Author Topic: General Discussion Thread  (Read 2913600 times)


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3375 on: February 05, 2015, 09:26:07 PM »
Congratulations Kex! Cyber party everyone!

I echo everyone's congrats! I can provide the cyber cookies :D

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3376 on: February 06, 2015, 04:00:05 AM »
AghaAAAAAGH... I did a page-98-Emil today... *sobs*
I.....can barely even talk about it it's so embarrassing... -_____-
But maybe you can guess what I did based on the pg 98 clue....and it's nothing to do with maps. There we go, I kind of said it, and didn't totally cry over my dignity spilt all over the floor like milk. X'D *trudges off to get the mop*
:artd: :book1+: :book2:

Fen Shen

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3377 on: February 06, 2015, 05:33:16 AM »
Congratulations, Kex! :)

Owl, I guess this happens to everyone at some point. And it will make a funny story in some months when you can laugh about it. I had my most unlucky moment when I was at the university canteen with my soon-to-be friends (we were still at that stage when you try to make a good impression because you don't want to scare away potential friends with your weird habits). Looking for my purse, the tray slipped from my hand and you may imagine the rest of the scene. ;)
(Or wait, I looked at p.98 and he doesn't have the food stain yet. So maybe it is another form of embarrassement you've experienced...)
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3378 on: February 06, 2015, 06:02:07 AM »
Test week is over and my life this one was a pleasant suprise.

Only one 6 from my math test that i thought i would fail so even that was a good thing and all the rest were 8's and my biology was 9 so medical school is seemingly even closer and closer to being my choice for the future.

Overall this day has been quite great indeed and i am feeling really well  ;D.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3379 on: February 06, 2015, 07:24:39 AM »
Test week is over and my life this one was a pleasant suprise.

Only one 6 from my math test that i thought i would fail so even that was a good thing and all the rest were 8's and my biology was 9 so medical school is seemingly even closer and closer to being my choice for the future.

Overall this day has been quite great indeed and i am feeling really well  ;D.
That's really great! :D

Owl, I guess this happens to everyone at some point. And it will make a funny story in some months when you can laugh about it. I had my most unlucky moment when I was at the university canteen with my soon-to-be friends (we were still at that stage when you try to make a good impression because you don't want to scare away potential friends with your weird habits). Looking for my purse, the tray slipped from my hand and you may imagine the rest of the scene. ;)
(Or wait, I looked at p.98 and he doesn't have the food stain yet. So maybe it is another form of embarrassement you've experienced...) food stains, just me being...derpy with dates and terribly, terribly awkward around a friend who I haven't communicated with for so long I'm not even sure if we still qualify as friends and now I've dug myself a giant hole of embarrassment that I cannot climb out of and it's just going to prolong the inner paiiiiiiiinnnnnn until at least June. Maybe beyond June.
Embarrassment is a slow-healing wound with this one. UmÙ *stares into the distance dramatically*
Maybe one day I'll be able to tell the full's just so.......*CRINGE*
:artd: :book1+: :book2:

Sigrid Marie

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3380 on: February 06, 2015, 07:27:38 AM »
Test week is over and my life this one was a pleasant suprise.

Only one 6 from my math test that i thought i would fail so even that was a good thing and all the rest were 8's and my biology was 9 so medical school is seemingly even closer and closer to being my choice for the future.

Overall this day has been quite great indeed and i am feeling really well  ;D.

That's great! (Although at first I was really confused, since 6 is the best grade you can get at my school)

Who's idea was it to cram all the tests into one week? Because that sounds really stressful :c


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3381 on: February 06, 2015, 07:30:28 AM »
Who's idea was it to cram all the tests into one week? Because that sounds really stressful :c
A survivor must be tested. food stains, just me being...derpy with dates and terribly, terribly awkward around a friend who I haven't communicated with for so long I'm not even sure if we still qualify as friends and now I've dug myself a giant hole of embarrassment that I cannot climb out of and it's just going to prolong the inner paiiiiiiiinnnnnn until at least June. Maybe beyond June.
Embarrassment is a slow-healing wound with this one. UmÙ *stares into the distance dramatically*
Maybe one day I'll be able to tell the full's just so.......*CRINGE*
You'll live it down, whatever it is. People mess up all the time.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2015, 07:42:29 AM by Fimbulvarg »


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3382 on: February 06, 2015, 11:49:48 AM »
AghaAAAAAGH... I did a page-98-Emil today... *sobs*
I.....can barely even talk about it it's so embarrassing... -_____-
But maybe you can guess what I did based on the pg 98 clue....and it's nothing to do with maps.
... you were running around with a sign floating to your left telling everyone that you're not really qualified for your profession? 8)

just me being...derpy with dates and terribly, terribly awkward around a friend who I haven't communicated with for so long I'm not even sure if we still qualify as friends and now I've dug myself a giant hole of embarrassment that I cannot climb out of and it's just going to prolong the inner paiiiiiiiinnnnnn until at least June. Maybe beyond June.
I take it that that's the date when you'll meet him/her again and can explain? And that you don't trust telecommunication with whatever subtopic went so horribly wrong?
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3383 on: February 06, 2015, 12:24:31 PM »
Indeed it is quite a challenge, but suprisingly i almoust feel that the test weeks are easier than normal schools since days are shorter and you only have to worry about one test for one day. Of course since im still in my first year things are essentially stuff we learned in ninth grade, but some stuff like history i could in theory write the graduate exam with pritty good results since i have spent too many long nights reading the history of the world.

How do they do the test there in Norway? In here we have the year split in to five periods and after each one we have a test week.

Also thanks for the positive responses.

Sigrid Marie

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3384 on: February 06, 2015, 03:34:16 PM »
How do they do the test there in Norway? In here we have the year split in to five periods and after each one we have a test week.

The different subjects aren't really synchronised, so we just have tests whenever we finish a chapter in the textbook or the like. And at the end of the year we are tested in pretty much everything we've learned through the year, so those tests are more important for our grades. The tests still are synced, though, so they're spread out over a few weeks. Additionally, we usually have to do some exams during spring (but in our first year only some of us have to do that, and as far as I can tell it's pretty random who gets chosen). There are other things we are graded on too, like presentations, group projects, written assignments and so on.

Now that I think about it, the whole system is pretty unorganized. You could in theory end up having three evaluations in one day, but I think that's only happened to me once or twice, during 9th grade

Sigrid Marie

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3385 on: February 06, 2015, 06:42:18 PM »
Okay so, I got a letter from the hospital today, and sometime during spring I'm going to get an EEG (Electroencephalography). To be completely honest I'm not sure exactly why I'm getting this test (I kind of forgot what it was my psychologist said), but it had something to do with her wanting to rule out all other possibilities before considering an ADHD diagnosis. Anyway, I'm getting my brain activity recorded, and isn't that pretty much the coolest thing ever?

Diagnosis or not, I'm really curious about how my recording will look. Especially because I scored a bit abnormally on a different test, and I'm wondering whether that will show in the recording.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3386 on: February 06, 2015, 06:53:04 PM »
getting brain activity recorded

"Doctor, cerebral activity readings are online and recording ... wait, we are picking up some ... strange type of activity"
"What do you mean strange activity labman?"
"I... it must be ... some kind of anomaly... uplinking it to the big screen now"
"*drops clipboard* .........what?"

Sigrid Marie

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3387 on: February 06, 2015, 06:58:02 PM »
"Doctor, cerebral activity readings are online and recording ... wait, we are picking up some ... strange type of activity"
"What do you mean strange activity labman?"
"I... it must be ... some kind of anomaly... uplinking it to the big screen now"
"*drops clipboard* .........what?"

You think that is what's going on in my brain all day long? Hahaha, I must have done something really weird to give you that impression... I suppose it would explain why I have so much trouble focusing, though


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3388 on: February 06, 2015, 07:06:28 PM »
... you were running around with a sign floating to your left telling everyone that you're not really qualified for your profession? 8)
I take it that that's the date when you'll meet him/her again and can explain? And that you don't trust telecommunication with whatever subtopic went so horribly wrong?
Oh, I need to explain it to her today, but I won't see her until June.

OK. THE STORY! I'm sleepy enough to tell now. It's not that amazing though.
So, I was invited to a 21st birthday dinner on a Saturday, but after asking my family if there were any coinciding events- which there were many, on FRIDAY (thanks to my dad's way of talking: he pairs everything up with a negative fact even if it's unrelated to guilt you because you asked something -__-) so I came out of the conversation believing the party was on Friday, and RSVPd saying I could go. Friday came, and I bought her a card (she said no presents but blargh) and went to her house because I was going to get a lift with her and the girls to the restaurant. She'd said come as early as I wanted, but traffic was bad so I wasn't so early.....or so I thought...
There was a party at the house, and she answered the door in this cool dress and I'm like "hey!" And she's like "Hi owl! Owl, the party's tomorrow. This is a bachelorette party tonight" and my brain was like 'oh god oh god oh god get out get out GET OUT' and I was like "oh! Oh MAN! Well, I'll see you tomorrow then, now I have to go help mum do the grocery shopping..." And we hugged and I ran back down the hill to the car and got in and mum was like "????" And I just said "Driiiiiive! D8" and explained that I'd gotten the dates wrong. "Did you give her her card?" "No! I forgot!!!!!!! Nuu!" "Did you tell her you can't go tomorrow because you'll be at the shack with us?" "NOOOO I FORGOT EVERYTHING AND RAN AWAY OH Godddddd..."
And we never spoke of it again.
But now it's Saturday and I need to tell her that I can't actually go to the restaurant. And the next time I'll see her will be at another friend's 21st birthday in May, unless I invite her to lunch before then, and give her her card n stuff. Aggghhhhhhhh...
And I need to tell her before we drive south because there's no phone signal down there :/

Why is it that I'm far less socially awkward around total strangers than my friends.....??

Okay so, I got a letter from the hospital today, and sometime during spring I'm going to get an EEG (Electroencephalography). To be completely honest I'm not sure exactly why I'm getting this test (I kind of forgot what it was my psychologist said), but it had something to do with her wanting to rule out all other possibilities before considering an ADHD diagnosis. Anyway, I'm getting my brain activity recorded, and isn't that pretty much the coolest thing ever?

Diagnosis or not, I'm really curious about how my recording will look. Especially because I scored a bit abnormally on a different test, and I'm wondering whether that will show in the recording.
Ooh! That sounds interesting! :0
:artd: :book1+: :book2:


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3389 on: February 06, 2015, 07:17:40 PM »
You think that is what's going on in my brain all day long? Hahaha, I must have done something really weird to give you that impression... I suppose it would explain why I have so much trouble focusing, though
If anything I was imagining how my own cerebral scan would develop. Science has gone too far.

OK. THE STORY! I'm sleepy enough to tell now. It's not that amazing though.
So, I was invited to a 21st birthday dinner on a Saturday, but after asking my family if there were any coinciding events- which there were many, on FRIDAY (thanks to my dad's way of talking: he pairs everything up with a negative fact even if it's unrelated to guilt you because you asked something -__-) so I came out of the conversation believing the party was on Friday, and RSVPd saying I could go. Friday came, and I bought her a card (she said no presents but blargh) and went to her house because I was going to get a lift with her and the girls to the restaurant. She'd said come as early as I wanted, but traffic was bad so I wasn't so early.....or so I thought...
There was a party at the house, and she answered the door in this cool dress and I'm like "hey!" And she's like "Hi owl! Owl, the party's tomorrow. This is a bachelorette party tonight" and my brain was like 'oh god oh god oh god get out get out GET OUT' and I was like "oh! Oh MAN! Well, I'll see you tomorrow then, now I have to go help mum do the grocery shopping..." And we hugged and I ran back down the hill to the car and got in and mum was like "????" And I just said "Driiiiiive! D8" and explained that I'd gotten the dates wrong. "Did you give her her card?" "No! I forgot!!!!!!! Nuu!" "Did you tell her you can't go tomorrow because you'll be at the shack with us?" "NOOOO I FORGOT EVERYTHING AND RAN AWAY OH Godddddd..."
And we never spoke of it again.
But now it's Saturday and I need to tell her that I can't actually go to the restaurant. And the next time I'll see her will be at another friend's 21st birthday in May, unless I invite her to lunch before then, and give her her card n stuff. Aggghhhhhhhh...
And I need to tell her before we drive south because there's no phone signal down there :/
...? I fail to see how this is embarrasing to be honest. Can't you just, y'know, tell her you got the dates wrong and forgot to let her know at the time because you got flustered and that's it? I mean it's already Saturday so the sooner the better.