... you were running around with a sign floating to your left telling everyone that you're not really qualified for your profession? 
I take it that that's the date when you'll meet him/her again and can explain? And that you don't trust telecommunication with whatever subtopic went so horribly wrong?
Oh, I need to explain it to her today, but I won't see her until June.
OK. THE STORY! I'm sleepy enough to tell now. It's not that amazing though.
So, I was invited to a 21st birthday dinner on a Saturday, but after asking my family if there were any coinciding events- which there were many, on FRIDAY (thanks to my dad's way of talking: he pairs everything up with a negative fact even if it's unrelated to guilt you because you asked something -__-) so I came out of the conversation believing the party was on Friday, and RSVPd saying I could go. Friday came, and I bought her a card (she said no presents but blargh) and went to her house because I was going to get a lift with her and the girls to the restaurant. She'd said come as early as I wanted, but traffic was bad so I wasn't so early.....or so I thought...
There was a party at the house, and she answered the door in this cool dress and I'm like "hey!" And she's like "Hi owl! Owl, the party's tomorrow. This is a bachelorette party tonight" and my brain was like 'oh god oh god oh god get out get out GET OUT' and I was like "oh! Oh MAN! Well, I'll see you tomorrow then, now I have to go help mum do the grocery shopping..." And we hugged and I ran back down the hill to the car and got in and mum was like "????" And I just said "Driiiiiive! D8" and explained that I'd gotten the dates wrong. "Did you give her her card?" "No! I forgot!!!!!!! Nuu!" "Did you tell her you can't go tomorrow because you'll be at the shack with us?" "NOOOO I FORGOT EVERYTHING AND RAN AWAY OH Godddddd..."
And we never spoke of it again.
But now it's Saturday and I need to tell her that I can't actually go to the restaurant. And the next time I'll see her will be at another friend's 21st birthday in May, unless I invite her to lunch before then, and give her her card n stuff. Aggghhhhhhhh...
And I need to tell her before we drive south because there's no phone signal down there :/
Why is it that I'm far less socially awkward around total strangers than my friends.....??
Okay so, I got a letter from the hospital today, and sometime during spring I'm going to get an EEG (Electroencephalography). To be completely honest I'm not sure exactly why I'm getting this test (I kind of forgot what it was my psychologist said), but it had something to do with her wanting to rule out all other possibilities before considering an ADHD diagnosis. Anyway, I'm getting my brain activity recorded, and isn't that pretty much the coolest thing ever?
Diagnosis or not, I'm really curious about how my recording will look. Especially because I scored a bit abnormally on a different test, and I'm wondering whether that will show in the recording.
Ooh! That sounds interesting! :0