Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 805596 times)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1050 on: October 18, 2015, 12:51:29 PM »
Uh, oh. Here's another one:

Tall Ships & Taller Tales
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Pirate crossover fanfic
Pirates!! \(◎o◎)/
I look forward to more from this au! :D

Eagerly waiting since November 2014:  :chap5: :chap6: :chap7: :chap8: :chap9: :chap10: :chap11: :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16: :chap17: :chap18: :chap19: :chap20: :chap21: :A2chap01: :A2chap02:
(✿σ‿σ) ~<3


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1051 on: October 18, 2015, 01:29:44 PM »
Uh, oh. Here's another one:

Tall Ships & Taller Tales
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Pirate crossover fanfic
Part 1
Spoiler: show
Don’t Cross the Saw-Bones

Somewhere near the Azores

The day started out ordinarily enough on the pirate, erm, privateer ship Sea-Lynx.

Munitions Master Emil Västerström carefully made his way up to the crow’s-nest with his burden, a basket of victuals from First Officer/Ship’s Cook/Ship’s Doctor/No-one-knew-what-all-else Mikkel Madsen for their lookout, Lalli Hotakainen. Lalli just about lived in the crow’s-nest, and he was rather particular about just who could bring him his meals. So far, only Ship’s Navigator (and Carpenter) Tuuri Hotakainen, Lalli’s cousin, and Emil were accorded the privilege. Certainly their Cabin Boy, Reynir Something-Or-Other (Arnason? Arnisen?) was not.

Today, however, Lalli was even more intent on his job than usual, staring through his glass at one particular spot with a worried expression. Emil, cognizant of the disastrous consequences of the last time he’d startled Lalli, began humming a shanty popular with the crew, slowly getting louder until Lalli indicated that he’d heard.

“Well, Lalli,” Emil said, “I’ve brought you your mess and Mister Mikkel’s compliments, and I find you troubled over something off in the distance. Are there fair winds ahead or foul?” He set the hamper at Lalli’s feet while he said this.

Lalli handed over the glass, pointed to where he’d been gazing, and addressed the hamper. Before digging in, however, the look-out vouchsafed one word that explained everything. “Túnfiskurinn.”

Emil swore. “I’ll tell the captain. She’ll know what to do.” He handed back the glass. “Eat well; we may be for it soon.” Soon, he was scrambling back down the rigging.

The Túnfiskurinn was their great rival in these waters. Their sponsor before the Danish Crown, one Trond Andersen (who was connected in some arcane fashion with the Norwegian Assembly, and possibly the Swedish Assembly, and maybe even the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth) had, by some means or other, become the personal nemesis of Túnfiskurinn’s captain, one Ása Hardardóttir. Unable to hurt Trond herself, Ása took great delight in fouling the lines for whatever ventures he had underwritten at any given moment.

When Ása had heard that the Sea-Lynx was sponsored by Trond, she’d scented easy pickings. When their daring Captain Sigrun Eide had put paid to her schemes, Ása had vowed revenge on them personally as well. Neither Emil nor Lalli (nor any of the others in the crew, perhaps only Sigrun herself excepted) were desirous of a rematch now.

The Azores were the cross-roads of the Atlantic: convoys to Portugal from their Far Eastern possessions watered there, and the currents also brought convoys from New Spain to Spain proper temptingly near the islands. Of course, the Spanish and the Portuguese were much stronger in these waters than elsewhere, but a nimble raider could always pick off a lagging, lackadaisically run and unwary ship or two.

The Sea-Lynx was primed to score a rich prize, and woe betide any who would get in her way. And not beforetime, either; they were all hungry for the spree attendant on a new prize taken, and this hunger would redouble their ire should it be thwarted.

And so it was that Emil scuttled down to the ornate door behind which their Captain (presumably) slept with his tidings from Lalli. Before he could knock, though, Mister Mikkel had seized his hand.

“Not so hasty, Mister Emil,” he said mildly. “I am about to deliver the kit for the Captain’s morning ablutions, and I believe you remember what happened to the last crewman who barged in before she’d finished them.”

“But Mister Mikkel,” Emil protested, “it’s the Túnfiskurinn! Lalli sighted her just as I brought his breakfast from you!”

Mister Mikkel frowned. “Very well. But I had still better deliver the news. That way, I’ll be the one on which the ax falls. Go back to your powders and shot; you know well we may need them soon.”

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show

Oooooooh, I’m going to have fun with this one.

native :usa: | decent :france: | speak :china: | learning :spain: :italy: :sweden: :norway: :ireland: | wishlist: :finland: all

:chap6: :chap7: :chap8: :hat: :betterhat: :chap9:

courtesy of wolfie's magical intrnt skillz


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1052 on: October 21, 2015, 07:41:14 PM »
*Grumble, Grumble* meant to have this up yesterday *Grumble, Grumble*

The Good, the Bad, and the Bestial
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Western crossover fanfic
Part 13
Spoiler: show
Spelunker’s Triskadekaphobia

Not without regret, they parted ways with their wagon at the mouth of the cave, Reynir leading their horses over to where several others were hitched. “Ah, it’ll be here for us when we get back,” Sigrun predicted confidently. The others, save Reynir, were far less sanguine about the prospect of their return, but didn’t say so.

They were not alone, of course. The fact of other horses being hitched outside the cave merely confirmed what Lalli already knew from traces here and there: perhaps two dozen or more men awaited them inside the cave. Well, they’d faced worse before.


Battling in a cave is easier and harder than one might think, unless one paused to consider the various factors involved in making it so.

As to the harder: if you use any form of gunpowder, not only do you risk bringing the roof down, but you deafen yourself and foul the air. Besides, few caves afford the opportunity for anything but up-close-and-personal work, so guns lose their chief advantage. This was why Sigrun had Emil leave his kit behind, making sure he and Lalli had Bowie knives like hers ready for action.

As to the easier, on the other hand, snares, traps and ambuscades are nearly childishly simple in such surroundings, assuming you have a good route of retreat and sufficient time to prepare. Fortunately, between Lalli’s sharp eyes and Sigrun’s nose for danger, the intrepid band evaded all such in their path, until they were just behind the Man in the Black Hat and his retinue of thugs.

The brawl that followed was ugly in many ways. Suffice it to say that the Man in the Black Hat lost more than a dozen men, but they held the six opposing them back more than long enough for the Man in the Black Hat himself to escape with his own handful (or so) of followers, including the hired gun.


Eventually, they were all cleaned up and ready to pursue the Man in the Black Hat, but a new problem arose after they had made their way down the tunnel. The way ahead split into seven or eight passages (assuming one or more didn’t join back up), and there was no telling which one the Man in the Black Hat had used.

“Great,” Sigrun said to no one in particular. “What do we do now?”

“We choose,” Reynir said in a deep, portentous voice, his sudden speech and its unwonted manner startling the others.

Sigrun turned, ready to give a sarcastic reply, but the look on Reynir’s face stopped her. “Go on,” she said instead.

“We must choose which path to take, but this choice is more than it seems. The windings of the Cave may take us very far afield, but ever we shall return, whether in triumph or defeat.” Reynir paused, then continued in a more normal voice, “Oh, and the Man in the Black Hat has kind of a big head start on us, so we need to get a move on.”

“Ya think?” Now Sigrun felt confident enough to essay a snipe or two. “Let’s go, then, unless your boots have taken root.” Picking a path more or less at random, she set off briskly, the others swiftly following.


The Man in the Black Hat stepped out into the bright sunlight, the hired gun and a few others close behind. Yes, this would do nicely as their first stop. “Do any of you still have your charges?” the Man in the Black Hat called.

The pause that followed the question gave the hired gun hope, which died as soon as one of the others said, “I have mine, right here and unspoiled.” The hired gun felt his stomach twist at the thought of what they were and what they could do even as several others echoed the first.

The Man in the Black Hat smiled horrifically. Pointing at the first speaker, he said, “Then turn the Beast loose, and let the Rash descend upon this place like a nightmare.”


Well, this path had certainly gone down the drain. Literally so, as they emerged into a series of most disgusting drain tunnels. By dumb luck, they eventually climbed out and onto a dimly lit and apparently ill-traveled city street by a ramshackle place bearing the name “Andersen’s Joint”. Though the night was obviously well advanced, they could hear the sound of revelry inside.

“Might as well see what’s what,” Lalli said, opening the door.

They had barely stepped inside before Taru Walks-the-World--Hollola according to her name-tag--accosted them. “Where on earth have you been? Trond’s furious--you need to get on stage as soon as you can!” With these and many other words, she ushered them back to the minuscule prep area behind the stage.

Doc Mikkel addressed Sigrun. “We need the low-down on what’s what, or we’re sunk.”

Sigrun smirked. “What, you think any of these high-falutin’ city dudes are going to have any clue about what’s going on?”

“I might, if you’ll listen.” The speaker, a small and very old woman, stepped forward from where she had stood unnoticed in the doorway. With a shock, the others recognized her as Tuuri, a Tuuri grown ancient before their eyes. “After all, that’s why I’m here...”

Spoiler:  Authorial Notes • show

What, you expected me to call it something else?

Oh, and Old!Tuuri took the long way, as you’ll find out.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1053 on: October 21, 2015, 08:34:04 PM »
Thinking of writing a sci-fi AU for this.....dunno if I have time....
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Books: :book3: :book4:

I wrote a thing. It has consumed my life.

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1054 on: October 22, 2015, 02:51:49 AM »
What sort of scifi AU? This crew might fit right into Ray Bradbury's Mars. Or E.E. Smith's space opera? Or mebbe Freakangels?
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1055 on: October 22, 2015, 11:24:33 PM »
What sort of scifi AU? This crew might fit right into Ray Bradbury's Mars. Or E.E. Smith's space opera? Or mebbe Freakangels?
Careful… the Forum's already under the control of an Eich!

Sorry, but that one never gets old.

EDIT: …until he goes and resigns. *sigh*
« Last Edit: October 24, 2015, 12:25:20 AM by LooNEY_DAC »


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1056 on: October 23, 2015, 08:22:46 PM »
What sort of scifi AU? This crew might fit right into Ray Bradbury's Mars. Or E.E. Smith's space opera? Or mebbe Freakangels?

I was thinking more Douglas Adams...
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Books: :book3: :book4:

I wrote a thing. It has consumed my life.

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1057 on: October 24, 2015, 12:30:59 AM »
I was thinking more Douglas Adams...
…and so might Minna be.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1058 on: October 24, 2015, 01:37:38 AM »
Could be fun! Can just picture them in the Restaurant at the End of the Universe.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1059 on: October 28, 2015, 03:12:48 AM »
Again, just when no one wanted it…

A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“Terminator” crossover fanfic
Part 8
Prior part
Spoiler: show
Where the Big Dane Goes

Well, this was starting to become more than just mildly annoying.

When the cave entrance had appeared with such startling swiftness, Mikkel’s common sense had told him to have Tuuri get them going to the back-up site before another subsidence swallowed their vehicle. Instead, he’d given in to the compulsion to go into the new-formed cave, and in consequence was now utterly lost in and amongst its oddly solid-looking tunnels.

At first, Mikkel had considered it a minor annoyance. After all, surely he would be able to find his way out of the cave without spending terribly much time at it. However, as the minutes passed and his every effort led to yet another junction that looked identical to all the others, he realized with mounting frustration that the cave was replying to him, “Yes, it will; and stop calling me Shirley!”

Eventually, he sat on a convenient rock, closing his eyes and letting the cool stillness of the cave drain the frustration and anger from him like the toxins they were. This was something he’d learned from his parents early on, along with the fine art of sarcasm, and he had had many occasions to hone his skill at both over the years. By now, they were second nature, by and large.

It took Mikkel a while to realize that he was no longer alone in the stretch of the cave where he had chosen to rest. Well, had the newcomer been a grossling, it could have killed him several times over by now, so there was probably no danger. He opened his eyes and beheld a stranger wearing his own face.


Doc Madsen was surprised to see the massive form, twin to his own, sitting at the side of the passage Doc was traversing. Well, which one of the “other hims” was this? Was it the pirate, the brass player, the medieval apothecary, the Napoleonic surgeon, or some other one? Doc was pretty certain he hadn’t gone back down the path to the deep future, but he could be mistaken.


Shock held Mikkel silent while he studied the newcomer. The differences were enlightening; for example, the newcomer’s clothes were not a direct copy of Mikkel’s own uniform, but some outlandish getup from out of the far Pre-Rash past.

The newcomer spoke in odd but passable Danish, “Oh, it’s you again.”

“I don’t know that it’s ‘again’, but I can say with reasonable certainty that I am, in fact, me,” Mikkel replied. “And who are you supposed to be, Loki Saxet?”

“Well, aren’t you just the kvetching fetch,” the other retorted.

“Yes, but I make a fetching sketch,” replied Mikkel in turn. He knew as he said it that he was thus throwing down the metaphorical gauntlet, but games like this did wonders for his attitude.

“But don’t ever board a sketchy ketch.” The other had seized the gauntlet with panache. Mikkel almost felt like applauding.

“That might beget a catchy kvetch.” Having brought the game back around to the beginning, Mikkel sat back rather smugly, but leaned forward again in surprise when Reynir, in garb similar to the stranger’s, rushed in before the stranger could start the next round and began babbling before Mikkel could greet him (and remonstrate against his lack of a mask).

“There you are, Doc! We need you back with us, pronto! Just tell Mikkel there to follow this sequence and he’ll get back: 3-3-1-5-1, counting from the left.”

Mikkel sat back again, in perplexity this time. Instead of Reynir’s sole tongue of Icelandic, the words were in the long dead language of “English”, which Mikkel couldn’t understand either, though he’d heard enough ancient recordings to recognize it. What on Earth was going on? “What on Earth is going on?” he asked in Icelandic, and was rewarded with dual baffled looks.

At a nudge from Reynir, the other told Mikkel in Danish that he should go back the way he came, following a specific sequence of ways to take when the path forked, which Mikkel dutifully committed to memory.

“Oh, yeah, and he shouldn’t trust any doubles he sees outside of the Cave.” Almost before the other had finished translating this last, Reynir was headed back the way he’d entered.

Now, what was a rational man to make of that? Mikkel shrugged mentally, silently deciding to file this under “Unexplained Cave Incidents” right next to “the Gamleborg Incident”, and went back the way he’d been directed, soon reaching the surface, and a very odd sight indeed...

Spoiler:  Authorial Notes • show

The wordplay game is rendered in English in a way reflecting the effect rather than for accuracy.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2016, 08:02:34 PM by LooNEY_DAC »


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1060 on: October 28, 2015, 03:38:58 AM »
Okay, LooNEY, now I don't know whether to just keep laughing appreciatively, try to figure out where you're going with this (and where it's coming from), applaud, or - heck, I'll just take them all in turns until the end of the chapter break or your next post, whichever comes first.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1061 on: October 28, 2015, 04:04:48 AM »
LooNEY, you're playing games with time and probability again, aren't you? Are the extra characters Michael and Árni? Or have you done something even more puzzling?
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1062 on: October 28, 2015, 04:36:42 AM »
Above post edited for clarity.

Loki Saxet
the Gamleborg Incident

…because I like self-referential humor.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1063 on: October 28, 2015, 10:32:43 PM »
I built up a bit of a backlog, oops. But most of them are short. It's all mild stuff, G/PG ratings. Some of these are shipfic, so mind the labels. *Ao3 has been a bit slow lately, I don't know if it's the same for anyone else, so I recommend reading the Dreamwidth versions if Ao3 doesn't load.

01. "Relief". 500 words. Lalli/Emil.
Summary: Emil's first instinct upon realizing they are both safe is to neaten Lalli's hair. Lalli thinks this is the least of his problems.
*This is a response to Shoop's fanart! Which you can view over here on the fanart thread.
On Ao3:
Dreamwidth backup:

02. "Still. Silent." 150 words. Lalli & Emil.
Summary: The monster comes. They wait.
*This is a response to Rabbit's fanart!
It's probably best to view it over here on my tumblr because then you see the fanart and fic together. It has the best impact that way.

03. "Clumsy". 700 words. Lalli/Emil.
Summary: As Lalli gets ready to go, Emil tries, unsuccessfully, to change his mind.
*This was in response to an anonymous prompt, for the record. Also, there's kissing and stuff in it.
At Dreamwidth:

04. "Four Loves". 2.2k. Árni Reynisson/Various OCs
Summary: Loves come and go. Some memories of love are held closer to the heart than others.
*Set partly pre-prologue, partly after prologue. Basically, about various relationships Árni had during his life. I don't think I linked this here before....
On Ao3:
Dreamwidth backup:
« Last Edit: October 28, 2015, 10:34:17 PM by Yuuago »
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1064 on: October 28, 2015, 11:21:31 PM »
Yuuago you are Most Best. I loved all of these.
native :usa:
conversational :japan:
stagnant :southkorea: :spain: :italy:
beginner :sweden: :ireland: :greece:

:chap8:  :chap9:  :chap10: