Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 805225 times)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2835 on: January 01, 2017, 06:42:25 PM »
Excellent story!
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2836 on: January 01, 2017, 08:17:08 PM »
...if Looney can do this, so can I. In which I finally finish up the second part of that Matrix crossover no one asked for.

Previous part

Spoiler: Epilogue • show
The first thing that greeted them upon their landing was the sight of a golden-haired teenager standing nearly as close as he could get without being incinerated, frantically waving his arms.

“Well,” Mikkel observed as he peered through the windshield. “I'll wager we have some good news.”

The landing was less of a setting down and more of a crash—Tuuri had managed to repair the Valkyrie enough that it could limp into port, but her repairs had not gone much further than that. Nevertheless, those who staggered out of it somehow managed to move under their own power—even Onni, who was currently in the process of chewing the nails from his fingers and and emphatically denying that the water on his face was anything other than rain. Nobody had bothered to ask how it was possible to rain inside of a ship.

“Sigrun wants to talk to you,” Emil informed Mikkel as soon as they had disembarked.

“So she made it after all.” The smile on Mikkel's face was faint, but surprisingly genuine. “I will meet her as soon as we are settled, then.”

Tuuri, meanwhile, was still busy gushing about how amazing it had been to see her very first Sentinel up close.

“Don't get used to it,” Onni warned her as they separated from the others. “I think I'm allergic to flying.”

It wasn't until the next morning that that view of Onni's world would be severely shaken.


The first inkling he got that things were not as they should be was Tuuri's absence from their small dwelling when he woke up. Tuuri never missed breakfast—and she'd been born here, so the complete tastelessness of it didn't even bother her. What if a rogue machine had broken in in the middle of the night? What if she'd strayed too close to the edge of the platform and slipped? What if she'd tried to take a closer look at something down in mechanics and gotten too close to one of the moving parts? What if—

Multiple people stopped and stared at the sight of a full-grown man careening barefoot along the walkway with his shirt unbuttoned, a panicked look on his face and tears streaming from his eyes, but Onni paid no mind to them. Too little mind: he only saw the person he'd been looking for when she all but crashed into him.

There you are!” Tuuri looked nearly as disheveled as her brother, though in contrast to his panic she was practically bouncing up and down with excitement. “Sigrun just offered me a job!”

“Who did what now?” Though he'd intended a tone of commanding disapproval, what came out of his mouth was actually more of a squeak.

“The Valkyrie needs another operator,” she babbled on, oblivious to her brother's distress, “and Sigrun said she'd like to have a good mechanic around too. Ee! Isn't it exciting?”


“It's a shame that the Sentinel couldn't have finished the job.”

“Your sister told me you'd say that.” Rather than being offended by his open hostility, Sigrun only looked faintly amused. As well she might: the woman had taken down a Sentinel single-handed; she wasn't going to be intimidated by a significantly shorter man who was still visibly puffy-eyed.

She was still a complete mess: arms and torso heavily bandaged, propped up in a narrow bed and hooked up to a multitude of machines. Onni shuddered at the sight of the plug protruding from the back of her neck. It made sense: when one could tell the mind directly that it wasn't hurting, there was no need to waste precious painkillers. That still didn't stop it from creeping him out.

“Tuuri isn't ready for this.”

“And you're not the boss of her. She's of age, she's willing, I need another Operator. I'm not going to turn down a hacker as good as her because her big brother is also a big baby.”

“Take me on too.” He was blurting out the words before he was even aware he'd been planning to say them.

She raised an eyebrow dubiously. “Way I hear it, you won't jack in anymore. I don't need three Operators, and Mikkel's already agreed to stay.”

“But you do need more crew. I heard nobody wants to crew with the Valkyrie now that it's been downed; they're saying that it's a doomed ship.” Onni crossed his fingers behind his back; this was his last-ditch chance and he knew it. “And I know of one person back in the Matrix who might be willing to come out if you offered—but the only one who can convince him is me.”

“So why hasn't anybody else gotten him?”

Crap. This was the part where she refused to jeopardize her crew for the sake of his selfish pipe dream. Still, she'd acknowledged Tuuri as his sister without a single scoff and he knew of her bravery in protecting her crew; Onni thought he owed her an honest answer.

“He's my younger cousin. The Agents have their eye on him,” he confessed. “It'll be risky. Dangerous.”

Sigrun laughed. “You know what? I like you. Sure, I'll take you onto my crew and let you hunt for your cousin. You might even find him, who knows? But nobody ever saved the world by sitting around on their butts being wimpy.”

Onni was still reeling when he left the infirmary. Another chance at real work… another chance at Lalli

Don't get your hopes up, he reminded himself as he pushed the door open and took a breath in preparation for telling Tuuri the news. Finding his cousin, alive and well and willing, after so much time, was against all odds—but then again, so was a lone woman taking on a Sentinel and winning.

If Onni was going to take his chances, he thought it was a good bet to take a chance on her.

Spoiler: Notes • show
I was originally going to write out the whole fight scene with the Sentinel, but this fight scene, as it turned out, just did not want to be written. I think that it's possible to put together a picture of what happened from what's already there. Ugh.

Next installment: The Best of Intentions
« Last Edit: January 03, 2017, 08:07:23 AM by Lazy8 »
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:norway: can hold a basic conversation

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2837 on: January 01, 2017, 08:53:09 PM »
...if Looney can do this, so can I. In which I finally finish up the second part of that Matrix crossover no one asked for.

[Final part we've been waiting for]


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2838 on: January 01, 2017, 09:29:31 PM »
Thanks, Lazy, I wondered how that was going to end.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2839 on: January 01, 2017, 09:54:47 PM »
…Oh, yeah; I need to make an announcement.

So, just to play havoc with Lazy8's All-Encompassing Fanfiction Index, I'm starting a new collection of one-shots (or three, but I'll explain later) called Alphabet Soup. As the name (hopefully) implies, each one-shot's title will begin with a different letter of the (English) alphabet. Where it'll play havoc with the Index, and why it's three collections, is because there will be a set of titles beginning with "A/An" (e.g., "An After-Dinner Chat"), a set that's anarthrous ("no article", e.g. "Asterisks and Obelisks"), and a set beginning with "The" (e.g., "The Aforementioned"). So instead of 26, the collection(s) will come to 78 one-shots in toto.

As per my usual practice, they'll be posted here 24ish hours before they get posted to AO3, so essentially, I'm going to be spamming the thread for a while.

So, would anyone else like to try their hand at this, too?
« Last Edit: January 01, 2017, 10:01:18 PM by LooNEY_DAC »


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2840 on: January 01, 2017, 10:09:27 PM »
…Oh, yeah; I need to make an announcement.

So, just to play havoc with Lazy8's All-Encompassing Fanfiction Index, I'm starting a new collection of one-shots (or three, but I'll explain later) called Alphabet Soup. As the name (hopefully) implies, each one-shot's title will begin with a different letter of the (English) alphabet. Where it'll play havoc with the Index, and why it's three collections, is because there will be a set of titles beginning with "A/An" (e.g., "An After-Dinner Chat"), a set that's anarthrous ("no article", e.g. "Asterisks and Obelisks"), and a set beginning with "The" (e.g., "The Aforementioned"). So instead of 26, the collection(s) will come to 78 one-shots in toto.

As per my usual practice, they'll be posted here 24ish hours before they get posted to AO3, so essentially, I'm going to be spamming the thread for a while.

So, would anyone else like to try their hand at this, too?

Oh Hel. I kinda want to, but I also kinda remember what the last long fic challenge I took on was like.

So is this a challenge that was issued somewhere or did you come up with it yourself?
:usa: native
:spain: comes back in an emergency
:vaticancity: rusty
:china: can usually manage to order food
:norway: can hold a basic conversation

:chap5: | :book2: | :book3: | :chap17: :chap18:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2841 on: January 01, 2017, 10:17:21 PM »
Oh Hel. I kinda want to, but I also kinda remember what the last long fic challenge I took on was like.

So is this a challenge that was issued somewhere or did you come up with it yourself?
The fact that your Index sorts alphabetically by the first word regardless of presence or absence of articles suggested it to me.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2842 on: January 02, 2017, 05:28:07 AM »
The fact that your Index sorts alphabetically by the first word regardless of presence or absence of articles suggested it to me. you're deliberately trying to troll me, is that it? Cuuuuuuuursssssseeeeee yoooooooooouuuuuuuu!

(Actually, I could redo that aspect. It would just take work... plus a few more obscenities...)
:usa: native
:spain: comes back in an emergency
:vaticancity: rusty
:china: can usually manage to order food
:norway: can hold a basic conversation

:chap5: | :book2: | :book3: | :chap17: :chap18:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2843 on: January 02, 2017, 05:36:54 AM »
Actually... ha, wait, nope, just did it. Took me 5 minutes. ;D
:usa: native
:spain: comes back in an emergency
:vaticancity: rusty
:china: can usually manage to order food
:norway: can hold a basic conversation

:chap5: | :book2: | :book3: | :chap17: :chap18:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2844 on: January 02, 2017, 06:33:27 AM » you're deliberately trying to troll me, is that it? Cuuuuuuuursssssseeeeee yoooooooooouuuuuuuu!

Did you perhaps not see where I wrote 'Just to play havoc with [the] Index'?

(Really, though, that only suggested the idea--if I really wanted to troll you, I'd have suggested repeating for each setting and genre as well--which I won't, since I'm not a masochist.)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2845 on: January 02, 2017, 08:23:15 AM »
Bent and Twisted
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“Avatar: the Last Airbender” crossover fanfic
Part 8
Complete Links to Complete Links post
Prior part
Spoiler: Ecclesiastes • show
They had had to carry Emil back out to the vehicle, or rather Mikkel had had to; the boy was as limp as a rag doll, and utterly unresponsive to their attempts to rouse him.

Lalli took it as his personal charge to watch Emil sleep off the effects of his over-exertion; the others let him, unwilling to challenge him in his self-appointed task, especially after Tuuri explained how Lalli knew some rudimentary healing techniques common to Water-Benders of the old style.

Of course Reynir wanted to help, but Lalli told him through Tuuri that the best way the Life-Bender could help was to continue Dream-Talking with Onni. Shortly thereafter, Tuuri left to start the vehicle on its ponderous way to their next campsite, leaving Reynir with nothing to do but to take Lalli’s suggestion.


Reynir looked up at Onni expectantly, a trusting smile on his open face.

For his part, Onni looked at Reynir in perplexity, a frown wrinkling his features. “Do you know nothing of the Elements and how the world is set in order around them?”

Reynir’s face went through a series of contortions that Onni could only assume were meant to indicate that the tall redhead was attempting to think. At length, the young man from the Island of Life-Benders confessed, “Well, you see, they don’t really teach stuff like that outside of the Academy, and I was never very good in school, so... No, I guess?”

Onni shut his eyes and sighed deeply. “Then attend closely to my words now, for this is the basis on which all Bending is founded. Firstly, the Elements:

“EARTH is the Element of Being. Without it, nothing is material or tangible. Things composed solely of Earth are classified in the Mineral Kingdom.

“WATER is the Element of Growth. Without it, nothing can live. Things composed solely of Earth and Water are classified in the Vegetable Kingdom. This is why water-benders are healers.

“AIR is the Element of Spirit. Without it, nothing breathes. Things composed solely of Earth, Water and Air are classified in the Animal Kingdom. This is how I was able to banish the Death-Shades.

“FIRE is the Element of Mind. Without it, thought is impossible. The only thing composed of all four Elements is Man.”

Reynir was gaping in astonishment by the end. Onni sighed again.

“Did you actually hear any of that?”

Still struck dumb, Reynir merely nodded.

Onni smirked. “Perhaps you could repeat it for me, then.”

To the Air-Bender’s astonishment, Reynir repeated the lecture word for word. Then he added, “Since Lalli is a Water-Bender, does that mean that he and I are alike in some way?”

Onni stared at Reynir long enough for the redhead to begin to feel foolish for asking the question. Finally, Onni quietly replied, “I don’t know--yet. Perhaps, as we know each other better, I may find out. But now we shall move to the next step in your instruction.

“Benders have what might loosely be called a feel for their particular element as it exists in the world around them; and even as they Bend it, it likewise Bends them, albeit more subtly. An Earth-Bender should be slow to Bend, but when they Bend, let it be as an earthquake. A Water-Bender should Bend only in reaction to their opponent, letting them expend their efforts fruitlessly before rippling back in attack. A Fire-Bender should be swift and shifty as a forest fire, ever ready to take a presented opportunity. An Air-Bender must move as the wind takes them, never settling and never resting. So Bender of Life, when you feel the Life around you, ready to be Bent, what qualities or attributes are there, and how do they Bend you?”

This went on for quite some time, until Reynir finally got his nerve up enough to ask Onni about the weird sense that he’d had from Tuuri when she’d spoken to Emil just before the battle.

“Tuuri has tried for years to convince herself that she is not special, as Lalli or I are, and the she certainly cannot Bend in any way. Bend she does, however, whether she wishes to admit it or not; the time is at hand when she will no longer be capable of denying it.”


When Reynir woke, Emil was still asleep, Lalli keeping vigil over the slumbering Svensk as the vehicle lumbered on...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
So, just me--er, Onni blathering on about Elementalism here...

...And hinting at some other stuff, too.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2846 on: January 02, 2017, 04:45:18 PM »
Oh, dear. A double post.


The Red Herring League
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Superhero AU fanfic
Part 9
Complete Links to Complete Links post
Prior part
Spoiler: The Wyrm Turns Purple • show

The kitty-shriek echoed through the grossling-moss infested halls, reverberating its way into the muddled brains of the Red Herring League. Tuuri and Reynir, poised to remove their protective masks, paused as the calico ball of fluff streaked over to them, yelping “Miu miu miu” all the while.

“...Kitty?” Emil managed through his daze. How had Kitty made her way here?

A nearby ghost picked up the word. “Kit-ty?” Its mouth moved soundlessly for a moment before... “Kit-ty!” The mouth twisted into a parody of a smile. “I... like... Kit-ty.”

One of the trolls leapt at the kitten, but with a cry of “No... hurt... Kit-ty!”, the ghost lashed out at the troll...


“A garden must be tended to reach its full flower. Yes?”

The man they’d found “wandering aimlessly” in the ruins of the Bolbro neighborhood of Odense didn’t look like an evil mastermind; this was among his greatest assets.

“Yes,” the Heroes chorused, looking at each other in confusion.

“Such consistent tending is a discipline of its own. Yes?”


“The discipline of cultivation is one where Man shows his mastery over Nature. Yes?”


“Are you disciples?”


“Come with me.”

They were led through a grossling-moss covered building, still mostly intact after all these years, into a room that had served as a private hospital ward during the Outbreak. In their altered state of mind, the Heroes of the League could plainly see the ghosts floating passively over the beds where their bodies still lay.

There were trolls and beasts of various shapes and sizes in the room as well, though they avoided the haunted beds. A sudden realization swept the League like a cold wind: the mastermind meant to infect Tuuri and Reynir...


In a matter of moments, the ghost had swept the room clear of grosslings, repeating its cry of, “Not... hurt... Kit-ty!” all the while.

Lalli looked at the ghost solemnly. “Thank you,” he whispered.

The ghost smiled somewhat tremulously back. “Kit-ty.”

Then Lalli used his other power, the power no one (not even Onni) had ever found out about, and sent the ghost where it belonged. In the end, it was only possible because the ghost had finally remembered something about itself--“I... like... Kit-ty.”

Likewise with the handful of other ghosts, who had heretofore simply hovered by their remains with an air of disapproval; this feeling, based on an “Oh, that one’s doing that again” memory, again proved the key to releasing them.

“Miu?” Kitty asked, rubbing against Lalli’s leg and looking up at him with too-knowing eyes.

Lalli was about to answer her when a new flood of grosslings burst into the room. There were far too many for even the Red Terror and the Firework to hold back long enough for Super Tuuri and the Helper to make their escape.


The kitty-shriek echoed through the grossling-moss infested halls, reverberating its way into the muddled brains of the Red Herring League.

With a pop of displaced air, Tuuri and Reynir vanished, only to be replaced by piles of sparkly furballs! The grosslings reared back and fled as quickly as they had entered, leaving only the immune members of the League, the furballs, and the mastermind.

“Kitty can teleport stuff?” Sigrun asked through her befuddlement.

“I... suppose... so...” Mikkel managed. His eyes went to the mastermind, now hunched over at the mounting squeals from the massed furballs, and a Grave frown appeared on his face.

“Not like that, Mikkel,” Sigrun said, shaking her head both to clear the cobwebs out and to reinforce her command. “Not like this: it’s murder.”

“He meant to murder Tuuri and Reynir,” Mikkel said heavily, not taking his gaze from the mastermind.

“But we’re Heroes,” Emil objected. “We don’t murder.”

“What would Tuuri and Reynir say?” Sigrun added, seeing Emil’s remark hit home.

What really put the matter over, though, was when Lalli came up to Mikkel, put his hand on the big Dane’s chest, and murmured, “Ei,” in his usual soft tones. Mikkel knew as well as the rest of them what that word meant by now.

“Leave him to the sparklers,” Sigrun said. “They may deafen him, but he’ll live.”

“Unless his pets decide he’s better as dinner,” Emil suggested hopefully, picking Kitty up as they left for the FELINOPEDE...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
Yes, Kitty can teleport things and people; but they’ll have problems exploiting that since, you know, she’s a cat. (Meow. Meow. Meow.)

In other news, I’ve been waiting to show these lovely portraits by Tr off again:

Aren’t they wonderful?


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2847 on: January 02, 2017, 05:21:14 PM »
Most best reason for a double post, LooNEY!


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2848 on: January 02, 2017, 07:03:30 PM »
…Oh, yeah; I need to make an announcement.

So, just to play havoc with Lazy8's All-Encompassing Fanfiction Index, I'm starting a new collection of one-shots (or three, but I'll explain later) called Alphabet Soup. As the name (hopefully) implies, each one-shot's title will begin with a different letter of the (English) alphabet. Where it'll play havoc with the Index, and why it's three collections, is because there will be a set of titles beginning with "A/An" (e.g., "An After-Dinner Chat"), a set that's anarthrous ("no article", e.g. "Asterisks and Obelisks"), and a set beginning with "The" (e.g., "The Aforementioned"). So instead of 26, the collection(s) will come to 78 one-shots in toto.

As per my usual practice, they'll be posted here 24ish hours before they get posted to AO3, so essentially, I'm going to be spamming the thread for a while.

So, would anyone else like to try their hand at this, too?

Mmmaybe, but only the anarthrous variety.  (I learnt a new word, oh boy!)  Have you a deadline and/or schedule?
Always a newbie at something
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2849 on: January 02, 2017, 07:22:59 PM »

Mmmaybe, but only the anarthrous variety.  (I learnt a new word, oh boy!)  Have you a deadline and/or schedule?
*Looks at update history*

…Of course I have schedule and deadlines in mind. I…

*Repressed laughter bursts out in huge guffaw*


No, there will be no schedule or deadlines for this, as such, aside from "I'll start after my next WIP begins" and "I'll keep updating my WIPs while I do it" and "After I start, there won't be any one-shots that aren't part of it until I'm done". Yeah, those three thing will be pretty much it.