Well guess what folks, I've been missing my dog a lot recently and that means you get drowned in doggy pictures.
this here's Tomo
he's a Japanese spitz
I call him mine but really he belongs to my mum on paper and my sister in spirit and actually I'll just acknowledge right now that we all belong to him
little guy loooooooooooves snow
and saunas, if you would believe
I mean you'd think being 95% fur would deter you from the 90°C temperatures, but nope
as far as he's concerned the number one public enemy is the Brush
accusations that his purpose in life is sausage have been made
but that's a filthy a lie his real purpose in life is sausage and washing the ears of his pack members
he can look picturesque sometimes
sometimes :þ
that's it that's my dog bask in his majesty