »
Does Skald!Reynir over-analysing Emil and Lalli's friendship count as a Valentine's day chapter? Because this is exactly what that one somehow turned into.

Previous chapter

Broken bridges

Reynir doesn't get to visit an Old World school because of a fever, but Emil, Tuuri and Sigrun bring back a fluffy surprise.

Spoiler: Chapter 6 • show

-Don't worry, I'll take a bunch of photos. You won't miss not being there at all.
Tuuri ran off, Sigrun and Emil at her side. Reynir was really looking forward to visiting that Old World school. Why did he have to wake up with a fever this morning? He felt Mikkel's massive hand on his shoulder:
-You, back to bed.
-Won't I make Lalli sick?
-You have nothing contagious, from what I can tell. And you need the rest.
As Mikkel wrapped him in blanket, Reynir realized something: this was going to be the first time he and Lalli were going to be asleep at the same time. Hildur had told him about that property the safe areas had on language the previous night.

Unfortunately, Lalli had not liked getting a visit from him at all. The only words he had heard from the man who had saved him from Helena were "get out". In a hurry to comply with Lalli’s wishes and escape that giant tree that had grown in his area, Reynir had somehow taken a wrong turn and stumbled into Onni's space instead of his own. He got two surprises in a row: Onni being there and Lalli turning out to have followed him for some reason. Reynir saw what Onni had been talking about the previous night when he seemed to have to do some kind of effort to let Lalli inside, while Reynir had been able to simply walk in both his space and Lalli's. The two cousins had apparently not been able to talk since Lalli had left their home, so Reynir decided to let them chat and stay out of the way. He however couldn't figure out a place in Onni's space that was both accessible and out of hearing range. This caused him to hear things that they probably didn't want him to hear. This included Onni considering it a good thing they were now able to communicate by radio because something that he simply called "it" was looking for them "again". Lalli seemed to understand what he was talking about. After some silence, Onni asked Lalli if he had made any friends yet. Lalli replied that he thought he had maybe made one. Reynir wondered who that could be. It definitely wasn't Reynir himself, as his initial visit to Lalli' space had been his first real move to acquaint himself with him. Tuuri was his cousin, Sigrun didn't interact much with him outside of work and Mikkel knew enough about whatever was making his mind "different" to know that human interactions that he could consider "useless" were to be kept to a minimum. That left only one person. He couldn't be talking about Emil, could he? Unfortunately, Onni did not seem in the mood to ask him more, or at least had not gotten around doing so before Reynir woke up.

-Don't go getting attached. It may still die during the night.
The kitten was being kept as warm as possible in a padded basket while its mother and siblings were being buried outside by Sigrun and Emil. The latter had been the most shaken by them being dead, while Tuuri and Sigrun had had the general attitude of someone who had seen this happen enough times to be hardened to it, but remembered how hard the first few times had been. Strangely enough, the third person out there with them was Lalli, and not Tuuri. When Reynir had asked her the reason for that, her guess had been that Lalli could tell that Emil was sad and wanted to be with him. Had Emil really made friends with Lalli? Come to think of it, it wasn't that strange. It had been Emil's idea to bring the cats back. And Reynir couldn't help notice that when he talked to Lalli, Emil’s habits of trying to make himself look good, sometimes by insulting others without really noticing it, almost vanished. Reynir had found out from Tuuri that Emil had tried to befriend her on the way to Øresund  base, and during that had played up his past as an academic. Reynir had a strange thought: maybe that Lalli's utter lack of anything obvious in common with Emil had left the latter with no other way to approach him than the most basic and simple gestures of kindness. Lalli tended to take things at face value according to Tuuri. He remembered Tuuri's anecdotes of Emil getting more sandwiches when Lalli stole the meat from Emil's, Emil re-arranging Lalli's hair after the decontamination in Mora and telling his cousins to stop patting Lalli during a stop at his aunt’s house. It had been soon followed by Emil making it clear he didn't believe Lalli was a mage, but was still consistent with his idea. He'd have to watch them more closely to see if there was something to it.

Considering his day had started out as not being able to go to that Old World school because he had a fever, he was surprised by all he was able to tell Hildur when she came to visit that night. He chose to not tell her anything her heard from Onni and Lalli's discussion, considering Onni would tell her anything he thought she should know himself. However, his mind was split between his amusement at the coincidence and how little he liked the answer when she asked him a very familiar question:
-Have you made any friends yet?
-I don't know... I'm not sure I can trust my own judgement about people anymore. And what Mikkel said about the cat reminded me that we were still doing dangerous stuff, and that most of them are more exposed to it than I am. I know I have to trust them if I want to have a chance to make it back, but I that doesn’t require making friends. And if I make friends with none of them, it won’t be so hard if one of them turns out to be like Helena. We’ll probably never see each other after this anyway.
-I see why you would think this. But do me a favor. Please give at least one of them a chance.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2017, 01:12:52 PM by Grade E cat »
Native: :fr:
So much part of my life it might as well be native: :us:
Few and far between practice opportunities: :es:
A little learned during hardcore anime fan phase: :jp:
Only alternative to English in early junior high school: :de:

Do what cat. Lalli's way of life since age three.

Lacunae Seff

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2949 on: February 14, 2017, 01:30:02 PM »
I come bearing sacrifices for the fandom!
So I broke my self imposed fic hiatus, and crawled back into writing fics after... 9 years? (it also got me writing original stuff too... so I'm glad)
Ensi time travel cliche fic
The big character dying we all have been talking about lately. You know the one. It involves the Hotakainen fam and feels
So, angst. My cup of tea.
Also, where does everyone find challenges and prompts for this things?
~Knows :argentina: :usa:
*she wishes* :finland: :italy:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2950 on: February 14, 2017, 02:13:25 PM »
Oh good. I was worried you'd picked up the same plot thread I was going to take up regarding Ensi and time travel shenanigans.

*resumes writing to finish it off before anyone else does another time loop story*
I'm a writer too,
writing things for you,
Mostly 'pocylyse things though, check out my story from the start, Blog with the Blastwave.
A relay of the /k/ signal corps.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2951 on: February 14, 2017, 04:56:18 PM »

Also, where does everyone find challenges and prompts for this things?

Weeeeeell, we haaaave...

The 2015 prompt challenge. Can be found here:
The Alphabet Soup/Singalong Collection/Challenge. This was discussed on this thread a few, pages back, but the collection is here:

And I am starting something porn-related over at the mature content board currently... *twists her hands*

I probably forgot at least one challenge.
I'm the left one on the picture.

Fluent: :germany: :uk:
In school I had: :france: :spain:
Some words and phrases: :japan:
Learning: :sweden:


Lacunae Seff

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2952 on: February 14, 2017, 05:48:01 PM »
Oh good. I was worried you'd picked up the same plot thread I was going to take up regarding Ensi and time travel shenanigans.

*resumes writing to finish it off before anyone else does another time loop story*

I'm sorry D: I love the time travel cliche, and I'm actually planing to do one with Emil. But not more time travel Ensi... for now *adds wood to the fire*

Weeeeeell, we haaaave...

The 2015 prompt challenge. Can be found here:
The Alphabet Soup/Singalong Collection/Challenge. This was discussed on this thread a few, pages back, but the collection is here:

And I am starting something porn-related over at the mature content board currently... *twists her hands*

I probably forgot at least one challenge.

Thank You! this is exactly what I was wondering about!~ And I really need the practice.
~Knows :argentina: :usa:
*she wishes* :finland: :italy:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2953 on: February 14, 2017, 10:55:57 PM »
I probably forgot at least one challenge.

Translation: Yes, yes you did. But we love you anyway <3
Fluent: :sweden:
Decent: :uk:
Phrases: :spain: / :japan:

My stories frequently features themes such as death, suicide, mourning, etc; I cannot give precise warnings for each individual stories, as it would spoil the intrigues.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2954 on: February 15, 2017, 12:37:03 PM »
I probably forgot at least one challenge.

If you're on tumblr (or not! as long as you post in a place that's linkable and let me know about entries, it really doesn't matter where you put your things) there's also the Femslash February Music Box Challenge I'm currently running: :D
Á tarë quildë, á harë tínë.

:chap10: :chap11: :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16: :book3: :chap17: :chap18: :chap19: :chap20: :chap21: :book4: :A2chap01: :A2chap02: :A2chap03: :A2chap04: :A2chap05:

:germany: (native) :uk: (fluent) :vaticancity: (had to) :spain: (okay) :denmark: (learning) :france: (learning)