Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 806096 times)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3015 on: March 11, 2017, 09:45:06 AM »
Anybody order some Norse mythology? Literal Ragnarök, anyone?

(Also, listen to the song it is awesome!)

Million Dollar Business

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:chap5: | :book2: | :book3: | :chap17: :chap18:

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3016 on: March 11, 2017, 04:23:32 PM »
Remember how I said I wouldn't transfer Broken bridges to my Fanfiction account before Chapter 13 was ready? Well it is now.

Broken bridges: Chapter 13

Tuuri gets bitten by a beast no one saw coming, and Reynir feels he's taking it worst than he should.
Native: :fr:
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3017 on: March 11, 2017, 11:11:01 PM »
Alphabet Soup
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic collection
Series 1, Part 3
Complete Links to Complete Links post
Spoiler: A Change of Heart • show
Many are the things unknown even to the Wise, though rumor and legend of them have come creeping into the fringes of the Tales the Red Book has passed down.

It is said by some that the Istari were five in number; others say that those five were only their chiefs. It is known only that more came to Middle-Earth than the three who are named in the Red Book; that is, Gandalf, Saruman and Radagast.

It is said that the unnamed Istari were two, and that they were known only as the Blue Wizards, and that they went into the East with Saruman, never to return.

Of course, it is also said, by the unlearned and the foolish, that the War of the Ring was the first time that the wider world became aware of Hobbits and the Shire; but such is not the case, as is shown by the statement in the Red Book that Théoden King of Rohan recognized Merry and Pippin for Halflings.

This is a tale of the Early Times of the Shire, and times even earlier, for the Istari were masters of many subtilties.


The Shire was not a century old when this tale begins, but certainly the Hobbits who lived there were already well-ensconced in their habits and patterns of living. Certainly the Pesky-Doors, a Harfoot family living along the banks of the Brandywine, had done so, though the Great Plague had cut their number to three.

Onni was one of the Borderers, and what he’d seen in that service had only confirmed his conviction that he and his should never have anything to do with the wider world. His sister Tuuri held a completely opposite conviction, wanting to go and see as much of the world as a Hobbit could; Onni attributed this to a long-ago mingling of their line with the Fallohide ilk.

Lalli, their only close cousin, was not privy to this difference of opinion, as he was one of the few Hobbits to be accepted into the ranks of the Rangers of the Army of Arthedain, and he was much occupied with his attendant duties. So when his cousin Tuuri told him that they would soon be off on a great adventure, he thought it no more than one of her weird jokes that he never understood.

When the Blue Wizard came to collect Tuuri and Lalli, Lalli was completely caught off guard. “I serve the Royal Sword,” he protested, and was shown an order attaching him to the Wizard’s foray. Fortunately, the Wizard seemed to expect this of him, and was not angered. Indeed, the Wizard did not take Onni’s blistering refusal to accompany them amiss, and the three of them set off for Bree in high spirits (aside from the wain-sick Lalli).

It was in Bree that they were to join the first of the Men who would accompany them, a golden-haired youth named Emil.


Emil Dúnduin was the son of the Last Warden of Orthanc, the Deserter who fled the Great Plague, and Emil felt the shame of it down to the depths of his soul. Though the King had forborne to punish the Warden’s family (for the Warden was, in truth, only one of many who had fled and would not return), His Majesty had made another of his vassals Lord of Angrenost in the Warden’s stead.

When the Wizard offered Emil the chance to redeem his family’s honor, there was simply no choice to be made.


So did two Hobbits, a Wizard and a Man meet at Bree. Emil was so anxious to make a good first impression that he spilled his food all down the front of his shirt, but only Lalli was interested in seeing him repeat it.

They joined a caravan of Dwarves bound for Moria, as they were to meet the other members of the Wizard’s company in the Pass of Caradhras, and on the first night, they were attacked by a small dragon.

Emil proved his valor, rather unintentionally, by protecting Lalli against the Wyrm’s assaults until it lost interest and flew off.

Tuuri was a bit less enthusiastic about the venture in the days that followed, but they reached the Pass unscathed.


The term “giant Dwarf” is held to be an oxymoron, but it still best described Mikkel.

Mikkel Foundling Son of Man had been found as a babe in an Orc encampment set upon and destroyed by Dwarves of Moria; no other Men were anywhere near, so he was an enigma. A Dwarven woman, unmarried despite her age, took the foundling in as hers; yet she could not make the Man a Dwarf, and so the Dwarves held him apart.

In the end, his foster mother had been forced to yield him up to be banished from the mines and into the world of the Men who were his supposed kindred once he had reached his full growth and strength, though she faded and went to the Halls of Aulë within a year.

Mikkel was wandering the Misty Mountains in search of those from whom he had been stolen when the Wizard found him.


Sigrun of the Haladin was not a particularly philosophical person; such considerations and concerns were for others, while hers was to fight. This was well, for by dint of her single-minded martial focus, she had been chosen as one of the Haladin Guard, a fate more than she had ever dared to hope for from life.

An Amazon of the Haladin Guard lived and died by the command of her Chieftainess; when Sigrun’s Chieftainess came to her bringing the Wizard and commanding Sigrun to his service, Sigrun simply nodded.

What followed has never been fully explained. Only this is known: Sigrun of the Haladin Guard passed out of knowledge in the First Age, only to return to the tales of the West in the Third Age, when she met with Mikkel at the Pass of Caradhras...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
So, and by Lazy8’s kind (and enthusiastic) permission, here’s the first bit of my take on  this. I told you I was thinking, and that’s never a good thing.

Arvegil (11th King of Arthedain, which included the Shire) = “Royal Sword” (who Lalli serves).

Tolkien initially tried to set the tale later called “The Downfall of Númenor” as a time-travel story, so I decided to put that as an element here.

This will definitely be revisited later.

You have been warned.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3018 on: March 11, 2017, 11:52:35 PM »
*is now wondering what that Tolkien time-travel story would have looked like*

Nitpick: You misspelled "subtleties". It almost looks like the Ishtari were "masters of many subtitles," which, while hilarious, is not what I think you were going for.

I also kind of want more backstories now, specifically for Sigrun and Mikkel. There are canon instances of Elves raising humans before, but Dwarves... Mikkel must have had an interesting childhood.

(Also, forgot to mention last time, my next entry for the alphabet thing is likely to be too brutal for forum consumption, so I guess I'll see you at O!)
:usa: native
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3019 on: March 12, 2017, 12:05:32 AM »
*is now wondering what that Tolkien time-travel story would have looked like*
He never finished a complete version, but Christopher Tolkien published what there is in "The Book of Lost Tales" (2 vols.).
Nitpick: You misspelled "subtleties". It almost looks like the Ishtari were "masters of many subtitles," which, while hilarious, is not what I think you were going for.
An archaic form of "subtle" is "subtil". So I used an archaism in a Tolkien pastiche.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3020 on: March 12, 2017, 12:25:36 AM »
For those who follow this, the next chapter in the Reynir SSSS superhero AU story - "Rescues?" (Reynir does not appear in this chapter, though.)
In which the crew is dashing back to Kastrup to evacuate the stricken Sigrun, and the OCs Ilya and Renate catch up over her situation.
Always a newbie at something
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Acquired: :nz:
Grew up speaking but now very rusty: :ee:

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3021 on: March 12, 2017, 12:42:45 AM »
An archaic form of "subtle" is "subtil". So I used an archaism in a Tolkien pastiche.

Well never mind then.
:usa: native
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3022 on: March 12, 2017, 12:44:12 AM »
LooNEY, you are correct about the archaic 'subtil', it is indeed a word. It even turns up as late as the King James Bible: 'For the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field'.

In a Mediaeval context I tend to use it to differentiate between where we would use 'subtle' and the sort of 'subtlety' one might serve at a Mediaeval feast.

Lazy8: if you don't want to put that story on the general board, have you considered the 'Mature' board? As well as the usual adult references, there are threads for stories or art where the gore and horror levels might make them unsuitable for a thirteen-year-old to read.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3023 on: March 12, 2017, 12:52:34 AM »
Lazy8: if you don't want to put that story on the general board, have you considered the 'Mature' board? As well as the usual adult references, there are threads for stories or art where the gore and horror levels might make them unsuitable for a thirteen-year-old to read.

Hm, I was under the impression that the Mature board is mostly for sexy stuff, which I have very little interest in. Would it be worth my while, then, to sign up for it, given that my "mature" stuff is mostly violence-oriented?
:usa: native
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3024 on: March 12, 2017, 12:58:09 AM »
It surely would. And no, not just for sexy stuff, but material of any kind that might be deemed 'mature', including horror and gore.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3025 on: March 12, 2017, 07:43:14 PM »
Alphabet Soup
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic collection
Series 2, Part 3
Complete Links to Complete Links post
Spoiler: Catharsis • show
The strangest things can change the fate of nations; so it is in this tale.

For some reason that history and even legend have forgotten, Emil Dúnduin was raised speaking Sindarin; he knew neither Quenya, nor even the Common Speech. Of course, Sigrun came from a time before the Common Speech existed (the Folk of Haleth not even speaking a similar tongue to the other Houses of the Edain), so it was good that she spoke oddly accented and slightly archaic Sindarin; and Mikkel spoke both Quenya and even more heavily accented Sindarin, but neither the Common Speech nor the secret language of the Dwarves, as those close and suspicious folk would not let even one fostered among them learn that greatest of their secrets.

So it was that only Tuuri and Lalli (and the Wizard; but Wizards are rather expected to know every tongue in Middle-Earth) spoke Westron of the Westron expedition into the East; fortunately, Tuuri also spoke Sindarin and Quenya; unfortunately, Lalli spoke neither.


Reynir Half-Elven was the youngest of his kin, and the only “natural” (though most said “accidental”) son of his parents, who had taken in war orphans from Thranduil’s realm before Reynir’s advent. Also, Reynir was red-haired, a “gift” from his human father. This was why Reynir had ever been made to tend the flocks.

One day, Reynir caught sight of the Lonely Mountain in the distance, and something within him snapped. That night, he fled from the home in which he had been raised, heading for the wide world that awaited him.

He had some vague idea of going to Greenwood the Great, the realm of Thranduil whence his brothers and sisters had come, but ran into a Dwarven caravan instead. He thought they were headed to ancient Dwarrowdelf, when they had actually come from that place, and were headed toward the Eastern Sea.

This was a time when Dwarves and Elves were still close in friendship, so the caravan gladly took Reynir along.


“Make for the Eastern Sea; there I shall meet you when my own tasks are complete.” So saying, the Blue Wizard vanished.

“You know,” Sigrun said, “for a leader, he isn’t one to really lead, if you get my drift.”

Mikkel hummed before replying, “Yes, I’ve noticed your--dissatisfaction, shall we say?--with his shepherding of our group.”

“What did he say?” Tuuri whispered to Emil, who shrugged in perplexity.

“Dissatisfaction is rather a more paltry word than I would have used,” Sigrun replied. “But the Wizard is gone, and we must have a leader.”

“I think we were all rather assuming that the Wizard meant you for that task,” Emil said, before Mikkel could reply.

“Oh, good,” Sigrun said. “I won’t have to hurt anyone to make that official. Well, then, Short Stuff: let’s go!”

Tuuri set their wain in motion, heedless of how Lalli lurched over one side. Emil was not nearly so uncaring, though he hid it behind revulsion.


“Sigrun!” Tuuri yelped at the devastation spread across the road. Charred wains of odd design blocked their path in a panoply of death.

“Dragon’s work,” Sigrun opined.

“Wonderful,” Emil groaned, remembering how useless he’d been in his sole encounter with a dragon thus far.

“Oh, it’ll be long gone,” Sigrun assured him. “But we might as well see if it left anything useful behind while we’re clearing the road.”

“And burying the unfortunates the dragon left behind,” Mikkel rumbled, prompting Sigrun and Emil to give him “Well, duh” looks, Emil actually having understood the mumbling for once.


Emil was rummaging through one of the wains while Lalli stared at it suspiciously when a chest popped open and an Elf hopped out. The shriek of surprise this prompted brought Sigrun and Mikkel running, which proved fortunate enough.

Reynir Half-Elven looked at the short, golden-haired Man-youth in perplexity. While Reynir spoke only Quenya, the Man-youth seemed to speak only what Reynir assumed was Sindarin, so neither could understand the other. Fortunately, the gargantuan Dwarven-Man who came over spoke Quenya very well, though his tidings were all bad.

Not only was the caravan destroyed and all the Dwarves dead, but they had been headed in completely the wrong direction, and the group who had rescued him were also bound in that direction, so there was no way he was going else but with them.

Sigrun was not happy about this at all.


Emil looked at Lalli in a way that the Hobbit Ranger couldn’t quite decipher. Finally, the young Man reluctantly said, “I have had a dream that has come to me every night since I was but a babe in arms. This dream is one of sorrow, loneliness and pain, and you have always featured in it, Lalli. In this dream, I am an Elf, as I have long yearned to be, while you are an Orc; but the two of us are still friends, despite that, while the world is utterly empty of both of our kinds. Is this phantasm not strange above all others?”

Tuuri was so stunned by this discourse that she had to be prodded into translating for Lalli, and translating Lalli’s response.

“Dreams are both weird and maddeningly perverse, as some are portents, while others are utterly meaningless. Were the Wizard here, he might be able to tell us which your dream is.”

Emil snorted. “Assuming he said anything at all.”

“Perhaps my silence has been from lack of need to say things when nothing need be said,” the Wizard said from behind Emil...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
...And by “later”, I meant now. Yep, I’m cheating here. So sue me.

More will come in due course.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3026 on: March 12, 2017, 07:51:07 PM »
...I see what you did there.
:usa: native
:spain: comes back in an emergency
:vaticancity: rusty
:china: can usually manage to order food
:norway: can hold a basic conversation

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3027 on: March 12, 2017, 08:21:36 PM »
...I see what you did there.
I should hope so.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3028 on: March 15, 2017, 10:00:50 PM »
Posting on behalf of Llama!
Soulmate AU
Emil/Lalli ship
General rating
Little snapshots of the expedition and Lalli finding his soulmate ;D
Read it here!

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3029 on: March 17, 2017, 05:27:21 PM »
New one-shot!

All work deserves pay

Can't say much without spoiling it, except that it's basically yet another outgrowth of one of my Reynir-related headcanons.
Native: :fr:
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Few and far between practice opportunities: :es:
A little learned during hardcore anime fan phase: :jp:
Only alternative to English in early junior high school: :de:

Do what cat. Lalli's way of life since age three.