Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 805890 times)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1080 on: November 09, 2015, 08:09:44 PM »
I can’t claim this turned out exactly how I’d planned, but oh well. I shall take it as a warning not to write on so little sleep next time!
I wrote a little story of a younger Reynir coming across a strange magical trinket for sale:

Hope you all like it!

Oh my god, this is so cool!!! This is so well-written and such a cool concept and there aren't enough exclamations to express my enthusiasm in this world!!! :D


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1081 on: November 09, 2015, 08:48:30 PM »
I do like this! I've commented over on A3O, but I'll repeat it here: I love the way your stories fit into the cracks in the Minnaverse. And I like how you write young Reynir. Bright enough, green as grass, but kindly and sympathetic and very pure in heart.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1082 on: November 09, 2015, 10:15:16 PM »
Late again...

The Good, the Bad, and the Bestial
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Western crossover fanfic
Part 14
Spoiler: show
Explicated Implications

“Look,” the inexplicably ancient version of Tuuri that stood before them said, “I know you all either have or are about to have a few million questions all trying to get out at once, but none of us have a whole lot of time here, so if you’ll just let me say my piece--” She broke off abruptly.

Less than half a second later, Sigrun burst out with, “Look, how do we know this isn’t a trick?” The Elder Tuuri spoke the words along with her, so Sigrun (and the Elder Tuuri) snapped out, “Chrysanthemum! Sarsaparilla!” Then she paused, and remarked, “Thunderation!”

“I am Tuuri Face-Still-Like-Baby, and I walked among you many winters ago.” She certainly had their attention. “Now that that’s done, there’s a lot I need to tell you guys, but not much time left. I’ll get into that in a bit.

“Where we are, right here, is Malmö, a city in Sweden, and the year is 1936.” Before the others could voice their objections or astonishment, the Elder Tuuri raised her hand and continued, “Reynir told us what he Saw: a ‘cave we must enter’, with ‘past, present and future colliding and ricocheting like the balls on a billiard table’, and ‘us, and us, and us again, echoed down through the ages over and over’. This is how that all plays out--the different cave branches lead to different times and places, not all of which are as welcoming or peaceful as this one is. In fact, in most of them, you’ll be fighting the Man in the Black Hat and his henchmen. Enjoy the breaks when you get them, because you’re about to get a glimpse of Armageddon.”

The Elder Tuuri sighed. “I’d say more--reams more--but Taru, who thinks you’re the house band, the ‘Malmö Musikers’, is about to try to bustle you onstage. Don’t worry; you’ll be able to fake it well enough. Oh, and at least here, y'all are speaking the local lingo without realizing it.”

Sure enough, Taru bustled in, fretting, “Come on, snap it up, guys! Quit horsing around and get on stage! Everything’s ready for you!” She began efficiently herding them out the door.

As they left, the Elder Tuuri called out, “Guys! One more thing!” When they turned back to look at her, she grinned and told them, “As to how I got here--I flew! I took a beautiful silver aeroplane across the Atlantic, like Lindbergh!” She grinned a bit more, and finished, “That was it.”


Amazingly enough, the six of them actually performed creditably for the hour or so that they were onstage. When they went back to the cranny backstage for their first break, they found their counterparts waiting for them.

“Thanks, guys,” the other Sigrun told them, “but we’ll take it from here.” She and the rest of her bandmates were disheveled and strained-looking, but the Westerners forbore to ask what had kept them.

The Western Sigrun did, however, think to ask, “Is there a back way for us to sneak out of?”

“Some goons are watching it,” the other Sigrun said. “They’re waiting for us, in fact. You might need to shoot your way out, if it comes to it.”

The Western Sigrun pretended to think it over. “Go back onstage or blast our way back home--what do you guys think?”

All six Westerners chorused, “Blast ‘em,” even Doc Mikkel.


In the end, there wasn’t an actual fight. The goons were looking for six frightened musicians; when confronted with six frontier-hard gunslingers, they ran for their lives without a single shot being fired.

“Yellow dogs,” Sigrun spat derisively.

“City rats,” Emil pointed out. “Bully-boys used to roughing up folk who never held a gun in their lives.”

“Vultures,” Lalli agreed.

“Like the Arapaho, just more yellow,” Tuuri said.

“I don’t know,” Doc Mikkel mused. “If they come back with friends, they might not be so easily run off again.”

“I took care of that,” Reynir told them. “I knew what to tell ’em to keep ‘em from bothering our lookalikes back there. It was part of what I Saw.” He looked around again. “But we still oughta go now, or we’ll be too late.”

“The Man in the Black Hat?” Sigrun guessed.

“He’s already on the move, so we might be too late for somebody else already.” And with that, Reynir dropped back into the drains that had led them there...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show

Sorry this is so late. The next one will be sooner.

Curious and curiouser!

I can’t claim this turned out exactly how I’d planned, but oh well. I shall take it as a warning not to write on so little sleep next time!
I wrote a little story of a younger Reynir coming across a strange magical trinket for sale:

Hope you all like it!

Oooh yes! We need more fics with Braidy, he doesn't get enough love.
native :usa: | decent :france: | speak :china: | learning :spain: :italy: :sweden: :norway: :ireland: | wishlist: :finland: all

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courtesy of wolfie's magical intrnt skillz


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1083 on: November 09, 2015, 10:40:20 PM »
Everything I have posted today has been keyboard-smashes of awesomeness. Well, have another one aefwedwrfoinacltuirbriuresfilbufresiuabiusd!!! Most best fanfics!
Swift, Swallow, Dawn, and Dusk
All shalt bow to the power of the night!
Especially after 10:10


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1084 on: November 10, 2015, 12:12:47 AM »
I can’t claim this turned out exactly how I’d planned, but oh well. I shall take it as a warning not to write on so little sleep next time!
I wrote a little story of a younger Reynir coming across a strange magical trinket for sale:

Hope you all like it!

Great piece! I love all the little details and how you fill in the gaps of Minna's world. :)

And now to leave this here and go to bed before AO3 devours what's left of my soul:

(Yes, that is Burning part 5 -- the end except for the epilogue! What do you mean I said only five chapters? Epilogues totally don't count as chapters...)
native :usa:
conversational :japan:
stagnant :southkorea: :spain: :italy:
beginner :sweden: :ireland: :greece:

:chap8:  :chap9:  :chap10:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1085 on: November 10, 2015, 02:38:55 AM »
Great piece! I love all the little details and how you fill in the gaps of Minna's world. :)

And now to leave this here and go to bed before AO3 devours what's left of my soul:

(Yes, that is Burning part 5 -- the end except for the epilogue! What do you mean I said only five chapters? Epilogues totally don't count as chapters...)

me the entirety of the time I was reading this: 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊

Now I can sleep in peace knowing how things turned out ¯U¯
native :usa: | decent :france: | speak :china: | learning :spain: :italy: :sweden: :norway: :ireland: | wishlist: :finland: all

:chap6: :chap7: :chap8: :hat: :betterhat: :chap9:

courtesy of wolfie's magical intrnt skillz


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1086 on: November 10, 2015, 02:19:04 PM »
Thanks for all your kind words, people!

And now to leave this here and go to bed before AO3 devours what's left of my soul:

(Yes, that is Burning part 5 -- the end except for the epilogue! What do you mean I said only five chapters? Epilogues totally don't count as chapters...)
And it was absolutely worth the wait! I loved it... and what's this, an epilogue? Yuss!

Here's a beginning for a story of an evacuation center, year 1.
Intriguing start! I shall look forward to more!
Native: :uk:  Remembers dregs: :france: :vaticancity:  Learning (slowly): :sweden:
Chapter break survivor: :chap6: :chap7: :chap8: :chap9: :chap10: :chap11:
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1087 on: November 11, 2015, 06:07:38 PM »
Finished next bit on the fanfic I'm working on, waaaaaaay later than I thought. Here.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1088 on: November 11, 2015, 06:36:45 PM »
Your character Mira is distinctly feisty. Looking forward to the next chapter!
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1089 on: November 12, 2015, 03:24:21 AM »

A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Spoiler: show

“So, Mikkel,” Sigrun said by way of greeting, plopping herself down near where Mikkel was looking through their collection of ‘salvaged’ books, “how do you think we’re doing now, book-wise?”

As always, the big Dane took his time before answering, letting Sigrun stew in anticipation. This, of course, was all part of their little game. Eventually, he replied, “Considering the randomness of their survival and your selection, not terribly badly.”

“Any more golf clunkers?” she asked.

“No, but I doubt ‘Unlocking Your Mind’ will have many more takers, though ‘An Examination of the Native Cultures of the Western Sahara’ might cause a few fights for its ownership.”


Emil and Lalli had no idea how they’d wound up volunteering to do today’s laundry, but neither of them wanted to lose face by coming back without The Most Clean Laundry Ever, which, of course, proved a harder and sweatier job than they’d thought.

Since they were by the river, water play ensued, but nothing that might endanger their laundering. This would be why they almost missed the squirrel-Beast’s approach.


“Well, we’ll see what the next raid nets us,” Sigrun said confidently.

“Nothing, perhaps.”

“Naaah. We’ve always found something, like that big book on trains we got from the toy store, and odds are, we always will.”

It was amazing how nothing ever seemed to dampen her optimism, except snow, and driving, and the morning porridge, and Reynir in general. When Mikkel mentioned as much, she tended to brush him off with some remark about his never having had to face troll season in Dalsnes, which of course he had not.

“Yes, like the nest Emil blew up on your first run.”

As ever, Sigrun came to the cub’s defense. “I liked the way he did it. I’d told him to run, but instead, he stared a charging troll down and blew the place. That shows he’s made of the right stuff.”

“As long as we never see the other stuff he’s made of.”


“GAAAAAAH! Get it off get it off get it OFF!” Lalli’s tall black boots showed themselves proof against the weird blobby-land-jellyfish-thing the squirrel-Beast had unfolded into, but no matter how he kicked, it wrapped itself tight around his ankle and would not be moved.

For once, Emil was certain he knew exactly what Lalli was saying, but how could he help his friend, now hopping and stamping like some neurotic ballet dancer?


“I don’t get it.”

Mikkel rolled his eyes. “His intestines, Sigrun. Like, if a troll got him.” He was sure she was merely playing dumb this time. Many were the things of which Sigrun was ignorant, but a troll hunter would easily get first-hand knowledge of human anatomy, from what she’d let slip.

Sigrun shrugged the possibility off. “Naaah. He’s too quick, and so am I. You’ll see.”


At last, Emil had an idea. He filled a bucket with the high-concentrate bleach, the stuff that Mikkel had warned him about diluting before use, and gestured to Lalli that he should stick his Beast-covered foot in it.

Apparently, Beasts hated bleach as much as they did sunlight: Lalli had no sooner stepped in the bucket than the Beast was scrabbling its way away, squirming and wriggling over to the river in obvious pain.


Tuuri called out, alerting her two seniors that the boys were back, bearing the well-scrubbed washing.

“See?” Sigrun ribbed Mikkel. “I told you they were quick.”

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show

Suggested by a comment on pg 417. It’s as close as I can get, since I can’t draw.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1090 on: November 12, 2015, 04:42:50 AM »

A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Spoiler: show

“So, Mikkel,” Sigrun said by way of greeting, plopping herself down near where Mikkel was looking through their collection of ‘salvaged’ books, “how do you think we’re doing now, book-wise?”

As always, the big Dane took his time before answering, letting Sigrun stew in anticipation. This, of course, was all part of their little game. Eventually, he replied, “Considering the randomness of their survival and your selection, not terribly badly.”

“Any more golf clunkers?” she asked.

“No, but I doubt ‘Unlocking Your Mind’ will have many more takers, though ‘An Examination of the Native Cultures of the Western Sahara’ might cause a few fights for its ownership.”


Emil and Lalli had no idea how they’d wound up volunteering to do today’s laundry, but neither of them wanted to lose face by coming back without The Most Clean Laundry Ever, which, of course, proved a harder and sweatier job than they’d thought.

Since they were by the river, water play ensued, but nothing that might endanger their laundering. This would be why they almost missed the squirrel-Beast’s approach.


“Well, we’ll see what the next raid nets us,” Sigrun said confidently.

“Nothing, perhaps.”

“Naaah. We’ve always found something, like that big book on trains we got from the toy store, and odds are, we always will.”

It was amazing how nothing ever seemed to dampen her optimism, except snow, and driving, and the morning porridge, and Reynir in general. When Mikkel mentioned as much, she tended to brush him off with some remark about his never having had to face troll season in Dalsnes, which of course he had not.

“Yes, like the nest Emil blew up on your first run.”

As ever, Sigrun came to the cub’s defense. “I liked the way he did it. I’d told him to run, but instead, he stared a charging troll down and blew the place. That shows he’s made of the right stuff.”

“As long as we never see the other stuff he’s made of.”


“GAAAAAAH! Get it off get it off get it OFF!” Lalli’s tall black boots showed themselves proof against the weird blobby-land-jellyfish-thing the squirrel-Beast had unfolded into, but no matter how he kicked, it wrapped itself tight around his ankle and would not be moved.

For once, Emil was certain he knew exactly what Lalli was saying, but how could he help his friend, now hopping and stamping like some neurotic ballet dancer?


“I don’t get it.”

Mikkel rolled his eyes. “His intestines, Sigrun. Like, if a troll got him.” He was sure she was merely playing dumb this time. Many were the things of which Sigrun was ignorant, but a troll hunter would easily get first-hand knowledge of human anatomy, from what she’d let slip.

Sigrun shrugged the possibility off. “Naaah. He’s too quick, and so am I. You’ll see.”


At last, Emil had an idea. He filled a bucket with the high-concentrate bleach, the stuff that Mikkel had warned him about diluting before use, and gestured to Lalli that he should stick his Beast-covered foot in it.

Apparently, Beasts hated bleach as much as they did sunlight: Lalli had no sooner stepped in the bucket than the Beast was scrabbling its way away, squirming and wriggling over to the river in obvious pain.


Tuuri called out, alerting her two seniors that the boys were back, bearing the well-scrubbed washing.

“See?” Sigrun ribbed Mikkel. “I told you they were quick.”

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show

Suggested by a comment on pg 417. It’s as close as I can get, since I can’t draw.

Wow that was quick! And hilarious, let's not forget that too  :D
Native: :uk:  Remembers dregs: :france: :vaticancity:  Learning (slowly): :sweden:
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1091 on: November 12, 2015, 05:36:13 AM »
Thanks, LooNEY! So funny. And so fast!
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1092 on: November 12, 2015, 08:06:24 AM »

A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Spoiler: show

“So, Mikkel,” Sigrun said by way of greeting, plopping herself down near where Mikkel was looking through their collection of ‘salvaged’ books, “how do you think we’re doing now, book-wise?”

As always, the big Dane took his time before answering, letting Sigrun stew in anticipation. This, of course, was all part of their little game. Eventually, he replied, “Considering the randomness of their survival and your selection, not terribly badly.”

“Any more golf clunkers?” she asked.

“No, but I doubt ‘Unlocking Your Mind’ will have many more takers, though ‘An Examination of the Native Cultures of the Western Sahara’ might cause a few fights for its ownership.”


Emil and Lalli had no idea how they’d wound up volunteering to do today’s laundry, but neither of them wanted to lose face by coming back without The Most Clean Laundry Ever, which, of course, proved a harder and sweatier job than they’d thought.

Since they were by the river, water play ensued, but nothing that might endanger their laundering. This would be why they almost missed the squirrel-Beast’s approach.


“Well, we’ll see what the next raid nets us,” Sigrun said confidently.

“Nothing, perhaps.”

“Naaah. We’ve always found something, like that big book on trains we got from the toy store, and odds are, we always will.”

It was amazing how nothing ever seemed to dampen her optimism, except snow, and driving, and the morning porridge, and Reynir in general. When Mikkel mentioned as much, she tended to brush him off with some remark about his never having had to face troll season in Dalsnes, which of course he had not.

“Yes, like the nest Emil blew up on your first run.”

As ever, Sigrun came to the cub’s defense. “I liked the way he did it. I’d told him to run, but instead, he stared a charging troll down and blew the place. That shows he’s made of the right stuff.”

“As long as we never see the other stuff he’s made of.”


“GAAAAAAH! Get it off get it off get it OFF!” Lalli’s tall black boots showed themselves proof against the weird blobby-land-jellyfish-thing the squirrel-Beast had unfolded into, but no matter how he kicked, it wrapped itself tight around his ankle and would not be moved.

For once, Emil was certain he knew exactly what Lalli was saying, but how could he help his friend, now hopping and stamping like some neurotic ballet dancer?


“I don’t get it.”

Mikkel rolled his eyes. “His intestines, Sigrun. Like, if a troll got him.” He was sure she was merely playing dumb this time. Many were the things of which Sigrun was ignorant, but a troll hunter would easily get first-hand knowledge of human anatomy, from what she’d let slip.

Sigrun shrugged the possibility off. “Naaah. He’s too quick, and so am I. You’ll see.”


At last, Emil had an idea. He filled a bucket with the high-concentrate bleach, the stuff that Mikkel had warned him about diluting before use, and gestured to Lalli that he should stick his Beast-covered foot in it.

Apparently, Beasts hated bleach as much as they did sunlight: Lalli had no sooner stepped in the bucket than the Beast was scrabbling its way away, squirming and wriggling over to the river in obvious pain.


Tuuri called out, alerting her two seniors that the boys were back, bearing the well-scrubbed washing.

“See?” Sigrun ribbed Mikkel. “I told you they were quick.”

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show

Suggested by a comment on pg 417. It’s as close as I can get, since I can’t draw.

Eeeeeee! Thank you :))  :)) !!


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1093 on: November 13, 2015, 12:37:11 AM »

A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Spoiler: show

“So, Mikkel,” Sigrun said by way of greeting, plopping herself down near where Mikkel was looking through their collection of ‘salvaged’ books, “how do you think we’re doing now, book-wise?”

As always, the big Dane took his time before answering, letting Sigrun stew in anticipation. This, of course, was all part of their little game. Eventually, he replied, “Considering the randomness of their survival and your selection, not terribly badly.”

“Any more golf clunkers?” she asked.

“No, but I doubt ‘Unlocking Your Mind’ will have many more takers, though ‘An Examination of the Native Cultures of the Western Sahara’ might cause a few fights for its ownership.”


Emil and Lalli had no idea how they’d wound up volunteering to do today’s laundry, but neither of them wanted to lose face by coming back without The Most Clean Laundry Ever, which, of course, proved a harder and sweatier job than they’d thought.

Since they were by the river, water play ensued, but nothing that might endanger their laundering. This would be why they almost missed the squirrel-Beast’s approach.


“Well, we’ll see what the next raid nets us,” Sigrun said confidently.

“Nothing, perhaps.”

“Naaah. We’ve always found something, like that big book on trains we got from the toy store, and odds are, we always will.”

It was amazing how nothing ever seemed to dampen her optimism, except snow, and driving, and the morning porridge, and Reynir in general. When Mikkel mentioned as much, she tended to brush him off with some remark about his never having had to face troll season in Dalsnes, which of course he had not.

“Yes, like the nest Emil blew up on your first run.”

As ever, Sigrun came to the cub’s defense. “I liked the way he did it. I’d told him to run, but instead, he stared a charging troll down and blew the place. That shows he’s made of the right stuff.”

“As long as we never see the other stuff he’s made of.”


“GAAAAAAH! Get it off get it off get it OFF!” Lalli’s tall black boots showed themselves proof against the weird blobby-land-jellyfish-thing the squirrel-Beast had unfolded into, but no matter how he kicked, it wrapped itself tight around his ankle and would not be moved.

For once, Emil was certain he knew exactly what Lalli was saying, but how could he help his friend, now hopping and stamping like some neurotic ballet dancer?


“I don’t get it.”

Mikkel rolled his eyes. “His intestines, Sigrun. Like, if a troll got him.” He was sure she was merely playing dumb this time. Many were the things of which Sigrun was ignorant, but a troll hunter would easily get first-hand knowledge of human anatomy, from what she’d let slip.

Sigrun shrugged the possibility off. “Naaah. He’s too quick, and so am I. You’ll see.”


At last, Emil had an idea. He filled a bucket with the high-concentrate bleach, the stuff that Mikkel had warned him about diluting before use, and gestured to Lalli that he should stick his Beast-covered foot in it.

Apparently, Beasts hated bleach as much as they did sunlight: Lalli had no sooner stepped in the bucket than the Beast was scrabbling its way away, squirming and wriggling over to the river in obvious pain.


Tuuri called out, alerting her two seniors that the boys were back, bearing the well-scrubbed washing.

“See?” Sigrun ribbed Mikkel. “I told you they were quick.”

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show

Suggested by a comment on pg 417. It’s as close as I can get, since I can’t draw.

Looney, that was seriously awesome! I think it's my new fave of yours.

Epilogue of Burning is up. Just gonna leave this here for y'all:
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1094 on: November 13, 2015, 01:37:33 AM »
Epilogue of Burning is up. Just gonna leave this here for y'all:

You have no idea how badly I needed that right now, thank you so much :)
proud member of the Sigrun Eide for God-Emperor of the Universe Society

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