Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 806226 times)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3225 on: June 18, 2017, 01:34:53 AM »
Looney, would you mind reminding me which fic proceeds this one so I can archive it properly?
Sorry: it directly follows "Great Geats!", which follows "A Dynamic Encounter"; the whole is a crossover with H Beam Piper's Paratime.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3226 on: June 18, 2017, 01:48:50 AM »
:usa: native
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:vaticancity: rusty
:china: can usually manage to order food
:norway: can hold a basic conversation

:chap5: | :book2: | :book3: | :chap17: :chap18:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3227 on: June 18, 2017, 10:14:24 PM »
The Good, the Bad, and the Bestial
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Western crossover fanfic
Part 29
Caper the 4th: The Madsen Connection
Part 4
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Prior part
Spoiler: Disconnected • show
“Why does the so-called ‘easy way’ always involve me getting slugged?” Emil Westbrook asked with a hint of justifiable petulance. Waking up with your head still ringing from being knocked out tends to annoy even the most affable.

“Your whining attracts too much trouble,” Lalli Ghost-of-Forest opined, essaying his familiar half-smile to let Emil know he was kidding.

Emil rolled his eyes melodramatically to let Lalli know it was okay. “Just gag me next time, okay?”

You should talk,” Reynir grumbled. “They picked me up and threw me out the window as though I were a javelin with a braid attached!”

“And a noisy one, at that,” Doc Mikkel rumbled. “We should have knocked you out too, in retrospect.” Reynir made a face at him.

“Could y’all quit jawing and get to business?” Sigrun snapped from the front of the wagon.

Emil had learned to read Sigrun’s expressions and intonations fairly well, though her reactions continued to surprise him. Even had he not, the near-fury in Sigrun’s voice would have been clear were Emil a deaf man, and while he wondered at its source, Emil was not stupid enough to bring its focus upon himself by failing to follow her command.

So their “secret rendezvous” with Trond had been a bust, but that was nothing less than they’d expected. It looked like Sigrun was taking it a mite too personally, or so Emil thought until he found out about Tuuri.

Tuuri had been hit in almost the same spot on the shoulder where the Man in the Black Hat had nailed Emil all that time ago. Emil rubbed his own shoulder in sympathy. On the other hand, this was Tuuri, so Emil ventured to reassure Sigrun, “She’ll make it. I did, and she’s tougher than me.”

Sigrun snorted. “True, but it’s not somethin’ I like puttin’ to the test.” The unwonted thickness of her drawl reaffirmed her rage, but her face had relaxed a little.


Tuuri recovered, of course, but not before Sigrun had plotted out the forthcoming assault on the Westbrook estate in loving detail. Emil was still arguing for his uncle’s and aunt’s innocence, but Sigrun was not nearly of a mind to pay him any heed. Nor was she too attentive to Reynir’s arguments that their foes had laid another trap at the Westbrook estate.

When Lalli brought back a weak and barely conscious Siv who bore marks of extended captivity, however, Sigrun changed her mind—reluctantly.

“Well, where are they, then; and who are they?” Sigrun demanded of Reynir.

“I—I don’t know,” Reynir stuttered. “…But Onni Talks-to-Spirits might.”


“They’ve got me, Trond, and Torbjörn squirreled away in a tumble-down tenement near one of the breweries; Siv and Taru are at the Westbrook estate as bait.” Onni’s voice was quite calm as he told Lalli and Reynir this. He jumped a bit when Lalli immediately vanished.

“We got Siv already; he’s just going to get Taru,” Reynir explained. “Can you tell me any more nearly where you are?”

Onni snorted. “Directions are useless in the Dreamworld; it twists everything around until left is up and right is backward, and you have to take three steps back-and-forth to go down a flight of stairs. No, you’ll just have to find me, but Lalli can, once he’s brought Taru back.”

“But who are they?” Reynir asked. Before he could hear the answer, though, he woke up.


It took Lalli less time to bring Taru back than it did for Sigrun to come up with a new plan, but it was neck-and-neck there.

“What we need to do,” she told the others, “is to…”

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
Yep: I wrote the first bit of this as a fix-it fic for one of my own fics.

It’s slightly annoying to me that this took so long to gel. I keep saying the next part of whatever will be sooner and it winds up being much later, so I thank you all for your indulgence of my tardiness.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3228 on: June 19, 2017, 05:48:53 PM »
Posted from the airport terminal while my plane unloads. I'm well-rested, forgot my healthy packed lunch and am ready to go!
I saw the future.
We are not doomed, because our Cat overlords are benevolent leaders :3

:chap11: :book2:  :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3229 on: June 20, 2017, 09:19:44 AM »
And it looks as if I'm still not finished reliving my college years...

A Race Against Time

:usa: native
:spain: comes back in an emergency
:vaticancity: rusty
:china: can usually manage to order food
:norway: can hold a basic conversation

:chap5: | :book2: | :book3: | :chap17: :chap18:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3230 on: June 20, 2017, 09:31:49 AM »
Good one, Lazy! For many reasons!
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3231 on: June 22, 2017, 09:46:47 AM »
Apparently that Western AU wanted just one more story.

A Slow Parade

:usa: native
:spain: comes back in an emergency
:vaticancity: rusty
:china: can usually manage to order food
:norway: can hold a basic conversation

:chap5: | :book2: | :book3: | :chap17: :chap18:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3232 on: June 25, 2017, 01:45:16 PM »
Halfway done...

Alphabet Soup
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic collection
Series 3, Part 13
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Spoiler: The Man with the Metal Legs • show
My name is Mikkel Madsen. I used to be a spy, until the world ended…

Most people think the end of the world would bring about an end to petty rivalries in the face of the need for survival…


“…Which one was that exactly, Lalli?”

…But they’re wrong. In fact, the end of the world tends to throw people into the kind of enforced closeness that exacerbates all their pettiest problems with each other; oddly enough, these problems can make the principals fight even harder to ensure each others’ survival than they might otherwise.

Five hundred and ninety-two days of surviving the end of the world in the company of two innocent and four not-so-innocent oddballs had been most instructive to Mikkel on human behavior under stress… and instructive on other matters as well.

Sigrun let the troll that had been stalking Mikkel get almost up to the point where he would have had to handle it himself before she put the “cure” dart right between its eyes. Obviously, she was still somewhat miffed at Mikkel for suggesting that he not be the bait this time.

Mikkel watched as the troll briefly writhed in pain as the “cure” worked its way through its Rash-mangled brain. This was always the tricky part, as you could never tell just how resistant a troll would be, or how it would lash out in its efforts to resist. Eventually, though, the troll stopped twitching—permanently.

“Madsen.” The calm, soft word had not been spoken by Sigrun.

When you’re a spy, you collect enemies and rivals like other people collect books or movies. Sometimes these enemies can even be helpful.

Mikkel slowly turned around to face the source of the all-too-familiar voice. The man staring back at him intently did so from atop two prosthetic legs, rather than the flesh-and-blood versions Mikkel had caused him to lose in Saint Petersburg back in 1999. He had no obvious weapons, but Mikkel knew that meant nothing; even without his legs, the man was one of the deadliest fighters Mikkel had had to face.

Other times, however—like after the end of the world—these enemies just want you dead and don’t care what consequences that may bring on them. Mikkel knew by the look on the man’s face that this was the case now.

“Well. I was under the impression nobody got out of Russia before the curtain fell again.” Mikkel studied him some more. “What are you calling yourself these days?”

The man shrugged. “Names don’t mean much nowadays,” he pointed out. “For the time being, I guess ‘Eric Smed’ will work as well as any.” ‘Eric’ looked up, searching the rooftops whence Sigrun was watching the scene unfold. He waved when he spotted her. “Should have known you’d be with Eide,” he said conversationally. “The two of you always had a habit of crossing paths right when I least wanted it.”

Before Mikkel could reply, ‘Eric’ turned and began walking away. “Watch your back, Madsen.”


It had become their habit to watch a John Wayne movie every night before turning in; tonight’s feature was The War Wagon. This tale of implacable vengeance, while engrossing Onni, Emil, and even Lalli, just brought ‘Eric’ and his veiled threat more firmly to Mikkel’s mind.

Their little band was already threatened night and day by the grosslings; being stalked by a human would be one problem too many. Unfortunately, the only solution that presented itself was not one Mikkel would have preferred; but it was the only solution that presented itself.

Sigrun was on watch when Mikkel silently crept out of the vehicle. “You’re going out to meet him, huh?” she asked without surprise.

“Would you have me hide behind the others until he’d killed them all?” Mikkel calmly replied.

Sigrun pulled a face, but made no move to stop him.

Mikkel was almost out of their camp when Sigrun told him, “I expect you back before sundown.” Mikkel smiled to himself as he walked on…

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
And here’s an interquel to Madsen’s Malmo Mayhem.

This recalcitrant thing caused me much annoyance.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3233 on: June 25, 2017, 09:08:09 PM »
Wrote a famfiction over at tumblr, it features an Onni so maybe it's okay if I share it here as well? It... should be perfectly safe for reading but just let me know if it isn't and I'll remove it again.

Warning for owls?

Spoiler: show
Abprallen had always liked owls. It wasn’t a secret. And there wasn’t any reason behind it, Abprallen just did. It was a simple as that. Okay, fine, a certain Finnish mage may have had a little with it to do, but really, it wasn’t just because of him. No, Abprallen just wanted to own all the owls.

Abprallen’s room was full of them. Big, small, soft, cuddly, round, rounder, spherical. Angry owls, happy owls, sad owls. Owlcars, Owlpens, Owlpapers. Owlpostcards. Anything owl. By now there was hardly any place left for Abprallen. But hey, owls. The bed would have been thrown out to make room for even more owls but… Owlbed. Abprallen’s life was ruled by the owls. And it. was. awesome. There were few things that were awesomer than owls.

Abprallen’s room wasn’t even a room any longer. No, it was a maze. A maze in which one wrong move would cause you to get buried beneath hundreds of owls. It was a pretty good security system. No one dared enter it. Abprallen was safe there.

“Good night, Owlie. Good night Owlni. Good night Reynir.”

Abprallen said good night to all the owls, then slipped into the owlbed, leaned against the owlpillow and pulled the owlblanket over the owlpyjamas-covered body. The only thing that could make stuff even better would have been having an actual owlbody. Abprallen’s eyes closed as the dreams started arriving.


Abprallen wasn’t sure how long the sleep had lasted. Or why someone was shouting Finnish swears from under a very moving pile of owlplushies. Abprallen also wasn’t sure why the biggest owlplushie was missing. Abprallen had been particulary fond of that one. It was a eurasian eagle-owl, bought in Finland some time ago. The one Abprallen had named Owlni. The plushies spread out on the floor, revealing a tallish gray-haired and very angry man and Abpralllen blushed.

“Onni Hotakainen.”

The words were but a whisper but the man turned around, looked at Abprallen, who’s blush deepened. There was no reason for Abprallen’s obsession with owls. No reason, but a certain Finnish mage who was for some reason standing in the room may have had something to do with it.
Fluent: :sweden:
Decent: :uk:
Phrases: :spain: / :japan:

My stories frequently features themes such as death, suicide, mourning, etc; I cannot give precise warnings for each individual stories, as it would spoil the intrigues.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3234 on: June 25, 2017, 09:59:02 PM »
* LooNEY_DAC laughs maniacally...

Alphabet Soup
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic collection
Series 1, Part 14
Complete Links to Complete Links post
Spoiler: A Nice Way to Kill Trolls • show
Emil shut his eyes, praying to gods he didn’t believe in that this was all a dream, but when he opened them, Sigrun was still riding the polar bear. Of course, now she was shrieking in delight at the aid this mode of transport gave to her battling skills, since the time to “stand still and stay silent” was long since past.

And the worst part of the whole thing was that, despite how much carnage the polar bear was causing to the grossling ranks, Sigrun was causing still more on her own.

This was all most upsetting for a high-strung Swede; fortunately, the grosslings they were fighting seemed even more disconcerted than Emil was at the apparition wreaking havoc among their fellows, so Emil and Lalli were much more easily able to pick them off than was usual.


When the polar bear had shown up, only Sigrun had actually known what it was from firsthand experience. All of them had known it was a bear, of course, but it was so much bigger than anything even Lalli had seen before, and such a spectral shade of white that both Reynir and Lalli had assumed it was yet another ghost come to assail them. The fact that it had seemingly materialized out of a thick fog that had rolled in over the last hour or so did not tend to dispel the sentiment; even Emil had felt a numismatic shiver run down his spine.

Sigrun had known better.

In a fit of what would have been called insanity in anyone else, Sigrun had stepped forward to meet the gargantuan white bear, her eyes locked with its, and when she was close enough that even a sneeze from the mammoth mass of fur and muscle could have done her in, she’d held up one open hand—and the polar bear had put its nose into her palm.

The near-immediate assault (well, it could have been minutes or even hours later, really—none of them had been paying attention to anything but the spectacle of Sigrun and the polar bear until Kitty let out her screech) by the biggest horde of grosslings they’d seen yet was rather a relief to the astonished others. A grossling assault they could deal with; Sigrun the Bear Whisperer was something else entirely.

And then, Sigrun had vaulted atop the polar bear, clinging on to it by the fur—or maybe just by force of will.


The battle was over at last, and none of them bore so much as a scratch—not even the bear.

Sigrun dismounted as easily as she’d leapt upon it, moving in front of the bear as she had when it had first come among them. Placing her palm against its nose, she solemnly told it, “Thank you.” A moment later, it was gone, leaving only the charnel of a hundred or more grosslings to show that it had been there.

Sigrun turned to the others for the first time since the battle, a wild grin splitting her face. Even so, her words were fairly restrained, for her. “That was really a nice way to kill trolls, wasn’t it?”

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
Seriously, you guys give me sooooooo many crack!fic ideas.

…Yes, I’m looking at you, Windy.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3235 on: June 25, 2017, 10:22:32 PM »
Windfighter and LooNEY: what a magnificent juxtaposition of crack! Love them both!
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3236 on: June 25, 2017, 11:29:25 PM »
Windfighter, LooNEY, love the crack! You both put cracks in the universe, and I thank you for it!  ;D


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3237 on: June 26, 2017, 09:26:31 AM »
Well I suppose that's my cue to saunter in and tear down the happy mood.

A Thousand Words

:usa: native
:spain: comes back in an emergency
:vaticancity: rusty
:china: can usually manage to order food
:norway: can hold a basic conversation

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3238 on: June 26, 2017, 11:15:45 AM »
Wrote a famfiction over at tumblr, it features an Onni so maybe it's okay if I share it here as well? It... should be perfectly safe for reading but just let me know if it isn't and I'll remove it again.

Warning for owls?

Spoiler: show
Abprallen had always liked owls. It wasn’t a secret. And there wasn’t any reason behind it, Abprallen just did. It was a simple as that. Okay, fine, a certain Finnish mage may have had a little with it to do, but really, it wasn’t just because of him. No, Abprallen just wanted to own all the owls.

Abprallen’s room was full of them. Big, small, soft, cuddly, round, rounder, spherical. Angry owls, happy owls, sad owls. Owlcars, Owlpens, Owlpapers. Owlpostcards. Anything owl. By now there was hardly any place left for Abprallen. But hey, owls. The bed would have been thrown out to make room for even more owls but… Owlbed. Abprallen’s life was ruled by the owls. And it. was. awesome. There were few things that were awesomer than owls.

Abprallen’s room wasn’t even a room any longer. No, it was a maze. A maze in which one wrong move would cause you to get buried beneath hundreds of owls. It was a pretty good security system. No one dared enter it. Abprallen was safe there.

“Good night, Owlie. Good night Owlni. Good night Reynir.”

Abprallen said good night to all the owls, then slipped into the owlbed, leaned against the owlpillow and pulled the owlblanket over the owlpyjamas-covered body. The only thing that could make stuff even better would have been having an actual owlbody. Abprallen’s eyes closed as the dreams started arriving.


Abprallen wasn’t sure how long the sleep had lasted. Or why someone was shouting Finnish swears from under a very moving pile of owlplushies. Abprallen also wasn’t sure why the biggest owlplushie was missing. Abprallen had been particulary fond of that one. It was a eurasian eagle-owl, bought in Finland some time ago. The one Abprallen had named Owlni. The plushies spread out on the floor, revealing a tallish gray-haired and very angry man and Abpralllen blushed.

“Onni Hotakainen.”

The words were but a whisper but the man turned around, looked at Abprallen, who’s blush deepened. There was no reason for Abprallen’s obsession with owls. No reason, but a certain Finnish mage who was for some reason standing in the room may have had something to do with it.

I love this so much :'D <3 <3 <3 Makes my day, Windy!

Grade E cat

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3239 on: June 26, 2017, 03:07:00 PM »
Well I suppose that's my cue to saunter in and tear down the happy mood.

A Thousand Words

These make me want to bring back my "Worst case scenario" versions of the characters. *Looks at three unfinished one-shot deadlock, that includes a time sponge* *Looks at two AUs that are waiting for more canon to continue* *Brain begging for no more new story ideas until at least mid-July*
Native: :fr:
So much part of my life it might as well be native: :us:
Few and far between practice opportunities: :es:
A little learned during hardcore anime fan phase: :jp:
Only alternative to English in early junior high school: :de:

Do what cat. Lalli's way of life since age three.