Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 805772 times)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2325 on: July 03, 2016, 06:37:06 PM »
Yay! I liked the conversation between Mikkel and Reynir, very sad and very enlightening. I also liked the assumption that Reynir is some sort of lucky charm. XD Lucky to be born, lucky to survive the Silent World, lucky to be a mage ... Hehe.
The Inuk you have Mikkel mention here, is he the same Inuk from the "Creation"-story? If so, how would he be at the Kastrup-frontlines? Will you write more about this?

Anyhow, thanks for writing and sharing. =)

Yes that's the same Inuk. I don't quite know how he made it out there to the Kastrup front-lines, but suffice to say it was professionally. He didn't just up and chase the twins out there. He was doing his job when he died. Perhaps I will write some more- I've gotten unreasonably attached in a short amount of time to all the Madsens I flung out at everyone in the "Creation" prompt. It's nice to see that other people seem to like them as well!
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2326 on: July 03, 2016, 10:33:29 PM »
Just a short piece that I wrote while wondering about the possible consequences of a novice mage "doing magic" without really knowing what he's doing:-


Reynir rolled over with a groan.

He opened his eyes to the now-familiar sight of the ceiling above his bunk. He steeled himself and sat up.

Not bad, he thought - it only felt like the top of his head was coming off, rather than his skull exploding.

There was a sound of footsteps as someone climbed the steps into the tank. It was Tuuri. She paused timidly at the door. "How are you feeling?", she asked in a stage whisper.

"Bet - better...", he answered, starting in a normal speaking voice, but dropping to a whisper as the sound jangled through his head.

Tuuri's smiled in relief. "That...that's good - we were really worried! Do you feel like some food yet? Mikkel says you should try to eat something soon."

Reynir smiled - though it was an effort. "That depends - is it Squirrel-fur Stew or Candle-wax Soup?"

Tuuri grinned, then jumped as Mikkel spoke behind her. "You are feeling better, aren't you?", he rumbled. "Don't worry, I've been keeping an eye out for Lalli's little 'gifts' - and it's vegetable soup..."

"More's the pity! I told you I could bag some game easily enough and at least get a little meat in his diet - and on his skinny body!" Sigrun winked over Mikkel's broad shoulder.

Reynir winced slightly - even Sigrun's whispers were strident. "Some soup sounds fine", he whispered.

"How long has it been?" he asked, as Mikkel handed him a steaming bowl. "It feels like a lifetime since - since the night the ghosts came..."

"A week - you had me worried for the first few days." Mikkel handed him a spoon. "But you actually remember that night? That's good - I admit I was a little concerned. I was afraid the damage could have been...long-lasting."

Reynir sipped his soup. "Actually, it's quite clear - almost like it's...burnt into my brain", he murmured.

Tuuri leaned forward excitedly. "That's almost what happened! - At least, that's what Onni says..."
She blushed. "I-I'm sorry - that was a bit rude. It's just that - well, it was exciting! Scary - but exciting!" 

Reynir smiled - 'exciting' was not the term he would have used.

Tuuri seemed to catch his thought and blushed again. "Not what happened to you, of course! That was awful!"
She stared at him. "But that was your magic, wasn't it? Icelandic magic?"

Reynir nodded. "I - only did something that I hoped would help..."

He dropped his gaze to his bowl. "I really didn't think, did I? I thought I was clever, creating my runes, writing them down... and I didn't even stop to wonder - where the power to make them work actually came from..."

Tuuri's eyes widened. "You mean..." He nodded and looked away, embarrassed. "When the ghosts pounced on us, the runes came to life, protecting the Team - by channelling all their power - from me!"

Sigrun flopped down in the seat next to him.

"Yep - according to your Finnish mage friend, you're lucky to be alive!" She grinned mischievously. "Do all mages do that? - I mean, overstrain themselves to an insane extent, then bleed from every orifice in their heads?!"

Sigrun's expression changed to a look of concern. "I swear, what with the screaming and the blood streaming down your face, I thought a troll had gotten past us..."

She gripped his shoulder. "You saved our lives, Mr. Stowaway, you know that? We would all be dead - if not for your little bits of paper..."
« Last Edit: July 03, 2016, 10:37:03 PM by Dai »


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2327 on: July 04, 2016, 02:40:55 AM »
Glad to see you writing more, Dai. Do go on!
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2328 on: July 04, 2016, 07:04:14 AM »
Yes that's the same Inuk. I don't quite know how he made it out there to the Kastrup front-lines, but suffice to say it was professionally. He didn't just up and chase the twins out there. He was doing his job when he died.

Still, very sad. =/

I've gotten unreasonably attached in a short amount of time to all the Madsens I flung out at everyone in the "Creation" prompt. It's nice to see that other people seem to like them as well!

Be assured, I like them already. We've known Mikkaela for a while now and from what I have seen in your other family-spin-off-AUs I am very confident that you will write them very quirky and very loveable indeed. As for Mikkaela: I loved the Emil i Lönneberga-feel you gave her here and she has almost become a fixture for my Madsen-Family Head-canon. :D
[22:31] <@amity> And they care about only two things: Emil/Lalli fanfic, and chewing bubblegum.
[22:31] <@amity> And the word is, they're all out of bubblegum.

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2329 on: July 04, 2016, 12:32:58 PM »
LooNEY that was a good Emil story - I appreciated the way he stood up to his abusive captain, it shows a lot of growth from where he must have been before the expedition.

OwlsG0 I already said this on AO3, but that was a wonderfully sweet and sad chapter. I agree with Talimee, I'm pretty invested in your Madsen family headcanons, at this point I think I'll be disappointed if Mikkel doesn't have a twin!

LordoftheThings Oh nooooo, Emil! You have me so worried for him, I hope he finds a safe place (or the team finds him) soon. The illustration goes wonderfully with this new chapter, too.

Dai That was great! I'll admit, I hadn't considered where the energy from those runes would have to come from either, but it makes sense that practicing magic would take a toll on the mage. (Especially an untrained one like Reynir, who wouldn't know when to stop). Good to see some writing from you!

And...since I'm in here...I had one of my fits of intense writing madness last night, and ended up with this Emil/Lalli fic. It's post-canon, partially epistolary, and was supposed to be fluffy and cuddly but grew a fair amount of sad longing in the middle: A Month of Unsent Letters
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2330 on: July 04, 2016, 03:43:37 PM »
60: Rejection

In which Reynir considers gender identity in the context of rejection.
Or: Reynir is a sad puppy and Lalli isn't gonna let it keep going because he's a good room-mate.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2331 on: July 04, 2016, 04:22:13 PM »
60: Rejection

In which Reynir considers gender identity in the context of rejection.
Or: Reynir is a sad puppy and Lalli isn't gonna let it keep going because he's a good room-mate.

Thank you, that is a great fanfic.

Reynir is genderfluid, Lalli is autistic and gay and Reynir leaves his long hairs everywhere. Those are pretty much all my headcanons too. And it's a hilarious joke what Emil comments about the paintings in the museum.

Unfortunately in digital applications you can't just write a third option at "what's your gender"...
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2332 on: July 04, 2016, 04:34:14 PM »
Thank you, that is a great fanfic.

Reynir is genderfluid, Lalli is autistic and gay and Reynir leaves his long hairs everywhere. Those are pretty much all my headcanons too. And it's a hilarious joke what Emil comments about the paintings in the museum.

Unfortunately in digital applications you can't just write a third option at "what's your gender"...

You might try photoshopping it?
I saw the future.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2333 on: July 04, 2016, 05:00:55 PM »
You might try photoshopping it?

I did something like that, actually.

Its not exactly photoshopped, but I found it funny the site crashed just after asking gender...
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2334 on: July 04, 2016, 05:01:54 PM »
The Internet gods have spoken
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2335 on: July 05, 2016, 04:55:55 PM »
Is it time for a political thriller set in semi-democratic post-apocayptic Norway? Well, after spending a couple hours putting together a map of the valgkretser/kommuner/fylker of post-rash Norway, signs are pointing to yes.

Keep your eyes peeled for a project in the works...and while you're trying to count all those tiny little electoral districts to see which party is winning, see if you can figure it out: just who is going to be the next Jarl of Norway???

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2336 on: July 05, 2016, 05:58:52 PM »
Is it time for a political thriller set in semi-democratic post-apocayptic Norway? Well, after spending a couple hours putting together a map of the valgkretser/kommuner/fylker of post-rash Norway, signs are pointing to yes.

Keep your eyes peeled for a project in the works...and while you're trying to count all those tiny little electoral districts to see which party is winning, see if you can figure it out: just who is going to be the next Jarl of Norway???

Oooh! This sounds very intriguing! I am very much looking forward to this. =)
[22:31] <@amity> And they care about only two things: Emil/Lalli fanfic, and chewing bubblegum.
[22:31] <@amity> And the word is, they're all out of bubblegum.

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2337 on: July 05, 2016, 06:03:34 PM »
Likewise! I don't think we've had much in the way of political thrillers yet!
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2338 on: July 05, 2016, 08:42:16 PM »
Here is the next installment in the superhero AU story I have going, in which Reynir gets a bit of a look-around the Aurland base, and several characters are introduced, most of them drawn from the SSSSona project:

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2339 on: July 06, 2016, 08:44:09 AM »
99: Solitude

Tuuri worries about Mikkel, and realises he's pretty much the last person she needs to worry about being alone.
I saw the future.
We are not doomed, because our Cat overlords are benevolent leaders :3

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